On the validity of the ceiling insulation depends on many things. In order to achieve the desired result, you should pay special attention to the type of material and its characteristics. Among the many options that are presented in the construction market, it occupies a special place foil insulation. This is a unique material that has the ability to retain heat in the room. It consists of polyethylene, which had previously foamed and foil. How to carry out insulation of the ceiling in the house foiled insulation, can be found in this article.
Varieties of foil insulation

Main article - insulation penofolom.
At the present time there are several types of material. Between themselves, they differ not only by the density of the upper layer, but also a kind of heat insulator.
The main types of insulation on the basis of the foil:
- Foam (izolon, penofol, Foil insulating). Available in rolls of this type. Different material low price. polyethylene foam is used to create insulation. It can be either cross-linked or not linked. The thickness of the web varies in the range 3-10 mm. The distinguishing feature is the presence of self-adhesive surface. Some types of foil are reinforced foam layer that is made of a fiberglass mesh. As for the foil layer, it can be either one or both sides.
- Mineral wool. Different material high moisture resistance performance. Foil mineral wool is sold not only in rolls but also in the form of plates. Often used for its production of basalt. Thanks to him many times increases the period of the blade. Applicable material everywhere. This is due to the good performance of thermal conductivity and fire safety.
- Styrofoam. It designed a foil insulation for the system "warm floor". Its density ranges from 30-50 kg / m. Available in a 50 cm wide rolls. The thickness of the web is in the range of 3-5 mm.

Important! Any type of material serves excellent shumoizolyatorom.
When used properly, each type of foil insulation will be possible to carry out their functions. To get what you want, you should only observe some simple rules.
Features of the application of foil insulation
Keep the heat inside the building helping reflective properties of the foil. For this purpose, the foil sheets are mounted to the surface of the room. To get the best results, you need to strengthen the fabric butt.
It should also be to enhance characteristics:
- Sizing joints. To do this, use a special kind of metallized tape.
- Creating a cushion of air. It is formed on both sides of the laid material. Pre-make the crate, which in the future will be secured web.
Important! Absolutely can not mount this material overlap. This mount reduces its thermal insulation capacity. And also there is a high probability of run-off, the resulting condensate into the room.

Each type of material has its own characteristics laying. As for the polyethylene foam, it is the easiest installation. Secure the web with construction staples. Since such a heater foil is the thinnest, when laying it can prevent overlap within 10 centimeters. should leave the ventilation gaps on both sides. Their optimal value should be 1 to 2 centimeters.
Before you carry out the installation of the ceiling and wall insulation foil need to pay special attention to the wiring isolation. This can be used as a corrugated pipe, and plastic channels.
As regards laying insulation on the basis of mineral wool, it should be possible to fix the sheet tightly. This helps to avoid the formation of bridges. Use of force in such work is not worth it, because quite brittle sheets can be deformed.
Advantages of foil insulation
An important advantage, which has a similar thermal insulation is foam base. Thanks to reliably held air layer which has a minimum conductivity. It allows to preserve the warm air inside the building.

Other benefits of the heater:
- The material is not flammable. This allows safe use it in any room. Including residential.
- The high rate of sound insulation. Foil insulation is often used as an additional protection against the penetration of noise into the room.
- Lightness and small thickness. These characteristics make it possible to mount the canvas in such circumstances, where other types of heaters can not be established.
- Fabric structure and not to pass moisture vapor. With these parameters, use an additional moisture barrier around the insulation is not necessary.
- Good elasticity. Similarly indicator has most kinds of foil insulation. This saves time on the lining surface.
- Environmentally friendly. All kinds of insulation on the basis of the foil are absolutely safe for human life. Fabrics can not emit harmful vapors during the entire period of operation.
- The relative ease of installation. To attach the material necessary to have special skills and involve specialists. Perform such work can be their own. For mounting sufficiently to prepare a minimum set of tools (stapler, scissors, stationery knife, tape measure, pencil).

As with all materials, foil insulation, it has its drawbacks. One of these is the lack of rigidity of some species. For this reason, it is impossible to cover fabric finishing layer of grout. This is especially true foil penopolietilena. As for mounting, such a material is not recommended for recording with the help of glue. The best option is nails and staples. Therefore, it is the way of foam manufacturers invented and began to produce self-adhesive versions of the heater.
The procedure and rules for buildings insulation penofolom
Improvement for internal insulation material by means of such first step is to install a layer of the same penofol with the minimum possible thickness. It is attached by means of wooden slats. With proper installation will crate, which will serve as a basis for fixing the main layer of insulation.
Paintings superimposed later, can be mounted in the same way or with the help of construction stapler.
This method will provide better insulation room. This is realized not only by a double layer of insulation, but also due to appear hovercraft. It will also allow air to circulate freely, preventing the accumulation of moisture and condensation.

Tip! To increase the energy efficiency of the thermal insulation of ceiling slabs home, you can apply penofol with other types of insulation.
Wiring method penofol with other materials:
- Mineral wool. Initially, you need to collect the crate as a drywall constructions. Between the rails laid wadding. Penofol fastened on top of the frame and fixed to the support profile with screws. The cloth should be installed foil side of the room. Material falls butt and metal-glued shut. Top sheets of plasterboard construction is sheathed or other type of material.
- Mineral wool and double layer penofol. Thus it is possible to improve the thermal insulation effect and improve sound insulation. In this case, the top of the first foam layer, the second foil is placed to the top. So insulation stands for mineral wool even as paroizolyatora.
- Penofol and penoplex. This design is often used for insulation of walls between floors. In the initial stages of the ceiling glue extruded polystyrene sheets. The size is selected based on the parameter space. Fixing is carried out with the help of dowels. In operation, it is necessary to try to build so designed that a maximum result was a flat horizontal surface.

top Penoplex laid penofol. Seams isolate special tape. On top of foil set wooden slats. For fixing them using 15 mm dowel. Next a PVC or plasterboard panels. You can also use plastic parts, wooden battens.
Penofol is also used to add sound insulation room. In this case, before installation batten to the roof plate will be moved under a covering material so that the aluminum film surface concerned. Often the need arises in apartment buildings, where neighbors live on top, and thin wall does not eliminate the loud outside noise.
If you decide to use it penofolom, then to improve the insulation performance is enough to pick up the canvas with a maximum thickness. Better yet, use a material with a double layer of foil. This will allow to achieve excellent thermal insulation of the ceiling of the building, if the temperature readings outside the premises do not fall too low. Otherwise, the cost to use the combined option of warming penofolom with other types of insulating materials.