The owners of cottages and town houses tend to make their lives independent of garden care, but at the same time want to have a large harvest. Processing of the ground in the traditional way requires a lot of time, but the result does not always meet the expectation. In a small area deficient space can accommodate the original ridges that provide a lot of advantages for different crops. This approach will allow to increase productivity by poor soil, to create an interesting design.
- Where to place the beds - choice of location
- varieties beds
- Advantages of high beds
- The optimum size and shape of the beds
Materials for enclosures and their characteristics
- Wood
- Decking
- Stone and brick
- Plastic
- Metal
- Concrete
- Vine and twigs
- Slate
- Paths between the beds
Equips high flower bed from a bar with your hands
- Choice, layout and site preparation
- Machining and assembly frame
- filling beds
- How to care for the beds high
- conclusion
Where to place the beds - choice of location
On the yield is influenced by many factors - is the quality of the soil, planting time, timely cultivation of the soil and so on. In addition to the highlights, crop growth is dependent on the selected location on the site, compatibility of vegetables.
Selecting a location for beds, simultaneously with the planning area development. Vegetable garden should be located in the most lit area equipped with irrigation. You should also take into account the peculiarities of the soil, the climatic conditions in the region, relief. On small plots is appropriate to place high beds with perennials. If you make them mobile, the culture will be clean for the winter in the warm, excluding freezing.

Culture should be placed in accordance with their requirements to the soil. In a separate area with a constant power of the earth shall grow cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, garlic. Carrots, onions, beets, peppers less demanding on the soil. Thus vegetables sufficient simple daily watering. Beds with legumes do not need extra care. They can be placed in a shady place.
varieties beds
Contain infield in order is very easy. It is necessary to arrange well start with dividing into separate zones - the beds. This will facilitate the care of plants, will make it possible to conduct rotation. Place planting crops may be fixed or temporary. The adverse conditions in the arid climate, the following types of beds can be used on small areas:
- High. Primer in beds raised above the ground better warmed by heating the structure walls. The harvest does not depend on the quality of land in the area, and weed control is reduced to a minimum. Vegetables can be planted a few weeks earlier. Maturation is accelerated by a special drainage system. The soil freezes high beds are not protected against erosion during rain.

- Vertical. Apply to small areas. The height of the structures is not limited to the cascade. Compact beds complement the landscape design a private house, hide the shortcomings of unsightly buildings. Caring possible without experiencing physical discomfort for cultures in the vertical structure. The beds are located at a convenient height. Plants get sick less, not attacked by pests.
- French. Beautiful beds regular shape with timber fillets fences, boards, bricks. Designs can be raised or be on the ground level. center of the composition is usually denoted by a small street with sculpture, fountain. The off-track area is divided into symmetrical flower beds, rectangular areas.
- English. Any planting crops growers diluted with bright colors. Fencing are lavender bushes, various greens. This option is not suitable for all crops. Put on a makeshift garden of perennial flowers better only.

- Lazy. The most convenient compact construction, the width of 2 meters. Along the perimeter of the box set. The height of structures and materials may be varied, depending on the type of crops. In winter you can do multilayer beds in the greenhouse. Need to install the tray, pull rods and film. Fences prevent soil erosion, proliferation of weeds.
- Clever. At low cost to get more yield. Method of growing crops is the lack of annual perekopok soil. Homemade beds enclose bumpers in the yard, on the surface of the earth spread organic mulch, compost. Organic long keeps warm, provides plants with essential nutrients.
- Warm. Multilayer beds filled with diverse organic. Fuel, the drainage layer situated at the bottom. It is lined with twigs, any tree. Subsequent layers are made of wet paper and grass. To support the work of microorganisms, food beds of soil must be constantly watered.
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Advantages of high beds
The main advantage - high yield. For each specific culture can pick up a special soil mixture. Beds warms up quickly thanks to upbeat location and the presence of guards. Protection can be done from any available materials: bricks, plastic bottles, wicker rattan board. Also allowed decorative fence with natural plants.
Beds can be installed in any part of the garden or vegetable garden, even on stony. At any time, you can create a greenhouse effect. Fenced contains less soil pests, pathogens. Soil replacement can be made at any time. High beds are very convenient for climbing perennial planting, for example, strawberry.

The optimum size and shape of the beds
Beautiful manicured beds not only increase productivity, but also make the aesthetic sector. High design should be user friendly form for the treatment of the soil. Their width should not exceed 2 meters, otherwise there will be problems with the weeding in the center of the beds. The most effective it will be at a height of 15-50 centimeters. If the main fertile soil, sufficient height of 20 cm. On unsuitable for agriculture soil raised bed of 30 cm. Composting embodiments may reach a height of 50 cm. This layout avoids the slopes in the narrow spaces of the ground handling.

