The most efficient space heating devices include a warm water floor, but the rate of its profitability is far from being at an optimum level. When installing such systems in wooden houses there are a number of significant limitations. Screed can not be used as the base of the boardwalk can not withstand such a heavy load. However, there are other effective ways of how to make an electric floor heating independent in a wooden house without a ground loads.

If we take into account the old-style buildings, when their construction were used wooden beams. In this case it is possible to use concrete screeds whose surface Heated floor and will be placed. In the case of a private home, such manipulations are not possible. Often it is precisely the weak and rickety temporary wooden ceilings, which are not able to withstand significant loads.
If it was decided to use the electrical systems for space heating, you should consider these important points:
- Wood falls into the category of flammable materials. That is why as far as possible (flat), must use the infrared type of underfloor heating.
- Such devices are not able to replace the heating system, so you should take care of the heating radiator.
- Low thermal conductivity rate, which will lead to the use of high-temperature conditions.
What are the requirements applicable to a warm floor

If it was decided to install electric floor heating in a wooden house, you should pay special attention to compliance with safety regulations that will eliminate the possibility of unexpected and dangerous situations further.
Basic Rules:
- Do not place the cable under the interior. Violation will result in the device overheating and damage.
- When using such species as oak or beech boards thickness should not exceed the level of 2.5 cm, and pine and larch 2.3 cm.
- To avoid delay and moisture (condensate), you will need a thorough waterproofing layer stacking. Any electrical equipment can not tolerate water, and heated floors are no exception.
- The thermostat will help to avoid possible overheating of the construction. It should be equipped with air bag and temperature sensors. This will avoid self-ignition. For wood flooring is the maximum temperature in 40 ° C.
- Cable installation is carried out uniformly, which will provide a uniform heating of all areas.
In the room where installed underfloor heating system, it is not recommended to use any carpeting. Thus is created an unnecessary insulating layer which does not allow heat to penetrate into the room.
What mounting technology used

Options for laying the floor heating only two: with or without a tie. All will depend on the strength of the base of a room or building as a whole. It should be taken into account and some other additional factors, such as buildings age and frequency of use of the premises.
The lack of ties

If you plan to mount a wooden house heated floors, the use of the screed is not recommended due to its enormous weight. The applied technology is somewhat different from the usual. To begin, carry out the necessary preliminary work aimed at cleaning and preparation of the work surface. Installing lag that must be put under the insulation material (not less than 4.5 cm) in which one of the parties will be foiled. Placed on top of the mounting grid, which will help secure the cable to be used.
Important! Optionally, you can use a special laminate, which is already built into the cable TEP. However, it should be prepared for the significant costs for its purchase.
Assemble loops, marking is carried out on the joists, which is done for loops cuts. The cable itself is mounted in the prepared cuts and secured with clamps. At some distance from the floor (convenient for a person), set temperature controller, a sensor is placed between the joists. After the scanning efficiency of each of the elements of the system can proceed to laying of the final coating. From the device to the coating layer should be not less than 5 cm.
Using ties

Hardwood floor should be made smooth and even (monolithic). Wander the tree should not, therefore, any loosening should be deleted. If necessary, the design is completely assembled and disassembled again. After fits waterproofing material (polyethylene in the density of 200 microns). It should be laid insulation ( "Tizol" perfect). Foil side facing upwards. The cable is installed over the insulation material. Mounts are made with pre-calculated move with hinges. The cable after installation poured cement-based solution. But before that it is recommended to set the thermostat and the temperature sensor. It is placed between the hinges.
Special features

There are a number of features that should be explored before the installation. Wooden houses require a particularly careful approach, because extra weight can lead to shrinkage or warping the structure. Laying of the heating system will be made on the joists.
The sequence of work will look like this:
- rough coating arrangement;
- laying a vapor barrier;
- installation of waterproofing material;
- processing finish;
- insulation;
- flooring.
Inside of the pie and the system of floor heating will be placed. If you plan to spend all of the next work yourself, you should pay attention to one of the following methods:
- The use of plates with a reflective effect. This kind of compromise if necessary to tie on the basis of a concrete solution. The plates help guide the heat flow in the right direction, thereby increasing the efficiency index.
- A small ventilation gap. It can only be used as an additional source of heat in the presence of district heating. Powerful system used in this case can not be. Existing air ducts will reduce the efficiency of the installed equipment.
- Buckle over the existing ceilings. This method belongs to the category of complex and requires advance preparation. Insulating properties ties are at an appropriate level, which will significantly improve the efficiency of space heating. Such manipulation is recommended in areas with high humidity levels, or if you plan to install tile or any other cold surface.
- Skillful combination concrete screed and dry. Using simultaneously the two most common technologies will make the surface, which will be capable to withstand all conditions.
Regardless of the final selection of the preferred technology, it is important to strictly follow the available instructions and listen to all the wishes of the manufacturer.
erection work

Experts recommend produce packing system under a small layer of screed. Thus, as a floor covering can be installed tiles or any other cold surfaces. Construction of underlayment is mandatory and for this you need high-quality insulating materials whose surface is metallized. The main stages of laying the floor heating is similar to the installation of water floor heating. Underlayment acts as a strong base, regardless of the technology used.
The device is connected to a special sensor, and then to the mains and overlaps floorboards. Cement screed can not be used, because it is able to add significant weight basic design. But equip draft floor, in this case, it is necessary. For started mounted guides, between which is placed insulating material. Over it fits welded wire mesh, which is located on the power cord. It should be placed at the same level.
Cuts grooves used in places of its intersections. Their bottom is lined with foil, and protrude clamps and mounting tape as fastening elements. After should proceed to the arrangement of the finish coating for lumber which is made whether to use the board with the tongue and grooves as compounds. Piling boards also come in handy. Before you proceed to the arrangement of the finishing coat, you must connect the system to the network and leave it on for a few days.
The most common errors in the regeneration

If the cause is taken a beginner, then difficulties may arise at every step. success secrets lie in the details of which should know before starting the forthcoming works. We need to understand what will work with electrical devices that have a higher level of risk. This type of coating is designed to heat the surface of the floor covering, thereby creating a desired home comfort. will lie mat or twisted pair cables in the design basis. Length should be calculated in advance, as to cut it yourself is not recommended.
In most cases, problems arise precisely because of non-compliance identified technologies and violations of the rules of the assembly work.
Area facilities will also play a role. Separately calculated area, which will be warm and the one on which is placed furniture or plumbing. To make installation of the cable is strictly prohibited under the furniture, since the system will work on warm bed or a cabinet, not the environment. This will lead to the emergency break due to the huge and regular loads. The working surface must be pre-cleaned and prepared. Touch or overlap the loop should not.
It is also recommended to avoid the bends. To advance prohibited on cable, as there may be internal deformation of wires and their subsequent closure and loss of elasticity. Temperature sensor placed in the concrete is not recommended thicker as it uses corrugated pipe. Before switching should wait for complete drying of the solution used. Drying coupler is not suitable for using the device.

Laying of heating electric floor in a wooden house can be carried out in several ways, based on the time-circuits. To create a cozy atmosphere in a wooden house will suit any technology. If you adhere to these recommendations by the manufacturer and comply with safety regulations, the installation of underfloor heating will not take a lot of time and effort, not to mention saving the family budget.