Each decides what the room needed in the first place. Someone cleans the hall and wardrobe, while others provide technical facilities for the storage of clothes, where they do not exist initially. If a lot of personal things, it is best to gather them in one place, where you can practice ordering and fitting. Amount of clothing will only increase with time, and to not have to throw out some of their things, need to find a large space in which to fit all stock. In new buildings, almost all apartments have a dressing room, and some even have mounted furniture elements. It is worth a wardrobe and a large four-room apartment, and in close "odnushke". This is a good place for the realization of design ideas. Stylish, modern and expensive looks wide dressing room with furniture of strict forms and full of light.
- Advantages and disadvantages of dressing
Basic requirements for the dressing room
- Area and location
- zoning
- Ventilation
- Lighting
- Recommended decoration materials
variants of planning
- The linear layout
- parallel planning
- U-shaped layout
- corner layout
- Style and colors
Construction of storage and the necessary furniture
- Features of arrangement by gender
- Dressing out of the closet
- Walk-in closet in the bedroom by a partition
- conclusion
Advantages and disadvantages of dressing
Any plan has pros and cons. Modern people value comfort above all, therefore, the presence in the dressing room floor plan will come in handy. If you move all the stuff in one room - plenty of space available for other purposes. You will be able to save on the purchase of cabinets. In the wardrobe easier to sort and place the clothes so that it does not myalas and smelled good. In the room there is a place for different wardrobe systems. Another plus is that the door can be locked with a key. The main drawback is the inability to dressing rooms to use this space for other rooms. Another negative - things all the tenants will be one together, sometimes mixed. They can not be collected at the same time. Many prefer that all things were at hand, so the dressing room they do not need.

Among other advantages, stands out:
- versatility;
- to take into account the individual characteristics and wishes;
- flexibility in design.
Basic requirements for the dressing room
The room should be dry. It is desirable that the room bordered with a bedroom or hallway. If the dressing room in the apartment, but there are a desire to do it, you need to choose a site with no windows. An exception can be made if the room is big. The room set several powerful artificial light sources. There are disputes over material for furniture elements. Some advises tree, others - synthetics. It is important that the clothes do not absorb odors, and the materials are environmentally friendly. Minimum space required for that premises - 2Q. m. Dimensions sections are selected according to the length and width of the upper clothing. Shelves for shoes made with a slope of 45 °. It is recommended to install at least two mirrors. In the wardrobe place the equipment necessary for the care of clothing.

Area and location
Desirably, the area was not less than 2 square meters. In this case, two people will be comfortable at the same time and move on dressing room. In modern apartments under the wardrobe stands out from Q3. m And if a house is large or has additional amenities -. 4 sq. m and more. Dressing may abut the hallway or move smoothly therein. The optimal location for the dressing room is considered to be a bedroom.

However, if you make a large area under the dressing room, the place of its location choose the living room. Dressing-rooms look the most impressive. This room, which houses all the clothes and shoes, as well as personal items and a desk with all necessary equipment. When re-planning of the hall is usually removed and a dressing room appears in its place.

Dressing rooms that are part of a common space of a studio apartment can not isolate ourselves or even to separate small glass or wooden partitions. Sometimes dressing room curtains emit. Inside the room is divided into upper, middle and lower parts. The lower zone is reserved for footwear. On the floor and some shelves put shoes above - various accessories (belts, bags, etc...). The height of the lower portion ranges from 70-90 cm. The next zone ends at the level of 1.8 m above the floor. There should be bars with suits, outerwear and dresses. Section depth less than 0.5 m, are not suitable for large wardrobe. At the top are the two sub-zones: the lower, where things (hats, towels) are at the level of the raised hand and the top, which is placed a box with shoes, pillows and bags.
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Arrangement artificial ventilation need to be addressed at the design stage. By dressing is applied drawing channel. You need to install the fan at its front portion and a valve wall for controlling air inflow. If it was not provided, then the wall will need ionizer. The wall, which borders on the street, you can make holes for aerogivera. Natural ventilation can be organized in any room - both with window, and without it. Fresh air will fall inside through microscopic cracks in the window opening and already heated begins to move upwards. With leakproof designs using window ventilators.

