The furnace in the bath - the main component of the equipment, because without it, use it in a room sanitary purposes - for bathing only as a shower.
Regardless of the type bath - Russian or Finnish and thermal efficiency of the furnace it should be higher than the heaters for premises. Therefore, bath furnace - quite heavy device, especially taking into account the weight of the heater - tanks for stones that act as heat storage. Accordingly, for reliable statically furnace installation device need to arrange a sufficiently strong base or foundation for the individual furnace to the bath.

Consider the details on that, depending on the type of furnace unit, installed or erected bath heater, and how to establish the foundation for the furnace in the bath.
Requirements for the base plate or foundation of bath furnace
Design and fabrication of the foundation material should provide static furnace and the safety of its operation. Based on these requirements, the heater base, independent of the main foundation of the building or part thereof, should have the following characteristics:
- strength - to withstand compressive load from its own weight and the weight of the heater;
- resistance to temperature extremes - in spite of the heat insulating layer, the foundation is in contact with the furnace casing, which is always hotter than the ground;
- immobility - setting, implying the absence of any displacement with respect to the bath designs.
In addition, there are a number of rules that apply to independent stove:
- away from the heater to the base structure of the foundation should be less than 5 cm;
- laying the foundation depth of the furnace is performed at least 0.5 m;
- Parameters base furnace unit determined by the type of construction of the foundation (Bet belt - which is equal to the depth of laying, when the pile - a bearing on the corners of the pile).
The most technically competent, and, consequently, reliable, is the design of the furnace foundation to the stage of development of the structure of the project, when taken into account all the possible factors:
- size and weight of the furnace;
- groundwater level and the amplitude of its oscillation;
- characteristics of the upper soil layers and the depth of the solid soil;
- the degree of freezing and frost heave;
- relief building site.

If the furnace for a bath is being built in an existing structure, its base being built, taking into account the known parameters of laying the foundation.
The most straightforward situation is when a building built on a monolithic reinforced concrete foundation slab, and the problem is reduced only to the placement and layout of the furnace with respect to the existing building structures.
Types sauna stoves
The furnace for the bath is selected depending on the size of the room. That is, the larger the room, the larger and heavier the furnace, and therefore need a stronger foundation under it.
The material of manufacture bath furnace heaters are divided into the following groups:
- stone (brick);
- cast iron;
- steel.
Weight stone heaters for baths can reach half tons, iron aggregates of industrial manufacture together with the stones in the heater - 200 - 500 kg, steel stove more easily.

Important! According to the construction norms, the installation of the furnace heater weighing less than 750 kg is allowed without facilities individual basement - directly on the floor, with sufficient strength characteristics. However, a more reasonable solution will still placing the device on a separate basis, excluding bias unit under its own weight over time.
Foundation for a brick oven
Of the many types of bases as the basis for a heater furnace using the following types:
- monolithic, as a species - monolithic columnar;
- belt;
- block.
Determining parameter design suitability is stronger than its self-construction and possibility device without special equipment - various kinds of copra, which requires considerable rental expenses.

Furthermore, the use of columnar (piling) of the base - the situation is quite rare, since the construction of homes try to choose a site with a hassle-free ground, eliminating the need to fill or screwing supports under base oven.
Solid stove base
Dimensions in the bath furnace foundation attached to the weight of the heater and soil characteristics, so when its construction must adhere to the following general rules.
The weight of the stone ovens starts from 700-750 kg, so the construction of a reinforced concrete foundation are lasting - is necessary.
To calculate how much will weigh furnace, it is necessary to consider the following relation: for 1 cubic meter of masonry, with a solution whose weight is 1350 kg consumes 200 bricks.
Depth of the base of the furnace should be kept below the freezing point, of less than 0.5 m, and the maximum - be equal to the foundation, as it should be noted that the newly laid out twice as heavy crude furnace worker heater.
Important! In northern depth Bookmarks structures bases (2 meters or more) may be too high for the furnace heater, so it runs the bedding sand dug to the required depth of the pit or gravel stratified seal.
Depending on the weight of the furnace and the foundation soil characteristics is performed zaglublonnym or without penetration.
Weighing furnace 2 m and the content of the loess soil or porous clay pit dug under the furnace base of calculation 1 m high basis with preliminary execution plan with bottom bedding device 10-15 cm thick crushed stone or sand. According to the full height of wall formwork is constructed, which, after the set concrete strength is removed, and side and top surfaces of the concrete base is performed waterproofing and roofing of a bituminous mastic.

Under furnace weighing 1 - 2 tons constructed basis small penetration - 0.7-1.0 m, which is at a low location, ground water, it is desirable to link the method of anchoring the structure to the foundation - it will eliminate its possible displacement during heaving ground.

