The furnace is the heart of any bath. In most cases, today's steam rooms dominated by iron heating design. The choice of these devices is not accidental, since they are: ease of installation are different, relatively cheap and easy to operate.

For every self-respecting man, the installation of the furnace in the bath - this is no small achievement, which for many years and will warm the body and soul of the family members and friends. Therefore, installation of bath furnace must be conducted correctly, both technological and with fireproof standpoint.
Best of all, if before the process of construction of the bath, you immediately determine the type of furnace. Although, you can make adjustments in the process of construction, which is a bit complicate the work.
And yet, how to install the stove in the bath so that the construction is well warmed up the whole building and, at the same time, was completely safe for all visitors? Now first things first.
What are the different kinds of furnaces
In most furnaces for steam rooms is classified for placing fuel door. In this regard, we can distinguish these types of fuel units, the door of which:
- are paired in the room;
- placed in a waiting room or recreation room;
- facing the street.
The most typical - the first embodiment, in which the wood are laying directly in the furnace of the steam room. This design allows the furnace at any time to carry out traction control, by priotkryvaniya or closing the door. If it contains a piece of glass, it is possible to admire the flames.

Although, there are some disadvantages:
- residue on the floor possible dirt or small splinters of wood;
- relative to the amount of oxygen decreases rapidly (the result of its burning flame).
The most optimal and secure version is considered to be the second, when the load of wood being of a waiting room or recreation room. Its advantages:
- in the pair is sufficient oxygen;
- easier to monitor the purity of the support;
- More space is released in the steam room.

Plus, at the same time heating the room is solved the question of rest.
Accordingly, the third variety, the oven to the bath can be integrated so that the firebox door will go out. In such a situation, flaws - there:
- lay and finish loading the fuel needed from the street;
- it is impossible to regularly monitor the draft, since this should leave the premises and others.

This is possible when there is very little space or seasonal baths.
Important! In order to avoid problems with loading firewood before to buy a metal stove, you need to decide left or right door must be opened.
Although today some models of stoves for saunas, perhaps as a left-hand and right hand of her accommodation.
How to choose the place for installation of the furnace
If someone thinks that bannuyu stove installed anywhere, he is very much mistaken. How, after all, the right to set the oven for a bath, what are the requirements for the installation of the heating iron constructions?
Firstly, the setter has to know in advance what will be placed ducts. Secondly, it is necessary to take into account well and consider ways to protect the walls from high bath temperature. And third, perhaps much to be able to calculate the allowable distance to the walls.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fire resistance of non-combustible walls. If it is designed not less than 1 hour, the furnace installation can be carried out at any distance from the walls of the bath. It is clear that the more - the better. However, it is recommended to withdraw from the wall at least 4 cm.

Today, meet the brick or concrete bathhouse - a rarity. More often than not, if such variations occur, they sheathe clapboard wood or flammable plastic.
It is quite another thing, if as a material for walls buildings use wood. With the construction of wooden structures must be observed the following rules:
- the distance between the hot part of the heater and the wall of the building, not protected metal (other screen views) should be not less than 50 cm;
- if the fuel channels extend through a wall or partition, these designs must be made from incombustible materials ranging from the floor and ending with a height of 25-30 cm above the upper edge of the fuel door. Moreover, their thickness should be between 12.5 cm and more;
- the upper part of the metal furnace must be placed at a height of 80 cm from the ceiling and more, even if it is thermally insulated and plastered;
- in the presence of unprotected, refractory material of the ceiling, it should be placed at a distance of 120 cm or more from the upper level of the furnace;
- the distance between the furnace door and the opposite wall should be not less than 1.25 m;
Important! In order to prevent overheating of heating devices can not be used niches for their placement.
When choosing the optimal location for the furnace wooden bath must also take into account the placement of heat exchangers, heaters grids hinged type, water tanks, pipelines, etc.
Tip! When buying a kiln factory production, necessarily require Product Data Sheet.
Is it always necessary foundation for the wood stove in the bath
Many ask, what is the correct installation of the metal furnace into a wooden bath. The answer is quite simple: the base must be reliable and perfectly horizontal. In addition, it should not give precipitation, have a crack that, in the complex, and will contribute to the stability of the structure. Therefore, if you are firmly concreted floor, then the question of the need to the foundation for the installation of the furnace in wooden baths - practically settled. In such cases, the oven is mounted in the right place directly on the concrete. For ease of cleaning, aesthetic purposes, it is desirable to supplement it with these tiles.

you need to build a foundation for combustible wood flooring. Although, if the complex, the presence of stove weight of all "navorochek" less than 700 kg (this is the "mass" of quality limit wooden floor joists and planks), then construct a separate base is not necessary.
In the case of a reflective screen furnace imposition of brick, a brick chimney installation its weight is greatly increased. That's when you need to build a separate foundation.

