Among the many types of domestic heating appliances deservedly popular Heating devices parokapelnogo type - aggregates simple principle of action with an affordable price range.
To the choice of housing for the heating device, and to consider the possibility of acquiring this device - a compact, efficient, reliable, consider parokapelnye heaters more.

The apparatus and operation type heaters parokapelnogo
This type of heater belongs to the group "electric heaters", ie, to the radiators, which will initiate work in a heated Indoor air convective flows - in contact with the airbag unit housing medium is heated and rises upwards, being replaced by more Cold.

The basis for the design of heaters parokapelnogo type is a needle-type heater. The tubular heater is mounted to the bottom of the sealed cast-iron, steel or aluminum container with water, ethanol or methanol, soaked location above the level of PETN, which needle construction does not require the large number of liquid.

Capacity in a housing KNP installed obliquely - its deviation from the horizontal plane of the base is about 20 degrees.
When the network device in the water for several minutes TAN heated to boiling temperature, and starts to vaporize, filling the free volume of vapor reservoirs.
The hot steam under pressure, contacting the top of the tank walls with metal condenses on them with the thermal release of energy. Due to the high thermal conductivity metal, the heat is transmitted to the nearest air heater layers initiating indoors convection and condensation in the tank flows down the inclined walls at the bottom and re-heated Taine again It evaporates.

Thus, in the heat transfer process involves two heating medium - water and vapor, but not liquid temperature exceeds 100 degrees, and the vapor in the tank may be heated to 120, so the upper part SCP during operation always hot.
To increase the intensity of heat transfer in most models PKN upper liquid reservoir is in the form multisection blocks of narrow sections with additional external ribbing that enhances the heat transfer area times.
Important! parokapelnogo heater tank volume free of liquid filled technical vacuum, so transition of coolant from liquid to vapor by heating occurs bypassing the boiling process, i.e. silently.
Specifications and varieties of steam condensate heaters
The main criterion when choosing KNP is the power required for heating specific areas and volumes. In domestic models parokapelnyh heaters, this parameter lies in the range from 0.5 to 2.0 kW. Accordingly, in regions with temperate climates in the presence of an effective external insulation walling home SCP 1.5 kW provide space heating area up to 15 m.

Design of different models parokapelnyh heaters requires a precise calculation of the power relations PETN needle, the surface area of the unit housing with the account number and the fin used in the reservoir coolant.
Maximum power PKN 2 kW is selected for security purposes. With reference to this value are calculated the volume of the tank, the amount of liquid poured therein and the heat transfer area. The ratio of these parameters should ensure effective vaporisation in the vessel at a safe vapor pressure (not more than 0.07 MPa), a temperature surface of the housing is not more than 115 degrees, and the location of the needle PETN always below the liquid level - even during operation of the heater in maximum normally.
Important! Properly executed PETN calculation power ratios, the amounts of coolant, a reservoir volume and housing allows the heat transfer area is not equipped with a safety relief valve PKN excess pressure. In this case, for safety devices power up to 1.5 kW are made with high strength characteristics and are intended primarily for industrial premises.

Heaters parokapelnogo type as mentioned above are divided into consumer devices and units for industrial applications.
Devices for use in production are more power, respectively, more and their size. With the release of such units aesthetics performance upstaged, giving way to overall performance, body strength and security of the control system, as well as the supply cable.

However, even industrial heaters parokapelnye modern models have a class of exterior finishes above average, which allows without sacrificing interior space and use them in everyday life.

Modern heaters PKN, both domestic and industrial purposes, are equipped with a safety system (automatic shut-off when overturning or overheats the bimetallic plates) and the temperature control - a thermostat operating on the basis of temperature sensor data, state or retrofitted with his hands in the actual area of the room - on reaching the set temperature in this zone the heater is turned off.

PKN model by location divided into floor, wall and universal. The principle of operation of these structures is the same, the heat transfer units produced by both sides of the panel.
Floor units are equipped with support legs that provide it a stable position on a horizontal plane, or a platform with wheels to facilitate movement.
Important! If the unit is determined by a permanent location, but there are fears of capsizing, it is possible to support after the dismantling of the wheel lock on the floor using screws.
In the case of an unexpected stall heater triggered the automatic opening of the network, and a relatively low body temperature can cause a fire.

