Sewage system in a private home or apartment - is a necessary tool for everyday life. Due to the technological leap people began to pay attention to the quality of their lives. But what if it is clogged? Cleaning the pipes in such cases may be conducted as a plumber, or try to do it yourself.
The main causes of the blockages
It is important to understand that everything will depend on the very sanitation. This list is drawn up in accordance with the most common problems that occur in the home.
- A large amount of grease and food residues. They occur in 60-75%. And their appearance in the sewers caused by runoff from the kitchen, bathroom, toilet. Washing machine, washing dishes and even an ordinary shoe shine brings its contribution to the future of sewerage pipes. If a multi-storey house, and the system worked poorly, its repair have to wonder so many. Otherwise happen in the majority of congestion that lead to the collapse of the system. To avoid this possible via a strong and abundant jets of water. After all, the only way the food, dirt and other debris will be washed into a citywide sewage system.
Getting food waste - the cause of the blockage - In second place are unforeseen obstructions. Here we will talk about mechanical obstruction in the sewer pipes. That is, various small toys or parts that are different are fixed in places of bends or right at the beginning of discharge. Especially should be checked for mechanical sewer waste after repair or bathing of the sexes. And it is better, to have available a good dissolving agent for cleaning sewer pipes, which will flow at intervals of a couple of years.
- Third place in the list, you can safely give the usual damage. And if it is a private home, it is not always the human factor will be the main cause of the destruction. The roots of trees and plants germinate quickly, even through the strong metal and concrete fortifications, not to mention the plastic products. Crushing the tube with their weight, they will create an obstacle. And since the laws of physics, any body will bend inwards, the remaining food can easily and quickly become clogged. Then it needs a serious cleaning of sewage by chemical means or a complete replacement of the sewage system.
- In the fourth cause of improper installation construction. Inexperience experts establish different pipes are at right angles, and sometimes use substandard gaskets, washers or splitters. Troubleshooting better perform on the stage of construction of your own home or use the overhaul of the acquired apartment.
- The last place - a strong deterioration of the whole system. There will be discussed about the houses, which are more than 20-30 years. They sewerage system is the most vulnerable state, as with the time line silts up, rust, which contributes to the appearance of blockages.

Based on the reasons for cleaning sewer pipes in the house or apartment will require different methods and means, ranging from plunger to full replacement of the drain system. In any case, cleaning pipes requires careful preliminary inspection system and installation causes problems.
Techniques Clean-Out pipes with their own hands
If a problem occurs the question arises, what to clean sewers yourself at home. You can argue long about the problems and other life conditions. In any case, there are some basic techniques that are most effective in the fight against clogged:
- The use of boiling water. Pouring hot water can be dissolved to provide the fat residues or extension tube. But this method is only effective for metal products. it can not be applied for PVC pipes, because they do not tolerate high temperatures. Again, you can refer to physics, which states that any body when heated will expand. Pouring boiling water in a conventional pipe, people relieve it of accumulated fat, and she, meanwhile, is a little bit wider. This is a very easy way to help in case of a complete lack of water in the sewer.
- A popular method is the use of the valve. A very simple device to fix problems with the stagnation in the water. Simple mechanical movement creates pressure that can shift the congestion. The application must be accompanied by the following conditions: the water level to be higher than the plunger, his rubber part should not be torn, the actions carried out by means of pressing and lifting the handle on the job livnevki. Such conditions provide maximum efficiency cleaning stormwater as a whole.
Mechanical action plunger - Using a cable and a special machine, move it. Modern technology allows not to use the hand-held device for the mechanical purification of the pipe. They work very effectively with a compact motor and a metal rope. And after use can be washed with conventional boiling water or soda solution. This method can eliminate severe blockages household waste and sludge from the cleaned pipe.
Using a rope to fix problems with drainage - You can use the folk ways. Each kitchen has salt, baking soda and vinegar. In the first case, one is required to fall asleep drain kilogram bundle of salt and two liters of water. This mixture was left for 10-12 hours and then rinsed with copious amounts of water. And if you have an extra pack of soda, you have to also take advantage of 9-11% vinegar solution. He is much stronger and faster deals with organic waste. During use, the drain is closed airtight stopper for two or three hours. After washed with copious amounts of cold water.
- Special cleaning powders and liquid chemicals also effectively eliminates problems appearing with drain water. Solvents, acids and other liquids helps, without prejudice to the very sanitation. They will be divided into two subgroups. First enter acidic and alkaline second. Both perfectly cope with the organic remains of human activity. However, alkaline effective use in the kitchen, and the acid in the bathrooms. In any case, buying a good chemical means, it is possible not to think about what and where it is poured. Must choose them according to the material of construction of the sewage.
Elimination of blockages in the external drain system
Cleaning the outside of the sewerage system will require studying whole scheme of the device. This system is equipped mainly in suburban areas or areas of private houses and consists of:
- special water collection system.
- storage tanks and pumping the liquid with a special pump or a device that allows to ensure water movement.
- treatment plant type trashbox, sump and filter.
This provides movement of the waste water in the right direction so that it is not held up at the site. Then the house and farm outbuildings are in reliability.
To clean such a complex structure is necessary to understand the problem. Here we will focus on finding sand in the open version of the storm water drain, thermal and mechanical impact on the way the device underground pipe.
Those who have a private house, it is necessary to carry out technical work at the same frequency. It is this decision will help to prevent the occurrence of severe blockages, and thus save money and moral calm.
For stormwater enough to put a special net. She did not give large debris clogged in the field of bending or drains. The sand is cleaned thoroughly with water under pressure. Karcher or conventional hose with a strong stream. It is important to see to it that it does not accumulate in the end in the same place. So sometimes take a normal tablet or plastic tool, gently moving in one direction, then to get the land and sand. Such an event should complete the autumn to next year passed quietly and without force majeure.

In cases with deep sewage will have to use a professional approach. Indeed, in this case, the system can run a few meters under the ground. This means that it is necessary to install additional filters or special drain. In any case, the purification takes place effectively only when calling the emergency service wizard.
Chemical and mechanical means for cleaning sewer
In order not to clog the pipeline need to be prevented. It would be in a conventional watering copious amounts of hot water, but also cold cope well.
If all of a sudden there was a blockage, you can use chemical means. They are constantly advertised on television. Before you buy in the store is better to make sure of the following: the substance, its principle of operation and reviews of real customers. Weighty argument is the inscription on the back label: "The use is permitted in the presence of rubber gloves and protective clothing." This means that the composition of funds is made of strong chemicals effective, but its use is possible only in compliance with safety regulations.
You can clean the drain conventional electrolyte for batteries. Means cleans the metal pipes from rust. The main thing is that it does not affect the metal itself and is completely safe for humans. The solution does not emit toxic substances that can get into the water.
Mechanical means of cleaning - a plunger and a metal cable. First, you can unhinge the blockage, and the second simply it breaks rotational movements offensive. Using a plunger held at the siphon and after parsing cable construction to sewer pipe.
Purification of plastic and cast iron pipes
sewerage system in the home is cleaned hydrodynamic method. It does not matter, plastic pipe or cast iron. In both cases, the input of special hose with a steel tip. From the latter under strong pressure in the walls sprayed with water. Thus, after the start influence on the blockage. The method is effective, but extremely difficult. Not recommended for use without professional emergency service.

In cases of the use of chemical solutions and powders in plastic tubes better method is not found. But cast iron is necessary to look through to old age. Otherwise, there is a leak or pressure would create a situation of unforeseen effects on related systems. Therefore, all the metal sewage cleaned by means of cables and air eliminators and PVC solutions and powders.