floor heating device in the bath, in addition to what is different, is classified as high-priced works. But has significant advantages: the possibility of maintaining a favorable indoor temperature, as well as a positive effect on the wood, and decoration. Set a warm floor in the bath you can own hands, enough to know the installation technology and have on hand all the necessary toolbox.
The main varieties of underfloor heating
Make a warm floor in the bath in several ways, but you must first learn the basic varieties of similar design:
- A liquid coolant conduit running from the boiler or furnace of bath.

- Electrical floor heating.

Water heated floor consists of a closed pipe, pump and boiler of the heating medium directly. The fluid circulating in the system, has a significant role in the process of heating premises with an increase in its value, and grow specifications. For example, most available one is water, followed antifreeze, ethylene glycol, and more modern coolants.
Water heating system has a higher cost, requires proper maintenance, but leaving the user receives a quality floor heating, which will pay for itself in just a few years, with frequent use. Addressed only master bath, but the liquid heating system has proven itself as robust and durable.
Electric field is divided into a cable assembly and installation of special heating mats with infrared radiation. At cost, both the first and the second option is much lower than the installation of the water heater. But there is a significant minus - the ever-increasing prices for electricity.
As repair, electric and water floor quite problematic. In any even slight damage to the circuit, it requires dismantling and replacement of the wooden surface in the contour section come unusable. When a liquid is heated in a boiler system is present and the pump, which are also problematic mechanisms.
Sequence electric cable floor installation
When laying the floor of this species use a special cable with high resistivity. Accordingly, there is not a simple transfer of electricity to the consumer, and its conversion into heat.
The sequence of installation of cable warm floor in the bath with his hands:
- When laying a new floor takes place in the old building, the first step is the dismantling of the old flooring. A used is removed until the surface of the concrete slab, after which it should start Recovery: concrete repaired all the cracks and chips, level the surface layer of the solution, or, if it is correct - make a tie.
- After drying screed must prepare the place where the temperature sensor will be fixed later, for example, in the sink. Before laying the heating element, it is necessary to mount the screen grid, which can be attached by several straps for greater reliability.
- Further, installing the mounting tape which is secured to the concrete surface using dowels. Before this, the cable must be selected layout. Directly on the mounting tape is applied and secured with heating cable. Fix it at least every 3 cm, with strict observance of the following rules:
- Make sure that the cable does not intersect, and its coils are not in contact. cable contact can cause a short circuit. After laying the cable, check the resistance of the coupling. If the parameter deviation is observed in 10-15%, then the problem should be solved immediately, because the system will not work properly.

- Leave a space of no less than 5 cm from the wall to the heating element. This is very important, as this parameter is related to fire safety. Upon contact of the cable with wooden surfaces, an open flame may occur that lead to a fire.
- We connect the system to a power source. Before this action, it is necessary to determine the location of temperature sensor placement. It should be placed in a corrugated pipe and set near the connection points - it can save you on wires.
The main element in the wiring diagram of a warm floor is a temperature controller. It must be placed at a distance of 70-80 cm from the floor. Less than 30 cm from the floor can not be placed. Thermostat - it is a junction, so it must be suitable for such wires: floor heating cable, mains cable and a temperature sensor. The wires from the ground bus can be simply connected to each other via terminals.

- The final step is to pour the screed and the installation of the flooring. This may be the floorboard, linoleum, carpet, or other material. But it should be remembered that between the pouring of concrete floor coatings and installation must be at least one month. So that the heat is spread evenly throughout the room, you should completely fill the heating cable, without bubbles and other cavities.
Once the cable is completely sealed, you should check its resistance, as in the process of concreting it can be damaged. Huge minus electric floor heating - it is a necessity of its complete dismantling in case of any failure.
Panel mount electrical field in bath
What is different panel of the electric field from the cable? Almost nothing, only pre-prepared and fastened structure. Manufacturer of heating panels takes reinforced mesh and fixes her cable. Finished products are worth a bit more expensive, but does not require separate installation.

