Tables vary in height and intended use. There are models for sitting on chairs, on the floor, for standing work. The optimum height of the product depends on these indicators, as well as on growth and human dimensions. Children, it is desirable to buy the table "for growth" in order not to repeat the purchase of every two or three years. You can also buy an adjustable model. The main problem in choosing a convenient table for the whole family may be just the difference in growth. Chairs with adjustable height can solve the problem. But keep in mind the fact that people are easier to adapt to a low table, rather than to be too high. It has the meaning and the place of accommodation: in the living room, the kitchen and other rooms in the selected furniture of varying heights. It is advisable to buy the most versatile models, that they have served as long as possible, regardless of the load and other nuances.
- selection rules
Height depending on the destination
- Kitchen table
- Dinner table
- Desk
- Computer desk
- Coffee table
- A massage table
- Table for children of preschool age
Table for schools
- Choosing a table and chairs on the growth of the child
- Tables with adjustable height
- conclusion
selection rules
When buying a table in the first place should pay attention to the altitude. There are a number of recommendations as to what should be the option. But there are no universal standards for all products, it all depends on the intended use. should consult with the seller with respect to the height of the furniture and tell him your own parameters before buying. If the table is designed for use with chairs, it should be easy to keep your elbows on the surface. On sale you can find furniture with adjustable height. It is designed for children of primary school and preschool age. It is recommended to buy furniture that will provide a comfortable and correct posture. If the dining table is designed for the living room, it is better to take a higher model to make it easier to throw his legs. If you do not pay enough attention to the choice of heights, may cause health problems:
- rachiocampsis;
- joint pain;
- blurred vision.

Height depending on the destination
Tables come with newspaper, massage, writing, cooking, dining, computer. Some are designed to sit up, while others are designed to work standing up. Dining table is selected depending on the height of human growth and chairs. For a working kitchen table height of 87-97 cm is comfortable for people of 155-200 cm growth. This is the best option, given the difference in growth performance, however, if we take into account the average rate, the table height of 84-85 cm suit the widest category of people. Coffee table, ideally, a few centimeters above the seat sofas and armchairs. Written do basically inclined. They are easier to write, if we are talking about several hours of continuous operation. Children of primary school age (7-11 years) is recommended to buy these are the tables.

Kitchen table
The key parameter for the selection of the ideal height of the work surface is height. If it is below one and a half meters, the height of the countertop is selected within 75-80 cm. Tables 5 cm above, 80-85 cm from the ground, suitable for people of 150-160 cm growth. Most people have an increase from 160 to 180 cm. Most of the manufacturers is focused precisely on these anthropometric indices and produces kitchen tables in height from 85 to 92 cm. Work on such a surface will be convenient for both men and women. Those who are above 180 but below 195 cm, suitable furniture with top-level 95-100 cm. For tall people of 195-200 cm and above the best solution would be to make specific order. Since family members are of different height, it is necessary to calculate the median and buy a table for these parameters, but by a margin in favor of the one who holds the kitchen longer.
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When you select a desktop Cooking false impression could arise that the height of the ideal, so be sure to find out the exact figure.
Dinner table
It can be placed:
- in the kitchen;
- in the living room;
- on the summer terrace.
The height of this piece of furniture can be convenient for all, since the seat height difference is not as noticeable. The sitting position is important to lap comfortably, relax the body and legs could be at least a little pull. It is recommended to choose among the tables with a height of about 70-75 cm parameter. This figure is ideal for medium height. There is a simple formula for determining the preferred size of the dining room table: your own height in centimeters multiplied by the standard height of the articles (75), after which the result is divided by growth, which are oriented manufacturers (165). For the person of average height (170), the final result will be 77.3 cm. In the process of selection of the dinner table, priority is given less than the figure for easy use by people of lower growth. Young children are selected special seat.

Allocated under the individual parameters of children and adults. Furniture for an adult to be combined with his height and physique. Better for the child to acquire a table with adjustable height. The surface of these products make inclination. First of all it concerns the children's table. In XX century, experts have developed standards, compliance with which is necessary to preserve the health of the spine. With the growth of 175-183 cm ideal table height is 70-80 cm. A small table (600 mm) recommended for short stature people (150-160 cm). For high (190-200 cm) suitable furniture height of 850 to 900 mm. Desk manager must have the boxes and store sufficient space under your feet. In addition, it may be necessary for the sliding surface of the keyboard. Standard height takes into account all these factors, and is 75 cm. However, if the height of 190-195 centimeters above the need to make specific order.

Computer desk
Modern people spend a lot of time for him. If the table is too low, you have to bend over, and if too high - overload neck. It is recommended to select the furniture, on the basis of the basic rules of maintaining a healthy posture. Back to keep even with a slight bend forward and his shoulders straightened. Elbows should be left in the air, and the rest of the forearm, respectively, on the surface. The ideal height for the table top - level at 5-7 cm below the solar plexus. Holding the foot on the floor, in a level position, without lifting. Knees need to bend at an angle of 90 °. On the screen you need to look down. Computer table correct configuration ensures compliance with all of these criteria. This prevents diseases of the musculoskeletal system and improved comfort and performance. Standard height fit the vast majority of people, and only very low or high need to make a special order.
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Coffee table
To find the ideal solution, it is necessary to measure the height of the seat, next to which will be located this piece of furniture. There is no definitive rules on the ideal parameters of a coffee table. It is recommended to buy the table a little higher than the seat, but some modern designers disagree and insist that it can only match their height or below. There are national standards with completely different criteria. According to them, the manufacturer is obliged to make such a height that the product will withstand the intended load. The famous architect Le Corbusier called attention to such factors as ease of use in a sitting position. Another technical rule recommends withstand the ratio between the height and size of the table top: the large surface area corresponds to the lower support and vice versa.

