For the private sector residents, the owners of cottages and country houses has always been a topical issue of residential buildings heating organization. Given the wide variety of modern boilers and heating equipment, large technical capabilities, many are interested in the question of how to create a local heating in a private house with his own hands.
According to experts in the field of private house building, the majority of owners of residential houses prefer water heating. Heating in the house is almost 75% of residential households in the private sector, especially in urban areas, at the expense of autonomous water heating systems.
For reference: steam heating is a kind of space heating in which heated coolant is water vapor. I am practicing this kind of heating in the 19th century. Because of the great danger posed by heated to a high temperature steam, a similar process has lost relevance. Over time, the pair has been replaced by water, serving as the primary coolant. Steam heating - a rather old system, which is massively used only in the industrial and manufacturing purposes.
Installation diagram of steam heating for private houses, which today is used almost unchanged, is the simplest and most convenient form of organization of residential space heating. The main reason for failure of steam as a coolant, is a great danger due to strong heating surfaces of the boiler and radiators. Virtually any physical contact with the battery in this case threatening severe burns. steam line system is fraught with considerable breakthrough disaster for the residents, property damage in the room.
He played a role in the rejection of the use of steam and the fact that the boiler is heated almost impossible to regulate, reduce the indoor temperature to a comfortable level. Steam heating homes are often the cause of excessive fuel consumption significantly, making this type of heating uneconomical. Despite the many reasons not to use steam for heating, steam boiler remains a matter of concern for consumers, and the very central heating is a hot topic for discussion.
Modern technical possibilities of the equipment in a private house of independent heating
Many residents of private homes are now trying to independently solve the problem installing their own autonomous heating system. One of the conditions for successful implementation would steam heating circuit, on the basis of which can be equipped with its own gas boiler house and piping system. The figure chart, you can see should look similar to a steam boiler in a private home.

At first glance, nothing complicated, but is required during installation and setup of equipment to comply with the required sequence of connection. Your house that you plan to equip a boiler must have an appropriate size, specially equipped premises for the installation of the boiler. Steam heating in a private home with the help of the scheme proposed to your attention, gives an idea of the principle of the steam boiler and all other equipment.
For reference: officially allowed steam heating in industrial and technological facilities, where there is a need for heating large indoor spaces where human presence is limited. With the success of steam is used as heating medium for the heating of greenhouses.
Given that the official ban on the use in the home steam heating not, each of us is free to decide how to conduct the heat to which the equipment preferred.
In order to understand the principle of operation of steam heating in a house, you need to become familiar with the principle of operation of the system and the scheme of the hardware connections, major components and assemblies of all complex. First of all, it is necessary to dwell on the pros. What gives the central heating for the house, what its advantages are:
- steam heating system is not in danger of freezing. Connect the boiler at any time of the year. This advantage is a key, if there is a choice, what kind of heating a country house prefer;
- heat exchangers provide almost 100% of the heat preservation;
- steam heating efficiency is heating the room by convection air mass and thermal radiation radiator;
- high pressure generated in the system, the coolant provides access to the upper floors, easily providing a warm house with two floors;
- used during installation of smaller diameter pipes, radiators also have smaller dimensions;
- small cost of the equipment, steam heating in a private house with his own hands a fairly simple installation.
For reference: for the steam pipe is better to use metal seamless tube. The diameter of the pipes for steam heating is less. The metal composition includes brass and tin, which prevents the formation of scale inside the steam pipe.
About steam heating disadvantages mentioned at the beginning. Take them into account the right of everyone, for those who prefer the steam boiler Ballroom fairly simple and straightforward scheme. Using the recommendations of experts can build a sufficiently efficient hot-water heating your hands in his own house. What would you spend your own heat in your home, do not skimp on materials and controlling devices. The more sensors and protective mechanisms installed in the system, the higher the confidence principle, the longer will be the normal operation of the boiler, steam lines and radiators.

Starting work on the auxiliary heating equipment at his home, the first thing to do is to make a competent project. At the design stage it is important to take into account all the nuances of technical and engineering, including the area of heated space required temperature parameters and specifications of the unit.
You must decide immediately. The steam boiler will only heat the house, or even necessary, and hot water. The best option is to choose a dual-circuit heating systems, thanks to which you will receive in his house hot water.
Installation of the system is carried out in strict accordance with the terms of the project, otherwise you risk to be faced in the operation of the boiler with water shortages and heat supply. The important point for the normal operation of the steam heating is in the future in readiness space engineering and technically. The boiler is necessary to use a separate room, it is desirable to basement, where there is a constant air. Preparation of the foundation for the boiler to ensure the correct installation and trouble-free operation. Laying can be carried out in a horizontal or vertical. Distributing pipe itself may be the top or bottom. The procedure and method of laying heating pipes depends on the technological characteristics of the building and the interior layout.

The boiler is connected to the backbone of the heating system is carried out in compliance with the necessary security measures. First, it connects to the boiler steam pipe, followed by connection of the radiator. Only after the installation work on the house, you are connecting gas pipe providing gas supply. In the diagram, you can see where and in what places need to install shut-off valves, control sensors, additional pumps and tanks. The sequence of connecting the piping system, installation of instrumentation further defines your safety and comfort level in the home.
The principle of operation of the system. Types of steam heating
In order to find out how to make an effective steam heat in a private house, a pre-better acquainted with what the different types.
Technologically, there are two systems:
- closed, ie, closed system in which condensate flows back into the boiler;
- outdoor, open-loop system, it is ideal for private homes.
In the second embodiment, the condensate is collected in a separate tank and only then through the pump is fed back into the boiler. Such a scheme is more safe and convenient to heat the two-story house.
The central element of the heating system is a steam boiler, which unlike the industrial designs, designed for low pressure. In its work, the boiler produces steam, feeding it into a steam line system. Steam is supplied through pipes connected to all radiators system, heating them to a specific temperature. In the process of cooling steam is intense thermal energy output, which provides the desired effect. Cooled steam turns to condensate which is fed by gravity to a storage tank.
If you are interested in steam heating system in the cottage or a private house, it is necessary to remember the following. Currently existing equipment models can have in the system pressure is lower than atmospheric pressure, or vice versa, the system pressure can be up to 6 bar. To effectively use the operating pot, and do not lead to excessive fuel consumption, set the steam regulator. If necessary, if you wish to cool the room, just a couple of overlaps in the supply system. To achieve the desired effect in most cases are used, iron and steel radiators.
Each of us chooses how he heat the house, but in some cases it is better to listen to the recommendations of experts. The efficiency of the heating system can be offset by negative factors encountered during operation. Steam heating, despite a number of shortcomings of domestic plan has tangible technological advantages compared with other forms of heating and ways.