Wardrobe bed: drawings, diagrams, assembly instructions with their hands

Furniture transformer

Bed-transformer, built-in wardrobe with his hands

Limited space - trouble many. Save useful space without compromising functionality possible. Most importantly, the right "to work" with the room. In addition to well-produced finishing is important choose the right furniture. For compact spaces is transforming model (sofa, fold-up table or cupboard-bed). However, most of these options will have to make to order, and it is not cheap. Solve the cost problem can be performed by yourself furniture. For example, a wardrobe bed with his hands to make a snap.

Mirrored wardrobe

Mirrored wardrobe with built-in bed

Order custom-made is not always possible. In small towns individual firms provide such services. At the same time, complex or rare design simply can not undertake to do. But buy all that is needed to perform the work is not difficult. The main thing is to be on the "you" with a tool able to tinkering.

Wardrobe-bed in the living room

Wardrobe bed for small living

In addition, handwritten manufacturer gives room for imagination. It is enough to perform the necessary measurements, calculations, carefully and correctly perform installation work. Here is the field for decoration and ready. With a serious approach to get a real masterpiece easily.

Another important aspect - the cost. Execution of custom-made furniture - expensive. A family with low income for this reason give up this service. Purchase required for tools, materials readily available.

Udobnaya wardrobe bed

Wardrobe bed - full bed with Solder pads down and orthopedic mattress


  • 1 Planning how to define the structure, design
  • 2 Construction: drawings and diagrams
  • 3 Materials and tools
  • 4 The manufacturing process: a detailed instruction for beginners
  • 5 Decoration of the finished product
  • 6 Video: How to make the lift bed hoist with his own hands

Planning how to define the structure, design

Bright, comfortable loft style apartment for a small

Small apartment with a built-in bed, decorated in the style of a loft

Having defined the ability to create their own beds (availability of skills, a desire to create, means for tools, materials) comes time to think about allowable design, design things. These are the options that will affect the course of further work.

Perfect solution for small apartments - the use of a bed, a built-in wardrobe

First we need to determine the place of dislocation of bed in the closet. The space must allow unhindered tilt bed. Thus, in the expanded bed as required to leave sufficient space for free passage. The cabinet should not stand out from the crowd. We need a holistic, harmonious picture in the end.

The wall of the nursery with a folding bed

The wall of the nursery with a folding bed to save space

object design is best to choose a concise, not conspicuous. Then there will be visible shortcomings of the work, which can rarely be avoided when working rookie. In addition, the minimalist decor is simple in execution. He easily fits into any interior.

 Modern minimalist interior

Modern minimalism in the interior of the room with a bed, wardrobe

Construction: drawings and diagrams

Drawing cabinet-bed

Plans for the construction of the cabinet-bed

An important preparatory step in the creation of a bed in the cabinet is a design object. Before the start of major works carried out the necessary measurements, clearly define the design dimensions.

Gas lifts for folding bed

Gas lifts for folding bed as much as possible facilitate the transformation

On the basis of these parameters make up a schematic view of the future bed later - drawings. It helps to plan in detail all the structural elements, design a mechanism units (mounting method, lift, length, number of beds). As a rule, a bed with a wardrobe consists of the following components:

  • fixed base (firmly fixed to the wall);
  • active part of the lifting body (skeleton under the beds a place);
  • Swivel base elements.

When the bed thoroughly planned according to a scheme proceed to technical part - drawing draft. It will be used to further the practical implementation of the project. The drawing will help to plan docking parts (quality of fit, the necessary clearances).

The spring mechanism for folding bed

The spring mechanism for folding bed allows you to adjust the force

On the basis of this information shall be determined with necessary materials, tools. After that, begin to work on the basic bed assembly.

Materials and tools

Tools for cabinet-bed

Tools for making their own hands bed, built-in wardrobe

Before the next to prepare all the tools and materials required to create the bed. Thus, the subject will be able to perform quickly and efficiently, without stopping to unplanned finding relevant details.

