With all the charms, which have heated floors, not everyone can afford such a pleasure. heating Heated floor advantage compared to other heating systems, are obvious. Under appropriate conditions installation of warm water floor can be done with his own hands in the apartment and a private home. For an urban apartment in this case, there are significant technological restrictions, whereas for private buildings technological possibilities for laying the floor heating is much broader.
Water flooring is traditionally laid under wet screed on the basis of concrete. This technology has its advantages. Water circuits laid in concrete, are protected, and heat the floor in this case is substantially increased. However, such embodiment has substantial disadvantages, which are due to technological aspects.

Mounting wet screed is sufficiently heavy, laborious and time-consuming process. Especially since not every floor in an apartment house, not to mention the city apartment, able to withstand the extra load. often have to look for alternatives "layer cake" for the wooden buildings. One such option is a dry screed, laid on top of a warm water floor, sensible and practical solution to the problem.
The essence of technology "dry screed" on warm water floor
Already in the title is the essence of technology. "Dry" - means an easy system, fitted without the addition of water and plasticizers. Radiant Floor traditionally is quite massive and bulky structure.
For reference: using wet screed cake thicknesses averages 50-70 mm (ideal). However, in practice often achieved cake thickness of 100 mm or more.
As a result of mounting wet screed floor level rises significantly. Not every dwelling has enough ceiling height, which would neutralize the lost centimeters. In addition, significantly increases the load on the structure of the ceiling. Weight of 1 m2 underfloor with concrete screed is 200-300 kg. How much the whole structure would weigh, for example, 15 square meters room. m.? To count difficult. Calculated whether urban apartments on such a reconstruction, if this load wooden structure stand? The answer in this case is obvious, use a "dry" technique of laying floor heating.
Dry binders for your warm water floor can be performed in two ways:
- wood;
- polystyrene.
Depending on the materials used is determined by the name and method of laying. Unlike concrete cake mainstay in this case act strips or boards of OSB, particle board and gypsum fiber board. You can use any other material tile form. For polystyrene the system support layer is made of polystyrene plates. Already at this basis it performed stacking insulating layers, in which there are grooves for mounting pipes of the water circuit. Finish in this case is not a monolithic concrete slab, and composing structure of GOLS sheets.

At first glance, everything is simple and clear. Before you proceed directly to the installation of dry screed water under the heating circuits of the heating system, examine the pros and cons of this technology.
The pros and cons of this method
If we compare both methods styling underfloor on complexity and time-consuming, dry screed seems preferable. For those who decided to make their own heating system with heated floors, this technology does not require specific knowledge and skills. All that is required from you, the tools, the desire and materials.

According to the time-consuming laying of ties in the dry as well would take much less time. To do everything possible in several stages, not limiting themselves in time. After finishing work with underfloor heating, free to engage in other repairs.
For instance: levelcrete executed based on sand-cement mixture, bathed in a room will dry to a solid state at least 25-30 days.
To summarize. What are the advantages of heating floor, made without a wet screed:
- the main advantage - quick and easy access to the damaged water loop for subsequent repair;
- light weight construction (25-30 kg / m2), Allows to work on the ceilings of any type;
- cake has a small thickness (35-60 mm), keeping the internal volume of the premises;
- the possibility of attempting to install the flooring after completion of the floor heating equipment;
- the ability to use any of the existing substrates (concrete and wooden floors);
- the ability to use the system in the temporary living quarters;
The only deviation from the technology may result from the alignment of the concrete base. When clear and visible defects of the concrete foundation, it is necessary to do the dirty wet screed, which is already on the top will be the installation of the remaining layers of the cake. This technology is called semi-dry screed.
Serious shortcomings in this case include a number of important points. The state of the dry screed negatively reflect the impact of moisture. Plywood or plasterboard sheets begin to deform and covered with mold.

For baths and bathroom floors such design is not exactly suitable. Especially in areas where warm water floors laid on a dry screed, it is impossible to construct new residential construction elements. The system is not designed for additional loads. Other significant drawbacks, this system equipment water warm floors in the operation have been identified.
We consider two variant dry screeds: wood and polystyrene
Most often, we have to carry out installation of floor heating, working with wood. Modern technologies allow to use to work with a wide range of building materials based on wood.
Wooden Underfloor heating systems
Wood is the most common system option for installation of underfloor heating.