On a bed villa high should be enough space for plants, planting of which is produced in two rows. This arrangement provides a sufficient amount of air and light for all cultures. The length of the beds can be any restriction creates only the land area, the possibility of a drip irrigation.

Materials for enclosures and their characteristics
This method is very popular and guarantee a bountiful harvest. The use of walling will solve many problems associated with delayed development of crops. On raised beds, you can create individual conditions for each plant.
The box is typically made from durable materials for long-lasting preliminary draft. The bottom is lined with a metal mesh or strips of plastic, according to the instructions. This minimizes the attack of rodents. Raised beds is easy to build with his own hands. To create high structures with fertile soil, you can use wood, stone, metal, plastic.

Wood badly in contact with moisture, so as fences beds will last for long. It was not necessary to build a new structure for the next year, you need to immediately find the right material. The best option - oak boards. Before starting work they must be treated with an antiseptic solution. After drying carry out the cut, and the preparation of the chassis.
Set high only in a bed of dry ground. At a selected location prepared fasten boards with screws or nails, adjusting the height of the desired product. The center and corners can be strengthened beams - this will significantly increase the strength of the structure. After the recess on all sides in the ground structure are aligned on the level. It must be perfectly flat, otherwise moisture will collect in one place, resulting in damage to crops and timber.

New tech material is characterized by a long service life. Planks of wood flour and plastic mixture used for the construction of any water-resistant structures in the country building. The beds of the terrace board can be influenced by any environmental factors. Material safely tolerate the increased humidity, heat, cold. Its geometric form is not changed, and the microorganisms do not show interest in it. Decking implemented in a large assortment of different lengths, colors, with and without mounting fasteners.
Collect a bed of polymer composite can be of any size. It is easily sawn hacksaw. To use the compounds mounting lugs. All parts are connected with galvanized screws and placed in the ground. Alignment is best done on a diagonal. To increase the rigidity of the inner side of the structure it is necessary to provide additional columns in increments of 1 meter.

Bond design better galvanized screws, not black. Facilitate the installation process is possible, if pre-Drill Hole Wizard.
Stone and brick
Properly selected material in color, size will fit into any landscape. Made of natural stone or brick can do the usual rectangular beds, oval, spiral construction. Natural raw material does not crumble and does not crumble. Among the shortcomings noted heavy weight construction. A few years after installation it starts gruznut in the ground. Stone fence dismantled, spiked ground and erected anew.
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Decorative finish high beds can be any natural breed. Suitable sandstone, basalt, pebbles, granite, limestone. Cobblestones spread in several layers onto the prepared foundation bonded cement mortar outside design. The outer side should keep the effect of "dry stone". The bottom of the beds should be covered with polyethylene roofing material and covered with soil. High beds of brick walls are complete in cement mortar. Capital structure to move to another place will not work.

you can buy such a structure as a finished product or build your own. Lightweight plastic bumpers practical and durable, are low in cost. Fencing polycarbonate retains 100% of the moisture in the soil during irrigation. The material in many respects superior to stone, wood and metal.
beds for plastic does not emit toxic substances into the soil when heated. He does not attract insects and small rodents. He did not afraid of corrosion and rot. To make various kinds of beds can be of the following materials:
- Garden designer. A set of plastic parts with special fixtures to create a barrier of any shape, size and color;

- Curbing tape. The taut polymeric barrier takes the form of a side. Often different width (0.1 m - 0.5 m). From it, you can do the usual and stacked beds. Disadvantage - can not withstand a large weight of the soil;
- Plastic mesh. Used for fencing flower beds, low beds. Often it is used as an additional barrier;
- PVC panels. Structure collected by angular mountings. To create high beds need to install panels on top of each other.
Metal bed quickly and easily assembled. It can be removed for the winter in the barn, in the spring to put on a new place. The sheet edge is light in weight, the ability to communicate in length and height. Metal can be high beds, small fences of any shape. If desired, they can be painted in any color.

Protect the bed of their own hands can be a profiled sheet roofing iron. Also, no problem will galvanize the construction of any material. Create practical and beautiful products as possible, follow the steps in the next steps of the master class:
- Determine the size of the structure (flat tier);
- Cooking corner posts of the timber;
- Making the frame structure of the boards;
- Cut metal pieces of the desired size, mounted to the frame;
- Blanking burr wood frames.
Sheet metal should be cut only with scissors. Grinders can not be applied to accelerate the process. Due to overheating the resin layer loses barrier properties. The cut quickly rust.
Choose the place for major construction should be carefully. High concrete beds can not be transferred to another location without disturbing the structure. Concrete barriers have similar characteristics with the brick and stone products.
The first step is preparing the wooden formwork. The width of the form for filling must be at least 15 cm. It should have a snug fit at all points of the ground. Flattened form fill with a solution put armature. After complete drying of the formwork is removed and a bed to sleep underground.

