Hedge - a kind of border, framing certain territory, made by planting climbing, woody, shrubby plants. It shares the cottage, gardens, farmland, allocates some small areas on the local area. To create living fences used a huge number of plant species - both decorative, beautiful blossoms, and used in food, medicinal purposes.
- Functions hedges
- Particulars of land hedges
- Advantages, disadvantages hedges
Choosing plants: fast-growing trees and shrubs for green fence
- Barberry
- periwinkle
- euonymus
- Privet
- Hawthorn
- Heather
- Hydrangea
- Deutz
- Spruce
- shadberry
- honeysuckle Perfoliate
- Willow
- Campsis grandiflora
- cotoneaster
- Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
- Kupressotsiparis Leyland
- laurel
- shrubby cinquefoil
- Mahonia
- Juniper
- Holly
- Balsam fir
- ivy garden
- physocarpus
- Rowan
- Lilac
- Snowberry
- Spirea
- boxwood
- Thuja Brabant and Smaragd
- Forsythia
- chubushnik
- Mulberry
- briar
- Climbing plants for hedges
- Creating a trellis fence
- How to plant
- Care, Grooming
- conclusion
Functions hedges
"Living" fence - not just beautiful, multifunctional barrier, but also an original element of landscape design, designed to harmoniously complement the existing architectural ensemble. Such landings are used by man for many centuries, and the methods of caring for them is constantly being improved.
Live fencing not only looks good, being a subject of pride of the owner, but also cleans the air of toxic substances, inevitably present in the air near the big cities, provides shade, which is important both for humans and for animals, prevents erosion, soil erosion, its overdrying. Curly types allowed "crawl" on the old shabby fence, original masking, giving an aesthetic appearance.
Previously, as a living fence planted fruit plants, edible, but the yield at excessively tight fit quite small.

Particulars of land hedges
planting spot is chosen outside perimeter portion or the small area that is required to make the most private.
The height of the structure can be very different:
- curb - planting height of less than 0.5 m;
- low - 0.6-1.0 m;
- average - 1.1-1.5 m;
- high - more than 1.6 meters.
The most popular combination fence to create plants that use several species of significantly different height.
planting species as there are several:
- evergreen - it looks beautiful all year round, almost without change;
- deciduous - lose their leaves in the fall, look good in the summer;
- flowering - the most decorative are in the flowering period;
- curly - able to drag, clinging to any support.

According to the device hedges are distinguished:
- odnoporodnye - consist of one type of vegetation;
- trellis - consist of growing in a row of trees, branches are intertwined;
- Combined - represent a complex tiered landing.
By methods care distinguish growing freely fit and molded. They require constant pruning, to give them a specific geometric shape.

Advantages, disadvantages hedges
"Living" fence has a number of positive and negative qualities that should be considered before the plan for the creation of this type of vegetation.
The main advantages:
- a live fence is able to retain water in the soil. It protects the soil from drying winds, the snow melts on this site a little slower because of moisture absorbed by the ground anymore;
- fence protects located in the area from the street dust, filters the harmful emissions produced by motor vehicles;
- crops, young plants are mechanically protected from the wind - leaves them less likely to suffer from damage to the stems, leaves, blowing flowers, fruits;
- in the hot season such fences prevent the rapid spread of fire in the fields, in the case of a local occurrence;
- living fence to protect from cold winds and prevents snow drifts on the tracks;
- livestock is below the saving shade, protection from the weather;
- here often settle birds, destroying pests of agricultural plants;
- wood, vegetable residues resulting from thinning barriers serve as fuel for the furnace hearth used for the manufacture of handicrafts, a variety of household needs.

But there are also negative aspects:
- ornamental hedge occupies a significant portion of the useful space that could be used for the cultivation of vegetables;
- high fence obscures lower plantings, robs them of the nutrients from the soil;
- there are inherent problems with the digging of soil - living near the fence processing is done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots;
- if snow in places are not clean in time, part of the crop get wet through, rotten;
- It requires laying additional pathways for export and crop waste portion;
- live fences in addition to useful, settle harmful birds that destroy crops, damage crops and rodents;
- competent crop rotation is also problematic.
A well-designed geometry landings relieve the owner from a variety of problematic issues, emphasizing the beauty of the existing landscape.

