For a country house, a wooden bath convenient and practical will be the floor heating system. Heated floor, water, which circuit is necessary to hide the subfloor, is able efficiently and effectively heat the rather spacious accommodation. This is especially convenient to have arisen doing to improve the habitability of their cottages, to create in the bath more comfortable conditions.

To solve such technical problems by laying of water pipes under the concrete floor is not possible. Here the impact of the technological features of the structure and the nature of technology. Not every hardwood floor or lags behind in the bottom of the structure, capable of withstanding tremendous additional burden in the form of a monolithic plate. Out of this situation - is to make heated floors, water, laid on a wooden floor.
The basic idea and a practical solution
For a long time it was assumed that the water circuits are mounted directly on the heating, wooden floors, the idea is not entirely successful. Mainly, the reason for this opinion lay in the characteristics of the building material. Construction timber, despite the weight of technological advantages, highly susceptible to the effect of thermal deformation. In addition, excessive exposure to moisture also has a negative impact on the wood. Ease of wooden structures, and insulation properties were considered drawbacks when it came to the installation of more complex heat and hydraulic structures in the building.

Despite the obvious obstacles, trying to find a reasonable way out of this situation led to the fact that new technology to be installed radiant floor heating for hardwood floors, create water heating system in wooden buildings. The main thing is to choose the right consumables and stick to a particular technology.
To date, there are two types of underfloor heating, used in residential facilities as a heating element. An electric circuit, we will not tell, because it has not found its development in combination with wooden constructions. We draw attention to the water heating system - Warm water floor, in which the tubes of the heating circuit running hot water.

What are the terms of the technology challenges in this case we expect? The principle of operation, which is the basis of the heating system are well known and understood. It makes no difference whether the water circuit is in the concrete screed or cleverly hidden in the wooden floor. The water circulates through the pipeline, it heats the surface of the floor, giving the most precious heat the inner space of the heated space.
On a note: skeptics may make an observation - tree bad conductor of heat, besides the wooden structure itself may be deformed due to the heat. These observations have the answer. Using special thermal conductivity allows the plate to ensure that the thermal energy will go into a strictly vertical direction, heating the floor covering.
It should say something about that from a technical point of view, laying the heating pipes on the hardwood floor is not difficult. If you are at the initial stage a clear idea of what should be your floor heating, which type will you have flooring, make water floor heating system is quite capable.
Key points
We have already talked about the fact that you can not always solve the problem just as it should. For the capital of stone structures with concrete floors, concrete screed for underfloor heating is very convenient. However, in most cases, wood residential buildings, in which wooden floors, are not able to withstand the additional weight of 10-15 tons. Tree, even if you are dealing with a set of beam system can not withstand such a load. To strengthen during the construction of a holiday house or a bath bearing design does not make sense. This will lead to higher prices and weighting of the entire structure.
For reference: any water Heated floor involves the creation of substrate. This element is required for any type of underfloor heating. Without substrate and one floor will not have sufficient support.
The key point in this situation is a new technology that could not only significantly reduce the the weight of the entire heating system design, but also to ensure that the heat was transmitted directly to the outdoor coating. The substrate can advantageously be covered with linoleum or carpeting. The emergence of new practical and high-tech materials allows you to create all on the basis of the wooden floor heating system in a matter of days. In working with concrete screed, you will have to adhere strictly to technology and wait for 25-28 days until the screed has reached its maturity.
Assessment of the state of wooden structures. Pre-warming
Before heating system design "Radiant Floor" should be evaluated wooden structures, floors, joists and other supporting elements. A wooden base, consisting of boards must be intact. The existing gap between the boards carefully sealed with insulating materials. Sex in a wooden house is normally mounted on the joists, so it is important to study and their status and location.

State estimation includes:
- visual inspection of the surface of the wooden planks;
- feeling and scraping the surface of wooden boards for evaluation of wood structure;
- removal of cracked boards and caved in;
- alignment lags in places deflection;
- add lag, if the distance between the existing elements too.
For reference: if the state of the wooden floor is poor (the old cracked or rotten boards), this foundation is better to dismantle. Joists that hold the board are too far apart. For underfloor joists must be spaced at least 60 cm. apart.

