Attic - it is not just a place to store unnecessary things. If properly equip, you get a separate living room. Therefore, repairs and attic insulation especially its interest to many homeowners.
Warming of the space under the roof - the main condition for a comfortable stay, and that it should start with improvement of the territory. Before attempting to repair work, you need to understand which one is better to choose the material to insulate the attic, what to pay attention.
Warming of the attic from inside if the roof is already covered: training facilities

Not everyone can be called a penthouse loft. This kind of attic features a sloping roof. In this room ceiling height should be no less than 2.5 meters.
Important! During installation, special attention should be paid to insulation of windows.
Make attic and arrange it under a full living space - a very tempting idea for the realization of which the owners of the buildings are made active.
Before you buy stuff, you should know what properties should have a heater:
- Low thermal conductivity;
- the minimum level of water absorption;
- security;
- fire resistance;
- no shrinkage.
All these points are important to consider when selecting a heater for your attic. But the most important is insulation from heat and waterproofing.
Attic is located under the roof and therefore it is quite cold room. A large temperature difference from the outside of the structure and in the attic space often leads to the fact that the accumulated condensate. Moisture adversely affects the construction and finishing materials, leading to their damage, destruction.
The better insulate the attic floor in a private house
Building materials, including for internal use of any premises, very much. In order to know how best to insulate insulation loft it should be given the design features of a particular construction, as well as the climatic conditions in the habitat area.

This is one of the most popular of insulation materials, to win the love of builders and repairers due to the low price.
foam cost - its main advantage, but not only:
- This material has high moisture resistance, it does not absorb water. If it is additionally coated with a special impregnation, then it drops will simply drain away.
- The ease - another advantage of the foam. Its just transport, convenient to operate. He does not create any additional load on the roof load-bearing structures.
- Another "plus" material to its excellent thermal insulation properties, so it is suitable for the insulation of the attic.
- Material simply cut-shifts in any direction. It is not difficult and fastening his sheets. With the laying of the foam handle people without building skills. This is absolutely not a capricious material.
But before you opt for this material, you should know what the density of blades needed for the task. After all, it affects the comfort of the room.

Another variety of popular and decent facilities for thermal insulation - mineral wool. She's a bit like the medical cotton wool due to the presence of fibers in the fabric structure. Sold in rolls of mineral wool, so to transport it and work with the material will not be too much difficulty.
This is an excellent insulation to the attic. She does not miss the heat and practically does not absorb moisture. This combination of features makes it popular in construction. Even if mineral wool gets wet, it dries very quickly, did not spoil.
This material belongs to a class of environmentally friendly, it is safe. It does not matter what is covered by the roof and how strongly it is heated in the summer, with mineral wool will be no problems. Moreover, it does not bite the mouse, it will not start bugs. This mineral wool favorably with foam. The fibrous material also blocks sound.
Warm attic mineral wool quite convenient. The material is resilient, though it seems a fibrous, soft. It will be good to keep between the rafters, if properly fix the sheets.

Ecowool represents no seams and milled substance. It tightly blown all cracks, small holes and the space between the ceiling and rafters. Most do so is unlikely to be a force, because for blowing require special equipment. Roof insulation ecowool - very expensive. But this kind of isolation has its advantages: high thermal insulation effect and a single draft in the room.
Basis ecowool are natural components: close to the wood on the characteristics of the paper takes 80% of its composition. Despite this, the material is good saves heat and did not as effective as synthetic fillers.
ecowool also includes in its membership borax. It is an antiseptic, to fight against various fungi and micro-organisms, and naturally occurring. Therefore, when such insulation means no worries about the possible appearance of mold or mildew, brown with a part of this ecowool not allow it.
Warming ecowool requires a fairly thin layer, but this is enough to ensure high thermal insulation and noise exposure lock. The material will last a dozen years without compromising its performance. With this in mind the high price ecowool fully justified its properties and durability.
Polyurethane foam

The most advanced and reliable material for thermal insulation of the cold attic and other rooms is a foamed polyurethane. It surpasses in its properties to all of the above insulation. He stands out the fact that at the time of the mount makes no gaps, joints, cracks, through which penetrate the cold air flows into the living room. This is one of the most enduring material, with proper installation it will last the house at least 30 years.
This material does not shrink, even in the presence of the wooden roof of the house, which is characterized by deformation over time. Polyurethane foam has a solid structure, which ensures its complete water resistance. Therefore, when thermal insulation of this material there is no need to mount additional layer of insulation and moisture vapor.
With all these advantages in polyurethane foam has one major disadvantage, because of which it is not always used for thermal insulation of residential premises from the inside. It requires special equipment is quite expensive to apply this substance. Most buy it for construction work does not make sense, it's easier and cheaper to rent.
The application of the heat insulating layer of polyurethane foam should be entrusted to a person who has experience of working with this material. It is not easy and requires some skill. Most qualitatively insulate the attic does not happen.
Expanded polystyrene