Choosing plants: fast-growing trees and shrubs for green fence
To create hedges are used many types of fast-growing trees and shrubs such as arborvitae, barberry, boxwood, blackthorn, dwarf spruce, honeysuckle, heather, mountain ash, lilac, hornbeam, Saskatoon, ivy, and many mulberry others.
Barberry is a beautiful, safe, thick and prickly wall, through which not even get through the cat. Due to the dense, deep root system, it is often used to reinforce slopes. Barberry actively growing, because all important to remove excess seedlings immediately after detection, is often damaged powdery mildew, rust, therefore it requires prevention of diseases. The main species used: Amur, ordinary, Berberis thunbergii. The fruits of most species are edible.

Periwinkle - evergreen climbing shrub. With it, get a "green wall" in height and a half meters. The plant is characterized by an amazing vitality - he is not afraid of the cold, feeling fine even on poor nutrients lands, tolerates dry season, it is able to grow as full sun, so and in the shade. To create a hedge will need a trellis, in the first year seedlings should shelter for the winter, so that young roots are not destroyed by frost.

Euonymus have many varieties, but the most commonly used curly variety. The plant is poisonous, it should be considered, if a family has young children. During landing, it is desirable to use rubber gloves. Variegated euonymus species planted on the sunny side, species with white, yellow leaves - in the shade as the leaves can burn. Seedlings root, cover with foil, to create fences require support, pruning is done in late winter - early spring. Popular varieties include Fortune euonymus - harlequin, Blondie.

Live fence or privet "Wolfberry" combines beauty and functionality, being a close relative of lilac. It is growing rapidly, especially after cutting, forming impenetrable thickets, up to three meters high. Privet often form not only the walls, but entire sculptural compositions, the most bizarre forms. Plants are planted as close as possible to each other, preferably in a well lit from all sides place on soils with good drainage. Before planting in a trench placed manure, other organic matter.

Hawthorn - deciduous shrub that has a lot of baggage, excellent bee plant with edible fruits. He is unpretentious - is resistant to frost, prolonged drought, and the shadow. Hawthorn wood is very malleable, allowing the formation of its branches all kinds of shapes. In summer the plant is covered with green leaves that fall to acquire a reddish-orange hue, the fruit of many species are eaten, used as raw materials for medicines. Common types: plain, black, odnopestichny, Siberian.
See also:Shade-tolerant perennial flowers for the garden blooming all summer

Heather - short nectariferous shrub having narrow leaves are green, silver, red-orange color scheme. The plant blooms in early August, but the flowers are stored in a dry form before the winter. Heather able to grow on poor soils most, but lush flowering maintain high decorativeness, it is desirable to fertilize the land. The plant is low, because only used to create borders, it is recommended to plant in early spring, you can grow seedlings, layering, dividing the rhizomes, or from seed.

Hortense is suitable for the formation of medium and low living walls. The plant prefers fertile soil, has large leaves, inflorescence. Hydrangea tree planted at the age of about two years, it requires regular watering, especially during the dry season, frequent fertilization during budding. Trimming is also made several times over the summer, and once every two or three years - thinning, removal of most of the old shoots. Dried buds can be cut or leave as a winter garden decorations.

Deutz - profusely, but practically odorless plant. Fence it comes from a very elegant, but high - up to three or four meters. Deutz unpretentious - excellent transports gas polluted city air, but abundant flowering is only in loose, fertile soil, on a well-lit area. The plant is afraid of the cold, but quickly recovered in the partial freezing. For living walls fit all sorts, but especially Lemoine Deutzia, rough, graceful, at least - the Amur, melkotsvetnaya. Tab the spring planting, each plant in a separate pit.

