Adjoining land can not be imagined without located at the perimeter fence. At least a temporary fence installed before the start of the construction of a private house or cottage. It allows you to fix the border, is protective and aesthetic functions. An equally important part of the overall design of a passage, an opening in the fence. It serves not only for the passage of vehicles passes, but also acts as a decoration area. For making it possible to use different materials, but lately the most common gate of corrugated board.
- material Features
- Advantages and disadvantages
Door versions and their features
- Hinged gate type
- Sliding gates
- How to choose a corrugated sheet
- variety of colors
The process of manufacture of swing gate with their hands
- Consumables and Tools
- The dimensions of the gate and the gate
- gate drawing
- Mount support for gates
- We manufacture the frame and the frame gate
- Fastening flaps to the supports and fittings manufacture
- Priming and painting designs
- trapezoidal sheet cladding
Sliding doors with their hands
- Materials and tools
- gate drawing
- Pouring the foundation, installation of embedded and supports
- Production of leaf
- The choice of components and installation of gates
- Sheathing profiled sheet
- Selection of automatics for gates
- conclusion
material Features
Profiled - composite building material with an inhomogeneous structure. It is a galvanized steel sheet, a protected polymeric coating. In the presence of the protective layers is the main feature of the product. Their number may be different. The simplest - three-layer model, they consist of a metal sheet, galvanized on both sides. The most high-quality options can have up to 10 layers.
Time service sheet depends on the type of coating. By this parameter was isolated: galvanized alyumootsinkovannoy, corrugated with a polymeric coating. The warranty period of the first type is 5 years, the second - 10, the third - from 10 to 20. Basically, the material used in construction. It is used for different purposes, e.g., for the construction of hangars, installation of fences, gates manufacture plating garages, kiosks. Depending on the application, there are three main types of profiled sheet:
- Wall (front). Marked with the letter "C". Characterized by fine profiling. The wave can have a height of at 8,10,15,20,21 mm.
- Roof (heavy-wall) or HC. Compared with the first embodiment is characterized by a high waves (20,21,35,45,57,60,75,80,90,100 mm). Used for lining the roof, walls, floors installation.
- The carrier (labeled "H"). It is mainly used for the construction of load-bearing structures. The wave height is 75,80,90,100 mm.
In theory, for the production of the gate can be used any type, but in practice it is mainly used the wall option.

Advantages and disadvantages
According to GOST 24045-2010 n. 3.2 metalloprofili - a sheet metal with corrugations arranged over the entire width. Their height varies between 20-160 mm. The thickness of the metal plate, taken as a basis, is from 0.3 to 1 mm. Due to the profiling is sufficiently thin material is very durable. Among the other advantages of the product is very popular in construction, can be identified:
- low cost compared to other building materials;
- low weight;
- long service life, in some species, it may exceed 50 years;
- attractive appearance;
- a wide choice of colors;
- It allows the construction of all sizes;
- It gives the opportunity to save on finishing materials;
- resistance to sunlight, temperature variations, precipitation;
- corrosion protection;
- easy installation, but to set the gate with their hands required skills in the field of construction, the ability to handle a variety of power tools, including welding;
- easy maintenance.
The main drawbacks of profiled sheet include:
- the lack of sound insulation;
- poor resistance to mechanical impact;
- even slight damage to the protective coating causes the metal begins to corrode.

Door versions and their features
Equipping arrival to the country, many owners often wonder what it is better to put the gates. If earlier there was little choice, all content with hinged models, but now everything has changed, species became much more. Choosing the most appropriate option, it should be remembered that the design should be easy to operate, reliable lock yard, providing travel is not only cars, but also trucks. Among the main types are basically two:
Swing. In turn, they are divided according to the following criteria:
- By the number of leaflets - single-wing, double-wing.
- According to the external design - single-sided, double-sided. In the first case, the design is decorated only on the front side, the second - on both sides.
- By the presence of the gate - blank, the front door situated on one of the flaps, or separately with one of the sides.
- According to the method of opening - manual (mechanical), controlled by automation.
Separately, you can select folding hinged gates that have leaf can be folded in half. Such an embodiment is used in a broad equipment check.
Recoiling. There are several varieties of these plants:
- suspended;
- rail;
- console;
- telescopic.

