🐠 Film Pond: types, characteristics, choice of different reservoir volume

The film for the pond, its types and characteristics - the topic of this review from HouseChief edition. Now it is becoming more important, as many vacationers seek decorate your site artificial ponds. How to do it correctly, as the choose the necessary materials, Advice on use and practical recommendations on arrangement - everything you find this article.

Pond - this garden decoration, which you'll be happy to spend free time
Pond - this garden decoration, which you'll be happy to spend free time

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  • 1 Why film
  • 2 The film for the pond: types, characteristics, choice of destination
    • 2.1 Butyl membrane for pond
    • 2.2 PVC film and its characteristics
    • 2.3 Polyethylene waterproofing
  • 3 How to make a choice of waterproofing film
  • 4 A little about the film with gravel
  • 5 How to choose a film producer for the pond
  • 6 How to build a garden pond of film
  • 7 Several lights Operating garden pond

Why film

For those who are thinking about creating an artificial body of water, the first question should waterproofing. Rarely on any site you can do without it, except only where the groundwater level reaches just to the surface. But on this earth, and the reservoir does not want. Here, all the efforts will be directed to the owner of the soil drainage using drainage systems.

But the rest will have to make sure that no water goes into the ground. Arrangement of several options: a concrete bowl, a plastic container, Foil insulations.

Why concrete - not the best option? First of all, it's high costs. On the improvement of the pond, you will spend a considerable sum, because the concrete structure should not just pour, but also a reinforce.

The wall thickness in the palm of you would like to take. The bowl must withstand a heavy load inside and outside, so that the 20 cm - this is the minimum for a small pool
The wall thickness in the palm of you would like to take. The bowl must withstand a heavy load inside and outside, so that the 20 cm - this is the minimum for a small pool

Imagine the disappointment would be if from seasonal shifts of ground suddenly the bottom of your tank will crack! Patching cracks are - a thankless task. And that is sad - a large crack formed at night after heave rain, the water can totally go. Come to the pond to feed the fish, and then dry the bowl.

The second option - a plastic container. If you just need to arrange a cascading waterfall or a small fountain - actually buy such a capacity.

In winter, remove it in the room, so that it is not cracked from the cold, and in summer, use with pleasure
In winter, remove it in the room, so that it is not cracked from the cold, and in summer, use with pleasure

In these small bowls can survive some aquatic plants, but not fish. And the tanks are large enough to be already cost very well. Such vessels can be ordered, choosing their own form and volume. But it is quite expensive, troublesome to delivery and installation. And it does not last as long as desired.

All this logically leads to the selection of membrane waterproofing materials. Now Membrane bushings are completely safe for the environment and human health, have affordable price and can last half a century.

These films differ admirable resistant to chemical and mechanical action
These films differ admirable resistant to chemical and mechanical action

Installation of waterproofing film-type - a simple exercise that does not require special skills and allows you to create a bottom relief as you want.

You agree that film to date - the most practical solution. It remains only to find out what type of material is best to choose for your environment.

The film for the pond: types, characteristics, choice of destination

Now there are all new types of waterproofing membraneBut not all are suitable for decorating ponds.

The main requirement for this material - strength, because even if you do not plan to swim in the pond, you have from time to time to clean it. In it will be formed algae can drop stones from the shore and attack the roots of nearby plants
The main requirement for this material - strength, because even if you do not plan to swim in the pond, you have from time to time to clean it. In it will be formed algae can drop stones from the shore and attack the roots of nearby plants

Three types of waterproofing membrane accurately withstand this pressure: PVC, high density polyethylene and butyl rubber.

Butyl membrane for pond

You can find another name Butyl film - EPDM membrane. This synthetic material, characterized by high durability. Such a film is not afraid punctures, it is not torn soil during the displacement, in this case, very tight to the walls of the excavation.

