Many people think about building your own home. The first difficult decisions await them at the design stage. Choose the model project is not easy. After all, it would be desirable that the building was not only attractive in appearance, but also cozy. One of the clearest examples of structures that are different natural beauty and functionality are the Scandinavian home. When erecting their emphasis on energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, well thought-out layout.
- Features Scandinavian style
- Varieties of sets of frame houses
Features of the construction of frame houses on Scandinavian technology
- Foundation
- frame
- Roof
- Disposition of rooms
- Windshield and wall cladding
- wall insulation
- exterior decoration
- The windows and doors of the Scandinavian House
- Communications
Scandinavian style in the interior of the house
- finishing materials
- color solutions
- wall design
- Device and floor finishes
- Furniture
- lighting Features
- Accessories and accents
Exterior Scandinavian-style private house
- Features Landscape Design
- Making porch
- conclusion
Features Scandinavian style
Scandinavian style in architecture was born in the Nordic countries, it is very diverse and interesting. Its geographic homeland - Finland and Norway, but most of all he has incorporated the Swedish traditions. Although this trend began in the early Middle Ages, but as an independent phenomenon manifested only during the reign of the Swedish king Gustav III, as well widespread in the mid-20 century.

construction principles, interior design, architectural appearance was influenced by harsh climate and practicality of northern peoples living on the territory of the largest peninsula Europe. Home devoid of pretentiousness, they are characterized by a simple design offices, strength, well retain heat. The main distinctive features of this area are:
- simple design;
- Low-rise, the Scandinavians do not build tall buildings, mostly one-story construction projects occur, at least in two floors;
- strict geometric shapes, straight lines;
- typical gable roof with a steep slope, but there are projects with single, sloping roof;
- the presence of large-sized windows, panoramic windows allowed;
- imposing porch or terraces;
- application in the construction of natural, environmentally friendly materials;
- minimal use of decorative elements;
- simplicity and brevity of interior decoration;
- rational use of the internal space;
- the use of energy-saving technologies.
Nordic House - a modern building, which does not lose its relevance over the years. This eco-friendly house with spacious and bright rooms, very comfortable and cozy, filled with natural light as much as possible.

Varieties of sets of frame houses
Frame house typical of many northern countries. Low-rise prefabricated structures are popular not only in Scandinavia and Finland, but also in high demand in the US, Germany and Japan. The technology of construction of residential buildings is its assembly of prefabricated elements. Used for components differ only in the degree of readiness. can be identified 4 main groups according to type of housing sets:
- Finished blocks. Assembling the entire module is done at the factory. At the construction site of the building is erected prepared components. However, this type of construction is quite rare, because there are problems with the transport, installation of large components.
- a high degree of readiness of housing sets. Brought to the site sets constituting part of the walls, which are exterior trim, interior trim roughing, they inserted the door, heat insulation, vapor barrier material.
- Design with base plates. Blocks less prepared. Exterior decoration, insulation, installation of windows and doors on site.
- Pre-cut components. All frame components are pre-manufactured in the company, are numbered, their connection is made on site according to the instructions. Finishing materials arrive in the intact condition.

Features of the construction of frame houses on Scandinavian technology
Only natural materials are used in the construction of buildings. The main raw material is wood. However, not every breed is used in construction. To work suits high-density wood. Of logs and planks is going to frame it open framework are filled with insulation, and then the casing. The advantages of this design are:
- low cost;
- simple installation work, which is possible to perform with his own hands;
- Building erection speed;
- environmental friendliness;
- reliability and durability;
- functionality.

However, such construction is not without drawbacks:
- fire hazard;
- low shumoizolya;
- Low-rise;
- low strength.
The house in the Scandinavian style - a perfect solution for holiday seasonal structure, and high-grade housing suitable for permanent residence. In addition to its approach to the assembly of the prepared panels and accessories, these houses are different structural components of the device. Consider the main characteristics of individual elements which are part of the overall design.

