The auxiliary heater is its independence from other communications, that is, the presence of the aggregate of all necessary for the job, among other things, certain energy reserves. Such devices are indispensable in the field or for heating rooms that are not equipped electricity and gas.
Consider several types of autonomous heat generators from the perspective of suitability for the heating of small buildings - the chicken coop, garage, etc.
to the heater requirements for small spaces
A common characteristic of all small-sized rooms is only their small footprint - even the volume of such facilities can vary considerably due to differences in the height of ceilings. Each structure has a number of individual characteristics that are important in selecting the method of its heating - appointment, glass area and its focus on the horizon, the degree of external insulation, etc.
Thus, the heater for any small-size space to be compact and of course safer. Other characteristics of the machine, including and consumed energy source are chosen with reference to the operating conditions.
The main purpose of the garage - storage of the car, but that room and perform other functions - repair shop and storage place housewares. So, in the structure may be a certain amount of fuel and other flammable objects, which increases the risk of fire. Thus, walling garage in most cases are made of metal or stone, there do not contain animal, and these factors reduce the fire risk object.
The henhouse situation is different - there is no fuel, but enclosing structure designs are often insulated with wood or combustible materials, and in winter Poultry able to overturn the portable heater at the emitter unit with dust can get chicken feathers. Accordingly, these factors increase the risk of fire in the room who are not a fire hazard in the warm season.
Consider several types of compact autonomous heat sources suitable for use in the garage and a small chicken coop.
Kinds of compact heater of fuel consumed
Even in the southern regions of Russia the heating season lasts for several months, so there is no point in considering exotic devices based paraffin candles, effective only like heaters for tents, or low-power devices operating, for example, from a car battery - it is applicable only in extreme situations, in the absence alternatives.
Gas autonomous heaters
Natural gas - Energy, affordable wide range of users. But the equipment of any object such kind of gas requires a lot of formal procedures - from design to commissioning. Therefore, if during the construction of the garage of his project was not built gas supply, the structure can be heated on a heater balloon propane or butane.
As for heating the chicken coop, the situation with the use of gas is even more difficult. Use in the house, portable gas heaters are a fire hazard and mounted water heating based on gas boiler installed in a separate room, but it is advisable to poultry, as a small chicken coop does not justify these costs, and the autonomy of the talk is no longer necessary - there is a dependence on the gas pipeline and power (system automation).
Infrared gas heater "HEC-3,2 'domestic manufacturer" Hydraulic " It is a self-contained heating unit, a well established among Russian owners of garages.
Heat generator "NEC-3.2" is compact, is light, economical and, above all, safe enough for use in the garage.
Characteristics unit "HEC-3,2 ':
- heat capacity - up to 3.3 kW;
- energy carrier consumption - gas (natural gas, propane, butane);
- averaged fuel (LPG / Natural) - 150/420 ml / hour;
- radiator surface temperature - 800 aboutFROM;
- ignition method - manually;
- unit weight - 0.95 kg;
- The maximum dimensions - 22h17h18 see.
The radiator consists of a burner on a tripod, connectable to the gas cylinder through a gearbox via a hose. As for the garage heater this infrared device is very convenient - emitting panel can be installed at any angle, including, horizontally (directed upward), whereby on it by means of special supports which can be installed capacity for cooking.
Important! Translation of fuel consumption for liquefied natural gas is produced after the installation of the burner with a nozzle of appropriate diameter, included in the unit package.
Advantages of the design - cost, no open flames and low allocation of the air of combustion gases.
Fuel oil heaters autonomous actions
This group of infrared heaters for heating small coop is also of little use.
If the machine model is not equipped with a fan, there is a danger of ignition down in contact with the burner.
A thermal diesel guns at work make noise, which is in close quarters will scare the bird. In addition, the directional jet of heated air will continually raise the dust from the chicken coop litter.
Acceptable way still is - to install diesel gun out, and send in a warm room with a bird on a flexible arm. Such a method of heating the chicken coop is effective, but not comfortable - you need to periodically go out into the cold to visually monitor the performance of the heater.
In this heat gun indirect heating for a long time and effectively used for heating in poultry farms poultry houses a large area
It should be noted that the fan is a fan heater runs on electricity, that is, this unit is not autonomous, and to the place of its location need to pull the power cable.
The effectiveness of the use of guns Local heating garage showcase this video:
When choosing a means for heating the garage is also noteworthy line heaters Local domestic producer "SolyaroGaz" - 6 models with different power (1.8-2.5 kW), the furnace manufacturing material and geometry reflector.
Devices intended for consumption as kerosene and diesel fuel, and, special requirements for the quality of the fuel is not - it can be purchased on the usual gas stations.
The capacity of the fuel tank, according to the model is from 2.5 to 4.2 liters, averaged fuel consumption of all models - 0.2 l / h.
Weight units is in the range of 4,3-6,7 kg, dimensions - within 40h45h35 cm, which makes it easy to move them within the premises, or be transported in a car trunk.