This material is not scattered by prolonged contact with the ultraviolet light, the frost does not crack and does not rot
This material is not scattered by prolonged contact with the ultraviolet light, the frost does not crack and does not rot

1 m² of the film weighs slightly more than one kilogram and material thickness - 1mm. Elasticity butyl - 300%, the temperature mode of operation from -45 to + 120C. This waterproofing can be repaired using a patch and a special adhesive. The average cost of material - from 350 rubles per 1 m².

Film produced in the bands from 3 to 15 m of the strips can be glued cloth of any size, so there is a possibility to build a very large pond.

PVC film and its characteristics

PVC film - another affordable option for waterproofing. She, too, is maintainable, easily fits into a pit of any size and topography. This material has an attractive cost in the region of 170 rubles per 1 m². He is not afraid of sunlight, tolerates frost.

There is evidence that serious shifting of soil such isolation can not withstand the tension
There is evidence that serious shifting of soil such isolation can not withstand the tension

1 m² weighs approximately 600-800 g of film thickness varies from 0.5 to 1.2 mm. PVC elasticity in the region of 200%. This material also tolerates mechanical stress and is resistant to damage, does not change its properties at sharp temperature drops.

There is an opinion that PVC can release chlorine compounds in water. This is a controversial topic, since, despite a lot of skeptical arguments in a thousand of ponds safely live and aquatic plants and fish, with no visible signs of poisoning
There is an opinion that PVC can release chlorine compounds in water. This is a controversial topic, since, despite a lot of skeptical arguments in a thousand of ponds safely live and aquatic plants and fish, with no visible signs of poisoning

Polyethylene waterproofing

This is the cheapest version of the arrangement of a small pond. Perhaps, it is suitable for those who are just mastering this kind of decorating portion and even if he is not sure, ready to suffer more serious charges. Thick polyethylene strips available in a width of 3 m, it would be enough for the isolation of a small fountain or a waterfall.

It should be noted that in such a small body of water you can without doubt release the goldfish, the film is, in principle, be safe
It should be noted that in such a small body of water you can without doubt release the goldfish, the film is, in principle, be safe

Low density polyethylene is quite elastic, durable and will withstand a couple of winters and hot summer one season. The price of pleasure - from 120 rubles per 1 m².

How to make a choice of waterproofing film

The first criterion, from which you will have to make a start - is the amount that you are willing to spend. If until this experiment - limit to polyethylene. A large pond with it can not be built, glue it practically impossible, and for a modest body of water will be enough.

And if you are already ripe for a complete solution, the choice will depend on the size and depth of your pond
And if you are already ripe for a complete solution, the choice will depend on the size and depth of your pond

For comparatively small bowls depth of 2 m is enough PVC applications. If your intention is to build a large-scale, but still want to swim in a pond - will have to fork out for butyl rubber.

A little about the film with gravel

It is on sale at a very attractive type of vinyl film, which is glued fine gravel. This material can be used for registration of the coastline, to the black color of the main waterproofing is not conspicuous.

She was placed on the edge of the water and immersed in water for about one meter
She was placed on the edge of the water and immersed in water for about one meter

Fully build the pond of such a film is inappropriate: it will collect all the mud, make it difficult to clean the pond and still will acquire algae. And it is a pleasure many - from 210 rubles per running meter at a width of 60 cm.

How to choose a film producer for the pond

The choice of waterproofing material let you down more and to find a bona fide producer. Now on the market many brands which prefer? Here is a basic list of trusted companies whose products are successfully operated in our environment for many years.

PVC waterproofing:

  • Agrilac - Italian company that offers quality and affordable products. One of the best materials on the user feedback;
  • WTB ELBEsecur - manufacturer, offering excellent German quality with a double margin of safety;
  • IZOFOL - PVC from Poland attracts not only for its quality but also the democratic price;
  • Gardena - a major European concern, which in addition to the film produces many products garden decoration. The main power of the concern are located in Germany;
  • RENOLIT - a wide range of film of width and thickness with German quality;
  • Heissner - chemical conglomerate, which, inter alia, produces PVC materials. Last on the list, as there are some complaints about the quality.
Films from Agrilac manufacturer renowned for their durability
Films from Agrilac manufacturer renowned for their durability

