Metal garage - robust design, reliable, with a high degree of proof. But there she had one serious drawback - the high thermal conductivity of steel sheet, of which the construction is going. That is, the outside temperature through the construction fencing quietly roamed inside the garage. In winter it is cold, and the summers are hot. Therefore, before the construction of the master of worth is an important question is how to insulate the metal garage, which implies a number of other issues:
- a heat-insulating material is best used for this purpose;
- how best to carry out insulation - outside or inside.

Outside inner insulation or
The best option - an external insulation. Thus achieved offset dew point (condensation on the boundary between cold and warm air) is closer to the outer surfaces of the Insulating layer. And if you choose the right insulation material with the lowest possible thermal conductivity, it is possible to achieve the displacement of the dew point of the surface finish. The second positive factor - the lowlands of the internal volume of the garage space in terms of dimensions.
Practice shows that this method is applicable if the garage - is a separate structure. If the task is to carry out insulation structure located in a series of several garages that have thermal insulation process is carried out inside the building.

Materials for thermal insulation of the garage
We turn to the question of what is best to insulate the iron garage. Consider what materials are used for thermal insulation from the outside and the inside.
Materials for external insulation
It is necessary to indicate that the walls and roof are insulated garage in different ways using a variety of materials. And most often Insulate the roof from the inside, because the steel sheet, its forming, in this case will serve as the roof covering.
As for the walls, there are several options. Traditionally considered facing brick (half or whole). In this case, the bricklaying is done under rasshivku, i.e. a fine adjustment of each stone horizontally and vertically, with the seam thickness is not greater than 8 mm. Seams at the end of work aligned with special tool - scraper, manufactured their own hands or purchased at the store.
There are several items that need to be taken into account when insulation bricks:
- a small trim poured foundation: the depth of fill to 15 cm, width of 12-15 cm;
- steel plates forming the roof, eaves must create length not less than 15 cm, from the liner to close the water from rain and snow tayaschego.

Today, manufacturers produce special inks that increase the insulating qualities of metal structures. They include heat insulation fillers in the form of foam glass granules, ceramic, perlite or fiberglass fibers. By their appearance they resemble a thick paste and applied to the metal surface of 2-4 mm thickness.
This is the best option of warming innovative garages, easy to use, but expensive in terms of material cost. Therefore, in everyday life it is their wide application and has not received.
Materials for internal insulation
We turn to the internal insulation iron garages, as the most frequently used. All insulation materials, which are used for thermal insulation of buildings and structures, can be used when carrying out insulation on the inside of the garage. So, there is a fairly long list of proposed materials.
But for many owners of garages question is posed with a complement than a warm iron garage inside yourself and inexpensively. That is the priority of two positions: with their hands for little money (cheap).
With regard to inexpensive materials, it will depend on what kind of item it is necessary to insulate buildings. If this wall and the roof, the optimal or mineral wool mats to a thickness of 100 mm, or foam (domestic name), also known as polystyrene slab thickness in the range of 30-50 mm. But if you make a choice of mineral wool and polystyrene foam plates, it is better to give preference to the second. One reason - low hygroscopicity. That is, the material does not absorb moisture, so there is no need to close the warm layer inside waterproofing membrane after its installation. In the case of mineral wool have to do it.

Related Articles - how and what to cut mineral wool.
And another reason. Mounting foam panels can be made on a special adhesive part. Mineral wool is placed on frame technology, which increases the cost and complexity of the operations at the expense of the elements of the carcass structure.
With regard to insulation sex, then it is better to use a concrete block. It is added instead of gravel in the concrete mix used for the screed. And this problem is insulation floor foundation garage closed.

How to spend the insulation foam
The process of insulation foam metal garage - two stages: preparation and installation of the insulation. The preparatory process includes cleaning of the surfaces of metallic sheets, forming the roof and wall, from dirt, rust and loose paint layer. Any suitable way to guarantee the quality of the final result. Most often this is done using conventional sandpaper. To increase the speed of the procedure used grinders packed with a metal brush.
Now for the adhesive composition. Since the insulation is exposed to the metal structure, for the insulation boards is better to use a special adhesive in the cartridge. This universal adhesive material as a foam guaranteeing the securing strength of the insulation to the metal. It is resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. One spray is enough for fixing 10 m² slab on solidification takes 30 minutes.
Attention! Foam polystyrene in volume after its application is not expanded as assembly.

