Porch for private homes: how to decorate your own hands 100 photo

Modern house in the country - not a luxury but a place to live, work, leisure. The construction consists of walls, roofs, to get inside to the door, it is necessary to set foot on a special platform. Porch for private homes - an important, integral part of its external design, a major decorative element created in according to requires specific family functions, not out of the picture with the stylistic direction of the building, garden, landscape Around him.


  • The main functions of the porch
  • varieties porch
  • The materials used in the construction of
    • Wood
    • Concrete
    • Brick
    • A rock
    • Metal, iron
  • Design, stylistic design of the porch
    • open playground
    • Golf with closed walls
    • Porch gated
    • Porch with canopy
    • With steps, handrails
    • The terraced
  • Canopy, canopy over the porch
  • Lighting inlet zone
  • The casting of the concrete with their hands
  • conclusion

The main functions of the porch

The porch is a large or small area adjacent to the entrance to the building, typically equipped with a canopy. It has two purposes: a practical and aesthetic. Practical function is to protect the entrance to the house from the various atmospheric phenomena - high humidity, low temperature, rain, snow, cold winds, hot sun. The private mansions is often made ground, basement, because the door is high, is a few steps toward her. For convenience, the safety ascent-descent, this design is equipped with handrails and ramps, and under the bottom of organized storage space garden machinery, equipment or descent into the cellar.

House with a porch

decorative porch is expressed in accordance with the overall style of residential construction, attractive appearance. This design is most often decorated with various decorations made of artificial and natural materials, the house, with her cottage look finished, harmonious.

Wreath on the doorFlowers on the windowsBench on the porchPumpkins on the stairsTable next to the sofa

varieties porch

Appearance, configuration, size of the design carried out according to the rules:

  • security;
  • ergonomics;
  • comfort;
  • aesthetics;
  • practical qualities.
House with a U-shaped porchPots with flowers on the stepsTrees on the siteHouse with an outdoor terraceShrubs porch

Porch consists of platforms, stairs, railings, canopy made of varying shapes:

  • round;
  • semi-circular;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • trapezoidal;
  • U-shaped;
  • asymmetric.

It is low - located almost at ground level, high - equipped with several stages or more flights of stairs, the height almost floor. A short porch is made of stone, brick or concrete railing is needed only as an ornament. High is often combined with a large veranda - its construction cost is expensive, but a practical, aesthetic properties will be relevant. Important building equipped with handrails (metal, wood, reinforced concrete, etc.), Which prevent a possible fall. Ramp allow unimpeded import into children's room or wheelchair, bicycle, scooter, big toy car.

Mansion on the plotThe columns on the front porchFlower gardens on the sides of the trackFlower gardens on the sides of the trackSteps made of stone

Distinguish and several kinds of structural properties:

  • It is one of the building;
  • is attached separately, when house is already there;
  • fully open;
  • Closed on all sides;
  • angular.
Stone tiles in the courtyardShrubs front of the mansionCurtains on the terraceWhite porch with a blue doorBench in the yard under the window

Cozy porch, an area of ​​one or two square meters, serves only to enter the building. A larger, up to several tens of meters, it becomes a veranda extension if temporary, summer - a terrace.

Terrace with columns

The materials used in the construction of

For arranging, decorating the porch, usually selected the same materials from which the house is built. It is many species of trees, including securities, different types of brick, concrete, concrete blocks and aerocrete, natural stone, some types of metals. When selecting a suitable species account for the strength, durability, cost, aesthetics or that material labor intensive during installation, matching a particular style.

House with a porch made of stone and iron

The width, length, height, area depends on the size of the house - the higher it is, the larger the porch.

Lamps on the wallShrubs porchStone on the walls of the houseDecorative windmill in front terracesWhite fence on the site


The most common natural wood used in suburban homes - log house or made of laminated veneer lumber. Without special treatment, wood is used for long, because the impregnation compositions against rot, mildew, fungus damage is recommended annually. Also, wooden buildings covered with varnish, at least - with colored inks. Horizontal surface is covered with a sexual or terrace board, railing made of lathed balusters, visor also make carved. The most commonly used for the construction of pine, cedar, larch, spruce, aspen, oak, ash, birch, alder.

See also:Design houses 155 photo examples of interior decoration

House with a porch made of wood

Wooden porch carcass is usually done, at least - entirely of oak, birch logs, polubreven. The front door is also desirable to be made of wood.

Plinth of stoneA fence of corrugated board on siteTiles around the houseCarved figures on the porchLog house on a plot


Construction of concrete, built in compliance with the essential requirements of high quality material, will last a long time without losing the good appearance. To make the formwork, which is poured concrete mix, take only strong boards (not rotten, easily deformable), dry cement, high grades, filler in the form of gravel, brick, river sand. Structure, made of concrete blocks, much easier, less expensive than molded entirely of concrete. Sales in the construction markets, in shops, are rounded blocks, suitable for the product in the form of a semicircle, the creation of columns supporting the canopy. Veneer concrete structure of natural stone, granite, paving tiles.

