With the unpleasant phenomenon of clogging domestic sewage is facing almost everyone. There is no doubt that the organized wastewater sewage is a major boon of modern civilization. Violation of the usual rhythm of a comfortable stay connected with the problems of normal functioning sewer system, forced to look for more effective ways to eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.
The concept of hydrodynamic sewer cleaning

Among the many solutions to the problem of garbage blockages in pipelines is in the first place hydrodynamic cleaning sewer pipe systems. The phrase "hydro" and "dynamic" talks about water use principle, supplied under high pressure to remove significant blockages and jams from dirt, grease accumulations and construction garbage. In the case where the standard and usual cleaning methods do not bring the desired effect and the drainage is still unfit for use, use pressure water jets instead of a conventional steel cable, it helps clean long wall and connecting pipes from solid landfill growths. The powerful head of water injected through special nozzles into the cavity of the tube, in a short time, cleans debris from a pipe communication congestion and traffic jams fat.
Equipment for work

performance technology on the cleaning of waste water drain hydrodynamic method itself is not complicated, but it requires special equipment compulsory.
Household hydrotreating is carried out using portable machines and professional cleaning by a specialized equipment:
- domestic installation intended for sewer pipes up to 200 mm. With this installation of in-house and outdoor sewer system has been successfully flushed and cleared of any debris. A great advantage of the portable water-jet device is its portability and compactness, because it can be transported by a small truck equipped with small wheels. There are three versions of portable systems: electric, gasoline and propane. All of them are powerful enough, but their field of application has its limitations. Electric devices may even be used in residential and public indoor spaces. In the field, where there is no possibility to connect to a fixed electrical lines have been successfully used gasoline and propane water jet machines. A prerequisite for the hydrodynamic purification is the availability of a large source of supply of water, so Mobile washing apparatus can be connected to a central water supply or to a separate tank with water. The maximum pressure at which the water is supplied to the mobile units reaches 250 bar.
- Specialized equipment is used in the hydrotreating of underground sewer mains with diameter up to 1 m. The second title professional machines - kanalopromyvochnye installation, completely characterize the technical capabilities of wastewater channels equipment great length.
installation equipment mounted in the truck van and driven by gasoline, diesel or propane engine. The kit includes a water storage tank, which allows operation in the autonomous mode. A similar technique is used specialized plumbing service for washing clogged sewage systems outer and central headers. Certain modifications of settings can be pressurized up to 270 bar, and such pressure water jet cleans well pipe of considerable length.
Ability to connect to central water supply significantly increases the effectiveness of the hydrotreating and significantly reduces the time of work.
Both modifications are completed hoses intended for high-pressure nozzles with nozzles of different diameters and pumping pumps.
The principle of operation of the washing equipment
All kinds of washing machines operate on the principle of the physical phenomena of hydrodynamics:
- Water under high pressure through a special nozzle is injected into the cavity of the tube and almost cuts off dust and dirt from the tube wall.
- Inside the slag pressure water jet a significant value is created at the expense of traction that ensures its progress.
- the hose is equipped with special nozzles of different diameters and shapes. Due to the proper selection of interchangeable equipment possible cleaning pipes of any kind while maintaining the integrity of the piping structure.
For household cleaning sewers enough pressure to 150 atm. At higher pressures depressurization may occur and fracture the waste pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages
More recently, in the case of clogging sewer pipes used mechanical method of cleaning steel rope or chemical reagents used to dissolve the solid buildup in the cavity and on the walls, then Now Cleaning the waste water drain hydrodynamic method successfully replaces the usual methods of cleaning due to the obvious benefits:
- High performance in a short turnaround time. Water jet under high pressure is much better removes trash barriers in the body of the pipe than the plumber's snake or chemical agents.
- Guarantee of preserving the integrity of the piping structure. When worn sanitary procleaning communications iron steel flexible rope there is a risk of damage docking units and even damage to pipes through walls. Hydrotreating controlled water flow cleans pipes securely and therefore has virtually no limitations.
- Use without restrictions. hydrodynamic cleaning can be used almost all types of sewer systems of any configuration: domestic waste water, drainage wells, drainage, main drains and other plumbing engineering networks.
- Year operation. In winter cavity waste line may become clogged with ice plugs which interfere with the normal passage of sewage. Powerful stream of water directed action under high pressure can easily remove such bottlenecks and clears littered communication.
Technology flushing of sewer pipes of a washing machine provides significant water consumption. Appliance for washing wastewater systems outer diameter of 200 to 300 mm of water consumption is 30 liters / min. Internal network effectively cleaned even with a flow rate of 15 to 20 l / min. To clean the main drainage channel the water flow will be much greater.
The only drawback of this type of flushing work with the private customer's point of view is considered to be the high cost of implementation. Of course, if clogged water taking home system can be a small extent in the old use a steel cable or pour a few liters of liquid chemicals. But if manual cleaning does not resolve the problem, then the application of a water jet washing machine will be the only way out of this unpleasant situation. With the advent of mobile versions of wash plants cost of the works was quite acceptable and affordable.