Live spruce - a very popular evergreen plant for the garden fence. Height of it is diverse - are used as a low-growing varieties, and conventional. They are usually planted on the north side to protect the garden from the cold winds, almost obscuring it. Spruce grows slowly, but always looks fresh. Its colors - green, blue, golden yellow, if you put these plants in a certain order to get amazing beauty of the composition. Spruce fence is well protected from prying eyes, with high-quality, timely pruning, aesthetically pleasing look throughout the year.

Saskatoon - a plant, belonging to the subfamily of the apple, but its fruits - berries. irgi roots penetrate deeply into the soil, because it is no drought is not terrible. Certain species have a significant frost, abundant, very beautiful flower. irgi berries have a cinnamon flavor, and the plant itself, at the expense of root shoots, forms a tight wall in the second or third year. Planting should be done in late autumn or in the spring, the first time requires abundant watering, and later - a garter as branches often bent under the weight of ripe berries.

honeysuckle Perfoliate
Honeysuckle varieties Perfoliate perfectly withstands freezing, reaching more than five meters in height, is abundant honey plant. The plant feels well in wet soils, full sun, it has dense foliage and delicious berries. Seedlings initially grown in pots at home, in the spring or autumn are planted in open ground. When transplanting should establish a strong support for the fence - they are made of wood or metal, can be based hedge and on an ordinary fence. During the final fence need painstaking care - regular haircut for shaping, watering, fertilizing.

A living willow fence looks very elegant, tree is growing rapidly, in three years to form a complete high wall. Willow is resistant to frost, it has about 600 species, but the most commonly used aquifolium, silver, Babylonian, purple, Hakura Nishiki. Planting should be done in the period from early spring to late autumn, sunny places preferred, the fertilizer is not necessary, but it is important abundant watering during the first year of life. Seedlings are placed at an angle of 45 degrees, fixed struts, rods. Twisting, tying crosswise recommended one year after planting.

Campsis grandiflora
Trumpet or trubkotsvet - perennial flowering deciduous vine. The plant is unpretentious, hardy but loves heat and light, blooms from June to late September. Trumpet growing extremely fast, because it is important to trim the time, to direct the shoots in the right direction, to remove old branches, freeing up space for new ones. The plant is often used in mixed crop planting foreground undersized other perennials that cover base vines. During the first year creeper grows more than a meter.

Cotoneaster is divided into two types: deciduous and evergreen. The most commonly grown cotoneaster brilliant - it is planted in partial shade, on sandy ground, where there is no stagnant water. The plant is used to create a wall height of 1-1.8 m, curbs and islands, growing up to 60-80 cm. It is recommended to plant cotoneaster a maximum of one or two rows. Planting copies with open back is made in the spring, before bud break or after leaf fall, just before the frost. Planted plants with closed root system can be from early spring until late summer.

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana belongs to the cypress family, has a scaly needles, shoots flowing, cone-shaped crown, developed root system. Evergreen adapts perfectly to adverse urban conditions, poor soil, but at strong frosts shoots often freeze, because in the middle lane it should cover spruce branches. Cypress recommended often abundantly watered, loosen the soil, make time pruning. The plant is suitable for high walls, mixed plantings.

Kupressotsiparis Leyland
Kupressotsiparis Leyland has a conical crown of evergreen with drooping shoots. The plant can reach more than 27 meters in height, in width up to five able to grow Kroon. The seedlings are grown in pots, and when they develop roots enough, made a landing in the open ground. Kupressotsiparis grows well in the shade, the young trees require frequent watering, more grown-up enough rain. For this season the hedge adds more than a meter high, because pruning is needed.

Of laurel received very beautiful fence - it looks like a ficus and laurel. All species, except the drug, grow very slowly, because the latter is used frequently. The plant has a high resistance to frost, shadows, but requires a lot of water, after prolonged absence which terminates blossom, fruit yield. The first crop produced in late summer, for the second year of life, planting, after - twice a year. Certain species produce edible fruit, almost no damage by parasites and disease. Laurel is not only sheared, but folded, wrap around poles, nets.