The thickness of the materials used for the backing layer should slightly exceed the diameter of the pipes of the water circuit. You can use plywood, gypsum fiber board, DSP, MDF or chipboard. Laying the strip defines a width in accordance with the pitch of the heating pipe. We can not do in this case without damping tape.
The support layer is placed across the bearing constructions (logs). On this layer a schematic plot the route future water circuit. Each pipe must impose supporting strips with the distance, slightly exceeding the diameter of the pipeline. Where the water pipe is bent to rotate, the support rails are rounded.
The figure shows a layer cake for the wooden system of underfloor heating.

special plate distributing heat fits between the support rails. The design of such plates has a groove into which fits exactly the contour of the water pipe. As a result, the maximum adhesion is achieved to the tube plate. effect heat transfer in this case is much improved.
Important! The plate is covered with at least 80% of the floor area of heated space. Conduit stacking in such plates does not require additional fixation on the support base.

Tooling, thus heating line, proceed to the covering. For this purpose, gypsum fiber sheets or other materials applicable to this technology. Installation of sheet is performed using conventional screws. The result is a framework structure carrying and teploraspredelyayuschy layer that has to be closed flooring. It can be used for finishing a variety of materials, taking into account the nuances of the following:
- wood (parquet, laminate or ordinary board) must be certified, designed for use with warm floors;
- if desired, to use a ceramic tile as a final coating, not forget additional layer gypsum fiber board fixed to the backsheet construction.
Wooden system has advantages before execution polystyrene embodiment. The first thing we have - it is a solid construction by installing support rails. Layer Cake reaches in this case the thickness of only 35 mm. The only thing that complicates the work of long and painstaking assembly of all the elements.
Polystyrene system of underfloor heating

Use as the main structural components of synthetic materials allows us to work with all types of dwellings and buildings in which the installation of water sexes. Polystyrene system is suitable for both concrete floors and for wooden structures. The main feature of the technology - the ability to stack directly on a dial design with the old coating.
On a note: The only requirement for a polystyrene system, a base surface should be prepared as appropriate, be clean and smooth.
Consider how the laying of floor heating water polystyrene type. The procedure in this case is as follows:
- net prepared rough surface is coated with a polyethylene film of thickness 150-200 md. The film is laid overlapping joint areas (10 cm). Joints taped over mounting tape;
- around the perimeter of the heated space damper tape is mounted on the bearing walls;
- over polyethylene film can be stacked profiled polystyrene;
- top made assembling tube and water side heat distribution plates;
- locally bending pipes, wherein the plate ends do a pipe liner of a polyethylene film;
- after laying the heating tube, it is necessary to cover the entire structure again polyethylene film thickness 100-200 md;
- over the entire structure of GOLS sheets stacked in two layers. The total thickness of the coating should be at least 20 mm.

Subsequently, as in the case with wooden system selected topcoat calculated for interaction with floor heating.
Important! On a similar design, without a rigid frame, it is not recommended to lay tiles. Excessive rigidity tile would lead to rapid crack floor covering due to insufficient rigidity of the base.
Note: replace the polystyrene profile in the usual assembly foam sheet. To do this, you need to perform all actions in accordance with the core technology. The only advantage of this embodiment, the increased stiffness and strength dry screed.
Important remark: polystyrene systems are not suitable for heating version warm floor, connected to the centralized heating system. Excessive heating the coolant temperature may adversely affect the state of expanded polystyrene.
Laying the water circuit when dry screed
As is the case with the concrete binders, water tubes for laying wooden and polystyrene system made similarly. There are some nuances, which must be said:
- Each heated room should have one heating circuit.
- The conduit should have intact, without connections and connections.
- Stacking pipes made customary methods spiral (cochlea) or snake.
For domestic use water pipe installation scheme double snake most practical, simple and convenient. It is also important and sensible consumption of materials. Typically, the scheme snake water circuit is mounted in a small area on the premises. The coolant in this case does not have time to lose the desired temperature.

When planning a route, which will be laid water pipe, do not forget about the pipe step. Underfloor heating in residential premises optimal step is 20-30 cm. Having different basis, may vary step size, achieving the required heating parameters.
Dry screed for warm water floor convenient alternative to concrete pavement. By the efficiency of the heating floors are a little inferior to what concrete counterpart. True heat the concrete monolith is higher than that typesetting designs, but from a technological point of view, wood and polystyrene construction is convenient and practical. That only is the installation of the construction and dismantling of the dry screed if damaged water circuit. In addition, such a warm floor can be quickly disassembled, if you have decided to make a home renovation or repair.
Plank design play the role of good sound insulator. Observing stacking technology using high quality materials, you can create your own heating system that can work for a long time, efficiently and effectively. For premises grazing heated floors are very comfortable, but for technological rooms and bathrooms, this method of installation of floor heating It is of little use.