Many of us today are trying to give preference to the most convenient, practical and efficient heating systems. Traditional heating of premises with the help of radiators today no longer meets the increased performance requirements that apply heating systems. Today it is possible to compare, not only in theory, the technological capabilities of warm water underfloor heaters work, but also to ensure a practical way in the effectiveness of this method of heating. With a special design on a warm floor pinned great opportunity.
Proper installation and connection of all elements of the heating system will help your wishes come true. One of the major design elements, without which the operation of the heating system will not be effective, a manifold floor heating.

The value of the collector to the heating system
Technological capabilities of floor heating allows to use it as a complete heating system to heat the entire residential facility or as an option. Successfully today are realized small, limited in terms of technology, under floor heating projects by means of a heat transfer fluid. Bathroom, children's rooms and other, small in floor space, successfully heated water, laid on the floor pipes.

Wiring diagram without underfloor heating manifold
But in most cases, these heating options are not regulated. What is the water temperature in the central heating or hot water supply batteries system such intensity and is heated floors in your premises. Large inertia and lack of precise adjustment are major disadvantages of underfloor made on the simplified pattern.
For reference: optimum temperature of coolant circulating in the water heating circuit underfloor is 35-450FROM. In a centralized system, and hot water line hot water, so unregulated floor in this situation will be ineffective.
Solve the problem of allowing the installation of the mixing unit, connect underfloor heating manifold, together with other necessary equipment. Bathroom when using connection type "stoyak- water circuit", the installation of such a complex unit is not profitable and is inappropriate. However, when using heating "warm floor" system on a large scale, the collector will become a convenient tool adjustment and security.
Autonomous heating systems of residential buildings, the problem which - heating the floor covering in a residential area, must be equipped with special preparatory station. The mixing assembly includes a reservoir and pump equipment without which your floor heating will be the "graveyard of consumables."

Driving equipment connection without circulating pump
For warm water floor, where the main operation is performed heated water circulating in the pipe, the important point is the distribution of functionality water flows. Due to the distribution unit structure required water temperature is reached in the water circuit, the optimum rate of water flow. With the collector can not install in premises desired temperature, to conduct safe switching, system shutdown.
The design of the device
If the collector is easy to evaluate visually, at first glance - is a group of pipelines assembled in a certain order. In appearance resembles a comb device, for which he received his second unofficial name. The task that executes a node consists in mixing different water flows. As a result, the output is a single stream of coolant temperature and the desired intensity. Underfloor heating, this condition is mandatory, otherwise lost the meaning of the heating system of this type.
Depending on the design of the collector used in practice three types of mixing a liquid medium:
- sequential mixing;
- parallel;
- combined type mixing.
On a note: often in conditions at the household level, underfloor heating, it is used consistently mixing, as a result of which all water circulating in the heating system of the heating device to the heating tubes used for appointment.
Figure chart shows two variants of operation of the mixing unit.

The serial type involves mixing pump feeding the mixed water from the heat source water in the floor loop in one direction. Parallel mixing type, both coolant lines, the main and return pipes are separated. In this case, a considerable part lost heat. For parallel type characteristic is uneven heating medium flow.
On a note: mixing equipment of only two-way valve assembly will allow you to achieve the possibility of flow rate adjustment and the heating water in the heating pipe.
The combined use type and serial and parallel type mixing. Such schemes collectors are less common due to the characteristics and complexity of the design.