Recently popular coffee tables, transformers, adjustable height which leaves the customer several options for their use.
A massage table
To carry out a massage is necessary to create favorable conditions for the worker. Table height affects the force of impact and, consequently, the quality of services. Standard indicator height is in the range of from 70 to 80 cm. It is designed for the masseur average height - 170-180 cm. When you select a table you need to start from the average relative stature and growth, but if there is a high staff (185 cm), it is recommended to purchase a model with adjustable height. Tables for massage relatively low - 55 to 90 cm. The more adjustable range, the better. The basis of tables with variable height is an electric or hydraulic system. Master can adjust the settings yourself: the table should not be higher than the lowest point of the fist lowered his hands, but not below the tips of the fingers of his hands.

Table for children of preschool age
This category includes children aged 3 to 7 years:
- Children of preschool age (3-4 years);
- the middle group (4-5 years);
- children of preschool age (5-7 years).
they usually play on the floor, but a small table will help to prepare for the school environment. As children grow quickly, you need to buy items with adjustable height worktops. The table should have a slope and a small stand for your child to draw and play with the tablet. The value of heights of all child tables is between about 37 and 60 centimeters. This "corridor" corresponds to an increase of 80-140 cm. In most cases, parents buy tables for children preschool age, that is 5-7 years. Optimal location countertop will be at 48 cm from the floor and chair - 28 cm. It is important that the child is developing properly or from the table will only harm. You need to own all measure, because no special selling models for preschoolers, but only to a certain age range.

Table for schools
Under the parameters of schoolboys match tables with tops at 53-75 cm from the floor. There are two types of tables: Writing-tables, desks and more versatile furniture with additional sections. The first kind of tilted tabletop. Designed such furniture for the lower grades. It has an adjustable height. Some modifications and changes the slope of the countertop. Universal buy children over 10-11 years, but can be found and low model by 7 years of age. Some of them also can increase in height. On sale there are many tables with add-ons: sections, shelves and drawers. Sold models of transformers with the "conversion" function from the writing table in the worker, as well as special orthopedic models. Teenagers from 13-15 years can approach the table for an adult. Together with him you need to use a chair with adjustable height. However, the feet must touch the floor completely.
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Choosing a table and chairs on the growth of the child
If the increase is less than 80 centimeters, then you need to purchase a product from the tops of 34 cm and seats at 17 cm from the floor. Babies above 80 and below 90 cm are selected height chairs and tables 38 and 20 cm respectively. If the increase is more than 90 cm but less than a meter, the ideal parameters are 43 cm to 24 cm, and the table for the chair. If the child is above the meter and below 115 cm, it will approach 28-inch chair and 48-inch table. If a child has a growth of 115-119 centimeters, he needs a worktop at 52-54 cm from the floor and the seat above 30 and below 32 cm. With the growth of 120-129 cm must be purchased tables 52-54-centimeter height and chairs with seats at the level of 32-35 cm from the floor. If the growth rate is between 130 and 139 cm, you need a table and a chair height of 60-62 and 36-38 cm, respectively. Boys from 14 years worth buying the table is already under adult parameters - for the growth of 165-177 cm.

Tables with adjustable height
They are called mechanical. These models help to save money. They are designed for multiple purposes. Firstly, students and pre-school children for many years may make them homework. In addition, the "adult" tables will be adjusted depending on the growth and needs. In mechanical furniture can be X-shaped legs, with which the height can be easily adjusted. Some models are equipped with a telescopic mechanism: to change the height of the vertical supports must be protected on both sides of the table top. It is less convenient option. There are also electronic and sliding mechanisms. By using any of these devices can not only adjust the height from the floor, but also to change the appearance or feature set, for example, to transform a coffee table in the dining room. All products have a small negative - the maximum load is limited to 30-45 kilograms.
Plus much more. Among them:
- Practicality. They can be used in different rooms and for different purposes.
- Space saving due to compact products.
- Comfort and versatility. A table can be set up on your own.

Tables usually have a standard height based on the average growth values. Surface for standing work are usually higher. But there are exceptions: massage table can be adjusted and do quite low - about 55 cm from the floor. The height of the working surface of a kitchen and dining table selected depending on the parameters of the lower human. In this case, writing, computer desktops and selected based on the needs of a tall man. Chairs with adjustable height to compensate the inconvenience. The standard height of an office desk is 75 cm. This also applies to other furniture for use with chairs. But special attention should be paid to the selection of the children's table. For effective and fast work a child needs a convenient table with a variety of devices. Orthopedic chairs help to keep your posture.