A baby in the family - it's not only fun, but also an additional concern. This is especially true sense of family, which does not allow the living space to allocate for the kid a separate room. To organize the child space to relax, play and learning, you can divide the room into two zones and to design the living room and child in the same room.
These design techniques are appropriate in the new building with a free plan, which originally present only load-bearing structures. And in the apartments a small area you can immediately plan sleeping and working place the child in the same room where the living room.
- Possible options for zoning
physical zoning
- baffle design
- You close the aperture
visual zoning
- Zoning with the help of furniture
- Wall and ceiling structures
- color zoning
- Podium as a zoning tool
Possible options for zoning
Before embarking on the zoning of the room into the living room and the children's need to consider the possibility of extending it by the adjoining rooms - a balcony, pantry, etc... The use of "hidden reserves" may give effect when creating a child and adult zones in the same room.
Decide what part will be assigned to the child, it is better to give up the space of the window to the child. After emerging young body requires good lighting, clean air. The window can accommodate a baby cot or work area.
To form a full band for the parallel time of adults and children, there are two different approaches to planning:
- physical;
- visual.
In the first case, the actual allocation of the zones with the help of the newly erected walls, furniture and other physical "barriers".

The ideal location for a physical zoning is a room with two or more windows located along one or two walls. In this case, each of the zones would be a source of natural light.
Upon visual zoning are in the course of design techniques - selection of design styles, colors, lighting, ceiling-wall construction.

physical zoning
If the area of the room allows, it is better physically razgorodit children's and adult areas. This will allow the child to feel the master of your space, and guests will not disturb him.
See also:Design living room of 15 square meters. m. - modern interior
baffle design
partitions can perform the function as a fully stationary construction, made of foamed (gas) of concrete, glass, and the collected gypsum board, plywood, particle board, wood, plastic.
If one of the parts is not fenced off the window, the better to carry out the partition with glass inserts to go with natural light.
A good solution would be a combination design. The lower part is hollow, and the top is made of transparent material (glass, plastic) or is in the form of book shelves that are partially filled. Instead of books on the shelves you can place the pots with flowers. And if you pick up a curly plant species with small leaves, that through these shelves will not only penetrate the light, but also partly filtered air.
Given that the children in their games may lose control of himself, all glass inserts should be made of reinforced glass. This will protect the household and guests from injury.

You close the aperture
The door to the fenced off part does not necessarily make the swing. Given that in both areas probably will be felt shortage of space, better block the opening sliding doors or folding "accordion". This approach will save square meters, the lack of which will be felt in a small room.
If designed for children for a small child, the door design should be useful for the operation of the baby. The easiest way to close the opening will be blind. Fabric for her, you can choose to match the overall design of the room. To fit into the curtain design living room and child, it can be done bilaterally by combining two pieces of different colors. However, at least one of the pieces should be made of thick heavy fabric, so that the drawings do not show through and are not superimposed on one another.

visual zoning
If you erect a partition does not allow the development plan living and child in the same room Square or other reasons, zoning can be done visually, using known effects novice designer.
See also:Interior living room with a fireplace in the house - interesting solutions and photos

Zoning with the help of furniture
Simple tools for efficient room zoning is considered furniture. The main advantage of this approach - no need for repairs. In addition the border can be shifted in any direction. Installing the cabinet to the ceiling in this case is not required. This can be a rack for books, plants or knickknacks, short children's wardrobe, dresser with an aquarium.
Conditional delineation of interior living area and a children's designers propose to use the sofa that you can use for family viewing movies.
A good tool to separate the living area from a child is considered to be a rack with through the shelves, which are arranged on the one hand children's books and literature on the other adult family members. In this case, a shelf height should be greater than the book format, or shelf it is necessary to partially fill. This is done so that the light from the window and penetrated into the living room.
Wall and ceiling structures
To create the illusion of two rooms in one, you can use decorative designs on the ceiling and walls. Most often these goals involve the construction of plasterboard. The most basic option - arched doorway. But it should be done with a maximum radius and a minimum of "stolen" space. After all, the task of such arches divide the two areas symbolically.
The complexity of the design of the drywall is limited only by imagination of the author. Therefore, the arch - it is not the only option zoning. From it you can, for example, make a decorative shelf.
Also, as a ceiling member in the interior of the wooden beam can be used. It is not only visually divides the space into zones, but also become the basis for the eave curtains or screens, separating the living room and nursery.

color zoning
To emphasize the boundary between the two functionally different areas, you can use the color scheme. Thus it is necessary to take into account a number of features:
- degree of illumination;
- dimensions;
- overall design ideas.
See also:Living in brown tones: design and interior
If the room is small, poor lighting and a window facing north, you have to give up the dark colors. This is especially true of children's part.
In general, children's areas to plan designers recommend light soothing colors of the "warm" side of the spectrum:
- peach;
- yellow;
- svetloapelsinovy;
- pastel;
- salad.
Caution should be attributed to the bright "exciting" colors - red, orange. This can adversely affect the nervous system of the child. If you do not pay due attention to this nuance, the child will be difficult to concentrate on teaching materials, to remember it.
"Adult" part of the room can be designed in a darker palette. And in order to revive it, to visually expand the boundaries, you can use the mirror surfaces in the door of a large closet.

Podium as a zoning tool
Unusual but efficient and functional tool for the zoning of the children's room is considered the construction of the podium. Usually it is collected on a perforated wooden or metal frame laminated chipboard, OSB.
At the edge of the podium is necessary to provide a small fence to help prevent falling and injury to the child.
Mounting podium can beat using gaming legend by filling it accordingly. For example, for the girls to do the castle, where the fairytale princess lives. And for a boy, you can decorate it like a pirate ship. All of these ideas will be enthusiastically received by young family members.
Mounting the podium will provide an opportunity not only to allocate a separate zone for the child, but to save those precious square footage. Indeed, under this platform can accommodate drawers for storing things or pull-out bed. During the day, these furniture items are "masked", and in the evening they can be put forward to use.
So ideas on how to arrange the room combined in two different areas, as the living room and nursery with sleeping, working and gaming destination, there are many. And the possibilities are limited to the imagination of the designer and the financial possibilities of customers. And the results will delight both children and adults.