Increasingly, the old sewage cast iron pipes replaced with new PVC. Polyvinyl chloride - a modern material best suited for laying pipes and installation of water supply and sanitation.
To create a domestic sewage using products made from high quality material in the factory, where the necessary arrangements production control. Fittings, fastening elements and materials of PVC construction system designed to be mounted external gravity sewage system for transporting sewage at a maximum temperature of 60 ° C for 2 minutes. Acceptable water supply temperature up to 100 degrees.

Technical characteristics of PVC products
PVC products are made from thermoplastic, which even after the heat treatment retains its properties form. The main components used in the production - ethylene and stabilized chlorine. In addition to use stabilizers and additives to improve performance.
The main technical indicators:
- Density - 1.4 kg / m3.
- Limit fluid flow - 50-56 MPa.
- Thermal conductivity - 0.15-0.25 W / m.
- Tensile strength - 30-50 MPa.
- Mounting at extreme temperatures plastic sewer pipes - from -5 ° C to + 90 ° C.
- Plasticity and the maximum bending radius - at 20 ° C - 300mm.

Due to its excellent performance, PVC products have gained special popularity among builders. Plastic products have a number of distinctive advantages:
- Low weight.
- Resistance to the appearance of obstructions, dirt build-up on the walls.
- Not subject to corrosion processes.
- Easy to assemble. Therefore, installation of sewage plastic pipes can be made with your own hands.
- Strong and durable. The service life of the pipeline with the condition proper stacking is 80 years old.
- Resistant to acids, alkaline substances.
- Low price.
- High internal pressure range, depending on the wall thickness and pipe diameter.
- A wide range of elements, as well as fasteners, allowing to create the design of any complexity.

There is a small drawback - the plastic does not tolerate high temperatures, so the material is not suitable for the creation of heating systems. But it is perfectly manifests itself in creating sewage:
- the inside;
- exterior;
- pressure;
- gravity.
Names quite accurately represent the design. Get sewers of these systems can be in a private house and the apartment. To create a reliable wastewater pipes need to know the rules of installation, the nuances of his erection.
Laying of sewerage in a private house
The principal difference from the sewage water supply is the thickness of the walls. The system does not waste large pressure, pressure surges so selected wall thinner. For owners of cottages or private homes holding laying sewer is divided into two parts: internal and external.

Features of the inner structure
For interior applications using small diameter products 50, 100 and 110 mm. The most widely used in the laying of drainage from the toilet to the collector. For connecting to other sanitary devices sufficient diameter to 50 mm. At arrangement of the internal system need to follow the rules:
- The width of the sewer pipe should not be less than the main backbone threads.
- Compound branches adjacent horizontally conducted using only bevel tees.
- Be designed scheme to work should be there, where it will be more convenient. The location should take into account the accessibility for repair in case of emergencies. Most often it is a basement.
- The main part of the structure is collected in the warm part of, the final output to the outside.
- A mandatory requirement is the presence of a protective, exhaust valve.
- Turns must be equipped with revisions - is access to the inside of the structure. It is necessary, as it happens in these places the most problematic situations.
- Particular attention should be given to installing the sewer pipe.
- Installed sewage at an angle of 45 degrees.
- Place exit to the street must be securely sealed.

After clarifying all the details you can begin to assemble domestic sewage. To do this, you need to prepare the tools:
- a hammer, a chisel;
- silicone sealant;
- soldering plastic pipe;
- level marker.
Preparation begins with the application partitioning scheme from the entry into the riser tee to all plumbing fixtures. Put a mark with respect to the necessary slope. Clamps for fixing the sewer pipes to the walls and ceiling mounted according to the diameter.
The peculiarity of the internal wiring is gravity sewers. Wastewater merge by gravity down the laws of physics. Therefore, assembly is performed at a slant 1-1.5 degrees. Another important point is the selection of the diameter of the prefabricated elements:
- For the riser and the corrugations under the toilet selected diameter 100mm.
- For laying pipe to the bathtub and sink - 50mm.
- Draining from household appliances (washing machine) - 32 mm.