Hinged gate type
This classic version is the most common. Swing model consist of one or two wings fixed on the racks. They can be opened both inside and out, depending on the method of welding the loops. Reliability and practicality of the design are not tested over the years, but for thousands of years. It is very popular.
The flaps are made of a metal frame, hardwired floorings. With its light weight, it has a minimum load on bearings. To lock them in the closed position using the bolt in the open position - spring clamps, hooks with loops stops. To prevent sagging of the moving parts, poles should be installed in a well flush, solid foundation.

This is the most simple and convenient system has some significant advantages:
- low cost, which makes the device accessible to all;
- versatility, it can be installed on any fence, room;
- durability;
- a wide variety of designs;
- easy installation, which run under the force of the majority of the owners of their own land.
See also:Layout of the house: modern ideas and options
- if improperly concreting foundation pillar to insufficient depth of the foundation, the support may eventually become distorted;
- light elements, sheathed steel sheets, it is difficult to open in strong winds;
- for the opening of the moving parts require free space in front of them;
- in the winter it will have to clean the snow on a regular basis.

Sliding gates
Sliding design - a good alternative to the classical models of swinging. They are characterized by a more complex device, but look very impressive. It consists of web guides and rollers. Emit single and double options. Their principle of operation is to move the flaps along the fence. This circumstance is their main feature. The main advantages of the target include:
- attractive appearance;
- compactness;
- for their discovery does not require free space in front of them;
- well maintained wind loads;
- do not interfere with any of arrival of vehicles;
- they do not sag.

Among the shortcomings can be identified:
- compared with hinged models are more expensive;
- more complex installation work;
- It requires good concreted foundation for installing the supporting pillars;
- setting is possible only if there is free space along a fence;
- castors must be regularly cleaned of debris from the winter snow.

How to choose a corrugated sheet
wall corrugated board used to make the gate labeled "C". From roofing and other options it is different wave height. The size of the stiffeners are denoted by numbers. The higher it is, the stronger the sheet itself and its ability to withstand stress.
The most convenient for fitting the door decking is labeled C-18, C-20, C-21. It can be operated in the most severe conditions. When choosing the type of material it is necessary to take into account the terrain, climatic features. The metal sheets composed of several layers, each performing its own function. A steel base may have the following coverage:
- Zinc;
- aluzinc;
- polyester;
- Plastisol, or Puranas.

variety of colors
By way of applying the paint layer is divided into sheets painted on one side only, painted on two sides in one shade having a multicolored two-way color. The used colors are regulated by normative documents, among which the most common following standards:
- European (RAL);
- Finnish (RR);
- English (HPS);
- Swedish (PRELA).
For the construction of the fence is most appropriate decking having bilateral staining. When choosing the right color pay attention to its compliance with the overall design of the site and at home. Most often, preference is given to green. It fits well in almost any landscape design, looks great on the background of natural greenery.
Also, demand for brown, blue, gray tones. They blend with the majority of materials used in the fence, the building facade. Select red and yellow colors are not desirable. The most unfortunate solution would be the use of unpainted galvanized trapezoidal sheet. He is not only an unattractive view, but also less durable and practical.

The process of manufacture of swing gate with their hands
Some people believe that to build a swing construction of the power of any man, even if he does not possess specialized skills. However, this is not quite true. I read the instructions, most types of work you can do yourself, but not all. For example, to brew a quality framework, need expert help, who knows how to handle the equipment, has experience in this matter.
The manufacturing process of the structure consists of several stages. Initially, you must determine the location of the entrance location, make a drawing, to perform the calculation of the required materials. You can then proceed with the preparation of a base struts installation, construction frame and fixing it to supports, trapezoidal sheet paneling. Every single step discussed in detail to the gate when creating their own hands to avoid accidental errors.