Building a house begins with its foundation. This is an important part of any structure. Its main function - even distribution of load exerted on the base of the structure. It stipulates that it must be sufficiently strong, durable. on the base unit calculations should be performed by experienced engineers who take into account the soil category, the terrain, the height of the groundwater, the other parameters. With the construction of frame houses on Scandinavian technology uses two basic types of load-bearing structure:
- Precast tape (also known as insulated Finnish foundation UFPh). It is a conventional tape-reinforced thin concrete slab, the thickness of which is 10-15 cm. It laid all the necessary communications. The manufacturing process is as follows:
- perimeter trench dug erected house, its depth is calculated as a function of load provided (for example, 10x6 m karkasnika sufficient depth of 50 cm, width 60 cm);
- compacted bottom, covered with geotextile, layer of gravel is filled to 30 cm, and tamped;
- set formwork;
- waterproofing layer is laid, for example, steklogidroizol;
- bottom and trench walls are covered by thick polyethylene film;
- keeps reinforcing frame;
- poured concrete heel 60 cm (width) x 20 cm (thickness);
- after solidification of the concrete base is placed waterproofing layer on top of a number of hollow 3-4 LECA blocks each number of which is reinforced with metal bars;
- the inner side of the blocks is mounted a single layer of extruded polystyrene;
- inner perimeter is filled with soil;
- conduct the necessary engineering services, diverting sewage pipes are laid at a certain angle to uncleanness they did not stand;
- Further inside is filled with gravel, compacted, top travel along geotextile, made sand cushion;
- aligning a layer of sand, spread out over the surface of the styrofoam slab;
- laid top plastic film, metal mesh;
- poured concrete screed thickness of 10 cm.
See also:Design cottage - the idea of the interior and exterior of a country house

- Slab foundation (Swedish insulated plate UWB). This type is a monolithic base shallow, which is incorporated in the system of floor heating. manufacturing base process is as follows:
- preparation of the pit;
- along its perimeter trench dug into which is placed a perforated drain pipe providing rainwater, melted snow, groundwater;
- performed work on laying of utilities, carried water system supply, sewage, electrical networks are laid;
- compacted bottom of the pit, blanketed with geotextile;
- of gravel is filled cushion, compacted, stacked geotextile top layer of sand is that watered, leveled;
- a heater placed over the cushion in the form of two layers of boards of extruded polystyrene;
- wooden formwork is mounted on the perimeter;
- installs reinforcing belt;
- mounted floor heating system;
- poured concrete pad.

In the Scandinavian countries there is no single standard that defines the appearance of the building frame. The structure of the boxes can vary in many ways. However, it is based on pre-dried planed boards. Wooden beam is used less frequently. Timber drying chamber passes, at the outlet has a moisture content not exceeding 20%. This ensures minimal shrinkage of the finished structure, allows you to finish the trim immediately after installation.
Another made on Scandinavian technology feature frame house is the presence of the Finnish crossbar. It is a long board, the length of the entire wall, with all the associated uprights for the upper harness. Allows you to evenly distribute the load on the entire structure, it adds to her strength. It makes it possible to install door and window openings without the use of dual support legs and additional horizontal jumpers.
In Scandinavia, the supporting bars are mass-produced. Large manufacturers often make them in the form of brand or I-beams. This design increases the thermal efficiency of the house, by reducing heat transfer between the outer and inner sides of the rack, but the cost of building materials is greatly increased. Many people try to save money and begin to build a conventional rectangular beams.

Rafter system pitched roof in the Nordic karkasnikah designed so that the entire load is transferred to the outer walls of the house. Internal bearing walls are extremely rare, as an exception to the rule. This fact allows you to plan for different tastes.
With the construction of residential facilities in Scandinavia, in most cases used domokomplekta. Overlap and farms are also produced at the factory. Ready designs are very comfortable. However, they have considerable weight, which hinders their loading and unloading, transport, installation place.
In the construction of the attic also use ready-made farm that differ impressive size and weight. They represent a structure consisting of slabs, walls and trusses system. To perform the installation of large-size elements is impossible. To operate using lifting equipment.
The roof and floor decks insulated layer of mineral wool insulation. Top covered with waterproof tape. On top of her crate and set kontrobreshetka providing ventilation. As a roofing construction materials used, natural and artificial tiles, metal, seam roofing.

Disposition of rooms
As already mentioned, within the frame houses there are no load-bearing walls, so you can plan any. In drawing up the drawing, which lists the location and size of the premises, you must adhere to the established norms and standards. You should first familiarize yourself with ready projects that can be found in catalogs, posted on the websites of the Nordic construction companies. Usually in the house should be the following rooms:
- Living room. Spacious and bright, designed for families, reception of visitors. It should be located out on the terrace or veranda. Often it is combined with a dining room or kitchen area.
- Dining room. This room is not necessary, but if the area allows, it is desirable to provide for her.
- Bedroom, children. Three rooms of rest is enough for a full-fledged family residence.
- Bathroom. The two-storey buildings are usually installed two bathrooms on different floors.
- Storeroom. This includes dressing rooms for family members, pantry, linen.
- Sauna. It is optional. May be provided on the site is spacious separate construction.
- Kitchen, bathroom. Allocated space, where there will be enough space for a compact, multifunctional furniture and kitchen appliances.

