Problems with home heating during the cold season are the most relevant to the general population of our cities. Hope for a qualitative improvement of the district heating is not necessary. The process of equipping households independent heating system is slow. If we talk about urban apartments in the homes of old buildings, the situation looks even critical. The desire to equip the residents in the apartment additional heating sources encounter prohibitions regulatory organizations.
Despite the illegality of the installation, many of the residents of apartment buildings are trying to equip the apartment floor heating, heating system, which is recognized as the most effective for today day. One desires to do in his apartment heating floors, a little. There are a number of technological problems that have to deal with those who want to improve the comfort of your own home.

Yourself installation of the heating pipes do not cause any problems. it is important to observe the stacking technology. Another thing - the heat source (heater). Gas boilers, central heating and hot water system, all of these connectivity options are the practical implementation. Against this background, it will be interesting to consider from a technological point of view, the possibility to connect floor heating boiler from home.
Trying to connect to the home floor heating boiler. rationale
Calculation and design of the heating system for each of us represents the solution of the problem, which should be two answers - save money and achieve the desired effect. In most cases, we try to make things easy to do in his apartment heating system as effective as possible, while spending a minimum of means. It is this reason and forces us to look for alternative options to connect the heating circuits. The idea of using for this purpose an electric boiler is not ideal, however, and this option has the right to life.
The main problem is that the operation of the electric boiler in this case will be considered misuse, which naturally can lead to failure of the heater before time. Household water heaters are designed to provide the inhabitants of the house with hot water for domestic purposes. Hang the appliance on the extra load, then fundamentally change the device manufacturability.
By the decision of the boiler used as a coolant heat source can only push a strong need and desire to quickly solve the problem of heating homes.
Electric water heaters. design Features
The heating system, which is based on the electrical water heating, is not anything special. The boiler is a device in which water heating is carried out by electricity works. Boilers on the principle of action are divided into two types:
- storage;
- flow.
For models with a storage tank is the main structural element heater providing heated water. The heating elements are usually installed in the storage tank, where the tap water is supplied. Mode switching on and off of the heating elements is provided by automation.
On a note: From a technological point of view, the storage heater is more like a thermos. In the inner enclosure there is heating water. Outside the housing performs the protective function, preventing the inner tank from damage and reducing the amount of heat loss. The space between the casings is filled with insulating material (mineral wool or EPS).
During normal operation of the device, depending on the power of heaters and volume of the tank, water heating is carried out for 2-3 hours. The water in the boiler due to the double hull retains for a long time (12-24 hours) the temperature. The figure shows the diagram of the internal structure of the storage water heater that is connected to the auxiliary heating system Heated floor.

Due to the high operational parameters, storage heater on the design best suited for the operation of underfloor heating in your apartment.
If we talk about electric boiler flow type, there is a schematic diagram is quite different. Offline storage tank, and the entire process takes place inside a compact flask which is equipped with TAN. Unlike collecting devices, flow-through water heaters are equipped with high power heating elements (6-20 kW) capable of intense heating of the water flow in a short period of time.
Important! The water in the flow heater is heated to the required temperature for a few minutes (30-120 seconds), so the rapidly increasing burden on household power.

How to make the right choice of heater
Underfloor heating boiler flow type can be considered unsuitable. Go into the details of such a solution is not necessary. There is one obvious fact - the high consumption of electricity!
Let us consider the storage-type water heaters. When choosing a model, we should pay attention to the capacity of the device. It is this parameter determines the intensity and the rate of heating of tap water. Water heating boiler power is directly related to the amount of electricity consumed. As a rule, domestic boilers have a capacity of 1.5-3 kW.
On a note: Any commercially available electrically boilers whose power is much higher proposed parameters (6-10 kw). Such devices are specially designed to work in combination with heating systems. The only disadvantage of these models, a large power consumption. Are you ready for this, buy!
After power, pay attention to the volume of the storage tank. The more you get hot water, the less will be the periodic switching device for heating water circulating in the water circuit. For household appliances is usually the amount of tanks 50-100 liters. Industrial boilers used for heating system, the storage tank have a volume of 250-300 liters.
Boilers, specially designed for use with heating systems have some differences from household appliances. The main differences are as follows:
- such devices have a different arrangement of the input and output pipes;
- section apertures output / input;
- large size of the storage tank.
In the first case we are talking about a fundamental arrangement of pipes water inlet and outlet. An inlet for cold water supply, arranged at the bottom, whereas the outlet for hot water, located at the top of the tank. Due to this arrangement of the pipes, a maximum possible water circulation to the heating system. With respect to the diameter of the input and output openings, there is an acceptable diameter is not less than 2 mm.
For reference: in household boilers hole diameter of ¾ inch.
Power water heating appliance is determined according to conventional parameters 1 kW - 10 m2 heated area. Therefore, household storage water heaters for home heating are of little use. They can be used for the installation of underfloor heating in confined spaces (bathroom).
Design features underfloor heating on the basis of an electric boiler
When designing your own heating system takes into account:
- number of branches and the length of the pipeline. The more you water circuits, the more their length, the slower will circulate hot water through the system;
- accordance with the power of the boiler size of the heated area of the lower threshold you may face up to date with the fall of the efficiency of heating water. Out situation - with the purchase boiler power margin of 20%.
- constant care of the state of water heating devices. Regular cleaning of storage tank heaters from scale and allow you to keep in good condition of the water pipes of floor heating and prolong heater operation.

Compliance with all these factors allows to proceed directly to the installation of radiant floor heating system, then connecting it to the boiler. Installation of the boiler is usually done in the bathroom or near the premises, which will be heated. To enhance the performance of your heating system, you can install a circulation pump. Thanks to this device an uninterrupted supply of the coolant can be achieved in the water circuit.
Important! Connecting the circulation pump is better to professionals who are aware of the operation of this device.
Assessing the complexity and efficiency of the heating system "warm floor of the boiler" you can already in service. Of course, this method of heating has its advantages. Installation of the entire heating system is quite simple. Place the water circuit, a connection to a heating device, and finally set the boiler, you can own. The main thing to strictly follow the instructions and technology. Not be discounted and low cost of a heating system. Boilers are an order of magnitude smaller than electrical heating boilers.
However, this system has its disadvantages. The most important and significant - the high cost of electricity. During continuous operation of underfloor heating in the cold season, the intensive consumption of hot water for domestic purposes, your energy costs will rise significantly. The best option for the use of such heating system, heating the bathroom or the small size of country homes.