Homemade heater: how to make a heater with your hands?

Despite the fact that today's market offers the consumer household heating technology many species, heaters handicrafts found in the home often enough.

In most cases, the reason for the use of homemade devices is the reluctance to spend money on the purchase of unit of industrial production, the cost, especially from a major manufacturer, can be considerable. This is especially true of situations where the heater is not purchased for the apartment, and the priority is incorrectly installed heater efficiency, rather than the safety and aesthetics.

Made artisanal heat generators

Without discussing the degree of respectfulness similar reasons, we consider how to assemble improvised heater with your hands, to minimize operating risks such equipment.

Homemade heaters - the arguments "for" and "against"

Generally, artisanal heat generators manufactured devices are copies produced by industrial methods. Copies of these, with rare exceptions, inferior to the original in many ways, but because of certain circumstances, the consumer often chooses a homemade unit.

"Pros" use of home-made instruments:

  • relatively low cost (in the manufacture of their own hands and use available tools);
  • possibility of assembly of the unit required dimensions and construction of the shell with the desired strength characteristics up to the vandal.

The main argument "against" - undefined degree of security makeshift heating devices in operation, fraught with unpredictable negative consequences not only for the owner of the unit, but also for others.

This argument is due to many factors, and its validity is confirmed by numerous fires every year, are caused by heaters handicrafts, used in violation of the RF Government Decree "About firefighting mode» No 390 of 25 April 2012 city (As amended on 18.11.2017, the)

Excerpt from the Regulation on fire safety in RF to ban the operation of improvised heaters

As for the secondary arguments "against", they are as follows:

  • the absence of legitimate manufacturer's warranty;
  • uncertainty in some homemade device characteristics;
  • aesthetics and low degree of automation units of artisanal production.

If acquaintance with these arguments still not pushed to buy in the store heater factory output, consider how to make their own heater, so that when it is applied the likelihood of an accident was like little as possible.

Elektrootopitel of cast iron radiator

Sectional battery prefabricated from cast iron, conventionally used in hot water or steam heating systems, may also be used as a casing in the manufacture of electrical - on the basis of PETN heater with your hands.

Electric cast iron radiators from the left - with expansion tank, to the right - with sealed Corus

Preparation of the heat generator casing

Depending on the location and area of ​​the room pick up a cast iron radiator to the desired number of sections and visually assess his condition. If the appliance has not been used for a long time, will have to disassemble, clean the threaded joints free section of the scale and raise the device again, using new seal in threaded areas compounds. This is necessary, as will be poured into the tank oil or an antifreeze solution (liquid high permeability) and the probability of leakage through the old unit cracked seals thread.

Revision b / y iron radiator

If skills in this work there is, better to seek professional help - and it will save from having to search for special keys.

Important! After disassembly and cleaning of threaded connections, not yet assembled radiator, with its sections is easier to remove old paint - is done by means of a drill or grinder with a steel brush-head. But this operation can be done later - after the battery assembly.

After the end of the heat sink assembly is primarily determined by its capacity - temporarily screw caps in three of the four holes, completely fill the unit with water, and then poured it into a measuring vessel. This is necessary to determine the need for an oil or an antifreeze, and simultaneously for preliminary testing device for leaks.

Removing the old paint from the cast-iron battery after its disassembly-assembly

After purification, the product is treated with a coarse grinder sandpaper, cleaned of dust and degrease nitrosolvent. Then radiator cover primer composition and, after drying, one layer of paint finish. Color produce a spray gun or a narrow brush with a long handle.

Pre-painted body electric heater of the iron battery

Selection of PETN and its installation

For the future, the electric heater must pick up the tubular heater and the required power as safe for a given instrument design.

Important! Simplified calculation of the necessary base heater power consumption is a rule - for heating 1m2 premises in central Russia main heating unit requires 100 watts of power, and additional means of heating - in 2-4 times less.

That is, the averaged for the main area of ​​the heating room 20 m2 battery must complement TAN 2 kW of electricity consumed.

Power tubular heater should be within 0.75% of the heat battery, so that the heater is not heated and was turned down too quickly - this reduces the effectiveness of the heater. The averaged value of the one heat transfer section iron battery is 140 watts. Hence, the heat transfer from radiator 10 sections will be equal to 1.4 kW and the heating element power must not exceed this value by ¾ - 1.05 kW. Thus, in the space area 20 m2 as the primary heating device must be installed on the electric heater 2 iron sections 10, each of which is equipped with a TAN capacity of 1 kW.

When selecting a tubular electric heater to keep in mind that the ideal length should be less battery width 10 cm - so there is uniform heating and convection of antifreeze in all sections. Be sure to acquire heater with thermostat - this unit will improve the relative safety of the heater and ensure work in a relatively eco mode.

A tubular heater with temperature controller

If you plan to use the heater for heating residential premises, after installation on the project site it is possible to equip expansion tank - Threaded through from one side at the top of the battery on the opposite side of the radiator is set plug. It is not benefit device aesthetics, but excludes a factor of pressure on the radiator inside the expanding filler upon heating.

The cast-iron battery with expansion tank

If the tank is not used, then instead of Threaded feed pipe mounted crane Majewski - possibilities for an emergency pressure relief.

In the lower part of the radiator on the one hand screwed heater, and the opposite - plug.

Before assembly into a battery PETN pour transformer oil or an antifreeze in an amount of 80-85% of its volume. External thread heaters (an inch and a quarter) is identical to the inside of the battery, so the node installation is not complicated.

The identity of the thread of the radiator and heater

filling batteries

Determined type of filler (antifreeze, transformer oil or water), and it is calculated the required number - 80-85% by volume of water, which had previously been drained into a volumetric capacity from the fully filled radiator.

