- Classification
- General requirements for vacuum cleaners
- The most common failures of vacuum cleaners
What is cleaning - the housewives know very well. For many, this is a monotonous routine work, which you want to mechanize at any cost. Therefore, the vacuum cleaner is one of the best assistants of any woman in the house. But did it all come to mind how this indefatigable toiler works? Looking at a modern compact device, it's hard to believe that the first vacuum cleaners in size could match the car. The design was located outside the room and howled in the process of working so that these sounds could be compared with the hurricane coming on the city.
Today everything is much better. The vacuum cleaner has compact dimensions, it works much quieter. At the same time, the quality of cleaning has improved significantly, and the working life has become longer. In addition, the market presents several types of units with different operating principles. We will try to understand how the device looks like a vacuum cleaner, how the units work, the purpose of which is dust removal.
to the contents ↑Classification
Depending on the functionality, the following types of vacuum cleaners are distinguished:
- Equipped with dust collection bags or containers.
- With aquafilter.
- Vertical.
- Separator.
- Built-in.
Vacuum cleaners with containers or bags
This is the simplest vacuum cleaner known to every person since childhood. Consider the device of a vacuum cleaner, how this structure functions, what are its qualitative characteristics.
What is necessary for the device to function stably?
- The basis of the vacuum cleaner with a dust bag is a hose and a set of nozzles. It is with their help that the dust, saturated with dust and debris, gets inside the device.
- Garbage settles in the dust collector. This can be a textile or paper bag, as well as a plastic container.
Important! Which dust bag is better - hard to say. Everything depends on the individual preferences of the owner.
- Only part of the debris and dust settles in the dust collector. Which part - depends on the material from which it is made. The rest of the air travels through the inner maze of the vacuum cleaner.
- The main danger is that dust-laden air approaches the engine of the unit. To protect the motor from dust, the vacuum cleaners are equipped with a coarse filter( also called a motor filter).
Important! Its purpose is to protect the engine of the device from sand, debris and other contaminants, which can cause damage to the unit.
- After passing through the motor filter, the air is directed to the outlet. It is absolutely clear that measures to prevent the release of polluted air into the room will not be superfluous.
Important! To help come filtering devices, such as HEPA, capable of detaining the smallest specks, which represent a significant danger to health.
How does the vacuum cleaner work with an aquafilter?
The device of the vacuum cleaner of this type also does not differ with special originality. In essence, the aquafilter is the same dust collector, but filled with water.
What is the operating principle of this device?
- As with the traditional model of the vacuum cleaner, the unit with the aquafilter is equipped with a hose and nozzles. At the same time, the diameter of the hose should be sufficient to allow the contaminated air to pass through and not clog. Also important are such requirements as sufficient length and strength of the hose, so as not to turn the cleaning into a painful process.
Important! If the hose is short, you can not vacuum the ceilings or furniture. If it is made of a brittle material, cracks quickly form in it, which will lead to a decrease in the suction capacity of the device.
- After sucking in, the debris goes to the dust collector, which in this case is a container full of water. But here the advantages come before the "dry" dust bag. In the water, dust particles, sand, etc. sink. The plus is already that you do not have to breathe dust suspended in the air.
- The motor filter is also present, as only a part of the debris settles in the water tank. Thus it is necessary to take care of engine protection not only from a dust, but also from water. Naturally, the cost of such a design will be higher.
- HEPA filters that prevent the dusty air from escaping back into the room.
Important! In addition to the undoubted advantage, they also have a disadvantage. Humidified dirt, which accumulates the filter, is a fertile environment for the multiplication of pathogens.
Vertical vacuum cleaners
Recently, these devices are becoming more popular. Convenience is that it does not even have to be connected to the mains. On the market are models that run on battery power, or are equipped with a combined power system.
What are the features of this type of vacuum cleaner?
- The hose of the vacuum cleaner is not vertical. If the hose comes with a vacuum cleaner, it can only be needed from time to time. The role of the absorber is played by a special brush placed at the base of the device.
- From the brush, air is directed to the bag located on the handle of the vacuum cleaner. The material of manufacture can be various.
- The principle difference between the vertical type vacuum cleaner and the previous models is that the motor does not create a powerful suction force, but rotates the shaft on which the brush is attached, as if sweeping dust and rubbing into the interior of the dust collector.
Important! Such devices are equipped with a suction module, but it plays an auxiliary role.
- In vertical units, the motor is no less vulnerable to dust, so the principle of motor protection is the same as in the already described variants.
Important! To protect against the release of dust into the room air, there are the same HEPA filters, with their advantages and disadvantages.
How is the separator type a vacuum cleaner?
The operating principle of this filterless type is somewhat different, so try to understand:
- The vacuum cleaner, like the traditional models, is equipped with a hose and a filter system. The hose must be long, made of durable material.
Important! Features of the hose structure help to increase the suction force.
- The dust bag in this model is presented as a bulb filled with water. The turbine( separator), located inside the bulb, creates a powerful vortex, spinning the dust.
Important! It is imperative that the vortex be powerful enough, otherwise - the quality of the harvest will suffer greatly and all the advantages of the filterless cleaning will come to naught.
- From the bulb to the water, air is directed to the motor and then discharged to the outside.
Important! Unfortunately, it is not possible to get rid of the motor filter in all models. Dust, moistened with water, serves as a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses. However, there is a positive experience from German specialists who equipped their units with capsules made of stainless steel. Now the motor is perfectly protected from dust and moisture, and the filter is completely unnecessary.
Built-in vacuum cleaners
Built-in vacuum cleaner can hardly be called an innovation. At the same time, they are not morally obsolete. This is an excellent invention greatly facilitating homework.
Consider the features of the device vacuum cleaner:
- The basis of the design - hoses with a set of nozzles, without which you still can not do. The hoses are connected to pneumatic sockets located in the wall openings.
- The dust system is guided through a duct system to a centrally located dust collector or sewage system( depending on the model).
- The unit itself is equipped with both engine and filters, but this is not so important. The filter located in the utility room can not damage the health of the owners of the house.
General requirements for vacuum cleaners
Knowing how vacuum cleaners of different types are arranged, we will outline the general requirements for stable operation of vacuum cleaners:
- Dimensions, shape, materials for manufacturing hoses and nozzles. If the diameter of the hose is not enough, and the nozzles are not quite comfortable, then you risk turning the cleaning of the house into torture.
Important! The optimum hose diameter is approximately 50 mm, with a minimum length of 2.5 m. Be sure to note that the material from which the hose is made is not brittle.
- It is advisable to use reusable dust collectors to avoid excessive costs for consumables.
- Vacuum cleaner without filter provides better safety for people, not at the expense of cleaning quality.
Important! Buying a cheap model of a vacuum cleaner, think about what costs in the future you are threatened. The best kind of savings is "saving for future use", with counting on a few steps forward.
to contents ↑Most common vacuum cleaner breakdowns
The components that fail primarily are:
- Bearings.
- Brushes.
- Motor windings.
- Fuses.
- Power leads.
Important! Separate models of vacuum cleaners are equipped with two motors. The second is directly on the brush and causes her villi to move. Avoid overheating this engine is simple: do not press the brush too much.
Features of repairing the vacuum cleaner in that the unit, in addition to standard components, is also equipped with a pump supplying water to the hose. The built-in self-diagnosis system helps to identify the cause of the malfunction.
Basic knowledge of the device vacuum cleaner will make an informed choice and purchase the unit that will suit you the best way.