Windowless closet provides the large gap between the door and the floor, and ideally also on the ceiling. This hole is also useful to summarize the exhaust pipe or the air intake fan.
In the small dressing rooms do not have windows. But in the big wardrobe its presence is a necessity, otherwise you'll have to use a large number of lighting fixtures. Direct sunlight can damage clothes, so in the locker room with a window installed blinds, roller blinds and sun protection film. The windowless closets mounted LED lamps: on the ceiling, the walls, the upper and lower surfaces of the shelves in the corners of modular structures. In most furniture can be built-in lights. In a couple of them are placed wall.

Spot lights are used for uniform dispersion of light. Floor mirror can improve illumination. Near it is placed outdoor lamp. To the dressing room fell more diffused light, it is possible to remove part of the wall and make a transparent partition.
Recommended decoration materials
The walls are lined with plastic or wooden panels. First are the benefits of availability, ease of installation, a large number of variations of color, texture and shape, easy to care for. Wood panels durable, practical, attractive in appearance, clean. The floor covering should be warm, because on it will have to go barefoot. Tile is not suitable, instead veneer parquet floor board, linoleum or laminate (class 33 and above). If the dressing is in the attic of a private house, the PVC panels suited for inclined surfaces. If a large dressing room and high, the decoration can be used drywall. Thus in any wardrobe looks good single layer coating of the ceiling plasterboard sheets with bulbs of the spot around the perimeter of or about modules.

For decoration of vertical surfaces such materials are also used:
- Faux leather;
- PVC film;
- ceramic tile;
- fiberglass;
- MDF;
- latex paint.
variants of planning
Recently, the apartments provide a large area for additional technical facilities. Designers are coming up with new and unusual solutions to improve ergonomics and aesthetics. The main types of layout are angled, U-shaped and linear. Depending on the drawing dressing implemented options for storing various equipment, household items and systems for clothes and footwear. It will be possible to store tools in the locker room to work, utensils and other containers, sports accessories.
It is becoming popular geometric solution in which the racks are placed parallel to the wall and then connected to a corner of the room (L-shaped layout). can be arranged from the open room with five walls dressing, using, in addition to the two walls, three additional partitions.

The linear layout
She performed in a cabinet along the long vertical surfaces of the hall, bedroom, nursery or large oblong hall. Inside this wall need to correctly distribute personal belongings. If you give this process time consuming, it will be possible to hide almost all the clothes and household items. It is not necessary to collect too long dressing-ins. It hurt to conduct experiments with the situation, complicate the search for new objects, as it will be harder to remember where they were placed. To select clothes and search take a long time. However, it will save on cleaning the inside of the wardrobe - it will be easier to carry out.
See also:Cafe-style loft

When the linear layout look equally good as an open or closed design with wardrobe and sliding systems. The linear structure is simple, so it is recommended to make it the most versatile.

parallel planning
An interesting embodiment of dressing pattern is parallel layout (shelves arranged opposite each other). This configuration is appropriate for a walk-through areas that connect the bedroom to the living room, bathroom or toilet. The minimum permissible distance between the elements dressing furniture - 80 cm, and the total width of the passage - 160 cm. If the corridor of the apartment is wide and long, it is necessary to convert it into a wardrobe. For a one-room apartment that decision has no alternative. Residents will be able to distribute your clothes on different sides of the divide or so men and women clothing. Things will always be prominently displayed. This layout allows to hide the defects of the walls, use a large dressing room furniture sets. Parallel wardrobe will help tenants to gather more quickly; be more organized.

U-shaped layout
Such a plan dressing room - one of the most successful solutions in the interior. The form of such facilities are generally rectangular. Elements of the system are carried out dressing in the form of the letter "P", that is occupied by the three parties, the same or different in length. To increase the level of convenience and comfort in an apartment under the dressing room should allocate an area along the end wall. Designated floor mirrors may not be sufficient, however, easy to fit between wall parts of a dressing structure. In this room are the right things quickly. This type of dressing is practical; advantageous to look at the rest. U-shaped structure requires considerable amount of space, for small apartments it can be a problem. If the home has a complex geometric structure, it is better to do a little U-shaped walk-in closets.

Wardrobe this type may divide the space into male and female zone.

corner layout
Wardrobe can be in the corner of the room, or functional area. For compact apartments is the most profitable option. Angular locker equip preferably in the bedrooms. If sleeping room area is approximately 20 square meters. m, it will be sufficient Q4. m under the technical area for the placement of all clothing, footwear, accessories and various appliances, as well as bulky locker module. It is necessary that with all this construction, including racks and cabinets, harmoniously looked the front door. Materials should be combined. One subspecies of the corner layout - trapezoid. For its care will need to install drywall niches. Trapezoidal layout provides the location of the cabinet or modular construction along one wall. So equip children's rooms and play areas. Triangular wardrobe design in the middle of one of the rooms can act as an independent zone.

