In order to create a special comfort in the apartment, in addition to good design, of particular importance is the furniture. Comfortable and beautiful furniture creates a desire to stay in the apartment as much as possible, and gives a feeling of relaxation and tranquility. The central place in any apartment belongs to the couch. A place where you can rest, relax, talk or just watch TV. In place of the classic design of the sofas have long come to the corner.

Corner sofa - it is aesthetic, versatile and incredibly practical element of the interior, which has become the most popular piece of furniture in the world.
Pros and cons of a corner of the sofa in the hall
- Pros and cons of a corner of the sofa in the hall
- Benefits of soft sofa for the hall
The choice of corner sofa size
- Small models of angular sofas
Types corner sofa designs
- The design of the clamshell
- The design of dolphin
- withdrawable design
- The design of the accordion
- design Recliner
- The choice of colors of the sofa
Options corner sofa for interior style
- Classic style interior
- Modern interior style
- Art Nouveau interior
- Scandinavian style
- Photographs of the interior of examples hall with a corner sofa
- VIDEO: How to choose a sofa for the living room.
- 50 design options angular sofas in the living room:
Popularity corner sofas grows, because, despite its size, which is much larger than the classic, they have a number of advantages:
- a large number of seats;
- large surface for sleeping when unfolded, in some designs, it is possible to create several beds;
- It has a niche - additional storage space within the structure;
- in some embodiments, there is a built-in "mini-bar", a place to store magazines and newspapers, extra shelf for remote control and other available tools;
- It allows you to fill in the corner of the room entirely, leaving no wasted space;
- It creates the possibility of visual zoning;
- attractive modern appearance, giving the impression of gloss and sophistication.

Has more seats, it does not require the purchase of extra seats.
One of the main disadvantages, as mentioned above, is resolution. Still, they are massive enough and are not suitable for small rooms. Also complicated transporting them, so move, and change the location of the sofa is quite difficult.

Construction T-shape fits into a corner, saving space.
Benefits of soft sofa for the hall
Fixed a corner sofa in the room at the same time solves several problems:
- visually defines the center of the room, forming a zone of recreation and communication;
- It replaces other furniture, so do not need to purchase an additional seat;
- angular shape makes it possible not to take into account its location when placing the TV as to view from a corner of the sofa is still on one of the halves will direct view;
- comfortable to use for adults and children;
- in case of need it is a great place to relax with a flat space for sleeping.

Folding model forms a wide berth.
Sofas corner for the hall with its size overlap part of the room, but create a feeling of coziness and comfort. Massiveness allows you to rest easy on him not only to one person.

The choice of corner sofa size
Initially we used to living large houses, where it was necessary to fill in the huge space of massive objects. They were considered an element of luxury, comfort and well-being. Over time, there were options less cumbersome, so that they can be used in ordinary rooms of apartment houses.

sofa size depends on the size of the room.

Important! When choosing a sofa remember that huge area of the store to visually make it smaller. So be sure to pay attention to the size, because it may not be large enough for the room and occupy all the space.

must be considered when choosing the size:
- size of the room. In proportion to the sofa should not take up more than a third of the space of the room;
- The size of doors and corridors. During transport, he must pass all the hard to reach areas.

Small models of angular sofas
Currently, there are corner sofas even for small apartments. The number of seats for them at least three. Due to small size, they have a lower price and fit into a variety of spaces.

Basic models:
- monolithic, elements of this type are fastened together by fasteners;
- modular, they consist of separate elements, which are installed next;
- sofas with a mechanism of transformation, have a dual use, in addition to the seats can be converted into beds.

Types corner sofa designs
According to the type used the mechanism of transformation are divided into several types:
- Cot (evroknizhka). The easiest to use, the second part of the bed is his back;
- Dolphin. It has a convenient mechanism for rolling out additional space, it is considered as the best option that can be used for sleeping;
- Withdrawable, rolling out and having an additional pillow inside the structure;
- The accordion is an integral mattress and becomes convenient for people who want to have a normal bed for sleep;
- Recliner, has attachments, expanding to get the perfect vacation spot: a comfortable backrest tilt and footrest.

Corner sectional sofas have different types of mechanisms that allow different transform the furniture in bed.
The design of the clamshell
Simple transformation system that allows it to spread even to children. For the layout of the sofa seat is necessary to pull over, and in his place lower back. This mechanism has established itself as the most durable for lifetime. Another advantage is the presence of additional drawers for clothes.

Sleeper after unfolding consists of two units.
The design of dolphin
It consists of two parts: a fixed upper and lower sliding. The design of the dolphin quite versatile and can be used both in small and in large areas. When unfolding advances located under the seat a special unit. The second part of the bed extends the block top.

Reliable mechanism, involving frequent use.
withdrawable design
For the layout of the lower bed rolls out to you, and then formed on the surface of the tilted inner cushion. Located distal portion in the folded state is in the back of the sofa, and when folding takes the place of the head.

When folding one part, hidden in the floor, rolls forward and upward.
The design of the accordion
A very simple mechanism of transformation. Compact enough bed consists of three parts: the seat, and two folded as a backrest. When unfolded it does not need to move, to pull enough of it for themselves. He is well suited for smaller rooms.

Berth, stretched like an accordion bellows, pushed forward and placed on the pedestal.
design Recliner
It has both the mechanical design layouts, and email. In a second embodiment for the layout, just press on the remote control button. In a simple embodiment leans back when you press on it, and the lever is used to nominate footrest.

It is considered the peak of the possible comfort.
The choice of colors of the sofa
Among the differences of colors required to suit one that fits perfectly in the style of the room.

To make upholstered furniture accent the situation, you should use a bright color neutral upholstery and trim in the background.
There are several basic color combination of plans:
- monochrome, when the colors are similar, but may vary slightly tinged;
- neutral when the color of the furniture is completely different from the color of the walls of the room;
- neutral color sofa and rooms of different colors;
- sofa of bright colors in a quiet interior;
- combined, when the colors strongly differ not only in scale, but also in the brightness.

Blue and turquoise sofas look bright, if located among monochromatic light decor.
Options corner sofa for interior style
To meet the design execution apartments, should select the appropriate furniture. That there was no dissonance design should combine different types in a certain style. Thus, the soft sofa in the room can be used in a classic, modern, Scandinavian design and modern style.

The wide variety of models to choose furniture that is suitable for any type of premises, it is possible.
Classic style interior
Suitable furniture and neutral color schemes. It should not differ from the general style, but rather to complement its massiveness expressed comfort classics.

In a classic style fit perfectly velvet or velor sofa with rounded shapes.
Modern interior style
Where you can play of colors. The main thing - it forms the straightness and uniform material. Corner sofa in a modern style - a combination of comfort and beauty.

The modern style is different functionality and convenience, so the modular design have here can be very useful.
Art Nouveau interior
The sofa in this style should be bright and different from the general atmosphere of the room. It should be both challenging and attract attention. In modern sofa is the center of attention, a place where everything is happening.

Modern involves the use of elegant but modern elements.
Scandinavian style
There is no place for frills and the furniture should be primarily functional. Soft colors. Comfort and silence. The use of bright colors in combination with wood.

Scandinavian trend is characterized by a bright finish and comfortable furniture.
Photographs of the interior of examples hall with a corner sofa
In order to choose their own style, its own type of sofa and all have a full understanding of how it looks in the rooms of different sizes, it is necessary to pay attention to the pictures. They fully reflect the concept created by the rooms. Below are the options that will look like a corner furniture for the room in the photo.

Accessories angular furniture must integrate harmoniously with the environment through the use of similar colors or textures.