Models wall arrangement have one of the sides of the opening panel to the brackets, which unit is fixed to the wall. The design and size of the brackets provide location PKN distance 7-10 cm from the support base that reduces the thermal effects of the heater on a wall and does not inhibit convection of air on the back side instrument. Wall portion located behind the installed heater should be equipped with thermal protection of the heat-resistant material.

PKN universal design allows you to set the location of the support legs to them or mount on the wall. The effectiveness of a particular method of application depends upon the particular operating conditions.

Application of PKN
Release steam condensate heaters for domestic and industrial purposes is based on the possibility of their use in a wide variety of purposes:
- Heating urban and suburban buildings of residential, public and industrial purposes;
- in the northern regions - heating rooms, remote from the established in-house basic heating means;
- maintaining in the ground floors and basements temperature required for normal operation of water supply and sewer systems in winter;
- an alternative method of heating the housing during the emergency work to repair the main heating systems;
- heating housing, inappropriate hardware heating circuit due to significant heat losses associated with large spans a length of tubing;
- maintaining the required temperature in the rooms when performing a job requiring this technology.
In fact, the scope of the steam condensate heaters is much wider, so a high degree of relevance of the IPP can be asserted with confidence.

Advantages and disadvantages of heaters parokapelnoy design
Assessing the feasibility of using in certain conditions, the heater is steam condensate type, you need to know the basic pros and cons of these units.
Advantages PKN:
- ecology - the absence of any whatsoever to discharge the heated space
- safety - sufficient low temperature enclosure (not affect the humidity indicator indoor dust and do not burn), equipped with an automatic shutdown system if overheated, quiet;
- a sufficient degree of automation of management on most models;
- durability - due to the lack of air in the tank needed to corrosion but limited-life heating element;
- frost - coolant expansion during freezing does not cause destruction of the tank due to the presence in it free volume;
- compactness, possibility of wall mounting;
- Process efficiency - easy installation and routine care, there is no need chimney device.
Disadvantages parokapelnyh heaters:
- fairly high cost of the units even domestic destinations;
- inherent in all electric heater increased consumption of electricity;
- inability to repair heaters in living conditions in the cases of depressurization - an error in the amount of coolant is fraught with an explosion when heated.
Self manufacturing the PKN
The high cost of steam condensate heaters at the apparent simplicity of the principle of action creates a temptation make this unit independently, given the current availability of materials, components and tool.
Indeed, today parokapelnye heaters often made with his hands - materials and components for their assembly can be easily found on sale. But to make such units in the home only after reading the instructions and recommendations are not really - designs of such devices many enough and manufacturing technique has each individual features. It is necessary to have not only the general skills of installation and welding works, but also practical experience in particular in the manufacture of PKN.
In addition, assembly of the low-power heater parokapelnogo impractical - there are many other species are not expensive heating devices, and, the industrial production, which will cope with the heating housing and better safer. A home-made high-performance machine is not as aesthetically pleasing to use it for home heating.

Depicted above the heating register, working on parokapelnomu type can serve as a visual aid to the question of how to make the most PKN
The unit is assembled from four fragmentov- "streams", made of steel tube of 50 mm diameter and a stub-plates of sheet steel. In the bottom "stream", equipped with a nozzle, mounted heater. The top of the register - with the valve cap, through which the radiator was poured a mixture of water with antifreeze and bleed air pressure at the first switch on the device.

The bottom "stream" is filled with coolant which evaporates when heated. The steam fills all space "streams", gives heat the walls of the radiator and condenses on them, then trickled back down to TENu.
The design of IPP may be easier, but it does not negate the need for specific skills.

Important! The absence of vacuum in a makeshift radiator causes boiling of the coolant, a certain noise accompanied with the operation of the unit.
Parokapelnye heaters - efficient electric heaters. Their efficiency also explains the demand for these devices, which, in turn, affect the pricing policy - Cost of PKN higher prices for many other infrared heaters. However, striving for efficiency way of heating, we should not forget about the more important factor - safety equipment, which can not be fully achieved when a home-made units.
The main essence of the article
- Parokapelnye heaters - modern reliable machines, simple design which is their advantage, rather than a flaw.
- Choosing a method of heating housing, should not ignore the IPP - effective heaters, knowledge of the characteristics which facilitate their use. Application parokapelnyh heaters in the home and at work - evidence of their effectiveness.
- When planning the use of the IPP, it is necessary to know their characteristics, types of equipment and performance criteria for selection of these units.
- Self-production of drip-steam electric heaters is possible, but is associated with the risk of accidents in the operation of such equipment in the event of an error in the design.