Style and colors
Classic looks solid and expensive. Fanciful shapes in combination with a saturated lighting accents. Strict modern style suitable for everyone - from the young to the elderly. Using modern materials and a wide palette of colors. The style of "Provence" involves the use of pastel colors. Such clearance will be happy, creative people, and those who prefer the tranquility and comfort. Loft style - functional and at the same time design solution. This "commercial for" in glamor. Dressing in this style should consist of metal shelves and racks. Locker rooms in boiserie-style built of panels attached to the very walls. The remaining parts are attached to them (only horizontally).

It will take a lot of space, so this solution is important for spacious apartments with large walk-in closets.
Other popular styles:
- eco-style;
- minimalism;
- Scandinavian;
- Asian;
- high tech.

Construction of storage and the necessary furniture
No modern wardrobe is complete without a shoe shelves. Shelves themselves are selected in accordance with the basic parameters. The width of the upper must be greater than the lower. For top shelves wardrobe sufficient 45-65 cm, lower - 30-40 cm. Their thickness varies depending on the material and the performance style. For the full equipping of the locker room will need: a variety of hangers, including drawers, shoe modules, special sections, hangers for belts, appliances for neckties. It is important that dressing system present customary closing drawers. They are necessary for the protection of some of the things from dust. Space saving to be careful without harming functionality. It needs to have special sections for tools on care of clothes, containers converters unpleasant odors, as well as an ironing board and other devices.
See also:Interior of the cafe in the style of Provence

Additional features can be arranged by means of:
- hangers unusual shape;
- organizer for small items.
Features of arrangement by gender
A distinctive feature of the women's dressing room is a focus on the visual aspect and the large the number of additional devices, while men - simplicity, convenience and functionality. Women need high section for dresses. They are suitable for both two- and three-tier system of dressing. Men need to choose between strict linear design style with achromatic or mixed colors and a minimum of bright saturated colors. For women's locker preferred areas such as Shabby chic, glamor and Provence.
Dressing a woman has more spacers as accessories in the female more. Men dressing generally comprises a section with costumes "under hobby". Women need area with iron and ironing board and a basket. In the classic version of the female wardrobe is located next to the bedroom or children's and men - around the living room or office.

Dressing out of the closet
Locker room, you can make your own hands. The basis can be a small storage room "Khrushchev". checked storage condition, made drawings before beginning repairs. This will help to make a decision about the redevelopment and strengthening the walls. If the change does not need anything, you just need to place in the room made racks and shelves. Then proceed to the arrangement and design. Even before the installation of all structures necessary to whitewash the walls (or pokleit wallpaper), do lighting, if you want to fix false ceiling plasterboard. Pantry can be changed in another way. Instead of dressing sections creates a roomy closet. You will need to decide what to do with the storage room door. It is left the same, ie, swing, or make a new one - sliding. Another option - a room without a door. Wardrobe closet make the most ergonomic and functional.

Do not make the dubious manipulation of the door, ceiling or wall - with the needs caused master furniture maker.
Walk-in closet in the bedroom by a partition
Alternatively, it can be glass partition with sliding or swing doors. Another interesting solution - a fence, lined with mirror and parquet flooring. Unusual and stylish looks closet with built-in wall sliding doors. At the top of hollow partitions can be done several transoms. Interestingly it looks fence, made in the form of a cabinet door coupe. Wardrobe with mobile partitions too diverse. Normal locker room decorate the curtain for the doorway. It is better to keep the half-open. The screen will separate the rectangular area from the rest of the room. Corner in the form of a square is created with the help of two curtains. The most original and beautiful version - dressing room for an impromptu "wall" in the form of curtains. And if the wall is stationary, then the sides of it can be placed curtains.

Wardrobe - important technical room. If you use it to the maximum, it will change the functional significance of the other rooms. There will be additional opportunities for decorating the living room, bedroom and nursery. Dressing room can be used as a storeroom. It is very convenient when dressing room is a functional area, for example, is connected to another room or separated by a small wall. Some people like to use for the storage of clothes and footwear closets, however, the modular system is more ergonomic and practical. Close to things hold all sorts of devices for maintenance. The vacant place in different parts of the apartment used to house other personal items as well as objects of art. The need to use the process of registration of fantasy wardrobe. Would be appropriate, many styles.