- What kind of clothes are painted?
- Preparation of clothes for washing. Basic rules:
- How to whiten a painted white thing at home?
- How to whiten the gray tissue?
- How to "revive" colored clothing and restore the original color of the product?
In the wardrobe of almost every person there is white clothing. When a white thing accidentally or because of carelessness is erased with colored clothing, it takes on spots or a color cast. The easiest and most effective way to save a product is to contact a dry cleaning specialist. But not everyone is ready to pay for the resuscitation of clothing almost the full cost of the thing itself. This leads to finding a solution to how to whiten the painted white thing at home. In this article, you will find the answers to this question and you will be able to solve an unpleasant problem.
to the contents ↑What kind of clothes are painted?
Before you begin to explore methods of eliminating such trouble, it is advisable to know how to prevent such missteps in the future. It can be thinned by things of different colors, and colored not only by white things, but also by other colored clothes.
Important! If you decide, for example, to wash a light pink jersey with blue jeans, then there is a 99% chance that after washing your pink shirt will be of a different color.
to the contents ↑Preparation of clothes for washing. Basic rules:
- New clothes are always more susceptible to molt when washing. Consequently - all new clothes, especially bright colors, the first time it is better to wash separately from other things. Can be colored both white and colored clothes.
- White things must always be washed separately from colored. Even if these colored things are not new and have long faded, it will be better to refrain from such risky experiments. Especially it concerns the washing of things from cotton.
- White products should be divided before washing by the type of fabric: wool, cotton, synthetics, silk, mixed composition, since different fabrics require a special washing regime and use of their bleaching agent.
- You can even paint a small colored insert during the washing process. There are times when a small colored collar stains clothes of lighter tones.
- Washing things in hot water increases the likelihood of coloring more light clothing.
Important! When washing clothes in high-temperature water, you should carefully separate the clothes according to the colors.
- It should be ensured that the sink is not clogged in the washing machine. Otherwise, things will be poorly rinsed and as a result, stains may appear on them.
- Wash things in time, adding emollients to the water.
- Lingerie of different colors should always be washed without addition of bleaches - both with manual and machine wash.
Important! Remember that bleach is a potent substance with a specific smell. Bleaching agents that contain chlorine and without chlorine should not be disturbed. Such their application leads to the neutralization of the action of both agents.
By following these simple rules, you will never run into the question of how to whiten a painted white thing.
to the contents ↑How to whiten the painted white thing at home?
If your white items after washing with colored steel are bluish, gray or have acquired a pink tinge, use one of the following ways and means.
Important! A general recommendation for all methods: drying after the bleaching procedure is preferably carried out under direct sunlight. Ultraviolet enhances the whitening effect.
Immediately wash these items several times with a good washing powder in plenty of water to whiten the painted white thing at home. In most cases, such a simple method helps with a probability of 60%.But it all depends on the type of fabric of the thing - the more dense and natural it is, the worse the result can be.
- You can soak the laundry for 6 hours in any bleach, and then thoroughly rinse. You can use a modern oxygen bleach - it is more gentle to the tissues compared to the chlorine-containing agent.
Important! Unlike chlorine bleach, oxygen-containing agents may not be so effective. Therefore, what to give preference to whiten the painted white thing in the home conditions of x - it's up to you to solve . Do not take hasty measures with chlorine funds, if the thing you still dear and made of delicate material.
- Work with these tools should be strictly according to the instructions.
Important! Before starting the procedure, it is better to try the bleach on an inconspicuous area of the tissue. Do not be scared, immediately after the thing is in this solution, it will turn pale gray. Then the color will be the same again.
- Excellent option is bleach "Vanish".You can buy such a bleach for both colored and white things. The product should be applied to stains and added during washing.
- "Whiteness" is an old and proven tool that is quite efficient and worth a penny.
Whiteness + laundry soap
Everyone knows that household soap has a whitening effect, and in combination with whiteness, it works wonders.
How to use:
- Strain the affected person for 2-3 hours in cold water.
- In 3 liters of hot water, add a quarter of a standard piece of laundry soap and stir well until the soap fragments are completely dissolved.
- In soapy water, pour 100 ml of detergent "Whiteness".
- In the prepared solution, immerse the thing that you need to resuscitate and leave it for 15 minutes.
- After - clothes should be washed thoroughly in hot water.
Important! You can prepare a similar solution from water, soap and loose chlorine. But in this case it is quite difficult to calculate the concentration and you risk completely ruining the white thing.
Laundry Soap with whitening effect:
- Thoroughly soap all the stains and leave for a couple of hours.
- Wash laundry in hot water with good detergent.
Ammonium alcohol
This liquid is an inexpensive and effective means to whiten a painted white thing at home. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.
How to use:
- Soak a white thing for 2-3 hours in cold water.
- In three liters of warm water, add 100 ml of ammonia.
- In the solution place the colored white thing for 30 minutes.
- Wash clothing in hot water.
Important! If necessary, the procedure can be repeated on another day.
Hydrogen Peroxide
This agent has often been used and continues to be used for hair discoloration - it is well known to many blondes like hydroperite.
How to use:
- White thing soak beforehand in cold water for 2-3 hours.
- Prepare the solution: pour 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide into 3 liters of water.
- Put a thing in this solution for half an hour.
- Then wash the product in hot water.
Starch + salt + citric acid
There is another folk way how to whiten the painted white thing:
- Once again, wash the affected clothing at high temperature with powder or boil it.
- Prepare the following remedy: mix one tablespoon of starch, salt, citric acid and planed laundry soap.