shrubby cinquefoil
Cinquefoil shrub or "Kuril tea" is not just for the creation of garden decorations, but also for brewing tea infusion. The plant is very hardy, undemanding, hardy and a half meters high. If the shrub shear correctly, it will remain very decorative throughout the year. Popular varieties: Kobold, Goldfinger, deydaun, princesses. The plant prefers light, fertile soil, planting in the ground is carried out when the seedlings will be two years, the soil surface mulching with sawdust. Sanitary pruning is carried out in the spring.
See also:Roses in landscape design: the types and variants of decoration

Mahonia forms a low loose fence, beautiful flowers, giving a lot of delicious berries, honey plant is fragrant. In the summer its leaves are green, the winter become red and burgundy. The shrub grows slowly, undemanding, hardy, drought-resistant, not afraid of insects. In its most common fences are assembled with higher or lower plants. Disembarkation should preferably be in the shade, pruning produces the spring, but not necessarily every year. Species: Japanese, holm, creeping.

Evergreen juniper creates luxury boom, bringing to the area a real flavor of the forest. It is great for close-cropped hedges, perfectly combined with hardwood. The most common types: Chinese, scaly, Cossack, ordinary, virgin. Different breeds grow by half to 25 meters high, their needles are green or gray-bluish. The most common juniper is used for decoration of large areas, it is unpretentious, but excessive water stagnation is able to kill the seedling. Planting should be done in spring or autumn.

Holly get prickly, impenetrable, evergreen design. The plant has dark glossy leaves, beautiful berries and grows well in partial shade and in the sun. Landing is carried out in April or October, "adult" size of the hedge reaches the fourth or fifth year of life. Most varieties of holly are not suitable for extremely cold regions, so it is easy to freeze. This type of living fence adds slow growth, damaged by flies, cut it once a year.

Balsam fir
The plant has a conical shape, soft needles, has a pleasant aroma, no haircuts able to reach 23 meters or more in height. Formation of the fence is made from seedlings at the age of at least five to seven years, preferably in April or September. The ground around the trunk of a young richly sprinkled with sawdust, covered spruce branches, as in the first year after planting fir often freeze. Planted in partial shade better by choosing a well-drained, fertile soil, preferably near any bodies of water, but stagnant water balsam fir can not stand.

ivy garden
Garden fence ivy - the most unpretentious design, no problems will be able to grow it even a novice gardener. The plant requires a shelter during severe frosts, it badly affected by the winds. The landing is done in the spring, it is desirable at higher elevations. The first year of the ivy grows slowly, after - a little faster. Frequent watering ivy is not required - in the hottest period of only one times a week, in a rainy you can never be watered. Ivy convenient to draw ugly garden sheds - fences, sheds, gazebos, and others.

The most common grade - physocarpus kalinolistny. This deciduous shrub up to three meters in height, it is a lush, voluminous, has serrated leaves and "fluffy" fragrant blossoms. Flowering, fruiting begins at the plant over four years. To color the leaves was uniform, physocarpus planted in full sun, away from the fruit trees. Soil prefer light, loose, well-drained planting is done in May. The plant is well adapted to the polluted air of large cities, it qualitative filters.

To create hedges used weeping, chokeberry. The plant is unpretentious, well tolerate frost and drought, its berries are edible. Rowan propagated by cuttings, planting in the spring on a well lit place. Pruning is done two or more times in the first year, the next - less likely to form a fence will need at least three to four years. Before planting, the soil is well fertilized, it is desirable, the expected future contours of the fence - to fix a framework of poles to form out correctly.

Lilac - versatile option to create living fences, it is growing rapidly in the spring and summer, decorating the garden with white, pink, purple, blue or purple flower clusters. The ground for the preferred lilacs well drained, dwarf varieties are planted densely, bigger - a little less. The older the plant, the more it is sustainable - for planting seedlings purchased over two years. The first haircut is made within two years after planting, do so in early spring or after flowering. The soil around the young specimens sprinkled with sawdust, so that the roots are not chilled.

Snowberry - undemanding plant that has small white inedible berries hanging on the branches, even in winter. Certain species have red or black berries, but in the middle lane they are rare. Snowberry recommended as not formed hedges, reaching a height of 1.6 m. Often it is used mixed with rowan crop, roses. Planting should be done in pots as seedlings in open ground have to wait long, for three years the plant reaches a height of one meter. Snowberry fit any, even calcareous, stony soil.

