Storage room for clothes saves usable space in the house, not to install additional furniture. People who are accustomed to comfort and convenience while changing clothes, specially equipped with such facilities in their homes. If the living space allows, equip separate spaces for men and women. The owners of small apartments did not divide this area, often re-equipped dressing room from the pantry.
Even a compact space can improve the living conditions. Here, all items are in plain sight on the open shelves, hangers. This is especially true for those who lead an active life, because sometimes a person just once engaged in warehousing and finding things in the closet, so in most cases they are scattered around the house.
- Requirements for dressing
Embodiments destination device storage
- linear arrangement
- parallel arrangement
- L-shaped / angular arrangement
- U-shaped layout
Types of wardrobe storage
- Freestanding
- mesh
- Frame
Planning zones in the dressing room
- Outer zone
- The middle zone
- The lower zone
- Methods and finishes
- Stylistic and colors
- Lighting and ventilation
- Making the doorway
- conclusion
Requirements for dressing
Storage area can be located near the kitchen or bedroom, in the hall, have a different area, it all depends on the size of the apartment and its layout. Before proceeding to the conversion of the premises in the wardrobe, you should find out whether its parameters meet the minimum requirements:
- According SNP 2.08.01-89 n. 2.7. the width of the room should be more than 0.8 m, the minimum depth of at least 1.2 m. recommends for this room m 1h1,5 respectively. If the space is less than the specified value, when its operation will have problems.
- Pantry has no windows, hence there is no natural ventilation. Any dressing simply must be ventilated. Breathability must be up to 1.5 volume of the whole space. Therefore, there will be installed an air passage bore holes in the wall. If it does not perform in the course of time the room musty smell appears zavedutsya bacteria, mold, fungi.
- It plays an important role good lighting. Do not be limited to a single chandelier, should provide the side lights and spotlights, to the entire contents of a good peeps.
- 1 m length at open storage items can not be set more than 7 hangers.
- The family wardrobe Men's and women's clothing is stored separately.
- A small room is required to be comfortable. It is necessary to rationally use the entire perimeter to accommodate all the things at the same time had space to move around.
- The style of decoration must comply with the general used throughout the house.

Embodiments destination device storage
Before you do renovations, you must make a plan to indicate in it all sizes. Storage structure should consider things beforehand provide space for bulky items, determine the number of hangers for coats, make a choice between a closed or open niche shelves.
The main condition - to make the room comfortable to use, with maximum space savings.

Depending on the parameters chosen pantry dressing configuration. There are several options for layout arrangement used for the placement of the system of things:
- unilateral (linear);
- L-shaped;
- duplex (parallel);
- trilateral (U-shaped).

linear arrangement
A common way to dressing equipment, which is suitable for small spaces. In unilateral regulated enough room with a width of 1.25 - 1.5 m, the length can be arbitrary. Racks are located along one wall, is a spacious wardrobe. If the wall is long enough, with proper arrangement of things you can make room for additional storage devices, such as an ironing board, vacuum cleaner.
Will save space only with open shelves, and place in a closed space is limited niche does not make sense. Wardrobe can be arranged in different ways. This may be a separate closet, the structure consisting of shelves suspended from hooks or hangers for the bar, floor, wall boxes for storage of shoes and clothing.
The optimum width is 1.35 cm dressing if room wider 1.5 m, rationally on the other hand put a number of shelves small depth.

parallel arrangement
With this organization of space will accommodate a lot more things than in the previous version. Planning optimal for the whole family. One of the parties can make a male, the other female. This allows each tenant to gather much faster. If the linear placement of shelves, experts recommend that the door opened inwards, for double-sided layout better way to provide external.
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Implement conceived obtained only if the width of the space will be at least 1.75 m. The distance is calculated taking into account the storage areas of 60 cm from both the walls and the free pass, which should be more than 0.55 m. If the room is not possible to expand, such a method of storage is not suitable for small storerooms located in most apartments.

L-shaped / angular arrangement
This method is used when it is impossible to organize a parallel layout. Along with the linear placement, the embodiment will be optimal for Khrushchev, wherein the width of the cupboard must also be 1.25-1.5 m. This arrangement is functionally more unlike the unilateral, as the two are used walls.
Cloakroom easily be divided into two zones, used by heterosexual family. Doors can otvoryatsya both inside and out. For a more comfortable, purposeful use of space should consider the option of setting a corner cabinet. The problem area, which angle is better to store infrequently used items.