Windshield and wall cladding
Without organization windshield is impossible to talk about quality home insulation. Some people mistakenly believe that the insulation compensates for wind insulation. Wind barrier protects the structure from blowing, eliminate wind penetration into the building. With his organization focuses on joints and corners of the building. When choosing a suitable material accounted for the following qualities: vapor permeability, resistance to moisture, the density of the raw material. The main materials used:
- OSB panels. This is an effective windscreen, excellent base for subsequent coatings. They provide additional insulation and soundproofing. However, do not tolerate moist environment, the linear dimensions change when the temperature changes, so they are not suitable for the northern regions.
- Plasterboard for the outer skin. The material has a hydrophobic impregnation prevents blowing of insulation, moisture penetration. It allows you to align the surface of the walls, protects against rain and condensation, resistant to temperature changes. Building material does not provide additional insulation, it is deformed on prolonged contact with liquid.
- Izoplat or MDVP (soft fibreboard). Raw material characterized by high thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, vapor permeability, sound insulation, environmental friendliness. The main drawback - high cost, fear of water.
- Fiberboard. It consists of 60% wood fibers, the remainder being Portland cement and various additives. It is very durable building material, which can be called an optimal solution for the windshield.
See also:Finishing basement private house: design ideas

wall insulation
Pie walls Scandinavian home includes the following elements: façade, kontrobreshetku, windproof plate frame with insulation, vapor barrier, lath, additional insulation, interior trim. In organizing the thermal insulation of walls frame is filled with basalt wool, rarely ecowool. The thickness of the heat insulating layer is 20-30 cm for the slab component is increased to 50 cm.
After placing mineral wool frame is glued inside vapor barrier film. Heat-set crate of bars 4.5 x 4.5 cm. Inside diluted wiring is performed from the top cross internal insulation, basalt stacked plate thickness is 5 cm. After performing finishing of plasterboard, the various panels and other materials.
Internal cross-crate serves not only for fixing the cladding layer, but also protects the vapor barrier from the paved communications.

exterior decoration
The house in the Scandinavian style are made of natural materials, but the cost can be prohibitive. Manufacturers offer a variety of synthetic analogues that can replace natural raw materials. They may have the texture of wood, to imitate stone or brick. As decoration, you can use the following building materials:
- battens;
- boards of different configuration, covered with several layers of paint;
- facing brick;
- vinyl siding;
- plaster;
- fibropaneli;
- thermal panels;
- wooden facade panels;
- metal siding;
- rubble.
The inhabitants of Scandinavia for façade cladding using mainly natural wood, which is characterized by rough handling, 2-3 layers of colored hull paint. Sometimes using plaster. Decorate the front of the house can be any of the materials listed above. The choice depends on personal preference of the owner construction, the end of his kind.

The windows and doors of the Scandinavian House
Some elements of a frame house purchase very difficult. This applies to the windows. Original designs are very expensive, and analogs are no different quality. Standard windows have two different thickness flaps. Internal almost twice as thick as the outer. This is due to the fact that the inner leaf is made of wood, and the outer aluminum profile. This arrangement provides a similar degree of stringency used in the production of materials.
Another feature is the presence of shutters disposed between the flaps, slats which protect against dust. This makes it possible to clean the light-shielding device no more than once a year. Separately, you can select a structural element as the filter-valve located in the upper part of the frame, which provides ventilation of the room during the cold season.
With a choice of doors things are much easier. As input models are suitable options for paneled in solid wood, metal, veneered, laminated, thyroid fabric. In the selection of interior doors is taken into account their color, which can be white or bluish-gray. Hardware must have strict geometric shapes. The main options you can consider veneered, laminated, PVC, doors made of solid wood.

Most utilities laid at an early stage of the construction of buildings. They also calculated at the time the design is included in the overall plan. First of all, it is the supply of pipes of hot and cold water supply, sewerage installed. Mounted system of floor heating. All these elements are laid in the step of forming the foundation.
For heating of the ground floor is usually quite warm floor. The second can be heated by means of electric radiators or convectors. Electrical wiring is hidden inside the outer supporting walls, disposed at more inner layer of insulation. For cable channels and the corrugations are not used. The emphasis is on high-quality wiring and automation.

The inflow and air hood can be both naturally and artificially. The entire air handling system and air supply valves are used as ventilation. The last set in the walls of bedrooms, living rooms, offices, on window frames. They operate in tandem with power exhaust, which are located in bathrooms, kitchen.

Scandinavian style in the interior of the house
Many pet Scandinavian style is able to transform a room of any size in a comfortable, elegant room. Nordic interiors can be very diverse, both bright and muted. Design options include a lot of directions. Even using similar techniques, one can achieve different perception.

finishing materials
When selecting materials for the surface design in the Scandinavian style is necessary to adhere to certain rules. This can only be natural elements. Often use wood. Instead of impregnation and lacquers, paint it white or sostarivayut artificially. Wallpaper is practically not used, they are replaced with plaster.