- Stir all the ingredients by adding a little water to make a viscous consistency.
- Put this tool on the inside of the stain.
- Leave it for 12 hours.
- After 12 hours rinse clothes and wash again.
Important! In order not to spoil a thing, do not exceed recommended doses of the above substances.
Marganzovka can help restore primitive whiteness to clothes.
Important! This method must be used very carefully so that your things do not turn into a bright crimson color. Only the right solution will leave no residue.
How to use:
- Make a solution of potassium permanganate with water of a light pink shade.
- Keep the clothes in this solution for 20-30 minutes.
Important! You can combine washing in detergent and in manganese.
White vinegar:
- In a few liters of water, add 120 ml of white vinegar or a teaspoon of liquid detergent.
- Wash the problem in this solution.
Important! You need to be very careful if you mix any detergents. Do not combine detergents that contain chlorine and ammonia. The gas, which is formed during the reaction, immediately causes vomiting. Read the instructions on the product packaging carefully before starting to mix products.
Soda and ammonia
You can try any bleaching cloth with a sparing method using soda and ammonia:
- In 5 liters of warm water, dissolve 2 tablespoons of alcohol and 5 tablespoons of soda.
- Immerse clothing in the solution and leave for 3-4 hours.
Important! Do not use all methods at once when working with a damaged thing, as the fabric can tear. Remove spots carefully. Do not wait for an instant effect. Each tool takes time to "work."
to the contents ↑How to whiten the gray tissue?
White fabric can acquire a gray shade from frequent washing, from old age or in case the landlady laundered white and black. How to whiten the product in this case? There are different ways for each type of tissue.
Guipure and tulle
Whit white gypsum or tulle with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia:
- In a large basin, pour 10 liters of hot water.
- Add 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to the water.
- Soak the cloth in this solution for half an hour.
- Wash the items as normal.
After this procedure, the gray curtains, curtains and bedspreads will again be white and beautiful.
Cotton and linen
Cotton clothing and linen products are the most popular among the population, so they are the ones who suffer the most from this problem. In order to whiten the gray cotton or linen thing, use the following tools.
The aged cotton and linen underwear can be well whitened at home using whiteness or other special means during machine wash:
- In a separate tray for the softener or bleach, dispense the remedy according to the amount specified in the instruction.
- Start the prewash mode with an additional rinse.
Calcined soda
Soda ash will help you bleach flax. Wash the product in hot water( up to 70 °), adding soda to the washing machine.
Persole perfectly bleaches linen items. If you regularly add it when washing, the linen product will become much whiter. Very long, for 12 hours, soaking the grayed tissue in a solution with a detergent and a persona is very effective.
Important! Dry things out of cotton under direct sunlight - ultraviolet can bleach better than any bleach.
Synthetic fabrics
Synthetic, grayed fabric can be whitened in salt water. To do this, use a solution prepared in the proportions: for one liter of warm water 2 tablespoons of salt.
Wool and silk
White things from silk and wool acquire a slightly yellowish color over time. To get rid of this phenomenon, you can use the following methods and tools.
Method number 1
- To bleach silk and wool at home, things should be soaked in a special solution: in 5-6 l of water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of detergent, 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of 10% solution of ammonia, 4 tablespoons of large whitesalt.
- Solution mix well and soak yellowed things for at least two hours.
- After the necessary things to rinse.
Method number 2
Delicate woolen and silk things are well washed with mustard:
- A tablespoon of mustard powder, pour 1 l of hot water and let stand for 2 hours.
- Drain the infused water into another container.
- Similarly, pour mustard a second time and drain again.
- Wash things in this fused, mustard-infused water as usual.
Method №3
You can bleach woolen products with a weak solution of oxalic acid. But it's not so easy to find in the sales network. Search for acid should be in the chemical store or on a specialized base.
Important! Rinse the wool better in water with the addition of ammonia( per liter of water a teaspoon of alcohol).For silk in the rinse water, you can add vinegar( one tablespoon per 1 liter of water).
to the contents ↑How to "resuscitate" colored clothing and restore the old color of the product?
Unpleasant consequences of incorrect washing can affect not only white things, but also color ones. To remove the "extra" color from the product and return the clothes to the old paints, you should use special means to restore the color on the fabrics. Manufacturers of detergents and detergents have developed special products that can restore the color of things after a problematic wash:
- "Antiline" - a remedy that is specifically designed to restore the color of fabrics. Reviews about this tool are ambiguous: there are both positive and negative. To understand if it suits you, you just need to try it yourself.
Important! You are more likely to restore the color if you use this remedy immediately after a problematic wash. The more time passes after, the better the color is absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.
- If faded colored clothes, you can try to soak it in a special stain remover for colored things marked "Color" for half an hour or a little more. Then you need to wash in the washing machine shedding things.
Important! At the conclusion of the discussion, how to whiten the painted white thing at home , I once again want to recall the effective means for different types of fabrics:
- Whiteness and other bleaches containing chlorine, cotton.
- Ammonia alcohol and hydrogen peroxide - any material. Soda - flax, cotton.
- Salt - synthetic, linen. Mustard - wool, silk.
- Oxygen bleaching agents - apply according to the instructions.
As you can see, it is not so difficult to whiten white things, as it may seem at first glance. There are many tools - both improvised and special, that will help you restore the original whiteness to the tissues. If for some reason you do not want or are afraid to take advantage of people's councils, do not rush to throw clothes into the garbage can. In an extreme case, the shedding thing can be repainted using blue or other clothing colors. The old look you will not return, but you can serve such clothes for a long time.