House with a porch made of concrete

Reinforced concrete low porch is not necessary.

Lights on the railingPorch with forged fenceFlower bed along the wallPlinth tiles under the stoneChair against the wall


Brick Buildings slightly inferior to the strength of stone, especially noticeable when the brick is used, second-hand - will freeze construction in the winter time, to break down due to the ingress of water into fine cracks. The most appropriate in this case would clinker brick - he's not afraid of the cold, open fire, large loads, compression. The device of the brick porch best fits the house of bricks, but some buildings are decorated with siding, it looks very impressive.

House with a porch made of bricks

Orderly stacking bricks checked using a spirit level, plumb bob.

Bench under the palm treesDrain pipes on the wallFlower gardens at the doorHouse with brick stepsRoses under the window

A rock

Stone - the most reliable, durable, but expensive material. The design of it necessarily requires a stable foundation - natural stone is very heavy. This design is perfect for luxury buildings "antique", especially imitating ancient castles, palaces. Entry group is usually made of granite, marble, limestone, sandstone, crushed stone, pebbles. Porch is completely made of stone or only be faced with them.

When you create a stone porch, it is advisable to issue the same material basement of the building - this is the easiest way to create a single composition.

House with a porch made of stone

Metal, iron

Entrance to the building is decorated with shiny black or wrought iron or sheet elements, it looks elegant, expensive. This option is suitable for many design styles combined with the original brick, concrete, wooden buildings. But there are a number of disadvantages: a staircase goes very slippery during the winter, rain, hitting on her, too loud noise and coating requires constantly anticorrosive coating, which will periodically update.

House with a metal porch

Elements outdoor stair handrails are connected to each other by welding.

Tiles in the courtyardProfiled roofThe house from a bar on siteThe patterns on the front doorSiding on the walls

Design, stylistic design of the porch

porch design depends on the style of decoration of the house - the first project created in parallel with the second to promote the general architectural style. For the convenience of residents located in the door three to six inches above the floor. The width of the main staircase made from one meter to the side or disposed in farm buildings - acceptable lower parameters. The optimum size of the steps: height 15-25 cm, width - 30-35 cm.
Finishing materials used for decorating an input group, are designed not only to create a cozy atmosphere, beautiful appearance, but also to protect the structure from breaking under the influence of atmospheric agents, to hide small defects rough coverage. The most commonly used:

  • plastic panels, moldings;
  • natural wood;
  • polycarbonate;
  • corrugated board;
  • laminate;
  • tile;
  • MDF;
  • granite.
The design of the porch of a private house

If provided the stylistic design of the building, playground in front of it is made by plants in pots or pots, or LED ribbon lights, sculptures.

The path around the mansionFlower beds in the courtyardChair under the windowWood porchLawn area

open playground

The outdoor area, which is at least two steps - a very popular version of the input design of the facade. Porch can be cantilevered, based firmly on the foundation, screw piles. Canopy is usually not at all, because the design improvement will come a little cheaper, faster than the other options.

See also:Basement Design in a private house 75 photos

House with outdoor porch

Golf with closed walls

The space, located on a hill, is equipped with glass, wood, brick, wrought iron railings, preventing falls from height, especially if the porch is high enough. Such a fence is not only practical, but also a decorative function.

House with a porch with railing

Porch gated

Fully enclosed extension is usually glazing - it may be a simple single glass or windows, interspersed with aluminum profiles, columns, concrete or brick walls. The design represents a veranda or vestibule protected on all sides by walls, that allows to keep the heat in the room.

House with enclosed porch

Porch with canopy

The canopy should be mounted on any platform - it will protect it from the hot summer sun, rain erosion, accumulation of snow and ice in the winter. The visor is made of wood, glass, building sheet carbonate, acrylic fabric, sheet metal profile, at least - is covered with tiles, ondulin. The shape of it may be straight, rounded, gable, undulating, etc.. Small structure wall is performed, a larger, heavy - based on the pillars, graceful columns.

House with a porch with a canopy

The canopy is typically equipped with gutters to rain water flooded the area.

Plinth tiles under brickConifers in the areaSandbox porchPorch with archCypress front of the house

With steps, handrails

Steps to prevent flooding of the site at the time of showers, with snow falling asleep, rails - make it easy to climb up the ladder, which is especially important for older people, young children. Railing makes sense do if the porch is more than three steps. The standard height of fences - 75-95 centimeters.

Railings often made of wood, plastic, metal - forged suitable for a brick house, made of wood - for wood, the profile of the sheet - lined for the siding.

House with a porch with steps and handrails

The terraced

Playground terrace is not only used for entry and exit. During the summer, there are arranged garden furniture, using for family dinners, teas, and a covered, heated, you want glazing - even in winter. Terrace is generally rectangular in shape, but may be angular, encircle the entire construction. Less common facilities asymmetric, smooth configuration, as they are difficult to design, manufacture. Terrace equip if portion has appreciable height variations.

House with a porch in the form of terraces

When the device terrace door is often not in the center, and in the corner.