Opening and closing metal frame bed

Metal frame for opening and closing the bed made samostotelno

To create a bed in the cabinet can be useful to many other small components of most working sets. It is better to pre-acquainted with the manufacturing process, to make for themselves a plan of action, individually adjust the list of necessary tools.

As the base material for the bed acts chipboard. In exceptional cases, use other options for wood paneling.

sheets of particleboard

The cut chipboard sheets for the outer wall of the enclosure

If necessary, the decoration material is selected in accordance with the selected technique.

Instruments accessories materials
drill ruler furniture screws;
jigsaws roulette timber size 50 * 50 mm;
Cordless carpenter's pencil Eaves 15 * 150 mm;
saw sanding paper Area for fixing;
screwdrivers, files, pliers level freewheel hinges.
Bed convertible black

Wooden bed convertible, made by yourself

The manufacturing process: a detailed instruction for beginners

Create a bed-transformer

Create a convertible bed with his hands

Detailed scheme of the bed

Detailed scheme for producing folding bed

The first thing you will need to make the frame of the cabinet, which is securely fixed onto the wall. This part of the process consists of the following stages.

  1. Excised future cabinet wall 4 of the side plate and the rear base. Recommended dimensions for bokovushek 1124 * 450 * 450 mm and 1800 mm - 2 pcs. each. The rear wall of 1124 * 1800 mm - 1 pc. Settings details of their location depend on the individual characteristics of the bed.

    frame construction of the bed box

  2. The resulting panels are fixed in a single box in furniture screws. To accomplish this without the risk of splitting the material must first prepare a hole using a drill with a special drill (with training slot for fastening the cap). The diameter of the recess has to be less than this value in the screw. connection points are spaced evenly every 25-35 cm.
  3. To strengthen the structure recommended to lay lumber staggered inner corners of the box obtained. Important to the process of fixation of complement are not violated the integrity of the enclosure walls. In the absence of sufficient experience is better to abandon this action (to prevent damage to the frame).
    cabinet-frame beds Ready

    with fixed decorative elements frame Ready

The next part of the process will build housing beds, bed preparation. Make it a bit more complicated than a wardrobe. Proceed as follows.

  1. Excised base wall size determined in advance. We must obtain the details of the box at the bottom of the blind.
    Transformer base bed

    Making the bed base

  2. Obtained in upholstery panels fastened with screws. This process pay special attention, ie. To the. Low-quality joints are often the "sore spot" of the bed. fastening screws frequency should not exceed 25-30 cm.
  3. Inside (on the perimeter) stack timber, which will be a support for Paillasses. Mounting height with respect to the lower limit makes 30 mm.
  4. For device Paillasses on a support previously created screwed edged boards. This high-quality bed mechanism, convenient, fast feasible. It is necessary to strive for maximum ease the bed boxes, which must be easy to move, carry out its functions.
    Box mattress

    Putting a box mattress with glue and screws

  5. For additional fixation of a berth in the process of lifting the bed should provide constraints Paillasses movement.
Place hinge placing

We use the loop for attaching bed (box mattress) to the near-wall "box"

The final part of the manufacture of components of the mechanism is assembled together with a flexible course. For this box beds bolted by means of the hinge mechanism. Well, if there is an opportunity to provide further details of which will facilitate travel (gas shock absorbers, a counterweight). Rounding out the product fixation movable legs with 2 sides on the bottom bracket box.

folding bed

Mechanisms for folding beds

Decoration of the finished product

Folding bed with his hands

Ready-made wall bed made with their own hands

Upon completion of the cabinet can start the bed to create an optimal product appearance. All items in the default manufacturing polished, prepared for safe use. Therefore, the urgent need for visual design of the bed does not exist.

It is only necessary to make the bottom wall of the box sealing bed (in the closed form should not be seen a bed). Externally, the design details of the crop shall conform to each other, visually resemble a cabinet function. If necessary, the subject of decorate by means of simple design techniques.

Hide a bed in the closet

Hide a bed in the closet, and frees up space in the nursery

Assemble the bed in the closet, which will delight the eye, space saving is a snap. Used for this simple tools and materials with widespread availability. the result of work will not leave anyone indifferent.

Video: How to make the lift bed hoist with his own hands