The water flowing from the roof during rain or snow melting, can quickly destroy constructions. Wet walls, broken blind area, the ground sagging and cracks in the foundation - the result of the destructive action of rain and frost. Sometimes this leads to a dangerous phenomenon - reduction of the bearing capacity of the building foundation, leading to irreversible consequences.
To reduce the destructive impact of water on the structure to prevent dampness in the basement, as well as to protect themselves from rainwater flows coming from the roof, it is necessary to proceed to the installation of the system as possible downpipes faster. This can be done as in the apparatus of the roof, and after its construction.

Construction of drainage pipes
The main purpose of drainage systems - collecting rainwater or melt water from the roof surface and removing it through a pipe into the sewer, reservoir or other location. Accumulation of fluid can then be used for household needs, such as for irrigation or washing machine.
Drains, where rainfall pitched drain to the ground arbitrarily called unorganized. In contrast to organized systems drainage gutters performed.
SNP allow to arrange free flow:
- Shed roofs for small sizes;
- farm buildings;
- Roofing eaves at large width.
Designs can be located inside or outside the building. In multi-storey buildings or buildings with a flat roof drain arrange the pipe laid in residential premises, halls, corridors or stairways. To reduce the volume of dripping water, protect the channel noise isolation. Drain connected to the city storm sewer where the water flows into the nearest body of water.
External systems satisfied in buildings with up to 3 floors. Installation of gutters, drainage funnels and drain pipes produced outside the buildings. Design, fixed to the outer walls, simple to maintain and repair.

The liquid from the external gutters enters the concrete groove or channel around the perimeter of buildings. They are fitted with protective grilles, which can also play a decorative role.
Sanitary norms and rules prohibit dumping rainwater into sanitary sewer. If next to the site paved central livnevki, you can connect to it.
Types of drainage systems
Man has always sought to protect your home against rainwater. First it was the trough of hollowed tree trunks. With the development of watercourses purchased decorative features crafts. They are often constructed from ceramic or marble. Later they began to sheathe sheets of copper, lead, iron, covered with tar, paint.
Now drainage systems are made from corrosion-resistant materials:
- galvanized steel;
- polymers;
- plastic coated metal;
- aluminum;
- iron;
- copper;
- alloys of zinc and titanium.
Home handyman with his own hands made of sheet galvanized gutters, sewer PVC pipe, wooden planks and even plastic bottles.

Metal structures are mechanically strong and durable, not afraid of changes in temperature, ultraviolet radiation. At low requirements for visual appeal use galvanized guttering. Cast iron pipe and the funnel for collecting water used on flat roofs, and in high-rise construction.
Metal, plastic-coated decorative looks. Rainwater systems create a single roof complete composition, which is an important aspect in the construction of private houses or public buildings.
Pipes coated resistant to abrasion and corrosion resistant polymers - PVC, polyester, polyurethane, plastisol. Materials presented a wide range of colors, from the traditional gray, brown or white to bright unusual shades of blue or green. Combined with walls of brick, stone, decorated with siding. You can choose the design, emphasizing the design of any roof.
Downspouts from aluminum, copper or zinc-titanium belongs to a class Premium - is the most expensive metal constructions. They are characterized by high corrosion resistance, durability and decorative effect. It combines well with the elite of the slate tile roofs or copper sheets.

Plastic gutters combine high resistance to moisture, light and affordable price. They are made of polyvinyl chloride with additives that increase resistance to UV radiation and mechanical stress. The service life is 15 years, a guarantee of individual producers - up to 25 years. Used in conjunction with roofs of Ondulina or shingles, although other options are possible.
Polymeric pipes create less noise than metal. They are less durable than metal. In the cold become brittle. With temperature fluctuations can significantly alter the linear dimensions, so the installation of expansion joints used.

Profiles can be circular, rectangular or square shape. Strict rules for the selection of sections and sizes does not exist.
Elements of drainage systems
The design for the assembly of the drain is completed:
- chutes - open the tray to collect water from the surface of the stingrays, set obliquely;
- rainwater - elements of conical shape for receiving sludge from the inclined chute and a vertical riser outlet;
- connectors gutters - details for splicing trays with gaskets or compensators linear deformation;
- pivoting angles - products for connecting the trays to be rotated 90 ° -165 ° rectangular or round shape;
- downpipes - vertical channels conveying fluid from the receiving hopper to the bottom of manufacture;
- tees, elbows pivoting - of the parts of the profile are arranged elements for changing the direction or combining two streams;
- horizontal outlet - pipes to drain water from the building, drain it on the ground or in livnevki;
- clamps - the items for securing the downspout to the wall surface;
- plums - gutters or tubes to drain fluid from the system.