Spiraea There are about 90 different species, it is beautiful blooms in spring, without causing any trouble. The height of the finished fence - about 1.5 meters, it is thick, impassable to most animals. Soil for spirea any acceptable and cascading varieties do not even need pruning. There are views all year round retaining brightly colored foliage. Popular types: Japanese, Argut, frobeli, bumalda, meadowsweet average. Bookmark fence recommended in October, sod-peat soil, initially requires abundant watering.

Boxwood or buksus suitable for freely growing over fences, and for the strict geometric forms. It is easy to care for, is able to live up to 500 years. Hardy species have green leaves, heat-loving - variegated. Bedding suitable specimens at the age of 3-7 years they are planted in a trench, from the beginning of May to October, a maximum of one month before the onset of cold weather. Watering is necessary only in dry periods, shearing is made from spring until late autumn every 5-6 weeks. For a rectangular fence needs a wooden frame. It is important to know that all of the boxwood is very poisonous, because children do not admit to it.

Thuja Brabant and Smaragd
Thuja - evergreen tree, is actively used in landscape design. Impassable high fence of her excellent protection from dust, alien invasions and excessive noise. Low-growing varieties are used for the arrangement of borders. Thuja Brabant in the winter becomes a brown-brown, but the opacity of the fence while maintaining, for a season tree adds up to 40 cm in height. Recommended age of seedlings to form hedges - more than three years. Thuja Smaragd green all year round, has a conical shape, but grows slowly. Fencing therefrom has a toothed upper edge, which further complicates the undesirable penetration portion. Young plants need abundant watering, more adults are also not advisable to overdry.

Hedge from it form in the autumn, Forsythia quite hardy, blooms dazzling yellow, much earlier than the other, until the first leaves. Forsythia prefers sunny areas, where there are no strong winds, drafts. To create fences selected varieties with the most dense crown. The plant looks good in mixed plantings, for its lush flowering fertilize twice a year. Watering is needed in particularly dry seasons, cropping - as required, but Frostscale, old branches are cut off necessarily.
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Chubushnik or garden jasmine - incredibly fragrant plant during flowering it produces a sweet, heady smell. Fences from chubushnika graceful, but the lush, reaching 2.7 meters, the flowers are white and cream-colored. Recommended planting in a sunny spot with fertile soil, which should not be waterlogged. Formation landing possible two-three-year seedlings or cuttings in the fall or spring. Rejuvenation pruning is needed every two years - then the flowering will be the most magnificent in the spring must be thinning, fertilizing annual before the growing season.

Of all kinds of mulberry most frequently for creating living walls used white or black, but all kinds of about 18. It is resistant to cold, able to live up to 200 years old, has a spreading crown, incredibly delicious berries in white or black and purple color scheme. Planting is preferable to well-drained loamy soils, preferably on the south side, be sure to mulch the soil to the roots is not chilled. Sanitary pruning is done in winter, Forming made on bole half meter. For abundant fruiting necessary annual fertilizer.

Dog rose hedge out very prickly flowering period smells good, after giving a useful, edible fruit. Designers often use "wild" wild rose - it is more unpretentious. Popular varieties include wrinkled, blue-gray, scottish rose, bayberry. Planting is formed from a three-year seedlings with developed roots, but the use of cuttings is also permissible. To the root system from growing throughout the site, its limited pieces of slate, dug to a depth of 50-60 cm. Young specimens are watered once every four days, adults - only in a drought, fertilizer produced each spring.

Climbing plants for hedges
Curly annual vegetation for living fences is one drawback - it is required to re-planted every year, to make props to design was flat. Perennials are delivered less hassle. She will not be able to protect the site from outside invasion, but only hide it from prying eyes. To create such a barrier is used sweet pea, honeysuckle, bougainvillea, Kobe, nasturtium, morningglory bindweed et al. The main plus of landing: decorative appearance appears fairly quickly - in just a few months, it looks beautiful till the frost. Deciduous vines shed his "outfit" in late fall, waking up early in the spring.

