Many people are increasingly looking to transition to independent heating. In this case, the whole system is completely cost a large sum. A good alternative can be called homemade gas boiler. At first glance, this may seem like an impossible task. But if you look - it is the power of people with experience in the installation, repair and maintenance of gas equipment. Only these professionals can afford to do exactly what you need to master, as well as significantly reduce hardware acquisition costs.

What do you need?
There are plenty of instructions on how to make a pot for heating a variety of fuels: solid, liquid, electricity and others. But here is to build a structure on gas solved not many. Basically the problem is that the installation will need to be connected only after consultation with the relevant authorities. But first things first.
So, first you need to understand that the use of such a heating unit is at your own risk, responsibility for the consequences that could be dire, falls squarely on the shoulders of the owner housing.
After realizing this, it is necessary to find appropriate drawings. It is desirable that they were painted in detail about heating boilers, connectivity, cooling, chimney, vent, and other important points. Master must understand this documentation in full, because even a single change will adversely affect the operation in the future. It is advisable to see some photos of finished systems. This will help "raise the unit in my head."

Then you have to calculate the amount of materials in the heating boiler. It should be understood that in any case can not be replaced by another metal indicated to reduce the cost of construction, because it can be soft, that will install quickly into disrepair. Then purchase the workpiece, as well as already assembled the individual components (buttons, deflector, cranes, etc.).
It is also important to have a tool that is needed to connect the metal sheets, cutting and grinding them. It is also necessary to have a soldering iron, screwdrivers and dial keys, hammers and other sorts tool allows working with metal and circuit diagrams.
What to do?
When all the components required for the process are collected, you can take the first steps to create a heating their own hands. Thus, according DRAWINGS cut sheets prepared tubes, angles, internal details. It should be noted that some components do not have to create their own. For example, the deflector, which will be easier to buy and put on the end of the chimney pipe.
Then you can start assembly in accordance with the drawings. In no case can not be rushed. It is important to understand that misaligned components can cause a malfunction in the device. It is desirable to view the video, which will be narrated highlights.
After everything is connected in a single system, you need a good clean and paint the edges of the unit. This is necessary because during the cold time will appear condensate, or simply topped with metal begins to rust.
What's next?
Immediately I must say that for a gas boiler there are a number of requirements. For example, it is necessary to have a special exhaust gas outlet, which will be the top deflector. In addition, it should be perfectly connected. In other words, it is forbidden in law to use heating systems that operate on this kind of fuel, without the necessary checks and to obtain the relevant documentation. Therefore, before installing a gas boiler, created with his own hands, it is necessary to call a specialist in charge of the above.

The fact that such equipment refers to a device having an increased danger. And the created with his own hands the boiler be sure to get permission for the installation in the service dealing with gas. And she, in turn, need to provide a certificate for the product, though original, not a copy or photo.
It should be understood that to obtain such a paper is not easy, and often it costs a large sum of money. Furthermore, the minimum deviation from the prescribed regulations all leads to a complete ban use improvised installation. This is - a strong argument in favor of the production of gas-fired boiler with his hands can only be a person with extensive experience in the installation and maintenance of these units. In this case, refers to the equipment and assembly system of separate units, each of which is made with compliance with GOST, and the use of components made by hand, kept to a minimum and allowed only non-critical areas.
When all the points with the corresponding services settled, the boiler can be installed. Unfortunately, there are rare cases in which the owners of property manages to do this without the consent of the authorities technical supervision, which is a gross violation of the law and is fraught with unpredictable consequences.
Calculations for homemade gas heating boiler
Gas-fired boilers with their hands to do just exactly calculate all. If this is done properly, the equipment will save the owner of not only the one-time costs, but also operational.
Make the unit is necessary, given the loss of heat in every room, which will be carried out heating. It should be understood that even if the rooms are the same, the heat output of each will be different. It is best to carry out calculations with a small margin. In this scheme of the room does not fit, it is better to start from the actual sizes. It is important to check everything several times to accurately rule out the possibility of an error, because it can lead to future consumption of fuel and increased costs.
To gas boilers by their own hands, working, as it should, you need to:
- calculate all the hydraulic system;
- take into account the costs of the chimney, including a deflector;
- defined in advance with a diameter pipes;
- set the desired pump output;
- and calculate the resistance of the system.
If all the calculate correctly, any failures should not be.
Many people are thinking about how to create a heating system with their own hands. This is mainly due to the price of boilers. There is plenty of drawings, which shows you how to do everything yourself. But in the case of gas equipment, we must remember that all of it must go through a compulsory certification.