Scandinavian furniture is also made of wood, but allowed the interior metal objects or natural stone details. Plastic, artificial decoration materials designers use is not recommended. They distort the overall picture, reduce the price situation.
See also:Design interior of the house 150 photo

color solutions
A major role in creating any interior color palette plays. The hallmark of Scandinavian style are the third primary colors associated with the boundless expanses of the north. The interior design can not be imagined without:
- White. It is used in the design of all elements of the room. He always looks great, reflective, enhances the space.
- Gray. Used to refer to one of the walls, small accessories. Also, grayscale may be furniture, décor items. With zoning gray performed visually indicate the particular portion.
- Black. It is important to apply this deep color is dosed. It does quite a bit to indicate the necessary accents. Good will look black and white floor tiles, slate in the kitchen, the original high lights.

In order to avoid the feeling of sterility and boredom replaced with white cream, beige, pearl and other warm colors. Cold gray shade can be successfully blue, salad, turquoise.

wall design
For the walls using natural materials and pastel colors. The surface may be painted white or sheathing wall panels made of wood. If you decide to use the wallpaper, then it must have a light-colored cloth. Beautiful texture will make the interior a simple and nevychurnym.

Veneers, MDF, plywood with simulated birch, beech, exotic varieties will fill a warm room, emphasizing the naturalness. Often the choice of owners of apartments and houses - ceramic tile. It is used for cladding surfaces in rooms for any purpose. A popular option walls - tiles under brick.

Device and floor finishes
In a frequently used laminate floorboard as flooring. Wooden floors are left natural color or vybelivayut, emphasizing the natural pattern. In rooms with high humidity, the kitchen, the bathroom, the floor is lined with ceramic tiles. This coating may be a single color or a strict geometric pattern.

Rugs and carpets with floor design in the Scandinavian style is not used. Keep small rugs with deep pile beside the bed, natural hide of the animal by the fireplace or in the middle of the room.

Tables, chairs, beds in the Scandinavian style should be as simple and convenient. To be held in the correct room furnishings, should be in the selection of products to pay attention to the following parameters:
- It should be practical, compact objects without any frills;
- If this is the wooden elements, preference should be given light rock (beech, pine, birch);
- Apart from textile upholstery, it may be leather, suede;
- Upholstered furniture should be straight lines and the correct geometry.

lighting Features
Room in the Scandinavian style should be illuminated by a variety of sources. Light - the basic element of the interior. Allowed both natural and artificial variants. Large panoramic windows fill the room with natural light. To create a harmonious picture frame trim echoes the shade flooring. Ease of large openings give weightless white curtains.

Deficiency of light compensate light fixtures, reflective surfaces. Beautifully will look great spherical chandeliers, spotlights, wall sconces, floor lamps original. To indicate the use of accents bulbs of varying intensity and color of the luminescence.

Accessories and accents
To Scandinavian interior does not seem so dull, it is diluted with different color accents. The most popular option - houseplants. Several modest pots of greenery and emphasize the naturalness of the interior natural. Excellent will look decorative bonsai, arborvitae, dracaena.

The main emphasis in the Scandinavian living doing on the mantelpiece. Decorative stack of wood, located next door, and natural animal skins on the floor, will add comfort and convenience. As accessories used in wall stickers, black-and-white pictures, photos. Help create a mood bright pillows on the couch.

Exterior Scandinavian-style private house
Exterior trim any private buildings in Scandinavian style modest and restrained. Avoid any high-tech approach, artistic and decorative innovations. As well as indoors, there should be an absolute harmony of color, quality, natural materials. For the construction of the modern town houses, in addition to the usual Scandinavian timber, using concrete structures, brick.

Features Landscape Design
Modern landscape design in the Scandinavian style is based on a number of factors - functionality, harmony and aesthetics. It includes a bit of country, modern, hi-tech, eco. On the site make the composition of any perennials that can survive the winter. Most often it is covering plants and ornamental shrubs. Scandinavian section has the following typical features:
- Green shorn lawn;
- The narrow paths of gravel;
- Low wooden fence;
- Hedge green borders;
- Alpine hill;
- Budget cozy terrace.

Making porch
Local area at the entrance to the house often be reconstructed under a cozy place to relax. A small terrace is a practical and aesthetic solution. On a small hill on the land set deck planks and stained to match the building's facade. The porch is decorated with simple benches, natural plants in tubs.

If the garden area allows, on the terrace, a dining table, comfortable beds. Sun protection wooden pergola. Enclose porch mark its boundaries, you can use wood or hedges.

Architecture Scandinavian structures allows them to fit into any landscape, it is absolutely not disturbing. Rational use of any portion of cottage or street space will use even a small construction with maximum benefit. Thanks to rational planning, the ability to use energy-saving technologies, to service high-rise buildings will become much easier.