What better to do the ceiling in the bathroom

It is difficult to imagine that in the 19th century regular hygienic procedures were considered a luxury, but specifically designed for the needs of the room in an ordinary house did not exist. But progress does not stand still, bringing to the fore hygiene. Now the room for bathing, equipped with plumbing fixtures, is an integral part of any home or apartment. Here a man gives himself up after sleep, wash away dirt and dust at the end of a walk, take a relaxing shower. Room can tell a lot about its owner, so every deliberation comes to interior design, carefully selects the materials for flooring, walls and ceiling in the bathroom. On how well the repair depends on the comfort of the whole family will be executed.


  • Basic requirements to the ceiling in the bathroom
  • Popular options for the bathroom ceiling
    • Plastering and whitewashing
    • coloration
    • Pasting ceiling wallpaper
    • The ceiling is made of PVC
    • Rack suspended ceiling
    • Ceiling Cassette Type
    • Ceiling tiles from expanded polystyrene
    • Tiling
    • Stretch ceiling
    • mirrored ceiling
    • gypsum ceiling
    • Stucco tree
  • In what color to issue the ceiling in the bathroom
  • Ceiling and style - what style ceiling issue
  • Most ceilings in terms of design
  • Most popular on practicality ceilings
  • conclusion

Basic requirements to the ceiling in the bathroom

Every person is constantly striving to improve living conditions in their own homes. For these purposes, bought new equipment, furniture, performed internal and external repair activities. Bathroom is not an exception, but require special attention. This is due to the specifics of the room. When selecting the materials used for finishing the ceiling, to consider requirements for them:

  1. Moisture resistance. Lining will always be in a wet environment. For ceiling steaming, get spray, condensation collects on it.
  2. Easy care. The coating should not collect all the dirt. In the bathroom, difficult to be cleaned due to a variety of subjects. It is necessary to select items that can be cleaned with a normal sponge or cloth.
  3. Aesthetics. Compatible with the overall design of the room is very important. You can make it a focus of the room.
  4. loss of height. In a room with a low ceiling level is not necessary to install the stacked structure that can take 10-15 cm in height.
  5. Resistance to damage. With the loss of the integrity of the material, it can quickly come into disrepair, and the walls will be got mold and fungus.
  6. Resistance to temperature change. Decorating should not lose the original quality and structure.
  7. Durability and resistance to loss of appearance.
  8. Cost. It plays an important role for many buyers. Not always the most expensive is the best finish.
  9. The complexity of the installation. The parameter depends on the ability to set their hands design, as well as the price of the services involved specialists.
  10. Environmental quality. Raw materials should not release harmful substances, hazardous to human health.
Interior design of white bathroomInterior gold bathPurple suspended ceiling in the bathroomBathroom in a classic styleBlack tiles in the interior of the bathroomMirrored ceiling in the bathroom

Popular options for the bathroom ceiling

When decorating the ceiling in the bathroom, you can use a variety of materials suitable for the requirements for rooms with high humidity. If a choice of options for living rooms the main aesthetic influence, in the case of a shower and a toilet on the first place there is the practicality. Produce a quality repair can be in any way possible - from simple budget plastering, to design mirrors modeling and natural planks. It all depends on personal preference, the overall style of the room, the financial capacity.

Plastering and whitewashing

The most affordable way to trim the ceiling for the bathroom. Using plaster easily remove small defects, align, to transform a surface of any size. Prepare and apply a special water-resistant mixture can without the help of professionals. The following solutions are suitable:

  • Based on the cement. Do not shrink when applied correctly. The solution is typically added to the sand, lime. The main drawback of the mixture - quality plastering can spend an experienced master;
  • A polymer mixture. The plastic material is easy to apply, does not require cooking. Characterized by a high price, so do not use it efficiently on large surfaces. The best option for repair of individual sections of stucco ceiling;
  • Gypsum plaster. A mixture of plasticizers, metal salts and other components, enhancing the strength, moisture resistance. It adheres well to brick, concrete. Not suitable for bathrooms with high humidity and poor ventilation.

The plaster is applied in several layers, each well triturated and dried. Topcoat is whitewash. The eco-friendly cheap option has an antiseptic effect, does not allow mold to grow. Of the minuses can be noted a simple unpresentable look great effort in preparing and applying the mixture to the ceiling. Whitewash in the bathroom need to be updated every year.