Note that the walls and roof of the garage - it's steel plates welded to the frame structure. Last made from metal sheets, frequently from the corner of 50x50 mm. Frame cover sheet iron from the outside, that is, it stays inside. Therefore, it is important to accurately trim the sheets of styrofoam to the dimensions of the frame structure to lay insulation between the elements of the framework, tightly clinging to him. Trimming is done with a sharp knife.
Now it is necessary to apply the adhesive plate: the perimeter and along the diagonals. Styrofoam sheets are applied on-site, and pressed his hands, but not much. Installation is best done from the bottom-up. There are a few points that you should pay attention:
- insulation boards have a low specific weight, which makes it possible to the vertical planes of the walls is not holding up the installed elements. Sufficient foam itself. But the roof slopes will have to think about backup. One option - an ordinary tape, one end of which is attached to a heater, the second frame element to the steel.
- If the insulation material between the plates and the frame of the garage is a small gap, it should be just zapenit glue.
Gates and doors are insulated in the same way as the walls of the garage.

Thermal insulation of the steel roof of the garage
The option of using foam, which is laid on the inner planes of the roof ramps easiest. The composition garage design includes webs, longitudinal retaining wall structure with each other. Sometimes these jumpers are used to form the ceiling. They hem sheet materials: plywood, chipboard, OSB or iron sheets, which are stacked on wooden slats. Recent attached to jumpers or screws, or bolts, or binding wire.
That ceiling insulation will solve the task with a roof. It will have top jumpers, and it's all the same steel angles 50x50 mm, lay a sheet material from vysheoboznachennyh. Sheets attached to jumpers conventional wire knitting with a step within 50 cm. That is, it is necessary to:
- drill a hole in the stack on either side of the jumpers;
- push wire therein so that the ends hanging down on different sides of the frame member;
- do twist the wire along the bottom edge, pulling the sheets to the jumpers.
Now to the stacked sheets glued foam, and then the whole ceiling structure stitched sheets of plywood, OSB, MDF or chipboard. While finishing options abound here.

Inner trim garage
The complexity of the interior decoration metal garage after the insulation work lies in the fact that the finishing material is nothing to be fixed. If the frame is used method of insulation, that is, the frame assembly of wooden slats, the fixing was carried out to finish him. But as it was considered the easiest option - frameless, you must tell us in what way can be attached, for example, a sheet of plywood to the wall of the garage.
It will have to carry out additional training, which consists in the fact that the steel plates, forming surface garage construction, it is necessary to weld the inside of a certain amount of M6 bolts or M8. It is necessary to weld the caps to the iron sheets.
The length of the fastener is selected from the heater and calculating the thickness of the finish thickness. For example, the thickness of the foam - 50 mm, the thickness of plywood - 8 mm, it means that the bolts required length of 70 mm, where 12 mm to leave fastening nut and washer. The number of fasteners determined by the distance therebetween. There is no exact this, so about 40-50 cm.
The very process of warming on the fasteners in the following sequence:
- foam sheet is applied to the adhesive composition;
- it is set to the desired place and tightly pressed his hands;
- insulation - loose material, so that the bolts pass through it easily;
- under the desired size is cut finishing material;
- the ends of the bolts are treated with chalk or paint;
- finishing panel is applied to the desired place, will of chalk or paint marks on the surface thereof;
- according to the markings make holes using a drill and drill bit whose diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of bolts;
- finishing panels put on fasteners and nuts squeezed, under which it is necessary to put a wide washers.

Warming inside a brick garage
There are no contraindications to use bricks to insulate the inside of the garage. Just reduce the amount of brick veneer construction. This is a more complex process in terms of work, it is also more expensive than the use of the foam. Besides brick Thermal Conductivity figures are much inferior to polystyrene plates:
- 0.81 W / m K - thermal conductivity of solid bricks;
- 0.032 - 0.044 W / m K - thermal conductivity of the foam range depending on its density.
It turns out that in the laid 30 mm thick foam replaces the clutch of three bricks stacked lengthwise.
Polyurethane foam insulation of the garage
And a few words about the polyurethane foam, which is the thermal conductivity - 0.019 W / m K. That is, it is better than foam. But it is more expensive and requires special equipment for its application. More recently, such equipment was a huge tank and compressor. Today, manufacturers offer compact device weighing less than 30 kg.
This two cylinders and a mini-compressor with hoses and nozzles. The cylinders are two components which are connected and fed via pressure hoses. The small thickness of the deposited film (15-20 mm) note - is continuous, without joints and joints, many modern efficient heat insulation materials used for thermal insulation garages. But if we compare at cost, he loses all the same foam. Although good insulation can not be cheap.

There are some effective and inexpensive technologies of warming the iron garage. But, as practice shows, the most commonly used foam when it comes to the processes carried out by hand. There are no restrictions or contraindications to the use of this material. In this case, the insulation has some pretty good specifications, plus the low price of the product.