Recommendations made by the clearing sewer networks
If you put together all the advice and recommendations of experts - plumbers, cleaning of drainage of domestic sewage, you get the following list:
- Council 1.Primenenie boiling water to purify fatty blockages.
- Tip 2. Removing garbage jams via the valve.
- Tip 3. Removing bottlenecks in the sewer drain chemicals such as "mole" means or "Mister Muscle".
- Tip 4. Steel plumber's snake with a scraper.
- Tip 5. The use of "Korher" apparatus for rinsing the sewer pipe.
The most versatile method of restoring normal operation is considered hydrodynamic sewer cleaning, with which all kinds of waste are removed plugs in the cavity of the tube.

Private treatment device
Private households are rarely connected to the organized drainage system. usually created private sewer system to septic tankIntended for the used waste water and waste related to human activity. To deal with the proposed method to choose, and it is better to use to organize your home sewer system, it is recommended to get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of each option.
The following variants:
- Cesspit. The easiest and most inexpensive form of facilities for the reception of sewage and faeces from the toilet. It has the form of bulk and deep pits with walls made of brick or in-situ concrete with earth or concrete bottom. The best option device cesspool - a device wall of concrete rings with a concrete floor. Disadvantages facilities - an unpleasant odor, the need for regular cleaning, siltation of the bottom, the threat of poisoning the surrounding area.
- The sealed container as a tank. Storage tank made of metal or plastic is much more effective to cope with the function of sewage acceptance. Plastic model is preferable because it does not necessarily require waterproofing, sealed, is lightweight, does not corrode. The only negative - it is a significant price. As the capacity of the filling has to produce vykachku assenizatorskaya machine.
Installing a home septic tank - Septic tank with one or two cameras. The construction is a sealed tank with the filters for disposal or subsequent water purification. The principle of operation of both models is simple: get into the septic tank effluent chamber, where the defense of impurities followed by settling of solids at the bottom. The liquid accumulating in the upper part of the septic tank, through pipe guides for cleaning the soil. Periodic addition of bioactive preparations enhances the wastewater treatment process. The downside of this design is its large recessed.
- Special station for biological wastewater treatment. Septic a biofilter is considered the most effective home treatment plant with a high degree of purification of domestic waste and sewage. When choosing this type of construction it is important to consider that for the normal operation of the station must be connected to the electricity. In addition, it is necessary to periodically clean the biofilter and buy biologics.
Very popular autonomous domestic sewerage Tapas - a unique wastewater treatment plant, which is cleaned of any organic contaminants by aerobic bacteria. Efficiency of such treatment is so high that the output is 98% water cleaned of contaminants and that can be used for watering of garden plants. When the septic tank Tapas stands out bad odors and does not create noise. Wastewater treatment is carried out in three stages using active sludge - anaerobic colonies of bacteria and microorganisms.