Among the many types of heaters used to create the necessary room temperature, the quartz heater is known Consumers are already several decades, for which the unit had to undergo a lot of changes and improvements that make it the most technologically advanced and safe.

In order to have a sufficient understanding of these instruments in the selection of the unit for the specific conditions, consider the unit more, breaking the review into sections:
1. Design and function.
2. Kinds of quartz heaters, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages:
- lamp;
- monolithic.
3. Safety.
Design and Function
Quartz heater - this appliance, one of the three types of infrared radiant device is used for heating the heating elements, heat emitting and invisible ultraviolet, whereas in a halogen heating the device uses a lamp that emits white light and heat.
Thus, these two kinds of infrared heating devices differ from each other only by the heating element. It would seem that replacing the halogen lamp housing on the quartz from halogen heater you can get a quartz device. But not so simple, because the quartz heaters are divided into the species having the general principle of operation, but different in execution and design.
Kinds of quartz heating devices
The name quartz heaters received from the eponymous material from which, depending on the type of instrument, manufactured bulb or panel heating devices - quartz.
By design the device, these units are divided into the tube and solid, the execution - on the stationary and portable. Each type has its own characteristic advantages and disadvantages, causing the area of application, the degree of perfection and, accordingly, the price of the device. Consider these types of details.
Quartz tube heaters
Design feature of these devices is reflected in the title of the form - lamp, in which are used as a heating element special lamps with quartz glass body radiating heat and ultraviolet radiation directivity is placed into the casing with reflector.
Apparatus quartz lamp
The heating element includes a quartz heater spiral, made of a nickel-chromium alloy - nichrome and placed in a housing made of quartz glass.

This type of device reaches the maximum heating capacity in just 30 seconds after switching on the network, and just as quickly cools down after switching off the device. Consequently, the bulb material (tubes) of the lamp is subjected to thermal shock as the power-on and during turn off of the device. That is why the body of the heating element (bulb) made of quartz glass, capable of transferring an instant heating or cooling an amount of 1000 degrees and Nichrome spiral quartz tube to avoid burnout upon heating is under vacuum.

The diameter of tubes of quartz glass may be in the range 8 - 16 mm, minimum / maximum length Flasks - 100 mm / 1000 mm, the value of the supply voltage - 220/230, 110, 12, 24 and 400 V.
On average, a quartz tube heater is designed for heating 18 cubic meters. room volume, and when you purchase must proceed from these figures. As regards energy consumption, such a unit with a temperature controller when used as a primary and sole heating device consumes a day for heating this volume 2.5 - 3.5 kW.
When buying a quartz heater and calculating the required power of which is to use the approximate formula calculation count - 1 kW to 10 m. area.
Execution of the quartz tube heaters
On execution of electrical quartz heaters are made portable and designed to be mounted on a wall or even the ceiling.
More practical and functional are considered portable devices, but they lose the wall and ceiling in the usability - there is always the chance of accidental tipping device or portable damage electric cable. However, the installation of wall or ceiling device requires certain skills and installation of security measures at the place of installation and device coverage. In addition, at the end of the heating season, stationary units are not in demand, and their periodic assembly-disassembly is inconvenient.
Advantages and disadvantages of the quartz lamp heater
Advanced models of these units due to many advantages are common in everyday life, consumers continue to be used even older samples.
We list these advantages:
- easy operation and routine care;
- off function in case of accidental roll-over or overheating;
- possibility of independent replacement of heating elements;
- compact and lightweight - mobility;
- almost instantaneous access to a predetermined power;
- no effect on the humidity in the room;
- harm to human exposure is minimal - only in violation of the rules of operation;
- availability of all the cost of the range models.
Despite the constant improvement of heating devices of this type, they have disadvantages still exist:
- sensitive, though tied to the device power consumption;
- lack autonomy - dependence on availability of electric power in the network;
- the fragility of quartz lamps, the high probability of failure when accidentally dropped;
- flammability (using a directional near flammable items);
- risk of electric shock (factor of any electrical appliance);
- risk of accidental burns thermal contact with the lamp.
Monolithic Quartz Heaters
This type of quartz infrared heaters is different from the tube design and technology manufacturing, for brevity species name abbreviation used MKTEN - monolithic silica heat-heater.
Device manufactured as follows. First produced heating element - curved serpentine metal tube with sealed ends, encasing a nichrome coil and filled quartz sand. The ends of the spiral derived from the ends of the tube in the form of contacts.
This trubka- "snake" is laid flat in a flat shape with dimensions specified output contact nichrome filament beyond its walls, after which the form is filled in plastic mixture of quartz sand with marble chips based binder - white clay. The mold is sealed and sent to the oven for drying, resulting in a monolithic planar decorative panel of artificial stone with a heating element inside is heated uniformly when passing electricity through nichrome filament and radiating heat to the environment by the effect convection.
When forming slabs using technology to create an aesthetically pleasing panel fit into the existing interior space. When buying such a heater size and capacity are selected based on the individual needs of the consumer.

For ease of use and automatic temperature control in the room, many such heaters are equipped with thermostat. If the thermostat device of the box is missing, there is a technical possibility to install it on the device further.
For efficiency monolithic quartz lamp heater substantially exceeds - by heating 16 - 17 m. area during the day monolithic device consumes about 0.5 kilowatts of power.
Important! When disconnecting the panel its cooling due to the presence of silica sand in the composition of boards is very slow - about 2 degrees per hour, which means that the soft space heating is continued for a few more hours.
Types of heaters for solid performance
Monolithic quartz heater may be portable or mounted on a stationary base.
Transportable panel, despite the considerable weight (10 - 12 kg) can be easily moved due to the existing wheel designs. In this case, the weight of the device is not a disadvantage - the unit more difficult to overturn.
Standard plate size is 610h340h25 mm, which is not a problem when moving between rooms, even in small apartments.

MKTEN installation on the wall, as a rule, is not difficult technically, if you follow the instructions for installing the device. But fixing this unit to the ceiling for safety reasons should be avoided, since the weight of the device makes a significant increased requirements for fasteners and a carrier base characteristics, the error in the implementation of which is fraught with a fall of the device and give injury.

Advantages and disadvantages of monolithic quartz heater
The list of positive characteristics in monolithic heating panels is much wider than that of tube heaters. So that when you buy the device to make the right choices, we list these advantages:
- efficiency;
- termobezopasnost (maximum +95 degrees panel temperature);
- easy daily care;
- resistance to mechanical damage;
- compactness;
- stability;
- aesthetics;
- no harm when used;
- affordability;
- large variety of art-making.
However, there is MKTEN and disadvantages:
- lack of autonomy;
- impossibility of production of repair or replacement of the heating elements;
- accompanying convection dustiness of certain areas of the room.
negative list is modest, even more surprised after reading the really low prices.
Operational Safety quartz heaters
For long-lasting operation and elimination of injuries when using heating devices necessary to perform the following safety requirements:
- The device must be grounded.
- Cleaning devices in switched or hot prohibited.
- Pulling the power cable to move the heater is not allowed.
- Touch the heating element during operation is prohibited.
- Prolonged exposure in the vicinity of the included quartz llamas fraught give burns.
Compliance with the rules for the use of heating appliances as set out in the device user's guide, and the general rules Safety when handling electrical appliances will save your health and prolong the life of even the most modern equipment.