Pots with flowers on a standDecorative windmill in flower bedFlower pots on the terraceFern on the porchThe path to the house from a stone

Canopy, canopy over the porch

Canopy over the porch protects the incoming or outgoing person from rain, snow, wind, bright hot sun, creating a cozy and beautiful accent, giving the building a complete look. Standing under the visor can be conveniently pulled out his key to the house, the car, the time to reveal umbrella without getting wet. A canopy supported by columns, pillars, made of wood, concrete, its ceiling is made lining, water-resistant gypsum board, made of plastic. Under a canopy mounted luminaires, are placed flower pots with flowers, different decor.

Peaks are performed different in shape, its length is not less than 85-100 centimeters, the width should exceed the size of the door opening by 40-60 cm. As additional protection against weather, the structure is equipped with sidewalls.

Canopy over the platform is done with his own hands, to buy ready, decorated in an appropriate style.

Canopy over the porch of the house

Lighting inlet zone

Light at the entrance - a matter of convenience, the safety of residents of movement. If there is sufficient light entering the house will not stumble on the threshold, not to lose the keys. Site 100 by 150 centimeters, having up to three steps, only one luminaire - above the doors. If four or five steps, the backlight is mounted on both sides, to illuminate each construction site. For long ladders to increase the number of fixtures.

See also:Interior of a wooden house: colors, materials, decor

Lighting porch

Can be used:

  • street lamps;
  • wall sconces;
  • Spotlights;
  • fluorescent, halogen lamps;
  • floodlights;
  • landscape lights.

In order to significantly save electricity, lighting devices equipped with sensors that respond to light, sound, motion.

Fixtures in the stepsBench on the terraceFlowers on the fenceA house with a balconyLamps on the terrace

The casting of the concrete with their hands

Self Repair, creating a cozy porch from scratch - a problem that is easy to perform, following the instructions from the internet, for the construction of log. A suitable circuit is also taken from the relevant literature, developed by our own hands.

Often entrance is done entirely from wood or has a lining of wood. This option is not very practical, because even in the presence of bioprotective impregnation requires repair every three to four years. Construction of concrete, stone or decorated tiles, repaired much less, but the time has solidified completely ended about four weeks - finishing can be carried out only after that. The effort required to fill as large.

To cast a porch, you need:

  • broken bricks;
  • reinforcement metal rod;
  • river sand;
  • cement M-400 or higher;
  • flexible steel wire;
  • tare tavern or boards for planking.

What to consider when independent manufacturing of entrance:

  • convenience, lifting safety for any family member, regardless of his height, physical condition. If there is a family of young children, an additional railing made for them;
  • the opportunity to make large objects in the room, if necessary;
  • the preferred number of stages - odd;
  • better use of cement of high grades, since it is able to withstand heavy loads, which significantly affects the durability of the structure;
  • the size of the site must match the width of the door opening - the door should open outwards freely, without touching the person standing there. Usually it is about 150-170 cm. wide.
draw a planBuilding brick base ofmode metalWe treat the rustcook the stringFastened to concreteCook and fasten the second stringCook under the first rung of the frameCook amplifiers stringcook crossPuts the gridpoured concretePipe Mode for handrails and canopyWe do canopy strutFor work use strubinywelded railingPut the rest of the supportcook canopyennoble railingPut the tiles on the stairs

How to build a concrete porch steps with his hands:

  • drawn up a detailed drawing with all the required dimensions;
  • calculated required amount of materials, depending on the design of the size, type of soil on which it is installed;
  • after starting to cast uprights. For this purpose, pits are dug to a depth of 60 cm., Is placed there from the formwork boards or linoleum, bonded by means of staples. Down design should expand slightly;
  • kneaded thick solution - it takes four parts sand to one part cement;
  • put in the middle of the valve by means of which the future stands to be attached to the porch;
  • such supports is at least four;
  • made sand "cushion", a height of six to nine centimeters, which will stand the porch;
  • executed formwork - boards are held together by screws, it is important to accurately calculate the height of the steps;
  • when you want to make waterproofing - to "cushion" laid conventional polyethylene;
  • base pad is reinforced with metal rods, which are fastened to racks rods - together they are bonded wire;
  • made filling the inside of the bottom of the stairs - here, for cement saving permissible use broken, a brick, pieces of dried concrete and other construction waste as filler;
  • alignment steps to produce a wide building with a spatula;
  • in the same manner sequentially made every other stage;
  • after two or three weeks the concrete completely seize, formwork can be removed, and then proceed to decoration tile, stone, any other material that fits well in the overall style the buildings.
Porch with his hands


Porch typical home or having a custom design, performed a reliable, practical, functional, comfortable and beautiful. This kind of "face" of any building in a city or village. The construction of a country house with a comfortable porch, if you have some construction skills, carry out on their own. When the design is very large it requires a complicated construction entrusted to professionals. They not only develop a unique design, depicting it in 3D format, taking into account the wishes of the customer, but also to do everything quickly, efficiently.