First, let's understand what the attic and how it differs from the attic. Both of these areas of the house are located under the roof. Many of them are often confused because they do not see the difference. Attic floor - the last one in the house, it is located directly under the roof, but can accommodate people at any time of the year. It necessarily insulated, provided with electricity, water and heating. Elevations loft and attic completely or partially formed roof. The main difference between the premises of the second or third floor in the cottage or country house - is the height of the walls. Under it mean distance from the floor to the intersection of the facade and the roof. It should not exceed 1.5 m, according to the conditions established in SNiPY. If the height of a little more, it's a full floor.
Attic - a cold, non-residential premises. It can be equipped for summer holidays, but winter in this room is not possible. Usually in attics equip warehouse of useless things. However, the practice of storing rubbish is gradually eroding. If the room is designed for the location of communications, boiler room, technical equipment, the attic is called technical floor. They are more common in apartment buildings. Another important difference from the attic loft - the presence of large windows, sometimes even built into the roof. For non-residential premises lighting does not really matter. Projects of houses with attic can be purchased in already finished form in design offices. The only way to get a free plan - to prepare his own hands, which requires a certain stock of knowledge. Talk of the construction of attic floors, options for their resettlement and popular styles that embody under the roofs of houses.
- Features of attic floors
- Advantages and disadvantages of homes with a loft
Apparatus attic floor
- trusses
roof construction
- Pent
- gable
- The choice of roofing
- Windows and their methods of opening
- Single-storey house with attic
- Two-story house with an attic
- Variants of arrangement of rooms
- Popular music styles
- conclusion
Features of attic floors
Project home with a loft - the perfect option for those who want to use the area of the building to the maximum. In this regard, additional living space is similar to the ground floor. Previously, the cellars were used exclusively for the storage of trash and placing equipment. Now pedestals equip game rooms, home cinema, garages, saunas or laundry rooms (in typical American homes). Without drawing-plan to build a loft impossible. With construction work can really handle each, although there often turn to companies that engage in the construction of "turnkey". But the right way to do load calculations on the foundation, consider the location of all design elements, calculate material consumption, can only be a professional, backed by the experience and specialized luggage knowledge.

Before construction prepare some sketches of - in the context and from different viewpoints, and thus indicate the scale. In the figure, be sure to mark the location of the window openings, stairs, entrances, communication lines indicate the shape and size indicated. The most popular configuration among the attics - rectangular or square. Simple task appears only in words. Getting to the point, the inhabitant is lost and does not even know where to start. Attic attracts plenty of light and fresh air. Its outer "box" consists of two components:
- Vertical (gable) wall. They are usually made of the same material as the facade of the house, since they are its logical continuation.
- The inclined wall (side). It "begins" with a vertical surface (wall attic), and then its skeleton is truss roof system. In the role of cladding the ceiling acts as a roof. To increase the attic area, change the roof slope and increase the height of the attic wall.

The wooden houses, log cabins vertical walls constructed of wood. If the construction of the brick, then to use the attic brick. Sometimes vertical wall sheathe decorative materials to match the rest of the facade. This is necessary if you want to upgrade the exterior to fit it into the landscape design suburban area, or when the building itself has an unsightly appearance. For example, its erected from lightweight aggregate concrete, silicate, expanded clay, slag stones or gazoblokov. Such materials have an unattractive appearance, and disguised necessarily finishing layer. For these purposes granite, siding, decorative panels "Brick" or stone. Sometimes the outside walls are lined with wood. The material looks very beautiful, but this is less practical than the longer-lasting analogs. A prerequisite for arranging attic insulation becomes. Part of the task of keeping warm in the room assigned to the decorative trim that protects the wall from the outside. Inside their close heat and vapor barrier, between the layers which have a mineral wool, foam. Communication is then performed and perform finishing. Next comes in the design and distribution of functional areas in the attic, placement of furniture and decoration.