There are mounting option when stacked floor heating on wooden joists. Those. in other words, the entire structure will be located on top of the load-bearing structures, representing the independent construction.
Old boards that do not have a presentation, you must treat the jointer, which would make the surface smooth and homogeneous material. The maximum allowable height for uneven wooden floor is not more than 2 mm. Such thoroughness and accuracy of the wooden floor is necessary due to the fact that this system does not support.
When finished with the assessment of the status and training of the wooden floor should start warming design. This preliminary procedure is necessary due to the fact that all the heat radiated by the water circuit must not go down into the cellar, and to linger and directed upwards.
Reinstall the lags in the acceptable range, practice installing a raised floor. On the joists, nailed plywood bottom or second-hand board. This will serve as a base for stacking the heat-insulating material. On the prepared foundation should be laid vapor and heat insulation film. The openings between the beams on the insulation film is stacked, the thickness of which should not exceed 100 mm. On top of a heater again reinforce the heat insulation film. Only after all this, you can start laying the heating water circuit.

On a note: It is not recommended to be used as thermal insulation of a conventional polyethylene film. Neglect of technology will lead to the fact that in the subfield begins to accumulate condensate. Due to the accumulation of moisture insulation may soon come into disrepair.
A heater in this situation may be a mineral wool having a density of 35-40 kg / 3.
Installation of the floorboard and ways of laying heating pipes
At this stage, it is necessary to take into account technological details. For this of course will need a little more time, but further work will have to conduct much faster. It should be said at once. Scheme stacking water heating circuit, in this case the "snake". Installation conduit according to the "coil" or "snail" unacceptable for this technology.
At start laying the prepared substrate boards having a particular configuration, equipped with special grooves. Between boards must be notches size 20x20 mm. The edges of the boards are ground in a semicircle for easy twisting of the water pipe. Having done all the necessary preparations can be engaged in laying of boards on the prepared base. The presence of the slots and semicircular edges of the boards are water loop laying route. This is to some extent facilitates the task in the future the installation of floor heating pipe directly.
Ready-grooves for mounting the water water underfloor pipe under the wooden floors are depicted in the photograph.

Due to the slots, laying the heating circuit is done easily and quickly. Before working with the pipe, over the grooves unwound foil. After this the grooves fit pipe whose diameter should not exceed 16 mm. In order to obtain maximum heat transfer tube wrapped in foil and attach it to the edge of the stapled wooden planks.
Above the pipe is attached to the boards with metal plates. According to this scheme fits entirely the whole water pipe, thereby covering the entire floor area.

At the preliminary floor plan made a mark, where it will be installed control equipment (the collector, the collector box).
Important! Stack pipe to be given a certain step. For the central regions of the country, where the average temperature in winter -15, -200C, for optimum stacking step is 150-300 mm.
Better use stainless corrugated pipe diameter of 16 mm.
The final stage. Connecting autonomous heating pipework
Once you have laid the water circuit, you are ready to connect. To manually control the connection is made only to the main pipe by means of a conventional crane. If desired, make the system controlled warm water floor under the wooden floor fitted with mixing units and collector. In this case, you get a comfortable, efficient and adjustable heating system.

For those who want to improvise to remember! Warm water floor in no case can not be connected to the district heating pipeline. Connection of additional heating devices, including underfloor heating to the central heating and hot water system is not legal.
Accordingly, the water floor mount in a city apartment is inappropriate and risky. For private home or to give such an option is acceptable and effective. Once connected, you need to pressurize the water circuits. The procedure is optional and identifies the place of coolant leakage, to identify the weak heating area. Only then can you begin to work with the flooring.
The finish. Flooring flooring
The coating is chosen, it may be what you want. To date, the retail chain has a huge selection of different materials. You have to choose not so much technological as cost. If you prefer to use laminate, then for that you will take some time. Costs will be in this case is not so big.
On a note: Any material has a coefficient of thermal conductivity so on how covering your warm floor will be coveredIt depends on your level of comfort and heating efficiency.
Wood has low thermal conductivity compared to ceramic tiles. Before starting the installation of water floor heating on logs should make thermal calculations, giving an idea of the amount of heat that will be on the surface. Doing everything correctly and in accordance with the technology, you can make yourself an effective heating system in residential premises.