Lavatera: photo of flowers in a flower bed, examples of use in landscape design

Lavatera (garden rose) is an annual or perennial crop that lasts several months. It can often be seen in garden plots or city flower beds. The culture belongs to the Malvov family. Thanks to the variety of varieties, a shrub with lush flowers of a wide variety of color palettes can be grown on the site.

Lavatera flowers of pink and white color close-up

Lavatera is a herbaceous shrub with rather powerful stems

Lavatera in landscape design


  • Lavatera in landscape design
  • Types and varieties of lavatera: description with photo
    • Three-month lavatera (Lavatera trimestris)
    • Lavatera arborea (Lavatera arborea)
    • Cretan Lavatera (Lavatera cretica)
    • Lavatera mauritanica
    • Lavatera variety "Pink Beauty"
  • How to plant a lavender in a flower bed or plot?
  • How to care for a laver in the garden?
  • Video: Reproduction of lavater by self-seeding, care and cultivation
  • Photo of beautiful compositions with lavater in flower beds

In combination with other colors, the culture also looks great. Its pink flowers look harmoniously with flowers that have blue or purple buds.

Water drops on the petals of a laurel flower

The main decoration of the lavarette is large and bright funnel-shaped flowers

You can plant next to the lavater:

  • verbena;
  • sage;
  • delphinium;
  • irises.

Plant varieties that are characterized by white flowers go well with any flowers. However, ageratums or lilac petunias are often preferred. Lavater can be seen both in single landings and in groups. The culture is planted in flower beds and garden beds. It stands out as a bright spot on the grassy lawn.

Snow-white flowers on the annual lavaret

Lavareta three months old with white flowers

In landscape design, flower compositions look original, which are planted in a certain color scheme. The optimal solution is the choice for planting different varieties with a smooth transition of colors from white to purple.

Many gardeners plant perennial lavender on their plots. The plant grows well from seed and is not demanding to care for. With proper adherence to the planting rules, the lavatera will definitely transform the site and will delight the eye with abundant flowering.

Lavatera or garden rose in the photo below:

Blooming lavatera near the netting

With the help of high stems of the lavater, you can cover unpleasant places in the garden.

Growing Lavater with other plants

Pink lavatera combined with white hydrangea

Marigolds on the same flowerbed with lavater

White lavatera combined with yellow marigolds

Types and varieties of lavatera: description with photo

Basically, gardeners grow 3 types of crops:

  1. Annual, which is represented by a species such as a three-month lavatera.
  2. Perennial, represented by the Thuringian Lavater species.
  3. Two-year (tree lavatera).
Lush bush of Thuringian Lavatera during flowering

Lavatera Thuringian is found in the European part of Russia, in the meadows of Western Siberia and in Asia Minor

Three-month lavatera (Lavatera trimestris)

A tall lavatera bush can reach 1.2 m. The leaves, located in the lower part, are rounded, sometimes heart-shaped, serrated along the edges. The leaves located at the top of the plant are usually three- or five-lobed. Funnel-shaped flowers grow from leaf sinuses, their diameter is 10 cm. The corolla is white, pink or carmine. It begins to bloom in July.

Pink flowers of a three-month-old lavatera close up

Lavatera three months - an annual crop with a tall and powerful bush

Popular varieties:

  • Mont Blanc. A bush 0.6 m high, veins of a dark color are visible on white flowers.
  • Gorgeous. The bush is quite powerful, you can see large inflorescences of white, pink or carmine color on it.
  • Silver Cap. The bush reaches a height of 0.7 m, pink flowers have burgundy veins.
  • Ruby queen. The bush is quite tall (about 1 m), the flowers have a rich carmine color.
  • Novella. As a rule, the bushes grow up to 0.2 m in height.However, in the open field they are slightly higher. The flowers are pink.
  • Goddess of the sun. On a high bush (about 1.1 m), flowers with a diameter of 6 cm appear, their color can be very different.
  • White Sherub. The bush is low (only 0.35 m), the flowers are large, white.

What a three-month-old Lavatera looks like on a flower bed can be seen in the photo below:

Planting lavatera with pink flowers in the park

Lavatera three-month-old is often grown in city parks.

Simple flower bed with lavater at their summer cottage

Lavatera goes well with many annual flowers

Favorite flower bed with lavater and other flowers

In a flower bed, lavatera is usually placed in the background.

