In recent years there has been a steady trend among homeowners in apartment blocks go on the stand-alone options heating. The increased financial capacity of the apartment owners allow today to provide heating in the apartment on a completely different, a higher technical level. This was largely contribute appeared autonomous devices and aggregates, having high efficiency and economy.

The desire to make your apartment completely independent of district heating is understandable and explainable. Often the quality of the heating system works leaves much to be desired in the winter. Barely warm battery when outside lyutuet winter, unreasonable financial costs - the necessary prerequisites to completely abandon the heating in the apartment.
Alternative embodiments of heating. The reality and the consequences of this step
The main argument, which is guided by the apartment owner, who wished to disconnect from the heating plant and do in your home heating system - independent. For our country, the characteristic feature is the rapid change of the seasons. Summer ends quickly, the heat accumulated in the houses during the warm period, quickly disappears. For many of us wait state, when officially will start the heating season due to the discomfort. Before the date of the inclusion of district heating is still a lot of time, but it is already cold and not cozy in the apartment. There is a way, and it just begs.
Its autonomous boiler is able to solve these problems once and for all. But how in his apartment disable central heatingTo make their own decisions when, how much and for what pay? All these questions require careful analysis and competent approach. The main problem - a huge bureaucratic work. Once and for all abandon the services of regional energy companies need permits mass and accompanying documentation.

Legislation in this case is neutral, a dual position. On the one hand, the law does not forbid us to abandon district heating services, but off itself entails a lot of legal formalities. Difficulties for tenants who are willing to put in the home heating system, linked with the technical nuances of improvement of houses. What would become clearer, it is possible to present your house in the section. Numerous pipes, risers, coils, radiators, valves and heat accounting counters represent a single complex network. From a theoretical point of view, it can be shut down, however, from the technical side - it's a real Engineering problem.
Any unauthorized intervention into the system could lead to malfunction of the whole complex. Switching off one apartment of a single heating system will require conversion of the entire network and is associated with a large amount of engineering work.
Important! All expenses for the reconstruction and reorganization of the district heating systems of apartment buildings associated with disconnection of heating per subscriber, fall on his shoulders.
The whole system is in accordance with the legislation is part of a single property complex, which belongs to the apartment building. The assets of a residential building, its functionality and performance is determined by the homeowners. The conclusion suggests itself - decisions on amendments to the district heating system is taken collectively. Such a requirement is clearly stated in the Housing Code. Disabling one apartment individual decision. However, the unauthorized disconnection without obtaining appropriate permits and approvals, will be prosecuted. In some cases, such action on the part of the landlord, may qualify as a criminal offense. Any work related to utilities in the apartment building, should be carried out, in accordance with relevant resolutions, the terms of reference and the draft.
Decision is made. How to disconnect from the heating plant
Push off in this case it is necessary from the provisions prescribed in the "Rules of Service of centralized water and heat supply", which have been approved by Government Decision. In accordance with the rules, you have the right to refuse the energy services company in the supply of heat and hot water. The procedure for refusal based on the provisions of the existing contract between the owner of the apartment, and the company - supplier of heat. Any contract can be terminated. Real or fictitious reasons for the termination of the contract for the supply of hot water and heating can always be found. To date, the majority of companies operating in the district heating market, systematically violate the contractual terms, not to mention the neglect of the existing sanitary norms and rules.

You have decided to abandon the centralized heating, then you will find the following:
- carry out at its own expense and on their own conversion of the system to ensure that the adjacent residential heating and hot water in full;
- perform work for the resumption of normal operation in the adjacent apartments ventilation and drainage.
All work provided appropriate SNIP (41-01-2003, 23-02-2003 and 01/31/2003). Technical work without the consent of neighbors and other residents of your home, it is prohibited to perform.
A significant obstacle to the realization of his desire to become independent of service providers are industry orders and instructions.
For example: Disconnecting from central heating and hot water user is only executed subject -otkazyvatsya of services should the whole house. Such restrictions introduced an unofficial ban on the refusal of the CH and DHW separate apartments. Such rules conflict with the provisions of the Housing Code, but from a technical point of view to prove the illegality of communal action is difficult.
This situation is a mass phenomenon and significantly limits our legal right to dispose of his property. We have become dependent on the willingness of other property owners in an apartment building, which arranges things, and they do not intend to change the current situation for a variety of reasons. If you seek to protect their ownership rights through the courts, the chances of winning the case is, however, this procedure can take a long time. Reasons for the refusal to authorize the disconnection could be technical reasons that explain the inability of work to disable the functionality without disrupting the entire CO and hot water supply.
On a note: Even the presence of the owner of an apartment debts for heating, will not be for the company - the service provider the reason for the trip. The network will remain intact, while the debt will be collected from the debtor in court.
heat providers are monopolists in the heating market, are trying by all means to maintain its sphere of influence to the housing fund.
Legal niceties and nuances when disconnecting the CO
There is an option off the central heating without the need to apply for a permit. Many of us have rarely seen eye to contract with the utilities on heat supply in your home. A priori, it is considered that the owners of an apartment building housing agree to the terms of supply of district heating services. In fact, the situation is hanging in the air from a legal point of view. No contract, no obligations.

Especially in almost every house you can find people who voluntarily disconnect from the heat and managed to equip their apartments autonomous heating systems. Prosecutions for arbitrariness in this situation, there is little, so the situation everyone decides on his own risk.
Consider a situation where for the realization of the reality of your desire to abandon district heating services, the consent of tenants and neighbors, your house is not required.
Apartment buildings are often not fully executed the technical documentation relating to the heating system. In this connection, it often happens that the heating elements of the system are not part of the property complex of buildings. Despite the fact that in such a situation, you will receive a collective agreement for the conversion systems heating in the apartment will not be required authorizations from regulatory and service organizations needed.
The reason is that any interference in the network engineering requires mandatory registration in the technical documentation. There is a technical passport, which takes into account all the information about operating the heating system for each house. Removal of radiators, Box and installing plugs in apartments, any other changes should be reflected in the data sheet. Guided by Art. 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation for further action, you will need the following documents:
- application in a free form;
- the log on switchable apartment;
- documents confirming the right of ownership (use) flat;
- written consent of all the legitimate inhabitants of the apartment;
- technical advice of experts on the possibility of disconnection and the subsequent conversion of communications.
To complete the picture you want to attach to the package of the draft reorganization documents, which is being developed by specialists of relevant organizations and authorities. As part of the project documentation must be calculations that prove the functionality of the central heating system in the house in the absence of the elements off the apartment. In addition to the project to have a better thermal-hydraulic calculation scheme object, an exact calculation of the residual heat.
Technically competent project is the first step to obtaining a permit. However, if your changes may adversely affect the thermal efficiency of the whole house and cause violation of the temperature in the apartments of other homeowners, this project will be rejected.
Technical difficulties
If all the documents meet the requirements, the conversion project of an apartment agreed, type independent source heating meets the standards of fire safety and operating conditions in an apartment house, you can expect to receive authorization. Another thing is that such actions on the part of public utilities do not meet the enthusiasm and bureaucratic procedure can take months.

Regarding the technical side of things, with the task of disabling the apartment from the central heating does not look complicated. To solve it, you just need to invite skilled workers. Dismantling of the existing equipment and the subsequent installation of an autonomous heating system is carried out in strict accordance with the project, with the participation of specialists.
Otherwise, you may face a number of challenges, first, the technical plan, and then administrative.