Butyl rubber film:

  • Larex - Italian company that manufactures thin membrane of small ponds;
  • EPDM PondLiner - the best choice butyl rubber production with unrivaled quality. Delivers its product in 100 countries;
  • Ergis - Polish products is quite difficult to find, but instead spent on the search effort, you will get excellent goods;
  • OASE and Pontec - high-class products of the German production is not cheap, but guarantees high strength products.
EPDM PondLiner waterproofing is not less than half a century
EPDM PondLiner waterproofing is not less than half a century

It's not all manufacturers whose products are presented on the shelves. But it should be noted that the listed company - the best in this segment.

How to build a garden pond of film

And now, from theory to practice. Building a garden pond - troublesome. It is necessary to choose the right place, dig a pit, and perform all the rules of waterproofing.

How to choose a location for the pond? Pond - it is a very attractive object in the garden, so it is better if it will be visible to a business center and fine - unless the houses.

It would be nice if at least part of the day on the water will fall from the shadow of a tree or a building - as will be less to develop microalgae
It would be nice if at least part of the day on the water will fall from the shadow of a tree or a building - as will be less to develop microalgae

But remember: next to the tree there is a danger that the fall leaves and fruit into the water. Will have during fruiting and leaf fall netting to protect water from pollution. If you plan to keep fish in the pond - you need to connect the servicing equipment: filter and air compressor. In this case, it is planning to place the object, and we must proceed from the proximity to communications.

Now, practical recommendations for the construction of a small ornamental pond:

IllustrationDescription of the action
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondAfter marking the dig pit. Start work better with the center moving to the edges, creating, if necessary, terraces. If the pond is deep - do not do steep walls, they can crumble with time. It needs a pit depth of not less than one and a half meters from the wintering pit at a depth of two meters for the reservoir, which will overwinter fish.
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondIf the pond is small only in the summer and will be operated, it is possible to lay the tape directly on the ground, pre-aligning the site and removing it with all the sharp stones, including small. For a more or less large ponds under the film definitely need to pave geomembrane. If that is not at hand, you can use the old linoleum, Oilcloth tablecloths or other similar material that protect the material from direct contact with the ground. Better film laid on a warm day, so it will be more flexible.
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondStart filling the pond with water and simultaneously pull the film edges to straighten wrinkles. The more evenly you defeat her, the more accurate will look like a pit.
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondPress the edges of the film bricks or stones. If you have very uneven shore, use a strip of gravel for processing the edges.
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondBeautifully decorate the shores of large natural stones. Replace the bottom of the pond pump for the fountain. At this stage, you can hide it from the cord under the backfilling and stonework.
The selection and types of film for the pond with fish - how to make the perfect pondThe final stage - the plant premises and decoration backlit and grit around.

Tip! If you want to ease the task of cleaning the pond, you can lay on top of the film and pressed stones geotextile. This simple technique will bring an annual cleaning to replace the flooring in the new hassle.

Several lights Operating garden pond

Pond - a permanent job. Do not think that without your participation pond will delight you with their views. If you do not take care of him, he will soon turn into a smelly swamp with a muddy green water and dead plants. To prevent this, use some method of water purification: this can be done by an external filter with an ultraviolet lamp, bioplato, specialty chemicals to clean ponds.

UV filter - is a reliable and safe water for fish cleaning tool
UV filter - is a reliable and safe water for fish cleaning tool
Not all chemicals are acceptable for them, and they are very short
Not all chemicals are acceptable for them, and they are very short
Bioplato - effective system, but its construction and start-up will take time
Bioplato - effective system, but its construction and start-up will take time

How do bioplato - in this short video lectures:

In any case, the pond should be cleaned at least once a year. It is better to do it in the spring to summer it please you with its purity. During the annual harvest water should be pumped out, remove the sediment, and if you do not use a second layer of geotextile, wash walls from the filamentous algae.

Do you have a pond on the site? Very interesting to learn about your experiences. Write about it in the comments!