See also:Bathroom Design Q3. m. - 42 photo ideas

The interior of a large bathtub


A great option for a quick repair without special expenditure. The painted surface does not reduce the ceiling height, so is suitable for small bathrooms. Basic requirements to the paint - water resistance, temperature resistance. You can only use special compositions, if desired, add the dye any color, harmonizing with the overall interior. Use outdated method of finishing the ceiling as possible after pre-priming the walls.

Before painting the ceiling of a bathroom can not be used for at least a day. The room should be dry and free from condensation droplets on surfaces. It is preferable to use a dye to form a smooth texture of the ceiling to make it easier to wipe and clean. The surface can be self-colored or cause any drawing, use stencils.

The paint in the bathroom should be applied on flat ceilings. On materials should not save for a small area of ​​the minimum number required. Cons - color change in a few years, the need for periodic staining sections at the junction of slabs, especially with frequent flooding neighbors.

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Pasting ceiling wallpaper

Such a finishing method is rarely used. Even the most durable washable, washable wallpaper will live long in the ceiling in the bathroom. But if you choose the right material, decorating method will consist of only the benefits, will create an interesting interior.

For the ceiling in the bathroom is better to use a combined method of finishing. For example, the space above the shower area sheathing with plastic, the rest of the surface water-resistant wallpaper. In this case, should be water resistant and adhesive with excellent adhesion, antifungal properties.

Wallpaper with paper backing is not suitable even for partial pasting of the specific room. It is better to use the material on the basis of vinyl. They are well tolerated non-durable contact with steam and water. Liquid wallpaper - the perfect solution for your bathroom. According to the method of installation, they resemble stucco. For additional protection, they can be varnished. You can also use metallic wallpaper, with the addition of glass fibers. But we must bear in mind that they do not leak air, the room will often be aired.

Wallpaper on the ceiling in the bathroom

The ceiling is made of PVC

One of the most popular finishes for bathroom. Simple to install, light-weight PVC panels retain presentable form in conditions of high humidity and temperature. Plastic parts are able to withstand the flooding of neighbors of any severity, repair costs will be minimal. Practical material at an affordable price easily solves the problem of uneven ceilings, thanks to the good reflective surface visually expanding a small space.

Secure thermoplastic polymer has excellent performance characteristics. PVC panels are produced in the form of long strips, ceiling variants differ weight. For installation in the bathroom suitable materials are thinner than 8 mm. Otherwise, the light from the spotlights will make the design clear and unaesthetic. In addition to the advantages, PVC products in a humid environment are some drawbacks - they lowered ceiling below a few centimeters, the joints of panels is difficult to clean.

PVC ceiling in the bathroom

Rack suspended ceiling

Modern method of decorating surfaces in the bathroom creates an aesthetic surface of insulating noise. For suspended ceiling system is easy to hide the pipe, wiring, installation of all lighting fixtures. Narrow, long elements can be plastic or metal. Docking is carried out by specially curved edges in several ways - open, closed, gapless. They are easily mounted on any curved surfaces.

Details of the outboard rack structures can be solid or perforated. The second embodiment is particularly suitable for surfaces that need air circulation. The wide variety of materials, shapes, sizes, ceiling slats external appearance perfectly fit into any interior design.

Bathroom with suspended ceilings

When finishing the ceiling is necessary to use a wooden rack elements, they must be treated with special protective structures.

Ceiling Cassette Type

Interesting design of the suspended parts copes with the tasks assigned to it in areas with high humidity. Material for the lining should be selected taking into account characteristics of the microclimate. A variety of sizes and shapes of cluster modules allows them to be combined with built-in fans, responsible for air circulation.

Decorative panels are easily mounted on a metal frame. For the bathroom, the toilet is better to use modules of Plexiglas, acrylic, steel, minerals, aluminum. Lightweight cassette can be self-colored, colored, with various patterns. Any element can be easily replaced if damaged. Cons - high cost, reducing the ceiling height of 15 cm.