Consumables and Tools
Calculate the amount of materials needed only after the preparation of the sketch. For each case the number will be different. To perform the work required:
- spades, shovels;
- scrap, bump, if necessary to remove the old concrete, brick or base coating;
- cement mixers, an old tub for mixing the solution;
- bucket, trowel;
- Area, building level;
- measuring instruments, pencil, Nylon thread;
- the welding machine and the electrodes;
- Bulgarian with cut and grinding discs;
- drill with a set of drill bits;
- Paint brush, roller, spray gun for painting racks and frames;
- self-tapping screws.

It is necessary to prepare the following commodities:
- corrugated board for covering the frame;
- profile metal tubes of different diameter for the struts and the frame;
- withstand significant loads loop for locking flaps;
- locks, latches, gates;
- colorants;
- crushed stone, sand and cement.

The dimensions of the gate and the gate
The starting point of the entire work is the installation location. From it depends largely on the type of the structure itself, as well as its parameters. For example, the garage and the front gate will have a completely different dimensions, which in each case are selected individually. The easiest way to calculate the height. To determine it is necessary to focus on the fence. Gates should be flush with the enclosure, this parameter is the average of 2-2.5 m.
The height of the gate is determined by the same principle. The minimum width of the existing regulations must exceed 80 cm. This is enough for the free passage of one person, but as practice shows, is not enough for a comfortable crossing a door with hand luggage or a bucket. The optimum size of the gate width of 1-1.2 m. Some owners set wider doors 1.5 m.
With the width of the gate choice for the situation it is much more complicated. In this case it is necessary to take into account many factors: the distance from the fence to the roadway, the radius of the arrival, even material that was used in the construction of the house. For example, a wooden cottage has elevated fire risk for a fire engine arrival require 6 m To enter passenger transport enough 2.4-2.5 m, the cargo -. 3,2-4 m.

gate drawing
In the construction design can not do without a graphic image, which contains all components and their sizes. It will accurately calculate the amount of necessary materials, perform a quality installation. Create a sketch can be yourself, even if you do not have skills in drafting, is enough to make a simple schematic drawing on notebook sheet, specify the settings on it all the elements. In the figure is to be displayed:
- rack, the number, depth of concrete;
- frame device specifying the sizes of all its parts;
- the parameters of each leaf;
- position and dimensions of the gate;
- the total width of the opening;
- material for plating;
- loops, their specific installation location;
- latches, clamps;
- elements that reinforce the frame (corners, transverse and diagonal webs);
- locks, methods of fixing the location of the eyelets.
See also:Canopy over the porch: types of canopy over the entrance

Mount support for gates
Installation works Installation of corrugated gate start with clearing and subsequent marking of territory. Initially we determine the location of the pillars. Further, the level of stretch the nylon thread, which runs through the center of future wells. Then proceed to the main stage:
- With a garden drill making hole in the ground. Its average depth of 1.5 m. In some cases, you may need a jackhammer. If used for a shovel, the width of the hole becomes larger, however, increases the amount of concrete required to fill.
- On the bottom of the pit fall asleep cushion of crushed stone and sand to a thickness of 30 cm, well tamped. With a strong shrinkage pour a little more building material.
- At the bottom of the wells embed support. It must be prepared, covered with a protective primer painted. Free space around it fill with stones, old concrete chunks. This reduces the volume of the solution.
- The rack is aligned with the level prop from different sides of the bricks, cobblestones, if necessary welds special lintel.
- The mixer or manually knead the solution, the rate of 1: 3: 6 (cement, sand, gravel).
- Fill the concrete mix. We reserve the foundation for a week, so that the concrete is well grasped. Periodically, every two or three days, the surface can be wetted with water to her no cracks.