When laying small and medium weight sauna stoves popular kind of monolithic foundation - structure of bricks laid on cement-sand mortar, which allows significant savings compared to the use of ready-mixed concrete, to which is added the cost of more and costs rebar.

Not less popular among budget options zaglublonnyh furnace support structures uses a base of rubble stone, also placed on the solution, followed by alignment of the side walls for good performance of their waterproofing. Workpiece buta - time-consuming operation, but justified in terms of cost savings.

construction technology design from Bhutan:
- dug pit - 1-1.2 m for heavy heating devices, 0.7-0.8 m - units for up to 1.5 m (in terms of dimensions must exceed the stove dimensions 20 cm);
- executed plan and bottom seal tamper with subsequent backfilling and compaction gravel layer thickness of 15 cm;
- dimensions of the supporting structure is produced and is lowered into the trench shuttering, which inner surface a dense pre-sheathed with cellophane
- stacked on a base of compacted large fragments rubble layer of 30 cm, after which the voids therebetween are filled with gravel;
- the resulting layer is coated tile cement-sand mortar liquid consistency, prepared in a ratio of 1: 3;
- in the same manner laid each stone next tier of the foundation - but with such a calculation, to 6-7 cm left after laying the last to floor level (it is desirable to fill the entire volume in one day;
- on top of the last layer of concrete is executed leveling screed;
- a week after the filling of formwork with the plastic wrap is removed, even after 20 days, all surfaces are covered with waterproofing.
Important! Dimensions furnace foundation must exceed the dimensions of the base of the furnace is 10-15 cm, and a horizontal section chimney - centered furnace in plan.
Belt furnace foundation
Technology of concrete structures of the supporting structure is different from a geometry of a monolithic excavation - dimensions monolithic bases tied to dimensions of a heater, and they are determined from the tape width of the trench performed within 0.7 - 1.2 m, depending on the weight and heaving soil stove.

Considering that the configuration of the belt furnace base requires a large expenditure of labor and materials construction formwork, using this type of support under the heater rarely - saving concrete in this case significant.
For clarity, the assimilation of information will be useful for this video:
The base under the metal bath heater
With a weight of bath oven to 750 kg can be dispensed with individual structures of the support structure - to arrange only protective flooring. However, if a wooden floor, its strength characteristics should be sufficient. It is expedient to revise the state lags under the flooring and, if necessary, carry out spot repair area.
In a solid wood deck, a layer of a clay solution, over which is laid a sheet of asbestos such size that its edges advocated stove circuit 25-30 cm. Rolling the paint roller on asbestos excess clay is removed, after which the solution was allowed to cure for a week and drying. Stacked on top of asbestos sheet of galvanized iron roofing smooth profile thickness of 0.8-1.0 mm suitable format.

To avoid injuries in the future corners of the iron plate attached to an oval shape and is pressed against the floor decking screws. The protective pad under the heater is ready.

For the metal furnace sometimes still satisfied individual bearing base, and there is reason to - wood flooring and flooring joists in a bath old fast and lose strength.
Consistency and foundation construction technology under the iron stove in the household bath:
- device pit depth of 0.5 m and dimensions in plan greater than 10 cm heater dimensions;
- layout bottom with gravel backfill layer at least 30 cm and the seal;
- device over gravel concrete preparation of liquid cement-sand mortar thickness of 5 cm;
- by drying solution - perform waterproofing of 2-3 layers of roofing material bitumen mastic with greasing;
- the formwork device;
- manufacturing and laying a reinforcing grid frame with a cell 8-12 cm of steel or plastic reinforcement variable profile diameters 8-10 mm (ready frame must be placed at the bottom of the poured concrete volume - 5 cm from the damp-proof base);
- laying a layer of 20 cm of concrete prepared in a ratio of 2: 5: 8 (cement, sand, chippings);
- on concrete strength reaching 70% (by week) - performance over it brickwork to floor level.

Important! The whole volume of the foundation under the small metal bath in the furnace can be made of bricks, laid on a solution.
Despite the construction of responsibility, the support base for the stove of any size in the bath, you can build your own. It is important not to make mistakes in the direction of decreasing the foundation bearing characteristics - when assessing soil and calculating the weight of the heater and to the extent overstated the potential negative consequences for the bathhouse not bears.
The main essence of the article
- Functionality erected foundation for the bathing furnace depends primarily on the ratio of correct estimation dimensions bath / oven wt / type and size of the support structure.
- The bearing capacity of the furnace base depends not only on its bearing area, but the magnitude of penetration, which in turn is caused by the soil characteristics and the region.
- Apparatus furnace foundation in the bath, particularly for metal stove, it is possible for independent execution. However, if the heater - heavy Russian oven, it's better to entrust this job professionals, since its construction should be carried out on the basis of design data, calculated professionals.