Vine and twigs
For such beds will need the most simple and cheap materials. It carries more promise decorative than practical. The original version, unfortunately, is not durable. Make fence bendable rods may be linear or circular.
Preparation of the material involves soaking the rods in the water for a day. Then distribute wooden pegs on the perimeter of the beds, giving the desired shape. Small branches put in a design center - they will drain, and large and flat weave between the staves. Bumpers ridges on the inner side should obtyanut agrovoloknom excluding precipitation soil through the cracks.

The beds of slate light and mobile. The material does not deteriorate in a wet environment and the temperature differential. If necessary, damaged elements may be easily replaced. Cheap undulating sheets can be purchased at any hardware store. The beds of slate may have a different shape, blends harmoniously into the overall design of the site. Among the shortcomings noted adverse effect on soil asbestos, moisture absorption when overheated.
Make fence beds can be of a flat sheet or corrugated slate plates. Large sheets bolted with metal corners. Then the structure is placed in the prepared trench pour ground tamped.
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Finely chopped wavy plate can be installed along or transversely. They are placed in overlapping prepared moistened trench and covered with soil. On both sides strengthen the pegs.
Paths between the beds
Every gardener trying to use all the tools and capabilities to give the aesthetic appearance of the site and increasing the yield. Move on the ground between the beds are not very comfortable, especially with the working stock and after rain. Therefore, the arrangement of the tracks plays an important role in the design of the garden village. In addition to physical comfort, there is no need for weeding. The following tracks can be done by hand:
- Wooden planks of decking;
- Constant sidewalk of gravel, broken bricks;
- Tapes of old carpets.

Equips high flower bed from a bar with your hands
Most truckers prefer to do the high ridges of the timber. Natural material should be wide and thick, especially if the multi-level frame. For vegetables make great designs, longitudinal positioning timber. Beautiful flowers planted in beds of timber delivered vertically, in the form of stumps. Any bed of wood must be internally lined with an insulating contact with the soil material (iron film agrovoloknom).

Choice, layout and site preparation
Before the construction of the beds of the timber is important to choose the right place. It should be under the direct sunlight at least 6 hours a day, preferably in the morning. If the structure will stand on the side, it is best to place it across a slope. Raised beds of 50 cm, require effort in the construction, offset easy to care for permanently enabling optimal temperature for crops.
The location of future beds need to plan and mark pegs. Boundaries can designate, pulling therebetween thread or fishing line. Such a method is suitable for marking the outlines of any form. The surface must be perfectly flat. If necessary, necessary to remove soil layer. Site preparation before installation work is to remove weeds. It is also necessary to dig up the soil to make fertilizer.

Machining and assembly frame
Trimmed and prepared boards for the frame must be on all sides to cover the antiseptic impregnated with linseed oil. The lower part in contact with the moist earth, should be re-soak the used oil. All design details should be left in the sun and drafts until dry.
The dried boards knock pairwise to size, are connected via bars. The height of the short and long products should be equal height ridges. Constructions questionable reliability should be strengthened in several places by transverse bars. Angle bars, pegs must protrude at least 10 cm. Decorate the frame can be beautiful on the outside boards, varnished.

filling beds
In an empty wooden box it is necessary to create favorable conditions for rapid plant growth. The bottom layer is coated mesh construction. This will protect the roots of plants from rodents. Warm multi-layered beds are filled on a particular technology. Diverse organic alternates in layers as follows:
- Newsprint;
- Cardboard;
- Slivers of shrubs, small logs;
- Shredded branches;
- Leaves;
- Compost;
- Fertile land.

In humid areas harm will drainage layer. It is placed on the bottom frame in front of newsprint and other future humus. Used for drainage gravel, tree bark, pottery shards, expanded clay.
How to care for the beds high
Raised beds do not require frequent grooming. In a favorable environment, the plants almost do not get sick, and the growth of weeds is minimized. Suffice it once a year, in spring, to update the upper layer of soil and compost to collect a bountiful harvest in the fall. To retain moisture, the top of the beds need to mulch.
After collecting the crop land should be loosened. You can use a pitchfork or shovel. At the end of the season the ground can be covered with a film or straw, vegetable waste. This will protect it from freezing and weathering. Early spring high flower bed can be used as a greenhouse. Well take root in this time of onions, radishes, cucumbers.

Achieve early good crop in temperate climates difficult. The best solution - the cultivation of crops in the high warm beds. To create them, you can use any material. Nutrients multilayer structures are able to accelerate the growth of most cultures for over 5 years.