After adjusting all the structural elements, proceed directly to packing. The algorithm is as follows:
- The inner surface of fine tuning to the state of roughness of the light. This will provide a better grip of the material.
- Degreased edge parts methylene chloride.
- Held gluing elements. For this purpose, a swab or a brush, wherein the inner part of the socket is applied a small layer of glue and the external connection surface thick layer.
- Put on a fitting way to mark match the size of the markup. Further details are developed according to the markings. They must be matched with each other. Held in this position for about 30 seconds.
- Butt coat with sealant or adhesive.

According to this scheme is going to the entire structure. If you have a soldering iron, connect the plastic pipe can be with it, but the joints must be treated with sealant. To assemble the entire sewer system will take not more 3 hours with observance of all rules. This scheme applies to lifting unit in the apartment with his hands.
Assembling an external system
To mount the drain pipe external system used orange. Coloring in this case, says the use of these products only outside the premises.
For arranging space for laying drainage create a pillow of sand and gravel. The height of such a blanket are not more than 200 mm. The creation of such pads is carried out under the pipes and on top of them. First, sand is filled, then gravel. The order styling should not violate.

Laying of sewerage is carried out in specially prepared trenches. If the height of the trench will be insufficient, the system may freeze. Therefore it is necessary to know how deep to bury plastic sewer pipe. There are mandatory requirements for the determination of this parameter:
- The way the system should lie below the level of soil freezing. This figure will vary depending on the region. On the European side, this figure is equal to 80 cm.
- At the entrance into the septic tank or a sewage pit level drops to the level of 100 cm.
- The depth of the trench at the outlet under the foundation is 50 cm, provided sewage temperature above 15 degrees.
If there is no possibility of laying the system at a given depth, pipe insulation made by insulators or heating cable. They will help keep the heat inside the system and will save the liquid from freezing and creating ice plugs.

Performing sewer installation is performed as follows:
- The pipe is inserted into a special sleeve in the foundation.
- Treated edge grease with a rubber gasket installed, are joined together until it stops. Entrance end of the socket is carried out by 40-45 mm. Use silicone grease in this case is not desirable to prevent rubber bundle.
- Paving drainage system on a flat surface without displacement. If you want to change the direction, use the taps. At each branching set audit.
- If the land is flat, but its length is more than 20 meters, the installation of the well is also required.
- Sewerage system is conducted to the cesspool, septic tank or pit. At this point, connect cleaning station to obtain process water. It is convenient to use a hydroponic setup or cleanup.
- Next, the entire system is subject to checking for leaks and tightness of joints.
- In the assembled structure is placed thermal insulation, and is filled with sand.

To connect pipes using the socket method. Collect the design of the elements of the various materials is unacceptable. Since they have different coefficients of thermal conductivity. Changes in temperature can distort the system and create a leak in the line.
How to check the system for leaks
Any collected design requires testing and verification of its functionality. Mounted sewer system is being tested on the following algorithm:
- To use the internal system 10 liter bucket. His gain complete and dramatically upset the sink to create the maximum amount of liquid in the drain and the pressure on the pipe walls. For reliability test, the water pouring used repeatedly.
- Throughout the design includes all the sanitary appliances to create a maximum load length of the entire system. To do this, open all the taps, turned on the sink bowl and the washing machine. Such a check will identify the leak, find out the capacity to evaluate the tightness of joints.
- If the problem has been identified, it eliminated immediately. To do this, dismantle the place of leakage and re-harvested, with particular attention to the quality of the assembly and sealing of joints.
- If the problem arose again, the joint is further processed with silicone sealant. After drying, the test must be repeated.

If the new leaks are not detected, the design is ready for operation.
Build your own sewage - consuming process, but it does not require much physical effort. Mainly for the master is correct and connections between all elements of construction. It will be the most expensive part of a digging trenches and laying the outer system.
Subject to the guidelines and recommendations for the assembly, carrying the correct slope and qualitatively made work on the sewerage arrangement process will not cause much difficulty, and your system will run smoothly many years.