The principle of operation of the device is complete and explains the collector groups. It includes:
- three-way valve (regulating blending and mixing) which is installed in each inlet and outlet of the manifold;
- piping tees;
- circulation pump;
- Group control automation.
Installing the collector for your underfloor heating makes the whole complete and functional system. The pump drives the water in the heating circuit until such time as heating the coolant temperature reaches the set parameters. Automated Operation begins from the moment when it is necessary to block the flow of hot water to enter the heating tube. All standard models are equipped with a reservoir air vent and drain system valve through which the water is drained from the system.
The operating principle of the collector
the heating operation of the system "warm floors" configuration depends directly on the collector, which is a distributor. Let's see how it looks:
- boiler water flowing from the auxiliary boiler or the riser central heating system has a temperature of 50-700C, enters the manifold through a zone valve-valve equipped with a thermostatic head.
- more water if its temperature above the optimum parameters, is mixed with return flow, and then enters into the reservoir already distributing water at the desired temperature water circuit loops.
- when the coolant temperature parameters optimal zonal valve closes the flow direction, directing the water into the reverse feeding system.
With this system Heated floor can operate for a long time without heating the coolant source.
By reducing the temperature of the water in the system heated floors into operation inverse circuit.
- Zonal valve opens access water, whereby the water begins mixing with the flow circulating in the return pipe. The temperature of the coolant in the heating circuit again increased to desired values.
Achieve precision adjustment of water flow in the piping of underfloor heating can be achieved by infusions flowmeter. Parameters are set within 1.1 L / min. according to have thermal calculations.
Mixing valves are working to eliminate the linear extensions, and provide control over the flow of coolant in the water circuit.

collectors are typically used with two outlets, however, there are cases when it is necessary to install a mixing unit 4-6-8 and 12 outputs. In order to hide such a massive and unsightly construction in a residential area, it is the collector cabinet for underfloor heating.
In order to achieve a uniform distribution of the flow of water through the water pipes are equipped with reverse input servosWhich cooperate with temperature sensors and automatically shut off the water in the heating pipe floors. Virtually every model of the mixing unit is equipped with electronic circuit dissipation. With the help of controlled operation of the circulation pump, and protects the thermostat.
On a note: the presence of such equipment due to the fact that the heated floors are low temperature heating systems. Electronics allows using a pump to regulate the temperature of the coolant heating eliminating overheating the heated space and thereby eliminating discomfort indoors.
model Selection
In most cases, the choice of the reservoir model is dependent on the size of the heated space and the requirements for the heating system. Where and how will be built floor heating, security becomes a decisive factor in the selection of equipment. The mixing device is the most vulnerable element. Because this part of the structure, and simultaneously circulating cold and hot water, it is important to ensure the safety of the unit against mechanical damage.

Many of us are wondering how to build a collector for underfloor heating if the device has a complex structure and design. The answer is simple. The complexity is only apparent. In a detailed study of all the details and design elements, awareness of the goals and objectives of each device, you can self-assemble and connect the reservoir to its heating system. Selected materials, build quality are a guarantee that your floor heating will operate normally.
In order to function properly, focus on the details that you should consider when buying a collector. The best option - it is a model, the body of which is made of brass or stainless steel. In both cases, the choice is correct, the only condition, different price of such devices.
As the functionality of commercially available, both simple and complex types of mixing sets. In simple manifold has a minimum set of devices, providing underfloor heating in narrow parameters. For complex structures characteristic is the additional equipment of devices and sensors.
For instance: not on all models installed guard, bleed screw, there are drain valves and flow meters.
Pricing issue in this case should not be an obstacle for you in choosing the equipment. Collector, equipped with automatic temperature control, will become your real helper, who will perform for you all the dirty work. Through automation system itself will control the operating conditions, as required by adjusting the flow rate finally drain the water from the pipeline.
Comes standard model collectors there are thermometers, thanks to which, or you, or the equipment can minimize heat loss.

If there are several large-space area, heated under-floor heating, it is recommended to establish not one but two collectors.
On a note: the length of the heating pipes of one circuit must not exceed 120 meters. For multiple water circuits in the same room are taken mixing units on multiple inputs.
Installation of floor heating, ie laying of floor heating - is only part of a long and extensive work on home heating equipment. Once you lay water pipes in the floor under a concrete screed or under a dial design, connectivity is a critical step.
Properly made preliminary calculations of underfloor heating, will allow you to not only select the desired model collector, but also to get an idea of how they will be connecting to the water circuit heating system. Observing the instructions and the advice of professionals, connect each pipe to the desired socket. It is important not to confuse the connection point. Login main feed to the input of the return. For convenience, there is a connection labeling inputs: red indicated the feeding tube. Blue, marked entrances for reverse flow. Connecting pipes to the inputs by means of fittings.

Check the connection can be in control, the first launch. In the absence of visible flaws in the functionality of the mixing unit and the normal operation of floor heating, it is possible to proceed to exit.