We manufacture the frame and the frame gate
Getting carcass fabrication, re are measuring the width of the gate opening and the gate against established strut. This will allow time to make changes to the drawing, if any. Getting Started:
- Use of a shaped tube grinder or corner cut into blanks of a suitable length, which will depend on the method of joining two elements (butt joint, at an angle of 45 °)
- The surface is cleaned of rust and dirt.
- On the flat surface of the components forming the frame.
- We catch all welding workpiece.
- Area check all the angles on the evenness. If you reveal a discrepancy, then cut away the weld grinder, everything is repeated again.
- We check to see if the valves of the frame fit the opening. We verify their correct geometry after completely penetrates the seams.
- The carcass reinforcing ribs.
Professionals recommend to weld the corners at an angle of 45 °, at least located at the top. This protects the internal cavity of the tube from the ingress of moisture.

Fastening flaps to the supports and fittings manufacture
Leaf to fix the supports by means of hinges. Their number depends on the weight of the frame. For light models only two elements for massive - three. Consider one of the installation options:
- Choosing a board that corresponds to the length of the distance between the posts. Cut it down to size.
- By placing it under the bricks set on the lower level location points hinged elements. After welding, they often subside, however put backup thickness of 2 cm at the center of the bar.
- Install shutters on the prepared base.
- Their upper part to temporarily fix the support posts by means of ropes.
- Make a mark for loops, we catch them by welding to the gate and pillars.
- Check the gate on opening. If no defects and inaccuracies have been identified, the final welds elements.
Fixing the gate, proceed to install the hardware. Welded handles, bolts, clamps (vertical, horizontal). For these purposes, the corners can be used, pieces of round pipe fittings. We hang the locks. There are invoices, Mortice locks, electromagnetic models. If necessary, install automation, security systems (alarms, CCTV camera).

Priming and painting designs
Staining frame - one of the most important stages. On this depends the life of the product, its appearance. The process is as follows:
- Prepare the base. This ensures the best adhesion to the metal coloring agents. With abrasives, e.g., sandpaper, we clean metal surface. Particular attention is paid to the welding seams.
- Launder construction from dust, stubborn dirt. Using mineral spirits, degreased metal.
- Gruntuem all metallic elements. The solution can be applied by conventional spray gun or a brush. Give time to the primer has dried. Usually enough for 12 hours.
- Getting painting. To work, you can use alkyd, oil, acrylic paint. Starting at the top edge of the platen plot the colorant is gradually displaced downward. Very carefully it is necessary to process all the ends and corners. For their coloring is better to use a brush. Leave the paint to dry for a day. After this time, if you do not like the color, you can apply another layer.

trapezoidal sheet cladding
At the final stage of construction is to sheathe the entire construction floorings. Run it easy, but you need to know some of the nuances. Consider the instructions how to fix the sheet:
- Take the steel sheet, set it on top of the frame. cut off the excess if necessary. Expose it to the level.
- Holding the sheet in a flat position with a drill accurately drill a hole in its bottom and the wave profile in the pipe to which it will be attached. Drill diameter must be 1 mm smaller than the screw thread.
- For work use only special self-tapping screws on the metal, which in appearance can be determined by the characteristic step of the thread. It is desirable to select supplies stained as well as profiled.
- It is not necessary to tighten the screws to the end. At best gum damaged, in the worst polymer layer, causing metal corrosion.
- The second sheet should be installed so that its wave nakryvnaya closed the previous wave. In the same way it made the installation of subsequent elements.
See also:Cottage interior - design ideas inside the house

Sliding doors with their hands
A limited area it is impossible to establish the habitual swing gates. In this case, the situation may save the robust construction of corrugated board with a sliding mechanism. It is easily manufactured and installed, it allows you to use the space efficiently. According to the principle of the device resembles a wardrobe. Barrier fabric is shifted along the fence to the side and fixed in position supporting beam. Movement can be manual or automatic.