Important! If the temperature in the room at the switched off heater drops below zero, the use of water as the battery filler is dangerous - not merged in time, it will freeze and destroy the unit.

Destroyed iron radiator frozen water in the garage

Procedure for filling liquid in the battery following:

  • in the bottom of the battery with one hand twisted heater, on the other hand - the plug;
  • in the upper part of the radiator on the one side cover element is mounted;
  • a heater positioned vertically - up remaining open hole, therethrough and poured into an aggregate filler;
  • section of the wall of the installed electric heater settling insulation layer of foil penofol exceeding in size by 10-15 cm in each direction - this will reduce the heat loss to heating the partition construction;
  • a heater at the project site, and then mount it to the upper free Threaded jack, which is connected to the bleed screw fitting or expansion tank.

Important! Homemade electric heater of the iron battery must be equipped with a separate feed line to the individual auto-off device.

Get a clear view of the above-described technology will help watching this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? time_continue = 674 & v = HOmXkuFKBUc

Electric heater spiral

Small homemade heater for a garage can be made almost a couple of hours.

To do this, you need the following materials and tools:

  • Refractory (chamotte) bricks - 2 units .;
  • Nichrome spiral - 1.2-1.5 m;
  • aluminum or steel corner 35x35 or 40x40 mm - 1.5 m;
  • bolgarka small discs: cutting the stone and metal;
  • drill with drill bits: Metal - Ø 3mm, pobeditovoe - Ø 6-8 mm;
  • narrow chisel with a hammer;
  • exhaust rivets key.

A device which will produce will be a base insulator of two bricks with recessed therein a spiral disposed on the frame of angle steel.

Homemade electric heater on the basis of nichrome spiral

On a sheet of paper is drawn 250x250 mm square (brick length), which are assembled in a spiral layout - maze of strips 1 cm wide, directed from the edges towards the center of a square.

The bricks, which are selected with high geometry and without chipping, cleaned, washed, dried and placed on a flat surface adjacent to each other to form a square. On this square transfer path drawn on a sheet of labyrinth.

Partitioning example furrow under the spiral

A disk grinder stone (suhorezom) on the bricks formed furrow. By doing smooth boundaries groove cuts to a depth of 1 cm, and then the side edge of the same disk is selected core between them - the bottom of the groove turns so smooth.

Performing grinder straight sections of the groove by a spiral

If we cut down the middle between cuts with a chisel, then there is the risk to split the brick, in addition, with a successful outcome will still have to align the bottom of the furrow grinder.

Forming on the bricks drive straight sections of the groove on the turns do not need to go beyond the boundaries of the circuit to perform the necessary groove depth - it is carefully executed small chisel, which can be drawn from the tap or a drill M10 Ø10 mm.

Finalization of the corner sections of chisel furrow

After closure of forming a groove in it is laid a spiral.

Important! That on the heater can be put capacity for heating the contents, laid in a spiral groove must be located below the plane of bricks at 3-5 mm.

The grooves of the beginning of the "maze" with a drill tip pobeditovym perform two through holes with a diameter of 6-8 mm - for the subsequent connection of the ends of the spiral to the supply cable.

Designated performance in masonry openings O spirals down

Then proceed to the manufacture of angled steel tripod for mounting therein bricks.

Grinder with a cutting disc for metal cut area size - 4 for the frame member 4 and the support legs. Corner pieces can be connected in two ways:

  • electric welding, after performing the cut ends of the fragments for the frame at 45about;
  • exhaust rivets, performing drilling holes in the elements, superposed vnakladku.
Collected metal stand for brick insulator

The thickness of the brick is 5.5-6.5 cm, so few turns to straighten flat portions at both ends of the spiral length of approximately 10 cm. Straightened spiral ends of the wire through the hole in the brick down and connect with the ends of the supply electric cable.

Connecting to the helix following the withdrawal ELECTROCABLE down through holes in bricks

The heater installed in the operative position, the spiral groove to distribute in uniform small tension throughout its length.

Perform the test operation of the appliance in the network. Wiring machine and automatic shut-off lines must be designed to power at least 3 kW.

After the device exit to the operating mode of its spiral should be no bright red and brown-crimson color.

If excessive heat of spiral necessary to reduce the current, which is done by means of additives in the diode diagram of 20-40 A.

The scheme of paralleling two diodes and reducing the intensity of the normal color of a spiral in operation

Electricity consumption can not be considered such a homemade heater economical, but it is quite acceptable at short inclusions - minor repairs of the car in the garage for a small area of ​​greenhouses as an emergency heating means heating food etc.


Make a homemade heater can be in many other ways - using, liquid sunlight, car battery energy, but the technology chosen should combine thoughtful level of security needed efficiency of the unit and adequate manufacturer's competence. The above-described combination of criteria such heat generators possess.

The main essence of the article

  1. Heaters handicrafts still very much alive and in the conditions of modern market saturation heating equipment for industrial production.
  2. Using improvised heaters prohibited applicable fire safety regulations, so the responsibility for the consequences of their application falls squarely on the consumer.
  3. Elektrootopitel of the sectional cast iron radiators on the basis of PETN - the unit durable, efficient, but due to the increased consumption of electricity is not economical. However, given its relative compared to the liquid-fuel safety device, the device is made by skilled craftsmen, and is used in everyday life is often enough.
  4. An electric heater with nichrome spirals on ceramic brick frame - device possible to self-manufacture in a few hours without the presence of special skills. efficiency of the device during its compactness depends on the spiral, does not mean efficiency of the unit, but is combined with a relatively low degree of operating risk.
  5. Selecting a heater for self-made must be based on a successful combination of three characteristics - designed degree of security required efficiency and sufficient to build competence manufacturer.