It meets even such a thing as polumansarda. It was originally a residential floor, which is combined with the roof. The design has an expressive architecture and original appearance. Polumansardny floor is also used for permanent residence. The height of its walls does not exceed 0.8 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of homes with a loft
The attic floor has both some advantages and disadvantages of a short list. The advantages include the following aspects:
- If the arrangement of the attic was not originally included in the plans when building a house, at the expense of her living space can be multiplied even without leaving the villa or cottage. Construction will follow its course, and the rest of the room still can be used, that is, the construction is carried out independently. This practice is very common when a family grows, and eventually a house becomes too tight. In this, perhaps, is the main advantage of additional mezzanine.
- Smartly furnished attic will help reduce the heat loss of the building. This will lead to a reduction in load on the heating system and more energy efficient.
- The original architectonic ceiling is ideal for unusual modern trends, where the configuration - the basis of the composition.
- Best insolation. Since the attic above a priori any other room in the house, it gets more light. If the windows are built into the roof, the sun's rays fall directly into the room, even at noon.
- Attic offers great opportunities for space planning. Initially, the floor has no internal walls, so the decision on placement of rooms, their dimensions (width and length) will only accept owners of the house. Planning does not require the demolition of walls, or making significant changes. You can create zoning literally a "clean slate."
- Good ventilation. The height at which is located an attic, promotes rapid air exchange.
See also:Summer kitchen at the cottage

The disadvantages include the following factors:
- The need for air conditioning in the hot summer. Roof very quickly heats up and loses heat to the attic, located near the rest rooms. Unfortunately, in hot weather when there is no air conditioning here will be a real "bath", as in the bath.
- Some psychologists believe that not having the traditional "smooth" the ceiling above her head, many people may experience discomfort. The complex architecture of sloping roof looks very unusual and beautiful, however, excessive piling up of parts may indeed eventually cause irritation. The configuration is easy to fix with a special decoration, decor, color scheme.
- The high cost of the special roof windows, which will have to buy for the spacious rooms, where some openings in the gables will not be enough.
- When errors in construction, finishing, heat insulation can be obtained "cold" attic, which in the winter will not save even the most powerful boiler.
- Accumulation of snow in the winter on the glass skylights that create a barrier to light from entering the room.
- No kind of sound insulation is not completely exclude the rain "noises" - the sound of the collision of drops with a roof. And it does not matter what type of coverage selected (soft or hard). Although psychologists believe that the sound of water has a therapeutic, soothing effect, sometimes it can be annoying.

By the way, another advantage can be considered simple when placing the fireplace or stove. Stove heating can also be considered as an option. So will save on the consumption of other resources (gas, electricity), and create a comfortable environment in the attic in the winter with the help of "live fire" from coal or firewood.
Apparatus attic floor
To write a good plan, you must consider a number of the following factors:
- Living space. Its size is directly dependent on the type of roof. Some species produce too many areas that can not be used as appropriate. The most economical option is considered hip roof. Its truss system as opposed to the gable can be used every inch of the attic without the "blind" zones.
- Budget. If he is very modest, it will have to be content with pent roof, since it refers to the cheapest option.
- Snow and wind loads. Precipitation should be free to slide off the roof, and not accumulate on it. In this case, a slope value. If it is calculated incorrectly, the rainfall will create additional load on the roof, which she can not stand.
- Selection of a suitable material for the truss system. Many people mistakenly believe that the wood comes under taboo. In fact SNIP allows the use of a tree, if it has been pre-treated properly. There are also the following condition with respect to the maximum height of the building - no more than 75 m, that is, high-rise. Of course, for private households such figures are considered to be exorbitant. On average even on a three-storey house for more than twenty conventional odnoetazhek.
- Status of the foundation and façade. This takes into account not only the material from which to build a house, but the timing of its operation, the additional load, the general form (for cracks or other damage). Accordingly, the selected particular truss system and roofing material.
- The load on the walls of the house and the foundation. Some types of roofs (Shed) to distribute the load evenly, that is, one side of the building may need to be further strengthened. Without knowledge of the area is easy to make a mistake which threatens to turn into a collapse.

All these nuances are necessarily taken into account in the design of the attic. Luxuriously look extra floors with bay windows or terraces. In the second case, the household has access to the open air overlooking the courtyard, reliably secure the canopy. Such verandas sometimes glaze. Oriel designs often repeated in the form similar to the tabs on the lower floors.

Roof trusses - bar system, in which the roof rests. In fact, it is the "backbone" of the attic skeleton, on which "put on" the layers of roof cladding, heat insulation, communication lines, interior decoration. Roof trusses is made up of several components, which are competent to combine evenly distributes the load on the load-bearing walls of the house:
- Mauerlat. It is a log or a cant, which is laid on the bearing wall. In fact, this "foundation" truss.
- Ridge and side girders. This beam, which are arranged horizontally. First place right under the ridge, and the other just below the perpendicular rafter "feet."
- Struts, braces, diagonal communication - communication system elements.
- Naslonnye and hanging rafters.
See also:Interior of a wooden house: colors, materials, decor

Since the load is quite big, truss on the roof terrace must have a margin of safety. It provides a good quality connection between the individual system components. The most commonly used for these purposes bolts, screws, welding or the type of "groove-ridge". Scheme truss frame is selected depending on the type of roof, which will lay the attic floor. Also take into account the distance between the outer bearing walls. If it does not exceed the value of 6.5 m, then the selected naslonnye rafters. In other cases, resorted to hanging supports. They are mounted on the tightness and mauerlat. If necessary, additional design reinforce the connecting links.
roof construction
The shape of the attic depends on the species of the roof. Sami additional floors can be rectangular, polygonal, triangular, asymmetrical. Attic can be arranged over the whole house or only over part of it. Roof, depending on the form are classified into the following types:
- Shed.
- Gable.
- Trehskatnye.
- Dome (conical, pyramid-shaped).
- Hipped.

Trehskatnye dome and in the attic is very rare due to the complex architecture. The first were popular in Tsarist Russia, where the exquisite design of the house was an indicator of family income. Dome represent a very complex structure with not less than "confusing" roof truss. Under round roof of transparent materials used in greenhouses hidden mansions of the rich. Judging by the elegance of architecture, such a roof - a grand structure, impressive and eye-catching. From a material point of view, such a construction will be very expensive, and therefore is not always justified. Hipped classified into four subspecies:
- Gambrel.
- Tent.
- poluvalmovaya
- Hipped-gable.

The tent horse is completely absent. Attic under the eaves of the three remaining species have a broken architectonic, which is expressed not as bright as in the gable roof. For this reason, this nuance can be attributed to the benefits and not the disadvantages.
The design of a pent roof is the most simple. The roof is fixed to the supporting walls obliquely. This architecture roof laconic and even bordering with primitivism. For uni-directional embodiment of great importance angle. If it is calculated incorrectly, the rainfall will accumulate and the roof load increases. Attic under the shed roof equip does not happen very often. The room will have an asymmetric shape due to the different heights of opposite walls. But in the shed roof can be easily integrated window that look into a number of very carefully and consistently.

Gable or gable roof is quite easy to install and is considered a classic option for arranging the attic. As becomes clear from the name, such constructions have two ramp which intersect the top and abut the skate. Both the "look" of the plane in different directions. Gable roofs are classified into three subspecies:
- Symmetric. Skates diverge at the same angle and are mirror images of each other. Pediment has a simple configuration of an isosceles triangle, and the horse is at the center of the structure.
- Unbalanced. Seahorse such roofs is displaced relative to the conditional center of the house. Skates are of equal length. Sometimes they are called: the roof "with offset ridge."
- With sloping ramps. This type of roof has been specially conceived for attics and lofts. Broken ramps allow an increase in the area of roof space.

The most popular version of a gable roof - "convex" with broken slopes. Seahorse is located exactly in the center, and the pediment has an irregular, but symmetrical pentagon.
The choice of roofing
The range of roofing materials is truly amazing. If you ever got along traditional slate, laid on roofing felt, now at philistine dazzled with a wide selection. Depending on the hardness of materials are classified into two types:
- Soft (shingles).
- Hard (slate, metal).

When selecting the material also pay attention to the roof configuration. For complex designs broken every type of roof is suitable. The most durable, and beautiful embodiment will natural tile which is made of clay by calcination. Material cost is very expensive, but life - over 150 years - is absolutely worth the price. The second most popular is divided asbestos cement roofing slate and metal. The first is a mixture of cement with reinforcing fibers of a basis of asbestos. Although there are many competitors, it still occupies a leading position on the market in recent years. Slate can be flat or wavy. Its classic color - gray, but some manufacturers of stained material in bright colors. The average term of slate service is 30 years. Metal - imitation homonymous ceramic material made of galvanized steel, which is coated with a protective polymer film on both sides. Texture and coloring material mimics the original detail. The average term of metal service is 15 years. It is fireproof, easy to install, durable and inexpensive. Slightly less popular ondulin, corrugated (corrugated steel sheet) and single-piece composite, shale, asphalt, cement-sand tile. For roofs of complex configuration is better to use soft roofing material.
Windows and their methods of opening
Attic is used as a conventional vertical windows (inserted in the gable), and special slanted. They have a roof. Windows are called "roof." They literally look "into heaven" and give an incredible feeling during rain or starry nights, when you can go to sleep while enjoying the magnificent scenery. Distinguish them by opening types. Habitual swivel or swing-out mechanism in the dormer windows is encountered. The exception will be only "hatches" in the roof. Due to the specifics of the location (at an angle) are often only equipped with windows hinged or sliding systems. Luxuriously look in the attic windows, located on the pediments. There are also tiny "balcony", equipped with a folding mechanism. They provide access to a small porch with a fence, a kind of mini-terrace.
See also:The interior of a log home - 30 photo design inside

Single-storey house with attic
The problem of space shortage increasingly concerned about the owners of one-storey houses. If the land is small and does not allow to increase the living space in width, you have to turn your eyes skyward. A full second floor - not a cheap pleasure. Have significantly strengthen the construction and rebuild it drastically. Attic you can build on the existing attic, carried out the work of repair, insulation and decoration. As for the cost, then reorganize the finished space is much cheaper than building a new one.

Two-story house with an attic
The two-story loft buildings will be an additional load on the structure. When it is better to use the regeneration nonmassive furniture with low weight. If necessary, it can easily be moved to a new location, or replaced by another. As an alternative, you might consider wicker chairs and chairs, plastic tables, dressing instead of high-grade cabinets, or even garden furniture. The entire floor is divided into rooms or zones recommend using light walls of plasterboard.

Variants of arrangement of rooms
Attic can completely equip any premises: bedrooms, living rooms, children's and playrooms. If here held water, it can be accommodated bathrooms or kitchens. On small attic logically located just one spacious room and hold her zoning. If the floor is narrow, the stairs from the entrance-do two doorways in different areas, which abut the opposite gables. More often than not make out the attic for a bedroom. Deficiency of space is usually caused by an increase in the family. Attic - a great option for arranging separate full-fledged children's rooms. This will allow to give your child's personal space and it does not sacrifice the existing function room.

Popular music styles
The design of the attic floors adhere to the principles of conciseness and ease. The interior should be simple and unobtrusive. Stylistic direction necessarily emphasizes an unusual architecture of the ceiling, which is so common in the attic and turns asymmetry in dignity, rather than a disadvantage. Since the undesirable use of massive furniture and decor of the abundance, the classics in all its manifestations should be excluded. Most often, designers are practicing the use of the following styles:
- Chalet. Alpine area is based on the use of wood. The array can be replaced by thin sheets of veneer in finishing. They will blend in with the beam from which the house is built. Unusual ceiling architecture complement the decorative beams and logs. Furniture requires minimum: wicker chairs, chairs, bed with wooden frame. From the decor chosen soft skins floor, antlers on the walls and the stylish lamps in a metal frame on chains suspended from the ceiling beams.
- Minimalism. This style can be easily adapted as a small space, and to the spacious rooms. All the furniture is placed compactly. This trend fills the harmony of space, light and color. Ideally, such an option to repair the economy. In the colors of white and gray prevail. The decor is almost not used. From furniture leave only a low coffee table, chairs the group, compact corner cabinet, dressing room and a bed.
- Laconic Russian ethnic style. Picturesque area, which is associated with the Terem in dense Siberian forests. The interior of luxury amazes: Use simple furnishings, home-made coarse, poorly treated surfaces. The interior prevails available wood - a material typical of Russian villages. The color palette used by all shades of brown, from dark chocolate to yellow. Decorate the room homespun tracks, embroidered curtains, groups of hand-painted glassware on supports. If the attic has a fireplace, its stylise under the old Russian stove and bleach.
- Provence. It is a subspecies of rustic style. The room also prevail wooden surface. Furniture selected from the old "granny's" headsets that re-stained to give a more respectable appearance. Best decoration will be fresh flowers in pots and porcelain vases. Liven things up, you can use small sculptures, massive chandeliers, the curtains in a flirty flower, and a group of soft pillows on the couch or bed. The color palette prevails white and pastel colors.

Also used in the regeneration of the attic light Japanese style, laconic Scandinavian and high-tech high-tech. If the building was built of brick, the walls of the approach to such a loft. They do not even have to further trim. Naked brickwork will be part of the interior.
Attic - the lot, not only private houses. In multi-storey buildings often sell apartments, located directly under the roof. With small-sized housing, they usually do not have anything in common, affecting large spaces. In such apartments equip studios and workshops. However, this well-appointed cozy loft in a private house does not compare to anything else. Attic - perfect for large families with a limited budget.