Lavatera arborea (Lavatera arborea)

This plant is characterized by a straight stem 2 m high.The shape of the leaves is oval, they grow up to 20 cm in length. The flowers have a purple-red color, darker veins are clearly distinguished. It begins to bloom in June, the flowering period ends in mid-September.

Red-pink flowers on a sturdy stem of a lavatera

Arboreal Lavatera is a tall, biennial plant with a strong, erect stem.

Allocate varieties:

  • Candy Floss. The flowers are pale pink.
  • Rosea. This variety is characterized by beautiful pink flowers.

Cretan Lavatera (Lavatera cretica)

The culture is well grown in the middle lane. It can reach a height of 1.8 m. The stem is erect, branched, on its surface you can see tomentose pubescence. Leaflets are round and long (about 20 cm), five- or seven-lobed. The flowers are small, their diameter is only 3.5 cm, they have a lilac or purple color. They are collected in groups of 2-8 flowers, growing from leaf sinuses.

Small flowers on the Cretan Lavaret with straight stems

Cretan laurel flowers with purple stripes on the petals

Lavatera mauritanica

Suitable for growing in warm regions of Russia. In height, the bushes stretch up to 0.8 m. Branched erect shoots, on the surface, felt pubescence is observed. Rounded leaves are pointed at the top. The diameter of the purple flowers is about 3 cm.

Purple-pink flowers on Lavatera mauritanica

Beautiful laurel moorish flowers

The plant is used for medicinal purposes. The remedies made from lavater help against coughs, headaches, colds, intestinal disorders, gastritis, gynecological diseases, etc. Fresh leaves can be applied to wounds that do not heal for a long time.

Lavatera variety "Pink Beauty"

A tall plant (about 90 cm), which is characterized by bright pink buds with dark veins. The shape of the flowers is funnel-shaped. The plant blooms from June to October.

Dark veins on the pink petals of Lavaret's flowers Pink Beauty

Photo of pink beauty laurel flowers

More often planted in a group with other plants as a tapeworm, a garter is needed.

How to plant a lavender in a flower bed or plot?

Lavater is planted with seeds or seedlings. The favorable period is the end of April. For a garden rose, you need to select a warm, bright place. When planting, you do not need to plant them too close to each other.

Flower and seed capsule of three-month-old laurel

Lavareta seeds are not very small and have good germination.

Seedlings of lauret for planting in the garden

If you plant Lavareta seedlings in March, then at the end of May you can enjoy its flowering

Planting a lavater won't take long. It is important to take into account that there is no stagnant water on the site selected for planting. Excessive moisture can lead to rotting of the root system.

Small bush of laurel with pink flowers

Lavareta reproduces well by self-seeding. If you allow the seeds to crumble to the ground, then next year many of them will sprout on their own.

As already mentioned, the plant loves warmth and light, so it should be under the sun for several hours a day. To increase the flowering period of the lavater, it is necessary to plant it in light, fertilized soil. Ventilation of the root system is of particular importance, as is the ability to retain water. Before planting, dig up the soil, add humus, ash, sand, a complex of nutrients.

Flowers grown by seedlings begin to bloom earlier.

Beautiful bouquet with lautera in a glass vase

Delicate lavatera flowers look great in bouquets of wildflowers

How to care for a laver in the garden?

Watering the bushes is carried out only when necessary. Although the lavatera tolerates drought well, it still needs watering. If the hot days are long enough, the plant should be watered once a week, spending 20-30 liters of water on it. Otherwise, watering is not necessary so often.

Garden bed with planted Lavatera seedlings

While the sprouts are small, they need good watering, loosening and weeding.

Bushes of impressive size must be tied to a support. As soon as their height reaches 100 cm, loosening of the soil around the bushes should be stopped to avoid damage to the root system.

The beginning of flowering on a lavatera bush

When the lavater bushes grow up, they themselves will displace all the weeds.

Withered flowers must be removed, because after the last rain they become like mucus.

Some time after planting the plant, the first feeding is carried out. To do this, you need a spoonful of urea and the same amount of nitrophosphate, which are diluted in a bucket of water. If during the digging the soil was fertilized, then there is no need for such top dressing. Re-feeding is already required during the budding period.

Video: Reproduction of lavater by self-seeding, care and cultivation

Photo of beautiful compositions with lavater in flower beds

Lovely lavatera - photo of flowers in a flower bed:

Lavatera in landscape design - photos of beautiful compositions: