Furnaces for bath Teplostal

During the construction of baths have a lot of questions about the choice of the furnace occurs. And not to be mistaken in this case, you need to become familiar with the characteristics and differences of popular models. This article will discuss the furnace metal Teplostal that the company produces for baths.

Ovens for bathhouse LLC Teplostal

Make and Model

Heating devices of this firm can be selected depending upon the volume of steam, use (heating of one, two or three outlets) and devices (injection or Convection). However, they are divided into three broad categories:

  • Emelyanychev.
  • Bystrica.
  • Hottabych.

One of the characteristic features of furnaces of this category is that all the combustion chambers are made of pipes of different diameter and thickness.

Technological feature of such models is that their design is almost devoid of welded joints, as all component parts are bent on special equipment.

After producing unit thermally colored enamel Tserta which crystallizes during the first combustor and a protective layer at the further operation.

See also: bath furnace Dobrostal. Overview and specifications.

series Emelyanychev

Models of this group are the most traditional and popular. Such furnaces have a spacious combustion chamber, the fuel loading can be either inside the steam and from the neighboring compartment.

Due to the firebox, made of pipes, heat content is uniform on all the walls, which allows to quickly warm up the stones and the steam room itself. for bath furnace welded steel 6.4 mm thick, and in the most vulnerable places (at the boundary of water and air in the water tank), is reinforced to 8 mm. In this regard, there is an additional heating of the stones.

All products Emelyanychev categories are divided into three types:

  1. Standard.
  2. BIG.
  3. Three in one.
The furnace for the bath Emelyanychev


This model has a simple but robust design. The combustion chamber has a length of 60 cm, which is made of tubes of diameter 426 or 273 mm and wall thickness 8 mm.

Feature "standard" furnace:

The size of the pair separation 6-8 m³
The diameter of the chimney pipe 112 mm
The weight 120kg
The length of the furnace 650 mm
The width of the furnace 500 mm
The size of the combustion chamber door (W, V) 250 × 210 mm
Lifetime 14-19 years
cost of 14100 rubles.
Furnace production Teplostal Standard 22

Three in one

The heating apparatus "three-in-one" is suitable for both bath and sauna, thus forming pairs pleasing to the body. This name is derived from the fact that it can simultaneously heat the steam bath, washing and dressing room.

As used combustor tube diameter of 530 mm, which permits quick warm room and stones. This furnace has a two-level chimney and outside is equipped with a steel reflective screen that allows uniform heating of the paired branch.

"Three-in-one" main furnace parameters:

The volume of steam 22 m³.
Dimensions of the device (B, W, D) 650 × 800 × 700 mm
The weight 135 kg
The diameter of the chimney pipe 150 mm
mass of stones 65-85 kg
Manufacturer Ltd. Teplostal
Price 15400 rubles.
Furnace Models Emelyanychev "three in one"


This unit is ideal for the bath with steam to 18 m³. A feature of the furnace is that a window is provided for the purification of flue-gas tube design. And also it has a built-in water tank made of stainless steel of 60 liters. The design of the device allows to install it in the steam room, and on the two adjacent offices.

model characteristic of BIG:

The size of the pair separation 9-18 m³
The length of the furnace 750 mm
furnace dimensions (L, H, W) 750 × 960 × 500 mm
mass of stones 85-100 kg
period of operation 14-20 years
cost of 15100 rubles.
Oven bath BIG 60-80 liters

Benefits Emelyanychev furnaces

Sure, this series of products has its advantages:

  1. All models of this category are equipped with a closed stove, which leads to an increased heating of the stones, and at the same time, a pleasant body, soft and enveloping steam.
  2. The design of the stove simple and reliable, since welds are virtually absent due to an oval shape. Thus, the service life of the heating devices is up to 25 years.
  3. Products have a beautiful design, so they are suitable for all baths.

The disadvantages of this type of furnace include high deposition of soot in the chimney, which have to be cleaned periodically.

series Bystrica

In such units used aerodynamic injector. Therethrough heated air is supplied to the secondary afterburning of unburned fuel particles. When this flame is directed to the heater, due to this additional heating steam occurs and copious production of vapor.

Ovens equipped with dual-circuit complicated chimney damper for adjusting the burning and ash pan for collecting the ash and a supply air from below.

Let us consider the most common models of this category Heating devices.

Bistrica 18

Technological feature of this model is the presence of the convector. The screen prevents direct flow of heated air from the furnace, thus creating uniform distribution throughout the steam bath compartment. Such ventilation allows quick warm steam room and form a nice body for a couple.

Characteristic parameters Bystritsa main unit 18:

The volume of steam 12-18 m³
The length of the firewood 600 mm
The weight 130 kg
mass of stones 65-75 kg
Lifetime 15-20 years
cost of 14100 rubles.
Bistrica 18

Bistrica 24

Such unit is equipped for sauna usually water tank and the heater, which is closed by a grid. Due to the injector oven capable of warming up the stones, wherein one tab is sufficient to heat them to 200 degrees, while maintaining the heat for a long time.

Basic furnace parameters Bystritsa 24:

The size of the sauna 16-24 m³
Length pledged firewood 600 mm
The weight 125 kg
mass of stones 75-80 kg
Life time 15-20 years
Price 20600 rubles.
Bistrica 24

Bistrica 30

This model has a closed stove, calculated on the volume doubles to 30 cubic meters. Due to convection it allows air to form lightweight, fine steam. The furnace is made of a pipe diameter of 530 mm, so increased by the combustion heat in the camera compartment travels faster and more uniformly.

Thus it has two doors, as well as other furnace injection. Outer door in an open type allows creating a hot air flow for the secondary burning of the remaining fuel particles. This gives an extra warm stones, and accordingly, the entire compartment steam.

The main parameters of the heating model Bystrica 30:

The size of the pair separation 20-30 m³
The length of the furnace 720 mm
The weight 140 kg
mass of stones 80-85 kg
Lifetime 15-20 years
cost of 18100 rubles.
Bistrica 30

Advantages and disadvantages

In manufacturing ovens used Bystritsa steel 8 mm thick, made of furnace tubes of different diameters. The main advantage of this type of heating devices is the use of aerodynamic injector.

Therethrough heated air is supplied to the upper combustion chamber that provides a complete "afterburning" and an increase in fuel efficiency of the furnace by 40-50%.

Significant shortcomings in this unit were observed.

series Hottabych

The most advanced model among the stoves of the company are product categories Teplostal Hotabbych. The main difference among them are two heaters, one of which - the closed type.

The water in it lends itself through the upper window, and then instantly generated steam passes through the outlet and into the second open stove. Additionally for accelerated warm-stones in the furnace is an injector for supplying air into the second combustion chamber. In this regard, the stones quickly warmed up to 250-300 degrees.

Hottabych 2

This model projecting portion occupies a large space and it allows you to evenly heat the steam bath. The front wall of the oven cut window which serves for cleaning from soot accumulation in the case of.

The second window is used to lay through it and change the stones. Moreover, the model of the ash pan is equipped with heat-resistant steel, it is supplied through the air for a better combustion. In addition, it is equipped with door of cast iron and heat-resistant glass.

Brief description of heating products Hottabych:

The volume of the sauna room separation 26-36 m³
The length of the firewood 700 mm
The diameter of the chimney pipe 150 mm
The weight 250 kg
mass of stones 200 kg
The size of the furnace door (W, V) 250 × 280 mm
cost of 29800 rubles.
The stove sectional Hottabych 2

Advantages and disadvantages

The indisputable advantages of the model from the category Hottabych - two heaters, and they are arranged in such a way that the steam is supplied from one to another, thereby increasing its temperature.

Long service life is ensured by the fact that during assembly of the unit applied technology bend sides. In connection with this, the product has no welds to the same water tank, a funnel for sacrifice and removal of the water for the steam are made of stainless steel.

The disadvantages are not exactly easy installation due to the large weight (250 kg) and the increased cost of the furnace.

assembly rules

Installation of bath furnace must comply with the rules and regulations snip 41-01-2010 regulating unit and safe use of heating devices. If she has a massive weight, then you need to do the foundation of brick or concrete. Under iron stove relatively low weight, can be dispensed metal sheet 8.5 mm thick and has a padded asbestos.

For all furnaces base is 10 cm larger than the size of the unit, and before the combustion chamber is additionally installed iron sheet width of at least half a meter. The distance from the furnace and to the combustible element should be 50 cm, and the distance around the chimney in the ceiling is maintained at 25 cm.

Mounting dimensions for the heating unit in the bath


At the time when the oven is heated, it is impossible:

  • Leave an open door in the furnace.
  • Kindle flammable liquid fuel (kerosene, gasoline, etc.).
  • Stored at different furnace flammable objects.
  • Dispose of hot coals and ash near the wooden buildings.

Care must be taken not to prematurely close the damper at the furnace in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.