U-shaped layout
The most practical way of organizing space that involved 3 free surfaces. premises length should be at least 1,6 - 1,8 m and its width is 1.75 - 2 m. The dressing can be positioned greatest number of things. However, as the parallel method of storage, spacious enough room for the required redevelopment.
Along the perpendicular walls in relation to the rest of the walls involved, it is better to place the bar for hangers instead of shelves. This is due to the fact that it is easier to get clothes, placed on a hanger than trying to find something in the corner. In problem areas, you can store large items.

Types of wardrobe storage
The organization structure of the storage depends on the functionality of the wardrobe. It consists of a large number of pieces of different directions, the parameters of which are chosen individually. Wardrobe systems differ in the manufacture of the material, the number of elements, the installation method.
Among the existing species that can be equipped in the former pantry are the following facilities:
- housing;
- frame;
- net.

Such an arrangement is a classic. Constructions are in great demand. However, for small non-standard rooms have to make furniture to order. For its production using natural wood, MDF, particleboard. These materials give the complex an elegant look, they are easy to clean, does not require constant care.
Products differ stationary installation method, a sufficiently large weight, because they have side walls, bottom and ceiling. Designs are set along the wall, the individual modules are interconnected ties. The advantages of mounting systems include:
- the availability of public and private components;
- a large assortment of different colors;
- good capacity;
- easy maintenance;
- low cost.

The disadvantages of the storage system may include a fixed installation, the inability to change the build options, except for the provisions of some shelves, a complex installation for the implementation of their own hands.
Mesh system in appearance resembles a honeycomb, includes a variety of baskets and shelves. It allows you to put everyday things, footwear, headgear. The design is very easy to use, applicable to any non-standard facilities, particularly those where there is no opportunity to establish robust articles of wood and its derivatives.
Net wardrobe fitted with shoe racks, barbells for placement shelves. It is made mostly of metal, but there are also more expensive wooden models. The structure has a rather unusual appearance will complement any modern style. Among the main advantages are:
- good air circulation, things do not get musty smell;
- material can be easily cleaned;
- characterized by low weight and high strength;
- there is a possibility of transformation;
- all things are visible, they are easier to look for;
- It has air-permeable structure;
- It occupies minimal memory space;
- Installation is easy to perform on their own.

Among the shortcomings can be identified the high cost of products, the incompatibility with components from other manufacturers. With flat racks clothing may fall if it is damaged accidentally.
The main feature of the system is the presence of metal racks, which are fixed shelves, drawers, rods, and other functional elements. Typically, different columns are fixed at their ends to the floor and ceiling. The design has no side or rear walls, allows you to use all the space up to the ceiling. Planning suitable for classic style, whether modernist or high-tech. The main advantages of such a dressing include:
- strength;
- easy assembly and disassembly;
- good combination of wood and metal;
- the absence of walls and partitions;
- easy maintenance and service;
- ability to change the layout of the internal components;
- It allows you to enjoy the area from floor to ceiling.
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By cons include the construction of its relatively high cost. shelves openness is unacceptable for some people, because even a slight mess will soon be evident.

Planning zones in the dressing room
The effectiveness of any dressing depends on the correct distribution of space. Typically, storage is not very large in size, so the ergonomic arrangement of their coming to the fore. Zoning in the room with small dimensions must be carefully thought out. Enough space should be for all-weather clothing, massive winter shoes, bedding and other things.
When constructing shelving, cabinets, racks must be provided the presence of sections of different size and depth, enough space to accommodate hangers. Closet space standard is divided into three zones.

Outer zone
Here is the place for mezzanines. The upper zone is considered to be a space, located at a height of not less than 190 cm from the floor. This remote place, so it's best to arrange things here that use rare. The less frequently gets a piece of clothing, a suitcase, the more it should be retracted. The exception is the pantograph. Modern coat hanger is convenient to use at any altitude.
Just below the mezzanine has a shelf for hats, scarves, shawls. Small objects do not occupy much space, so rather narrow, but wide drawers. They should be at arm's length.
Before you embed a shelf in the dressing room, it is necessary to determine the size of stored items. Cells should be ideally suited for depth, width. At the height of their best to do 2-3 cm large suitcases, boxes of shoes, mattresses. In drawing up the project for the small room of the former storage area is necessary to provide enough space in the center for the free movement of stairs, chairs, ladders.

The middle zone
By drawing the central region is placed at a height of 60-190 cm. The most favorable location for frequently used items. Any object you can get a hand, almost from one point in the center of a small walk-in closet.
The main part of the central zone of the space is filled with rods for storage of clothes in the expanded form. Things on hangers can hang in the lower zone, but it is necessary to remove them without bending. If the depth of the former storage area allows a rod perpendicular to the wall, if not - in parallel.
Drawers, shelves should be at eye level. An interesting solution - wicker baskets, metal mesh, transparent containers for clothes. So clothing is well ventilated, it will just see. On open shelves conveniently store T-shirts, sportswear, jeans, sweaters and other clothes Casual.

