Repair bathrooms and kitchens include plumbing work. It is important to arrange the conditions for a comfortable use. The hosts are several types of mixers to be installed in different locations, at different heights. Their design features determine whether the valve is easy to use, and how much trouble it will bring in use. Safety requirements are met thanks to the high-quality materials.
Modern materials and methods of performance guarantee performance for many years. The mixer is also a full-fledged element of the interior. On sale are cascading model separately for baths and washbasins. The range includes units with original arms and nozzles that are fired at a distance sensor models respond to heat and movement. Not long ago, the choice was limited to just a few options.
Types and characteristics mixers advantages and disadvantages
- valve
- linkage
- Thermostatic
- Standards and installation standards
Determining the height, depending on the type of installation
- On board bowl
- on the rack
- On the wall
- Tips and tricks for self-installing mixer
- conclusion
Types and characteristics mixers advantages and disadvantages
There are some types:
- Valve (dvuhkontaknye, double wishbone);
- lever (single ended, single lever);
- thermostatic;
- Contactless (sensory).
Devices of the first type more familiar and operated for many years, however, fail more often. To replace them, "came" single ended. Now most mixers managed just one handle. In the case of the one-contact models water comes at a higher rate. With frequent and short-term opening it harder to save. However, it is more convenient to adjust the temperature and pressure.
Stability - a major plus thermostatic option - the person does not need to repeatedly adjust the water. The disadvantage is the high price and limitations in the selection. Water flow in the sanitary system is so strong that the installation of a particular model becomes difficult - the pressure has a great influence on the fuser. Contactless models suitable for frequent use. But they also need to be adjusted. In addition, if the touch faucet breaks - the room will be left without water.

These predate mixers and others are still relevant, despite the loss of market position. Gate valves cheaper than other options and easier to use. The basis of the device head parts with a rubber gasket. Due to violation of the integrity of the gum starts leaking, and in the near future may have to replace plumbing. Itself the leak is addressed simply - replacement pads, but often leads to flooding. Suffers house or several apartments. The empty private homes it will result in high costs for consumed water and repair.
With modern two-contact taps the situation is different. laying the function of the ceramic valve. This design is more reliable and durable. According to the manufacturer, it will be enough for 45,000 turns. To start with sufficient water only a quarter turn.
See also:Hygienic shower toilet

An one (lever, single lever) mixer type is becoming increasingly popular. They are used for everything sinks, shower, bath. The design offline head parts. It consists of a body, the nozzle and the cartridge for flow control. In many embodiments, instead of the nozzle body has a conduit.
Sink choose models with any type of spout, shower - often with a direct channel and a connection for a hose with a watering can. Tape record only one fastener with a decorative cap. A handle for controlling water flow and temperature is set to the cartridge arm. Repair the crane arm can even inexperienced person. Also durability and simplicity advantage of the design is stylish design. And generally, faucets with lever are very different in appearance. The main plus - the rate of water regulation.

This type of mixer keeps the water temperature at the same level, regardless of the increase in pressure cold or hot stream. It is chosen by many buyers, even at a high price. The mechanism contains two controls for temperature and pressure control. As a rule, it is rounded valves, but some manufacturers stylize them under levers or handles.
On some models have a display with information about the current settings. The principle of operation is in the fuser. He is within and reacts to the water feature. If the temperature change in the water supply device, the thermostat will supply water of the same temperature but with a different pressure. As a result, the pressure is likely to be reduced, but it may also increase. When stopping one of the streams mixer stop working.
The design is safe - there blocker that provides protection against burns.

Standards and installation standards
Should abide by the following acts:
- SNIP 2.08.01-89;
- SNP III-3-814;
- SNP III-4-80;
- SNIP 3.01.01-85;
- CH 478-80;
- SNIP 3.05.01-85.
Regulations include a sequence of actions. It is with these standards need to meet first. First, plastered walls and ceiling. Then install plumbing (bath, washbasin), and only then comes the turn of mixers. At the same time, there are no strict guidelines regarding the location of the device, except for the height. Mixers of any type as ceramic bathroom fixtures, mounted on a distance of not more than 3 meters from the riser. However, when the interval can be increased demand.
shower faucet mounted at a height of 120 cm from the floor - according SNP 3.05.01-85 and 2.08.01-89. The minimum height for different embodiments of Use - 80 cm. For mounting on a sink provided the minimum height of 65 cm. Hoses for the mounting holes for the mixer are only designed for flexible hoses. Long experience has shown that the mixer should be no higher than 20 cm above the edge of the bathtub or sink. At the same time in the kitchen it is almost always built into the sink.
See also:Bathroom Design 5 square meters - planning and interior

