Now on the Russian market there are many types of modern insulating materials. One of them is stone wool, which has long been used as insulation and is deservedly popular. That's about it as will be discussed in this review.
Stone wool as the insulation wall is used when you want to create a variety of thermal insulation of building structures. She can effectively insulate the ceiling, wall, roof.

Properties and characteristics of the material
It serves as the basis for producing rock this insulant. It to high temperatures, which leads to the formation of fibers. If we talk about the characteristics of the material, in this case it refers to many of the settings that affect the properties of the insulation. Among them there are the following figures:
- The ability to conduct heat. In this regard, the material has a high efficiency. This is ensured by its structure, porosity and lightness. Scientifically proven is the fact that the air - the best barrier to heat loss. The structure of the material is such that it is surrounded by a large number of fibers is air. Acquirer of stone wool as a bonus gets high fire safety material and good environmental performance.
- Hydrophobicity. The characteristics of the material for any insulation is an important indicator of resistance to moisture. If it will absorb moisture, it significantly deteriorate its properties, it just will not be able to fully carry out its mission. For stone wool is characterized by high resistance to moisture. Its fibers are not able to get wet. In order to improve these properties, arrange "cake", which includes a layer for insulating steam.

- Indicators of stone wool density for thermal insulation of facade walls is significant and affects the properties of the insulation.
- The important is to keep the thickness of the structure during construction work.
This circumstance dictated the following requirements:
- loss of form of insulation leads to a deterioration of its quality;
- not allowed sedimentation of the material under its own weight;
- material over the entire surface must maintain its homogeneity.
How warm the stone wool is well within the scope of these requirements. This is achieved due to the following features:
- The filaments are arranged in different directions. As a result, material may not wrinkle and sag.
- The fibrous structure has good rigidity and flexibility. It is characterized by the preservation of form in the "memory".
- The fibers are synthetic components. This prevents rupture and loss of form. Typically, such components as are used phenol-formaldehyde resin. It promotes compound fiber than is achieved by obtaining the required thickness of the carpet. To impart water repellency to the material, its handling is carried out with mineral oil.
- High density does not permit even a slight deformation of the material.
- The thickness of the layer of insulation, stone wool is divided into soft, semi-rigid and rigid type. They have a drive letter, which can be found on the packaging.
- In addition, rock wool has good sound insulation performance.
thermal conductivity of mineral wool varies between 0.032-0.048 W / mK. These are the best characteristics of heat preservation, similar to foam and rubber foam.
Popular brands of mineral wool
Currently, a large number of producers engaged in the production of stone wool. All of them in this short review it is impossible to list, but the top three all means necessary to stop in more detail.
Rockwoo. This manufacturer has a leading position in the ranking of popularity. With this insulation produce trim facades for limiting the heat loss and noise control. It is also possible to insulate the floor, frame walls, roof. Form release are mats, plates and cylinders. Available material in different series. Meets cached insulation with aluminum foil and stainless steel wire. In total there are more than 10 series. The cost of most kinds of material, depending on the thickness and on the purpose for which it is intended. Price qualification starts from about 1000 rubles.

Technonikol. Basis in its manufacture make basaltic rocks. They insulated roofing, facades, interior and exterior elements of the building. In addition, the insulation is performed intermediate floors. Price is determined by the thickness, size and purpose. It is slightly cheaper previous version.

Paroc. This type of insulation is made in Finland. It has a very wide range of applications. Release form are plates and mats. The cost of material is different, depending on the size and destination, but close to the previous embodiment.
All such products are subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, to avoid fakes is necessary to acquire the material only in the audited retail outlets, thus it is necessary to require the seller to he presented the certificate for products.
How to conduct an external wall insulation rock wool on their own?
To independently carry out facade insulation using this heater is required to fulfill a number of specific actions. To begin to prepare the necessary tools:
- Scraper, metal brush, rubber brush. They will be required to prepare the surface of the walls.
- Tape measure, level, drill, fixing material for mounting the frame on the front of the house.
Before insulated from the wall surface is removed all unnecessary. We are talking about other things, pieces of rebar, nails and other elements.

This is to avoid damage to the insulation. If that happens, it will condensate accumulation. As a result, metallic structural elements will be subjected to corrosion processes. If there is mold, it is removed to the surface.
Before you stick the insulation, the wall undergoes priming. In this case, it would be better to pass the clutch. Sometimes operate from a metal lath. It can attach with dowels. Between the crate and the surface heater is placed. When sticking the adhesive used, that is intended for mineral wool or glass wool. Clay lubricate both sides of the insulation surface. The inner side is adhered to the wall, and the outer reinforcing mesh fixed construction.
Next, the operation takes place according to the following algorithm:
- Must be protected from rodents. For this purpose, the wall is laid down from the eaves of the metal. This is achieved is another positive point. Insulation will fall more smoothly.
- The back side of the insulation lubricated polymer glue. With it, the material is fixed to the wall. It is possible to enhance the fixation by means of plastic dowels. When assembling care must be taken to avoid forming gaps between the plates.
- If the surface after installation are irregularities eliminate them by means of a grinding brush.
- Then, a coating film windproof and superimposing several layers of primer.
If the insulation to hold in a similar way, the addition can get some nice bonuses:
- Stronger wall is protected from excessive wind loads.
- If the insulation is carried out from the outside, you can get the inner space savings.
- Using stone wool exterior wall, you can change the design of the facade, to add some unusual solutions in the design.
After that, it can be assumed that the insulation design is ready. At the end to give it a presentation outside of applied decorative plaster.
Thermal insulation of rock wool inside
In cases where it is impossible to hold the facade insulation, Insulate the room from the inside. In this case the required profile is used made of wood or metal. Insulation design will also consist of rock wool; putty and drywall.
All work is done in several stages:
- Battens mounted on the wall.
- In the space formed by the wall and the crate is laid insulation.
- Performing finishing tiling.
When using wooden slats for walls of stone wool, they are pre-coated with lacquer. This will provide protection from adverse environmental factors.

If the guides are made of metal are used, their installation is carried out so that the recesses viewed in the left direction. This is necessary to ensure reliability of insulation fixing. To create an air gap between the material and the wall to leave a gap of 20 mm. This can be achieved if the adhesive is applied to the surface by a point method.

It is easy to see that such work does not involve any particular difficulty. The main thing is to perform all the steps were accurate and consistent. In this case, I regret the wasted manpower and equipment is not necessary. The house will be warm, cozy and comfortable.
After mounting structure holds thermal insulating vapor barrier. For fixing it using double-sided tape. At the final stage of finishing is performed. Most often used for this purpose plasterboard. Then it should be proshpatlevat. This uses Ramiro mesh. After grouting, eliminating irregularities you can start decorating.
The use of mineral wool as insulation can solve many problems at once, the most important of which - the preservation of warmth in the house.