This kind of installation may seem expensive at first glance, but it is necessary to understand whether this is so. The benefits of installing a panel floor heating in the Russian bath, the following:
- Save time, since it is not required to collect such panel from scratch, enough to buy them only in the hardware store. The only thing that should be done stacker - arrange them on the prepared base and secure.
- The minimum thickness of the product that allows you to not fill concrete panel, and use the special construction adhesive. Re-saving on construction materials.
- Such a warm floor in the bath is ideal for tiling. But if the coating will be different, the need to pour concrete panels, the thickness of which should not exceed 30 mm.

Positive aspects of electric floor panel enough to use it in their home or apartment. But it should be remembered that such a structure should not be laid in places where later will be placed furniture or plumbing elements.
Membrane electric field in bath
It should be clarified that the actions of film sex principle is very different from the panel or cable. Here use infrared plates, which can be purchased in the form of solid roll. The plates are fixed to the polymer backbone through which the entire length of the electric current conductors are arranged. After connecting the membrane to the total floor network and supplying power to it, the plate is converted it into infrared waves, heating the surface of various objects.

Film warm floor has a greater value than the cable or panel, but also a significant advantage - infrared transmitter consumes a small amount of electricity. As a result, for the entire heating season can be good save.
Assembly rules of film sex quite simple: cut off from the common roll separate pieces, place them on the prepared surface and then cover with the help of the lining. Other features of this floor has furniture and other interior objects can be placed anywhere.
Installation sequence floor heating water in the bath
As mentioned earlier, the water for a number of advantages, but requires thorough assembly and installation of these additional elements, such as a water pump and a boiler for heating fluid. But you can make a warm floor in the bath, running from the stove, it is not necessary to establish in this case the boiler.
The sequence of stacking of the water in the bath floor:
- Removal of the old coating. This may be wooden or concrete screed. Old coating is removed down to the plate, whereupon the entire litter and to check the level of the floor must be removed. If he is not smooth, it is necessary to pour a new concrete floor, which will only improve the quality of thermal insulation in the room.
- Laying a heat-insulating material. Most commonly used slab of foam or Styrofoam. These materials are the most durable and reliable, and have a reasonable price. Around the room damper tape should be placed, which is fixed by means of simple screws. The modern tape, on the one hand there is a special adhesive layer, so the installation is greatly simplified.
After laying the foam plates, should go through the floor. If the surface is a little "walks", it is necessary to remove the layer of insulation, and to remove from under him previously unnoticed debris. Once the insulation is laid and aligned, it is covered with insulating film.

- Laying the pipeline. As the base used for the pipeline special film with prefab marking. Partitioning represented lugs - small protrusions between which the stack which is a water pipe system. It is enough to put a plastic tube between the lugs and slightly flatten it until it locks into the cavity between the grooves.

If, instead of a simple reinforced special film frame was used, the tube is fixed thereto by conventional plastic fasteners or electrical cable ties.

- Installation of the collector enclosure. Manifold cabinet is necessary in order to collect all communications in one place. To this point fit all the pipes are located on the floor. Also fed to this cabinet the liquid supply pipe and a pipe through which the cooled coolant re-enters the boiler.

- Pour a screed to lay and flooring. For more fortress design is better to use 2 reinforcing mesh: a line (in the beginning of the laying of the floor), and above it. Next, the entire surface of the finished floor is poured concrete. The screed should be no cavities and empty spaces.
The most popular systems for such plastic pipes with an inner diameter of 16 mm. They have a long service life and very easy to work with this product.
Once the screed is ready, the system must be checked, which include boiler, heat the water and run the pump, which will give to the coolant system. If the pipeline is not tight, then the concrete screed immediately spot will appear. Unfortunately, in this case you must dismantle the floor and set it again.
Very convenient to use in this system is not the boiler, and the heat from the furnace of bath. The only drawback of this system is the inability to preheat the room, because it is necessary to heat the fluid melt furnace. But while there is some savings, as the need to purchase the boiler is eliminated.