Cassette ceiling in the bathroom

Ceiling tiles from expanded polystyrene

Decorate the ceiling in the bathroom can be a few simple kinds of foam material. Relief surface creates a cozy, suitable for many interior styles. Mounted to the roof surface by means of adhesive. If necessary, a light, airy coating can be periodically stain. Bathroom use several kinds of products from a porous material:

  • Extruded tiles. Thickness modules 3 mm. Made of foamed polystyrene mass is coated with a protective film;
  • Stamped. Thickness 8 mm. It has a loose surface. Manufactured by compressing blocks of polystyrene;
  • Injection. Thickness 14 mm. For elements of the raw material is melted and poured into a mold, allowing the ceiling trim is made by seamless technology.

See also:Bathroom in classical style: interior design

Ceiling tiles from expanded polystyrene


Premises with a special microclimate in need of high-quality durable finish. Ceramic tiles - one of these options. Tile withstand any temperature, moisture, strengthens the ceiling. Its easy to maintain, occasionally enough to wipe with a cloth, you can use any detergents. Material has exceptional aesthetic characteristics, in addition to the standard squares, it is possible to use a mirror, textured tile.

The process of laying tiles consuming and costly, but it is quite feasible with their hands. The surface is carefully prepared - cleaned, plastered, primed. Tile adhesive is then applied and allowed to dry for several hours. Make the layout and laid tile.

Finishing the ceiling tiles in the bathroom

Stretch ceiling

Bathroom ceilings are suitable only with adequate ventilation. Canvas cloth, PVC is not breathable, moisture will not evaporate, so the appearance of the fungus simply secured. Get rid of it will be very problematic. Even the slightest flooding will lead to major problems, the formation of mold and color.

Suspended ceiling in the bathroom can be an excellent alternative to the rack, the plastic options, if the finish carried out in a spacious bath private home. Glossy, matt surfaces of various colors will help create your own style of the room.

Lighting in the bathroomRed suspended ceiling in the bathroomShower bathSuspended ceiling with 3d effect3D ceiling in the bathroomPlasterboard bath

On reflective surfaces it is better not to install spotlights. The room will be similar to the operating room, and the lighting will dazzle the eye.

mirrored ceiling

Stylish solution used by many designers. Practical, original paneling would look good in a room of any size. Reflective elements expand the space taken up moisture, enhance coverage. With their help, you can create a unique design, they are easy to combine with other finishing materials. Cons - fragility and heavy weight, high cost.

For finishing can use several types of reflecting elements - solid glass parts, with bevel, drawing and polystyrene slabs with a special coating. Method for mounting each variant will be different, using screws, special adhesives.

Multilevel ceiling in the bathroom

gypsum ceiling

Conduct finish in rooms with high humidity, you can only water-resistant material GCR. It contains a hydrophobic additive, all the layers of cardboard are treated with special structures. Using it you can create a smooth, curved surfaces, ducts for lamps. Installation takes a minimum of time. Cons - the fragility, the need for the framework, additional finishing.

After installing the drywall plates to the frame plaster overwritten. As a finishing use washable wallpaper, painting, glueing foam tiles and other options facing inexpensive.

Gypsum ceiling in the bathroom

Stucco tree

Headliner in the bathroom can be carried out by various wood products. Increasingly using natural linings. All the elements of the future design of a long time to preserve the natural color and flavor. The panel previously applied special impregnation, which will not allow absorption of moisture, protect from fire, the impact of other negative factors.

With the complexity of installation will not occur. Battens fixed to the base frame of the bars using ershenyh nails. If eventually lose ceiling appearance, there is no need to re-bind it. Boards can be painted, cover the stain and varnish.

Wooden ceiling in the bathroom

In what color to issue the ceiling in the bathroom

ceiling design - one of the basic conditions for the creation of any interior. Correctly selected palette will provide a cozy atmosphere will help to relax, to rest comfortably in a warm bath. When choosing the right shade should comply with the following requirements:

  1. The psychological impact. Some colors may soothe others cause agitation, aggression:
  • Green. It acts calming, relieves fatigue, calms the nervous system.
  • Blue. It helps to reduce the pressure, relax, relieves anxious feelings.
  • Blue. Dissipates tension. It is not necessary to use it on a large scale, it is the contrary, lead to negative consequences - depression, dive into depression.
  • Yellow. Creates the illusion of prosperity, tones, slightly excites the nervous system.
  • Red. Activates the body, it leads to action, causes aggression.
  • White. Neutral color. On the one hand, calm - on the other, a feeling of isolation, detachment, frustration.
  1. The height of the premises. should be used cold light tones for increasing the visual space, to reduce the - dark.
  2. The overall style. The combination of the color of walls, plumbing fixtures, appliances, installed in the room.