Materials and tools
Build a sliding door with your hands is easy when there are special items and certain skills to work with metal structures. To create a fence with a sliding mechanism will need the following materials and tools:
- For pipe supports 100x100 mm;
- For the carcass tube with an inner diameter of 20x20 mm, 30x30 mm;
- To guide the steel rail;
- For fixing the web rolls to the carriages;
- The upper and lower separators;
- Fittings;
- Set of automation;
- Profiled special grade for filling section;
- The welding set;
- Components for concrete mortar;
- Drill, Bulgarian, screwdriver, tin snips;
- Bolts, screws;
- Lopata, a level tank mixing solution.

gate drawing
At the initial stage it is necessary to create a project the future design. It is necessary to measure the distance between the posts and make a detailed drawing of a reflection of precise parameters. The width of the opening will be influenced by the following factors:
- Appointment of the gate;
- The width of the roadway next to the house;
- Type the entering of transport;
- The length of the fence, the presence of free space therealong.
Recommended dimensions recoil design 4x2 meters. For the convenience of the car arrival with the narrow street width can be increased. This option also increase if plans to approach truck.

Pouring the foundation, installation of embedded and supports
The metal structure of sliding gates have a lot of weight, so the installation will need to prepare a solid foundation. A good stability will ensure reinforced tape base.
Dig a trench along the fence in the direction toward the gate rollback. The width of the pits - 0.5 m, length - at least 2 m, depth -. 0.5 m drilled two holes for the supporting pillars. Pipes must enter a third of its length. The diameter of the hole is 2.5 times the cross section of the pipe. At the bottom of the pits for pillars made of sand and crushed stone pillow height of 100 mm, and the concrete mortar is poured. The bottom of the trenches between the pillars also line the sand and gravel, and associated armature stack, concreted.
Make a foundation for possible sliding construction using a channel, embedded supports. In this case, the trench is laid fittings, welded to the beam and concreted at the same level.

Production of leaf
Make a frame made of metal pipes. With grinder separated segments of the desired length according to the drawing. Now they must be cleaned from dust, degreased and paint primer. After drying, one frame is welded to the lower portion of the carcass rail is fixed direction. Cooled seams sanded, treated with rust inhibitor and paint the entire structure in the desired color.
Trial welding first need to make a "butting". This is done by first checking for the frame parameters to the drawing. In the case of non-compliance of any parts will be easy to dismantle.

The choice of components and installation of gates
It needs to buy some accessories for the manufacture of corrugated gate. The guide beam should have sufficient thickness to support the weight of the structure. Required profile roller and carriage to provide movement and noise absorption. At the top and bottom of the gate will need to install traps. In order to stabilize the gate while opening, need a special card.
On the bottom of the beam structure mounted rollers, placing them as far as possible from each other. Extreme detail should not touch the plug when closing. On the movable elements mounted woodwork and level by level. If you are satisfied with the position, scald carts platform, trailer and traps. It is necessary that all the details of the same.

Sheathing profiled sheet
Important and final stage of the manufacture of sliding gates. For fixing of profiled sheet to the frame using screws or rivets. Clamps should be distributed evenly by placing only the profile of the recess. Their location should be determined at the design stage. Average consumption - 6 screws per 1 m2.
Ready-gate can be supplemented with the necessary accessories, beautiful wrought iron designs. You can embed the side of the castle, set the lower lock, automatic rollback, signaling, lighting.

Selection of automatics for gates
Install and connect ready-to-work model can be yourself. Not to be mistaken with the choice, before you buy you need to consider the following requirements for the automation portal:
- The power headroom should correspond to the load and dimensions of the recoil design;
- Better to give preference to models with a full metal gearbox. Substandard gear are regularly put out of action the whole mechanism;
- Magnetic inserts on limit switches assure the automatic operation in winter;
- Crossing characteristics of the device must correspond to the destination gate;
- Suitable for self-assembly equipment, ready for use. It is sufficient to install and connect to the network.

The gate of corrugated board have many positive characteristics. They are characterized by low weight, attractive appearance. If you have experience in the field of construction, the ability to work with welding and various power tools, construction of sheathing without problems on their own. However, the need to help his partner, so as to establish a heavy frame to hold the sheets exactly one person can not.