To prevent leakage of water from the non-closed contours in the opposite direction, on the ends of the troughs are mounted plugs. They additionally give the profile stiffness.
Drainage holes equipped with latticed panels to trap debris that prevent quick clogging of the channel. On the track or roadway, they ensure the safety of movement.
All components of the drain select individually, based on the size and configuration of the structure, climatic conditions, the ability to drain water to a remote location.
The types of connector assemblies
Metal and plastic construction is collected in two ways:
- on seals;
- with an adhesive.
Gaskets of EPDM-rubber or rubber-modified compounds provide sufficient tightness. When using high-quality materials service life reaches decades. Cheap counterparts after several cycles of freezing and thawing and heating in the sun to lose elasticity. The result is a leak. Necessary to remove the gutters or downpipes with replacement pads.

Adhesive compounds impart additional rigidity to the nodes that can not be unambiguously called for the dignity of plastic designs. Temperature deformations can lead to rupture of the tubes. So you do not have to dismantle the damaged areas, further establish compensatory expanders.
Design and calculation of drains
When laying all utilities make up the project and perform the calculation of the elements. The main goal - to pick up the design with a section of pipe such capacity that when heavy rainfall or snowmelt drains not overflowed and the water does not overflow gutters.
You want to find the total amount of precipitation falling on the drainage area, according to the formula:
Q = Shq / 10000, where Q - desired quantity l / s;
S - slope area, m², q is the intensity of precipitation in the region L / sec per 1 hectare (table value).
The next step - the selection of a specific system for the calculated value of Q. Gutter manufacturers provide information in tabular form, which contains the bandwidth qn recommended types of structures.

Now you can find the number of risers formula:
N = Q / qn and begin designing. It is performed according to the algorithm:
- Determining the number of troughs. Hardware release a length of 2 m, plastic -. 3 or 4 m Based on the data producer to choose the amount of necessary elements so that during assembly remains as small as possible wastes.
- To connect the gutters need clutch. They must be one less than the abutting trays.
- The number of brackets are according to the formula: (eave length - 0.3 m) / 0.6 m +1. In this case, 0.6 m - fastener installation step, 0.3 - indent from the eave edge on both sides.
- Number of plugs equal to the number of open ends.
- When installing the drain with turns will be needed angular profiles. Their number depends on the roofing configuration.
- The number corresponds to the number of funnels rainwater standpipes.
- the vertical length of the pipe is equal to the height of the wall, excluding the knee that set under the eaves and close to the ground.
After calculating the components you need to choose the correct mount for gutters and downpipes, the design of which depend on the installation option. Long holders fastened to the packing crates, short - on the finished roof. In either case, you can use universal collapsible hooks.

Installation of a metal gutter
Metal systems are collected under the scheme:
- Brackets mounted with longitudinal bias 2-5 mm per 1 m. Starting with the highest and lowest points. Step fasteners 50-60 cm on both sides of the cornice retreat to a distance of 15 cm. Roof overhang should not overlap the pan more than one third.
- The trench cut through a hole under the funnel. Otvaltsovyvayut edge outwards.
Preparation of the chute under the hopper - Set trays on the brackets, connecting sleeves and snaps.
- In the corners and junctions rays mounted slewing profiles. Joints with straight grooves is further sized sealant fixed rivets.
- Put on the tray with an opening funnel latching lugs. The catchment part should be at the lowest point line within 150 mm from the blind end.
- Put on the end cap, punch rivets.
- To a nozzle funnel attached to a knee pipe segment for connection with the other bent part.
- For fixing the pipe to the wall of the upper set collar, it is administered in a metered and severed drain pipe and fixed increments along the length of 1.8 m.
- Mounted at the height of the tide of 200-250 mm from the ground or the blind area.
Gutters covered with mesh to protect it from the leaves.
Installation of plastic systems
Installation steps for installation elements made of plastic similar to the assembly of metal structures. The main difference - the implementation of joint trenches and craters.
When the temperature difference varies the length of polymeric parts within a few millimeters per meter. To compensate for linear expansion drainage funnel system implemented as a device with a graduation on the inner surface corresponding to possible temperature air during installation. Trays invest freely without sticking.

When the length of the slope is greater than 10 m and in the absence of the compensating funnel line laid between the troughs expansion element. It consists of moving parts, which should be set in accordance with the air temperature. To do this, on the inner surface coated risks. Glued trays on both sides of the node, while maintaining alignment with the marks.
gutter Service
So that when the drainage system blockages do not occur, in addition to the installation of nets and catching grids recommend regular cleaning. To this end, in spring and autumn to manually collect accumulated debris. In the presence of the compressor conduit is purged with air. Good effect gives flushing water under pressure without application of abrasive tools.

To protect against ice dams is carried out a set of measures:
- along the eaves on the roof mounted snow stop;
- paving along gutter heating cables;
- when heavy snowfall clean snow from the roof;
- ice formations removed manually.
When working at height is necessary to observe safety measures.
Rainwater systems last for many years if properly executed installation and careful operation.