The lower zone
The space is designed to accommodate the shoe. In a small room to store shoes and boots better in special modules, filling them for the season. Unused in the near future model should be sent to the upper zone.
Shelves for casual shoes should be placed 30-40 cm from the floor. They can do straight or at an angle of 45 degrees, providing a good view. To save space, the room equip compact designs - retractable sections, roof rails with a horizontal opening.
Above obuvnitsey rationally arrange open shelves for storage of bags, belts, gloves. Immediately placed boxes for bedding. Place the cell can be along one wall or on the perimeter of the dressing room.

Methods and finishes
Remodel a room for storing clothes and shoes possible, using a variety of materials. Dressing of a small storage area with access to the corridor will be used primarily for outdoor clothes, so covering the walls should be practical, moisture-resistant. Gender should be made of tile or linoleum thick as autumn it will often be wet with shoes after the rain, in the winter it will cause the sand boots after jogging on sidewalks and sprinkled stairs. If you can convert the spacious building, repair surfaces start from the top down:
- Ceiling. Most open surface dressing must necessarily be bright and expressive. For finishing often use colored putty, paint, whitewash, wallpaper, hanging, tensile structures, plastic panels. Major requirements for materials not, if the room is ventilated and well-lighted.
- Walls. For the side walls is better to choose practical, tend to accumulate grease materials and finishes. Suitable paint, plastic lining, washable wallpaper. Dense panel should be avoided, as they take away precious for the former storeroom square meters. If the room size does not look like storage to Khrushchev, you can decorate the walls of wood, plasterboard.
- Floor. Flooring dressing will undergo serious stress. This should be considered when selecting materials for its completion. A large number of clothes, gathered together, implies the absence of dust. Floor can be used linoleum, tile, laminate, wood.
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Stylistic and colors
Create expressive space of a simple closet can, if properly arrange the surface and make a successful emphasis on filling. Certain style shelving is set not only construction but also the color, layout features and design. Make a space as possible in accordance with the following stylistic trends:
- Classic. Would be appropriate complete facades, cabinets coupe. Decorating should be clear, uncluttered. Walls monophonic, painted or papered pastel gender of natural materials (stone, wood). Only necessary furniture and functional, as an example, a table, a small ottoman.
- Eco-style. Maximum pacified design should not be overloaded with useless details. To finish surfaces and only natural materials are used as furniture material.
- Minimalism. Any accessories and decor. Only strict open shelves. Color white and black, beige, brown.

- Techno. Cool, attention to detail style. In the dressing room there are only straight lines, a lot of boxes with fancy furniture, metal lamps, floodlights. To finish using coarse materials: metal, glass.
- High tech. Suitable for a spacious dressing room. For decorating rooms make use of advanced technology and the latest materials. A lot of glass, plastic, metal. Basically, there are gray, metallic and white colors.
- Fusion. It allows you to connect multiple directions. You can combine angular shelves and fabric lampshade, plastic furniture and wooden floors. It is appropriate combination of screen and bright textile Shabby dresser-chic.

Lighting and ventilation
Former storage of apartment buildings do not have windows, so when drawing dressing project should provide correct positioning of fixtures and vents. Specific room during the operation will always be full of leather and dust particles.
If the room is on the border of street, you can create natural ventilation by making small valves in the floor and the ceiling, which will provide fresh air supply and exhaust outflow. Such a method can also be used in close proximity of the ventilation channels. To increase the air exchange rate put fans. oxygen supply is provided by natural means, and output by means of forced exhaust. The size of the openings, the velocity of the air mass is calculated from the dressing sizes.

Any dressing room requires a large number of items and shoes, placed in its place. Quickly find the necessary clothing, to evaluate the right combination of colors will come out only in bright light. Better if it will be a multi-zone lighting. Several lamps are placed on the ceiling, turning the ceiling in the mirror, LED strip on the bar with hangers.
Making the doorway
Alteration of storage in the dressing room will forever change the attitude to the simple storage inventory, if properly arrange the doorway. The room can be left open or close the screen with stylish, massive doors, sliding designs. The decor can be used as mirrors, glass, plastic inserts, textile elements.
Hinged doors suitable for large premises. The web can be improved by attaching the inner side of the narrow ledge. Small rooms adorn the cornice hanging blinds, folding doors. This is the easiest and a budget option.

Make housing comfortable for living is possible, if the right to use every square meter of an apartment or house. The real highlight will be the dressing room from the pantry. Convert a room is not difficult enough in it to make repairs and to build structures for storing clothes. From domestic storage with any location, you can create a stylish multifunctional dressing room.