No less popular is the use of polystyrene foam. This unique material, which has a number of positive aspects. Warming of the attic any extruded polystyrene can be made independently. The material is quite easy and perfectly fits onto any surface.
With the right styling product will reliably protect the premises from the cold and will last for decades. Insulation to the attic of a private house polystyrene passed at the highest level, will only have to comply with the basic rules of installation and training.
How to carry out insulation work?

Each heater has its own nuances, characteristics and installation rules. Mount it should be, focusing on the manufacturer's recommendations. But there are general rules warming process, which does not depend on the material for insulation. Several mandatory steps in them are always present.
The first layer of material mounted for waterproofing. It provides protection from degradation caused by moisture penetration. Special film to be stacked overlapped, and a good overlap of one layer to another at least 10-15 cm. Secure the material securely to help staple gun. In areas of the film interface can be further strengthened by means of adhesive tape.
If the project is provided and there is a need, then stuffed crate. Suitable conventional wooden slats, their width may be from 8 to 10 cm. Fix the rail to the rafters, strictly parallel rows. The distance between the strips leave about half a meter. Each component of the battens should be checked using a spirit level, otherwise not be able to avoid the shortcomings and flaws of the roof with its further exploitation.
Next comes the turn of the actual heat-insulating material. It is mounted on a batten or rafters, attachment method depends on the type and characteristics of the material. If it is presented in the form of rolls (e.g., rock wool), it is simply necessary to cut out the strip size so as to spread between the rafters.
Important! The thickness of the insulation used for attic floor joists must match the width.
The ratio of the material and thickness of the space must be considered, especially at the attic insulation mineral wool with the subsequent installation of drywall. In this embodiment, the entire space to be filled with insulating material.
Such a multilayered structure resembling a pie, completes a layer of protective material film against the steam. In her role is perfect for plastic film, can also be used asphalt or roofing material. When laying a vapor barrier, in the same way as when installing the waterproofing film, a film overlap. But it does not attach a stapler, but due to the small thickness of the wooden slats. The distance between them of 40-50 cm. Joints isolated by sizing tape.
Now it remains to perform the finishing coat. It is attached directly to the bars or to the sheathing. At this stage, consideration should be given weight ornamental elements. If you have selected a rather hefty materials, for their secure attachment need to install additional rail, for example, from metal profile.
As an additional insulation for attic floor excellent embodiment is IZOSPAN FS, FD, FX for attic floors. All species have not only the functions of a vapor barrier, but also to combine the effect of reflecting the thermal infrared radiation.
Major mistakes made in the process of insulation of the attic

To insulation work carried out on their own, really pleased, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of conduct. The key point - is laying the waterproofing layer, because without it, all the materials that can get wet and dry lead to the penetration of cold in the room.
To avoid negative consequences, or at least minimize them, should heed the advice of experts:
- Before venturing insulation works attic, you need to check the angle of inclination of the roof. If it is less than 13 degrees, such a roof will accumulate precipitation - snow and rain water. moisture stagnation will provoke the appearance of rust stains, cracks, crevices, moisture seepage. These phenomena will spoil insulation.
- Wall insulation of the attic and the roof of an insulating composition - an important part of the work, but should not be limited to this. It is equally important to carry out thermal insulation of windows, preferably at the Swedish scheme. Ideal - to entrust it to specialists, if any leaks will not. And certainly not to be engaged in the windows insulated independently, if they are not strictly vertical, but oblique.
- We should not forget that any material for the thermal insulation required ventilation. It is also important to allow it to dry in the event of moisture. So that air can circulate need to leave a gap of a few centimeters between the layer insulation and roofing.
- Required to comply with the sequence and number of layers for the insulation of steam and water, you can not miss any of them.
- If not enough rafters height of an impressive layer of insulation material, it is necessary to increase it by mounting special rail. It is quite possible to do yourself.
These simple but important tips will help with insulation works, ensure their high quality, the absence of errors and miscalculations that have to be corrected and remodel. If you do not believe in their own abilities, there is enough experience of repairs, it is best to invite a professional arrangement of the attic. His services will cost is not cheap, but the result will be excellent.