Typically, foundations built 12-20 cm larger than the dimensions of the furnace device. Their depth should be equal to the depth of the bath building. It is not recommended to bind the base load-bearing walls with the foundation under the stove since they can be formed at the base of undesirable crack and even fracture. In height, the foundation of bath furnace should be 20 cm below the floor plane.

For the construction of the foundations using a standard algorithm. This means that you must first dig a pit, and then install the formwork, cover inside the rubble. The base is stronger, it is recommended to place the formwork reinforcing mesh. Thereafter prepared concrete mortar at a ratio of 1: 3 (cement-sand) and pour it into rubble. After hardening the surface, cover it with a double waterproofing layer (best roofing material). Thereafter, a number of laid bricks 2 and the foundation is ready for operation.
Mounting of the furnace on the wooden floor

Not everyone knows how to practically carry out the installation of the furnace in a bath on a wooden floor. So, if your oven with the "stuffing" does not weigh more than 700 kg, and the thickness of the lag and boards - more than enough, you can use one without disassembling the floor. For this purpose should follow the sequence of performance of works:
- Chalk mark where the oven is installed on a wooden floor to meet the exact dimensions of the heating device.
- Takeout from each of these lines 10 cm and in parallel to shape the outer rectangle. It should be remembered that the distance from the surface of the oven to the bath wall to be equal to 38 cm.
- Take mineritovuyu plate, cut exactly the same rectangle as drafted on the floor and using screws to screw it to the boards.

- Minerita of lay plate 2 rows of fireclay or corpulent conventional brick red, taking advantage of the refractory mortar. Do not forget that the clutch must be strictly horizontal.
Important! For better adhesion to the plate brick, it is necessary, before laying, soak in salt water.

- With the heat-resistant adhesive to fix an elevated iron sheet or granite. Both heat-resistant sheet is sufficient, but if they do not - it does not matter. Indeed, the presence of brick is already sufficient to provide fire protection for the floor.
All base is ready for operation. But do not be in a hurry, because it will take about 2-3 days, until finally hardens solution glue to confidently put on the foundation of the furnace for a bath.

Important! From the viewpoint of fire safety, is required to be installed before a furnace sheet of metal (may be steel, copper, brass, etc.), A size of approximately 50x70 cm.
How to prepare the furnace wall to install
To ensure the protection of the walls is necessary to do the construction of the brick screen. Most often it mount from 2-wall. But for 100% certainty, it can be U-shaped, plus - brick spread yet and the foundation. So that the safety - first and foremost!
The benefits of such a structure - is twofold. Firstly, it is - an excellent barrier between a hot stove and combustible walls. And secondly, such a screen - heat accumulator, is used to maintain a constant temperature in the steam room.

For the construction of the shield are fagotnym, clinker brick or a full-bodied red. Although the embodiment №1 - Fireclay analogues has not.
Masonry sand used in a half-brick-clay solution with the addition of cement (approximately 5-6% of the total weight of ingredients). Such barrier thickness of 12 cm is sufficient for the reflection of excess heat from the furnace structure.
In the process of masonry should be adhere to the rules:
- wall should be at a distance from an obstacle 8-15 cm.
- distance from the surface of the stove to the screen - is the same;
- the height of the brick screen should be larger than the height of the iron furnace of 20-25 cm (minimum). Optimal - 90-100 cm;
- during the construction of the screen can not forget about the air holes in the lower part, in order to ensure free movement of air.
Little warming of the metal furnace before installation
To ensure long-term operation of the stove are often coated with metal anticorrosive compositions. To prevent the emergence of indoor baths acrid smoke, before installing it is necessary to heat the stove. This is usually done on the street.
Important! During protopki can not work with open bodies of breath and keep away close to heat their structures pets.
Before the start of heating is necessary to properly inspect the furnace in identifying possible damage or manufacturing defect. To do this, you need to pay attention to such things: there is no any damage in the body, grate, furnace door, whether it is well opened, closed and so on.

protopki algorithm:
- Place the oven on a horizontal non-combustible base.
- Fill the water heat exchanger.
- Fit the chimney temporary type, about 2 m in height.
- With a dry, crumpled paper and smaller billets, Kindle in a small furnace fire. Not necessarily close the door completely. Do not use as a fuel is nothing but wood.
- Keep the furnace for an hour, by placing all the while firewood.
- Wait until everything works out, nothing can extinguish.
Important! It prohibits any mechanical action on the metal furnace during protopki, since at this time covering walls completely solidified.
Literacy - this is the main thing in the process of installing the furnace in a wooden bath. Selecting a heating device, the correctness of its location, design installation should be performed by trained service technicians. In addition to that, at every stage of the installation and operation of the furnace must comply with fire safety regulations. On this depends the health and lives of many people.