Determining the height, depending on the type of installation
Installation options:
- on board the tub or sink;
- on the floor or shower stand;
- on the wall;
- installation into the wall.
The latter option is less common of all - if the wall is visible only to the spout and switches. With the first two methods associated narrow choice. Some companies do not produce equipment with tap hole. In each of the four cases, the mounting location is determined in advance - at the stage of communication design. Therefore nuances about the type and configuration of the mixer, the size and shape of plumbing into account at the beginning of the work.
If the mixer is on the shower rack, the height of the placement coordinate with the floor or bottom of the bath (if it exists). In the case of installation on the mounting holes on the sides of the pipe are variants and length, respectively, above the floor level. Some interior design also leaves the possibility to choose the height. Post wall model is necessary in view of the distance from the sides and floor.

On board bowl
The kitchen this installation method is basic. crane mounted much less on board bath. This installation is possible in the first place, if the holes are provided in the factory version. The reason for low prevalence of this solution lies in the elementary inconvenience during washing. However it is possible to set a high cascade mixer wide type (again, if such a configuration is provided initially) or valve disk. Installation height corresponds to the bead bath and is within 50-57 cm.
On the edge of the tub or sink for kitchen / bathroom installation produce a hidden way - use flexible hoses. Output to him hide a pipe or a decorative flap, so as not to spoil the look of the room. If the height or the mounting pipe is located at 65-85 cm, the output is just below the standard height. The gap between him and the mixer should not exceed the length of the connecting hose.
Experts recommend lateral placement options on the edge, away from the center.

on the rack
Front - floor or wall structure for mounting a mixer, sometimes shower mesh. Many foreign manufacturers produce floor options. Fitting Height in this case is fixed and depends from the base parameters. There are general instructions about mounting rack with removable and stationary watering can, t. N. rain shower. When the standard height of the mixer (approximately 100 cm from the floor) the upper stationary watering must be placed at a height of 200 cm.
Approximately at the same level it is the ideal height for the holder. The end of the spout is lowered ideally by 14 cm below the mixer at the front fixing points. The distance between the mixer and the floor is increased to 120 cm from the bottom of the bowl when the wall plate is operated above the bath. Under the standard floor height of the mixer is 78 cm from the floor to the housing and to the spout 83 cm.
See also:Bathroom in gray: the idea of ​​decoration and design

On the wall
Installation of the mixer on the wall above the bath is carried out at a height of 80 cm from the floor - a requirement of regulatory acts. Experts recommend increasing the rate to 85 cm. The norm is designed for an adult of average height. If the bath is intended only for the children, the figure can be significantly reduced. Placing over the sink means 25-inch minimum margin from the top edge.
Normal operating in the RF, and here the European requirements include the distance of 30 cm from the top of the washbasin. Calculation placement height from the floor or pallet summation index fixed in 85 cm and a height of supports (700-110 mm). Mixer mounted without affecting the joints between the tiles and borders. Otherwise rough coating prevent dense fixation reflectors. It all depends on the height of the calculations - mainly located 0.9-1 meters above the floor.

Tips and tricks for self-installing mixer
The first thing to carefully dismantle the old machine, so as not to damage the surface. To install you will need an adjustable wrench and complete installation details. Taps for hot and cold water from the make 15 cm. Depth of installation fittings define a test system assembly. Handy builder's level, because with the help of controlled parallel vodorozetok. The easiest way to install directly on board without any podiums. Then justified the creation of self-made holes.
When mounting need only connect the device to the water supply through flexible tubes. If the tube were longer than necessary, simply cut off. Then require sealing washers and gaskets, and valve screwed on and attached special nut. Mixer hardest to be installed on the rack and the podium. In this case it is better to invite the master.

Replacing parts of the crane - the most simple task. Even the installation of the new device will not be a problem for the average citizen. Models are mostly simple and ergonomic, but there are also complicated in terms of assembly. Installation - it's not just the assembly of individual elements and the connection fasteners. It is also a choice of location and the level of the floor and fixtures. With the help of special mobile crane elements can alienate water and mounted directly on the rim of the sink or tub. To find the height of the mixer over the bath, or the floor, do not need to be an expert.
Suffice it to comply with building codes and public recommendations. When choosing a mixer does not need to hurry. Some options are not only useful, but also decorate the room - it should look like this. It should take into account the benefit of contactless and thermostatic options. However, each solution has its advantages.