Creating a trellis fence
Barrage on trellis, Palmetto, cordon - a separate type of shaped hedges that require regular pruning. design width is not more than 10-25 cm, it is appropriate to do along the outer fences, brick or wooden walls, wrought iron supports, which are part of the garden design.
Ones are most suitable plants for the trellis designs - willow, raspberry, elm, hawthorn, magnolia, apple and others. This "flat garden" takes up little space and height can be from 25-60 cm, up to curb this "living wall", more than two meters of "growth".
Grow Shpalernaya fence is quite difficult, but acceptable appearance it will acquire at least the third to fifth year of life. Used for planting trees and bushes dwarf varieties, the most acceptable way of accommodation - diagonal mesh. Plants fix on the grid, their shoots are crossed in several places, spliced with each other by means of vaccination. The distance between individual plants with such a landing - 20-30 cm, each of them, after a sufficient rooting cut to 10-15 cm above ground level. The following year, when the cut appears more shoots to grow leaving the two of them, removing the rest. When they grow up, they crisscross and connect with the processes of "neighbors", cutting over the place of dressing. The following year, again leaving two most powerful flight, so repeated two or three years, while the design has reached the required height.
If the binding sites of the cut bark, branches pressing plant slices to each other, they will grow together, forming single plant body having a plurality of root systems, is resistant to external impacts.

How to plant
The method of planting live fences depends on what effect I want to achieve, size, type of seedlings. Large, are almost adults, put into individual square holes, small - in a common trench. Dimensions for the last single-row planting - 45-65 cm, dual row - 70-85 cm, three-row - more than 90 cm. When placing two or three rows, seedlings are arranged in a staggered manner - on a diagonal from each other.
The distance between plants in a row:
- Tall - 1-2 meters, landing only single-row;
- sredneroslye - 0.5-0.9 meters between rows - 0.5 m;
- undersized - 0.4-0.6 m between rows - 0.4 m;
- dwarf (Curb) - 0.2-0.3 m between rows - 0.35 m.
For everything magnificently flowering plantings used honeysuckle, viburnum, rose, hydrangea, mock orange, lilac and others. What is more fertile soil, sparse planting (more than 1-1.5 meters between plants), the larger the flowers grow, the more of them bloom, bear fruit.

Excellent prickly barriers are derived from many species of conifers, roses, gooseberries, thorns, etc.
Pine fence are planted as follows:
- free-growing hedges - spruce planted at a distance of two to three meters from each other, it is advisable to apply the already large, half-two-meter. Thuja plant every meter, juniper - 0.8 m .;
- cropped - when using spruce planted on its meter distance between individual specimens, 50 cm - between the rows. For arborvitae left by 70 cm between the individual trees, the rows.
After planting, so that the earth was always wet, the roots do not dry out. This is done by mulching.
Care, Grooming
To make the most beautiful hedges, presentable for her needs constant care - timely watering, mowing, removal of dead parts, pest, disease. Impart the desired shape when the plants are still young in it. Pruning is done in winter for the first time, at the end of the summer - the second. Pine pruned in late autumn, early spring.
During shearing occurs increased shoot growth, Krona becomes thicker. Sheared hedge, depending on the growth rate of its components, from one to four times per year. Each new crop produce as close as possible to the previous one - so, a high density of the bush, which does not sag over time, it does not deform under heavy snowfall.
Excessive running hedge trimmed first with one hand, and a year later - on the other. At the same time it fertilized, watered, mulch. All types of pruning are made from templates, high shear, standing on the bench, stairs.
Modern chemical industry offers a number of drugs, applied after pruning, inhibit the growth of new young shoots.
Live fencing, self-grown in the country, is decorated with land, with excellent coping with a protective purpose. Fast-growing annuals and evergreen perennials create a unique element of landscape design, protecting vegetables from the wind, the soil - moisture loss. Options for creating decorative zoning planting a great variety to plant and grow them, will require some effort, but the results exceed all expectations.