Appeared about 25 years ago, the Russian market of PVC pipe and PP analogues replacing steel in residential construction. Mounting PVC pipes forces hold home craftsmen, and consumer properties of manufactured steel pipelines often exceed the quality of communication.

Benefits of PVC products
Distribution of PVC products is due to their positive consumer properties:
- low price;
- smooth internal surfaces to provide better throughput;
- high strength;
- resistance to chemical attack and corrosion;
- Temperature resistance in the normal range for home utilities;
- no toxicity when used in the water;
- zamozatuhaniem incombustibility and impact in the absence of an open flame;
- ductile impact loads;
- affordability range of pipes and fittings to create a communication of any complexity;
- Communication is not necessary to paint - white color will remain for decades;
- long service life.

In addition to the cost of the component parts, an important advantage is the ability to carry out the installation of its own without the use of expensive equipment.
Disadvantages of PVC elements are identified only with non-compliance with operating conditions. For example, some types of pipe limit temperature in the room and the coolant 60th degrees - characterization of products necessary for specifying the purchase. Plastic can not warm open fire if water or sewage peremorzli in an unheated room - it Another feature of the application of polymer products and it must be taken into account in the design and installation communications.
Fields of application
PVC pipe can be used in any area of construction:
- When installing the water pipes. Using connections and fittings with the transition to a metallic thread made by any individual design house or apartment.
- Domestic sewers and drain terminal nearest the well - one more sphere of application of PVC pipe.
- Construction of ventilation systems - in this case, PVC products used as air ducts.
- Tying pool including a supply and removal of water through stainless plastic products, has undoubted advantages over steel.
- Installation of irrigation water pipes.
- electrical wiring inside the tubes prevents the cable from accidental damage, protects the user from electric shock, excludes fires short circuit.
Types of process connections
For the different models used in the construction, use different types of connections.
PVC pipe can be mounted:
- into the socket;
- bonding;
- soldered with preliminary melting.
sewerage assembly
PVC parts for sewage have a special design for easy assembly of parts. One end has a socket, and the other side is smooth design Stoch slightly tapered.

The bell has a special facet for the installation of a sealing ring.
Before coupling, to facilitate joining, it is desirable to lubricate the ring, such as a soap solution. With a small physical effort, parts are combined in a single structure.
Electrical wires or power low-voltage systems, arranged inside the tubes acquire protection against damage and fire.
Specialty products connect in two ways: in the mouth and glue.
In the first case, one end of the tube is inserted into the other having an extension.

In the second method uses fittings having different configurations: the angles, bends, twists stub.
Glue PVC pipes can special structures.
For the installation will need:
- communication components, junction boxes;
- sandpaper;
- hacksaw or a special knife, if the round tube;
- means for removing the facets;
- primer for cleaning and adhesive composition;
- brush.
Installation begins with the accurate determination of the sizes of all components of the communication and cutting the pipe. After cutting assembly is held in the "dry form" to verify the correctness of the size.
The following steps carried out under the scheme:
- A special knife chamfer on the inner and outer wall of the pipe. This is necessary so that after bonding the inner surface remained smooth without sagging of the molten adhesive material.
- Sandpaper cleaned places where subsequently applied adhesive.
- Cleaner, or as it is often called a primer, bonding surfaces is wiped to remove traces of grease and dirt. Composition softens the material and making it accessible to penetration of adhesive.
- Purge tube for dust extraction when cutting was performed with a hacksaw.
- Using a brush, glue is applied to the field of contact details.
- The pipe and the fitting.
- Crank detail a quarter turn to evenly distribute the glue on the surface.
- Allowed to cool glued surfaces for a few minutes, according to the operating instructions of the adhesive composition.
water pipe welding
Water supply - engineering system, which is under pressure, not for leaks, so the installation responsibly. Permanently reliable connection is obtained by soldering.
To work need special welding equipment, popularly nicknamed "utjuzhkom". The simplest device can be purchased for 900 - 1000 rubles, or rent the store building materials. This lease will cost 200 - 300 rubles per day. Weekend is enough for an inexperienced user to do the plumbing in a private home.

Connection parts water supply is carried out by special fittings which are produced in the form:
- direct coupling;
- corners 45 and 90 degrees;
- tees and crosses;
- tees outputs with different diameters;
- adapters from one diameter to another, etc.
To connect the sanitary devices connected to pipe nipples, having an outer or inner metal thread.
there are quick couplings, called "American women" The range of manufacturers. They need to turn off household appliances water consumers, such as water heaters, without cutting plumbing.
"Important! When cutting pipes take into account that the example of a part just will not work, since it is not included in the initial fitting - cold unmelted state - should be left margin 1 - 1.5 cm. "
Welding machines equipped with an indicator of readiness for operation, when the temperature reaches the optimal range. After reading the instruction manual to find out which lights up when the soldering is permitted.

Modes are different for pipes of different diameters and wall thicknesses. In the instruction manual, and sometimes on the device shows the special tables.
The compound in the following sequence:
- vymeryat and cut pipes;
- is removed with a special knife chamfer the outer and inner wall in places subject to brazing;
- inserted pipe end and fitting in the nozzle of appropriate diameter to ironing;
- stand specified in the instruction time to melt the connection points;
- connect molten portion;
- spot welding is fixed for 15 - 20 seconds;
- 5-10 minutes after cooling of the junction to room temperature, water ready to use.
"Important! Bevel on pipe removed compulsory. Otherwise, the heated material will block the passage opening part at interfacing parts, causing increased noise in the water and reducing the bandwidth. "
Fastening PVC piping to surfaces
The need for attachment of PVC tubing caused by several factors:
- reliable fastening of PVC pipe wall reduces vibrations in the water flowing from the water and the noise level;
- PVC products flexible and when filled with water sag under its own weight;
- temperature changes alter the length of the pipeline, and to maintain the aesthetic appearance of better secure it reliably;
- fixture between the ceiling and floor slabs hides communications from prying eyes;
- unreliable mounting sewage provokes structural failure salvo emission of water from the toilet tank.
Krepjat sewer pipe by clamps, products with a diameter of 40 mm clamps or clips.
Mounting on clamps
The clamp consists of two half-rings, screws or bolts are contractible. There is a sale and clamps in the form of rings with one tie point. For wall or ceiling clamps attached with dowels. Prior to installation into account that the distance between the clamps must be in the range 7 - 8 pipe diameters.
Counting is performed taking into account the required slope calculation pipe 1.5 - 2 cm per meter.

Using clips
Clips used for pipes of small diameters, which by means of dowels attached in the wall or ceiling. Releasing two versions of the clip: open and with a lock-snap. A second preferred embodiment for fastening to the ceiling as it excludes "jumping out" of the fastener.

Some models clips are interconnected by means of special projections. Such a construction simplifies assembly of several pipes at the same distances between them, which improves the appearance.

Self-assembly of PVC pipe is beneficial at every stage of construction: with the purchase of spare parts and materials, installation and everyday use when repair is required after many years. Material is safe from an environmental point of view, does not corrode, does not require staining, suitable for wet locations and laying in the ground. PVC pipe - effective solution for installation of PVC pipes with their own hands.