The manufacturer claims the possibility of using these heaters for home heating. In the presence of an open flame and use diesel fuel approval is doubtful - the products of combustion of diesel fuel will be deposited on the finishing designs that will not improve its aesthetics. But choose a burner for heating the garage, small workshop or for use in field conditions will quite reasonable solution - autonomy and ease of use, compact and cost-effective devices obvious.
Get a visual representation of the heaters "SolyaroGaz" the company will watch this video:
Autonomous heating apparatus for solid fuel
Heater for the chicken coop in the wood - conventional oven-stove is one of the rational solution to the question of heating of buildings in terms of fuel costs. But this method of heating has a problem that must be considered:
- stove body and flue should be latticed or mesh fencing of non-combustible materials, who will not let the bird sit on a hot surface, but will not prevent service heater;
- furnace design should preclude the escape of sparks from the furnace, but the area in front of the unit is still must be equipped accordingly - concreted and enclosed by a border of non-combustible layer compost;
- heat their hen house only during the day and under the control of man.
As for the use of stand-alone stoves in a small garage, then this option of heating - the most ancient, but no less than other heating methods popular among motorists.
Given the mode of human presence in garages, the cost of firewood, tend to be small, and the structure of the periodic warming will eliminate the moisture and contributes to a better vehicle safety.
Important! Using a wood stove only in the presence of a garage owner and compliance with fire safety regulations - necessary conditions to prevent fire.
autonomy heating alternative
Given the specificity of space operation for poultry, we can say that, whichever of the above heater is chosen, the factor of presence complicates the use of animals units.
Solution to the problem it is advisable to build in a different way: as a primary heating means to use the appropriate in design and affordable electric appliance, and in case of emergencies have a stand-alone device.
For example, electric infra-red heater to coop - optimal option core heater tube emitters but with a high surface temperature should not be available for direct contact.
Infrared rays act on the obstacles to its propagation - increases their surface temperature, whereupon the heated interior gives heat to the surrounding air. Thus infrared radiation has a thermal effect directly on the bird, but the parameters of the transit environment - air during the passage does not change.
In small hen infrared lamp heaters positioned closer to perches, since an increase in the distance from the emitter reduces the intensity of heating.
Variety of infrared heaters - Membrane devices as well with the task of heating chicken coops as a small square and large. At this low temperature of the radiating surface making them safe for direct contact with bird or human.
In winter, in a henhouse temperature must not fall below 10 0With that it is possible to ensure the installation of a remote thermostat. Based on the values of permissible temperature in central Russia room is not required high-intensity heating. Consequently, the monthly energy costs for the winter will not be significant.
Passive space heating
In addition to the use of heaters, there is a whole set of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of heating units and thus their profitability.
But apart from the universal operations, such as external insulation of building envelopes, there are technologies that are applicable only to the premises for the keeping of animals or birds.
After the outer and preferably - and the inner insulating walls and ceiling henhouse operate floor insulation. With reference to the henhouse technology of these works are no different from performing identical operations in other areas. But in the house after the warming of the floor produce an additional procedure on warming - laying a thick layer granular litter components which react chemically with one another and separated while warm.
Such a mixture can cook yourself, and you can buy one ready-made compositions, proposed compost producers.
As litter material for winter in self its preparation using natural bulk materials origin with low thermal conductivity: chopped straw, wood shavings, moss, sunflower hulls or a mixture of these components.
Layer is formed in thickness of 30-50 cm, and over time as the seals are added to it the same substrate in an amount required to restore the initial volume.
Bird droppings, mixing with the organic, initiates degradation processes and heat.
Important! Deep litter must be periodically loosen (1-2 times per week) - a layer to eliminate the temperature rising to dangerous quantities weathering ammonia therefrom and drying.
Thus, the deep litter are also a kind of self-contained means of heating the chicken coop in the winter - but not a major intensity.
Heater can not be considered as an advantage or a disadvantage, it is one of his characteristics, which, depending on the specific operating conditions, can be both "plus", so and "minus":
- the use of electricity or gas for heating consumer creates dependence on the presence of the mains voltage or line pressure, but eliminates the need to have a supply of fuel;
- parking heaters have to design everything to work, but their energy reserves are limited, but the quality of the purchased fuel - a variable, and generates dependency.
The main essence of the article
- Autonomous heating unit - a device that does not require energy sources of backbone networks (electricity, gas).
- Heaters independent actions are convenient, sometimes irreplaceable, space heating, located at a distance from the electricity and gas networks, for heating in the field and emergency situations.
- Heating aggregates autonomous actions are particularly effective for heating premises of small and medium size, since the regular supply of the energy carrier of such devices is small.
- Gas heaters are made in the autonomous performance, but household propane tank are heavy, and disposable cartridges are quite expensive.
- Fuel oil heat generators are designed for continuous operation at a gas station, but when burning diesel significant amount of pollutants released into the air, and kerosene - not cheap energy carrier.
- Wood-burning stove - eco-friendly, inexpensive and effective heater, but the high temperature of the body imposes restrictions on its use.
- After selecting any heater not do without additional measures - sealing joints walling and external insulation.