See also:Options for laying tiles in the bathroom

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  1. The presence and intensity of natural and artificial lighting. Dark colors are not recommended for use in poorly lit rooms.

The most common shades are white and milky. They blend with any color. If you need to create a bath in a nautical style, it should apply blue, light green, turquoise color. You can combine different colors with each other, consider monochrome, multi-colored variants.

Ceiling and style - what style ceiling issue

The style of the ceiling must meet the interior of a bathroom. When selected should take into account the color palette, the form and type of installed items, materials, used for wall cladding and flooring, texture existing or planned surfaces. There are a lot of different directions, which can be found in a modern design. We consider several variants of the popular design:

  • Loft. A good way to arrange the room with high ceilings. Here are used not plastered coarse materials. You can leave the bare concrete walls. Originally will look wooden beams, a coating imitating brickwork.
  • Minimalism. The surface must be extremely smooth. Drawings and designs are not allowed. Suitable plastic, ceramic tile, mirrors. The main thing is to comply with austerity. Number of lighting should be kept to a minimum. When making a better use of 1-2 shades. Besides standard white and gray coloring, it is possible to use yellow, blue, green.
  • Scandinavian. The main requirement - smooth, light ceiling soffit. Suitable for finishing coat, white waterproof paint, ceilings of PVC film. built-in lights are used for lighting.
  • Modern. The color scheme consists of a gold, golden black, white, pearl, coffee, beige. Used suspension structures, water-resistant drywall, paint. Used lamps in the shape of flowers and leaves.
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Most ceilings in terms of design

Consider the possibility of the materials used for the decoration of the ceiling surface, it is difficult to make the choice to stay at the most appropriate option. First of all it is necessary to take into account the design of other rooms in the house, take advantage of professional advice, see finished examples, based on which to find a suitable design.

If you approach from the point of view of aesthetics, the selection is better to stop on the suspended ceiling, drywall constructions. The first should be preferred when you are ready to invest in the interior design of the bank. Suspended structures suitable for rooms with high altitude, which can fill the neighbors above. The second option would require lower costs, and installation can be done by hand. Multi-level system are striking in their beauty and diversity.

We should also stop at the mirrored ceiling. The mirror will give the room a rich look, create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. Facing quite rare, so it will be a highlight of any home or apartment, where you can show off to friends. Inconvenience caused by surface fogging can be eliminated by means of special tools, which must be periodically processed material.

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Most popular on practicality ceilings

The aesthetic properties of the coating plays an important role, but when you select meets all the requirements of the ceiling material should pay special attention to its practicality. After having spent a lot of manpower and resources, no one wants to deal with this issue again, in case of possible accidental damage to the surface.

A plastic PVC panels are most practical coatings. Install them under the force of each independently. If you do not have to dismantle the ceiling lining completely replace one little detail enough damage to an individual element. These same properties rack ceiling made of plastic, aluminum, stainless steel. This coverage is more expensive, but it combines practicality and beauty.

Some argue that the best solution, both from a practical point of view, and from an aesthetic, will be suspended ceiling. This view makes sense only in a room with high ceilings and very good ventilation, which should be located in the space between the cover and the floor slab. Otherwise, such a design can only bring harm to human health. For example, after the flooding of water can be drained from any opening provided for the light, to align the material by heating. However, wet walls remain conserved inside, which will inevitably lead to the emergence and development of mold.

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Earlier, during the repairs in the bathroom, they paid little attention to the ceiling surface, using the usual whitewash. With the advent of a variety of materials, each of which has a number of advantages, it changed their attitude to the ceiling design. Now easy to pick up a beautiful lining, can transform a room and make it more cozy, comfortable, soothing. Assessing the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed methods of finishing, can select the most suitable embodiment, completely suits everyone.