In preparation for the construction of the furnace for each owner to solve a lot of problems. For example, if it is not her grout, or even not be obkladyvat heating design tiles, you should think carefully about how best to use the brick kiln. If it is of poor quality, it will not help and the pointing. Therefore, the question of choice of bricks - a very serious matter.

Types brick furnace
Important! When choosing a stone for the construction of the furnace design, we must remember that this operation of heating unit depends, as well as the security of the whole building.
In this regard, you should be familiar with the different types and shapes of bricks, its main qualities to decide what is best for the brick oven. It is clear that the majority of the stone for the future buildings should be fire-resistant. Depending on the manufacturing material, there are such kinds of refractory bricks:
- fireclay;
- quartz;
- carbon.
Primary requirements
furnace masonry made of solid rock, in which there are no voids and chipped. It must be different:
- the correct form;
- the presence of intact faces;
- quality roasting;
- fixed size.
Plus, if the rattling, the sound should be ringing.
aluminous brick
It is most often used in domestic installations, though, is often used in the construction of industrial facilities.
Its name to the refractory bricks is required special material - fireclay, which is made from white kaolin clay in a rotary or shaft kilns firing process at very high temperatures (of the order 1400-1500⁰S). Therefore, such articles can be used at high temperatures and to chemical remain neutral, acidic and other influences. This kind of clay bricks can have different shades.
Especially refractory bricks for furnaces production greatly influence its price. And so, in order to reduce the cost of the stove, such products are usually used for laying the combustion chamber and some elements of the chimney.

The main characteristics
Fireclay brick differs:
- high flame retardancy;
- accumulating property and giving heat energy;
- high porosity, which is provided by the presence therein of alumina.
Incidentally, the latter determines the quality of the long heating and cooling of the same stone.
Important! Percent brick thermal conductivity is inversely proportional to its mass. That is, the greater the mass of stone, the lower the thermal conductivity.
Therefore, when purchasing should be paid to the quality of this attention.
Ordinary fireclay bricks made size 250h120h65 mm. Due to the increasing pace of construction and the demand for products, today launched production of truncated and elongated blocks and bricks of different sizes and configurations.

Thanks to the wide color range of products, more and more consumers buy Fireclay brick masonry stoves and thus did not use the lining or ceramic tiles.

If the clay mass, which is made of refractory brick for furnace must be strengthened large quartz grains, graphitic or coke powder, after burning will brick with different properties, respectively, and different types: quartz and carbonaceous.
Quartz as carbon analog, refers to the red firebrick. It is used for the construction of vaults in reverberatory furnaces. In addition, it erect wall furnaces, which in the future will be in contact only with metals or fire.

For such products cementation using clay which imparts the fired product incredible strength.
If pressed clay together with coke or graphite, you get a high quality refractory brick carbon type. But these stones are not used for domestic purposes, but only in industrial production. For example, without them it is impossible to build or open-hearth blast furnace.

Features clinker
For the first time this type of ceramic bricks appeared in Holland. Due to the elevated temperature during firing, in the product substantially does not have any inclusions or voids, which contributes to a significant improvement in its performance.
Important! It has high strength, frost resistance, durability, low water absorption.
These qualities due to its extraordinary popularity in the construction world. But in their properties, it is much superior to their "brothers". And the thing is that:
Firstly, it is made from a special kind of clay - refractory for various periods of time.
Second, the calcined clay at temperatures 1250-1300⁰S, while conventional construction variant - when 800-900⁰S.
to brick masonry requirements for furnaces
Brick for the construction of furnaces must meet certain requirements and different:
- resistance to high temperature changes;
- sufficient mechanical strength;
- the ability to generate and store enough thermal energy.
All brick kiln for ceramic-type in terms of conformity of products to certain shapes and sizes must comply with GOST 390-96 requirement. In this document, as are indicated, and temperature limits of the use of each type.

Fireclay same type of brick must comply with GOST 390-96, which specify the requirements and standards for this product.
Operation of furnaces followed by regular heating and cooling. Therefore, the stones are subjected to extremes of temperature indicators, with the result that they expand and contract. In this regard, the brick must have a sufficient margin of safety, otherwise he would not be able to resist deformation and fracture.
For different parts of the furnace - a different brick
Furnace units for solid fuel different variety of designs. Operation of the composite heating system occurs at different conditions. Together, let us find out what is needed for the brick kiln facilities, as well as its individual parts.
Usually, masonry ovens are 2 types of bricks: simple ceramic and refractory. The first of them - a great option for the construction of the outer furnace parts, including chimneys, the second - is indispensable for masonry fireplaces. In details.

Total furnace structure
The photo clearly shows the structure of the furnace, the constituent elements which are similar in almost all such facilities.
Insert with podduvalom
The combustion chamber is characterized by a 2-ply walls. To create the outer portion of the heating device are facing type ceramic brick and inner - fireclay bricks.

This is due to the fact that the temperature of the outer wall load is significantly lower in comparison to its outer part, so more attention is paid to decorative characteristics.
A chimney
They are just that - other than the heat exchangers of significant amounts, temperature at which the height - is reduced, but still relatively large. Therefore, most of the heating element constructing the construction of the firebrick. While for beauty, draped outside the chimney cladding tiles or bricks.

This part of the fuel system is not only subjected to precipitation, but also temperature changes. Therefore, it is desirable for the construction of chimneys to use frost-resistant and heat-resistant stones. Most often these elements characteristic of two-layer structure, the presence of decorative trim in the form of metal boxes or decorative types of bricks.

Therefore, we can conclude that if the construction of the furnace brick elements apply to the corresponding properties, then the whole structure is endowed with excellent Buda thermophysical properties and will serve more than a dozen years. For experienced stove-makers, the selection of material for the masonry stove - a very important issue. With careful inspection, they discarded bricks with the presence of large cracks, deep damage, chipping and prefer the good stuff.
What are the different varieties of bricks
Any refractory bricks, including red, refers to a particular grade, which is determined by its quality.
Such grades are distinguished brick masonry furnace:
- First grade: is characterized by a well-annealed and density, the optimal number of pores and their size. Surface edges - smooth, do not crumble, color - red saturated. After tapping you hear a ringing sound. The high quality stones, says the presence of iridiruyuschih spots or a continuous film.
- For the second class is characterized by easy unburned. It has a low frost resistance, lower heat capacity, increased porosity. While rapping the deaf hear a short sound. Res - with shallow bullies, edges - slightly crumble. In such instances never iridescent film appears. Such a brick is subject to culling.
- Third grade - burnt through. It differs high density, high thermal conductivity, low frost resistance, very low porosity. He is not able to withstand high loads, Color - dark cerise until brown cut may be torn, and the edges - crumbled. After tapping produces a ringing sound.
From what you can not build a brick oven
If brick has low heat resistance and unsuitable composition, it is forbidden to use when laying furnace.

In this regard, it is prohibited to use when creating a furnace:
- conventional building bricks, which can only be used in the manufacture of gently heated units. In no case can not use this type of stone masonry with firebox and even chimney;
- hyperpressed analogue as for stoves suitable especially molded products. With such a product during firing completely evaporates the water, and formed inside the pores do slaboprochnym molded product, and hence - of poor quality;
- silicate material, since it is filled with lime and other additives. Therefore, at high temperature furnace begins to crumble and crack. Plus, during the thermal exposure it starts to produce harmful substances;
- decorative products. It permitted except that, with their help, fireclay brick surface, and then in some cases, if the clutch is performed correctly (when heating these surfaces is small - within 55-60⁰S).
Possible options for placing bricks in the furnace
If you were asked what is best to use a brick kiln, the answer is clearly visible in the photo. That is, from the point of view of the "bricks", the oven should be: 1 - foundation, 2 - insert 3 - dymooborotnaya part 4 - chimney, 5 - chimney.

He is the foundation of the entire furnace design, therefore, must be very strong. In addition, it should have a vapor and liquid impermeable, as should not penetrate even the minimum amount of water therethrough. Otherwise, the entire unit otsyreet, and what kind of heating as it will be possible to speak. In the wintertime, a significant portion of the base may be at a temperature below zero degrees. Therefore, the foundation should be constructed of cold-resistant brick, Kojima material may be notch or brick 3rd grade. You can also take advantage of clinker stone.

So after all, what kind of material for the oven is better to choose? In order:
- in terms of price - red brick 3rd grade;
- in case of a heavy construction (e.g. Dutch), to give preference to the 1 st grade as most high quality and durable;
- in areas where primarily strong and long winter frosts best clinker bricks, since it has high strength and frost resistance.
In this part of the oven temperature parameters may range 1100⁰S above. Therefore, the ceramic material is not suitable here because it may melt (the limit for him - 1150-1180⁰ C).

The furnace is exposed to low mechanical stress. The main function of the furnace element is a fast drinking large amounts of thermal energy and the transfer of its drive faster (battery) heat - dymooborotnoy and wall pieces. It is understood that such properties are possessed shamotka with which the furnace and spread.
Dymooborotnaya part
It has no direct contact with the fire, but all the same heat from the flue gases - decent: 450-800⁰S. One of its functions is to him they are completely burned down, which means that the gases are still different chemical activity. In addition, dymooborote accumulates a lot more heat, which is necessary to give so that enough until the next firing process. So here - no options: the first grade.

It also plays an important role in the process of heat transfer, but, if I may say so, to a large extent allows "breathing" of the heating structure. In addition, the lining shall hold good finish, that in such conditions is not easy: too large temperature differences. With this in mind, the construction obkladyvat best second-class brick.

The fact that these rocks are characterized by sufficient thermal capacity for a given placement, increased porosity, which in combination provide an oven deep even breathing. Plus, some unevenness and roughness of the faces of bricks 2nd grade will provide a perfect grip with the solution of any of the ingredients in the further lining with ceramic tiles.
If you look at the chimney, the part above the reel - the chimney, in the photo marked No. 5. It is here that the maximum fluctuation of relative humidity (from 10-15% to 100%) and temperature indicators (from 400⁰S until -45⁰S). In addition, it may be directly exposed to rain or snow and other precipitation. Plus, the high wind loads, which are subject to change directions for a short period of time. Despite this, the pipe material must be such that it could warm up quickly, otherwise the case will not have a normal draft, which will lead to a slow warming and oven, and flat in the whole. Therefore, it is recommended to construct a stack of bricks 1st grade (at normal conditions). A good option - BU use bricks, the impregnated carbon black (so-called mezhigorki). Although this material is used only inside the building, as it may cause stains that are able to break through the very good finish.

If you live in areas with severe weather conditions, it is necessary to lay out a two-layer pipe. To this should be outside lozhit notch hollow material, and in - using one clinker. This is only one case of the use of hollow material in the furnace case.
Quite a bit of the solutions
Typically when the furnace masonry use clay solution. Although, for example, the cement composition is also used in the furnace actually - when facing a finished design. Also, sometimes it is used as the regeneration pozharoprochny concrete furnace.
As the filler while performing work in the combustion chamber are chamotte sand or special chamotte or fillers ZSHA ZSHB. Although the labeling of these compounds is different, the difference between them - almost none.
From the choice of furnace brick quality functioning depends. With a variety of brick production, for each furnace element is important to choose the right building blocks that will ensure optimum performance of the entire heating unit. On this depends the coziness, warmth in your homes, quiet life and well-being of the entire family.