Among the wide variety of holiday plants occupies a special place chrysanthemum garden. "Autumn Queen" opens its buds in August, filling station stunning tart flavor. With regular, appropriate care is provided beautiful bloom till the frost. There are many types of chrysanthemums, different shape, flower petals, stems structure. Each traditional, exotic variety has its own characteristics and requires some care.
Grow simple chrysanthemum can even novice gardeners. It is unpretentious, does not require annual transplantation. In case of change of place survives very well in the new. Most varieties (more than 500) are ideal for open ground. Bright fragrant flowers will create a happy mood on the eve of cold weather on any plot of land.
- History and Origins
- The advantages of growing chrysanthemums on a plot
Types of timing of flowering
- early varieties
- late varieties
- average grade
- Winter-hardy varieties of chrysanthemums
Grades of chrysanthemums on the size and structure of the flower buds
- Large-chrysanthemum
- Srednetsvetkovye grade
- Melkotsvetkovye grade
- variety of colors
planting rules
- Selecting a location
- The soil
- planting time
- Preparing well and landing
How to care for plants
- Watering and hoeing
- Mulching
- Top dressing and fertilizing
- Garter and caring for appearance
- Care after flowering and preparation for winter
breeding Methods
- seeds
- graftage
- The division of the bush
- How to deal with pests and diseases chrysanthemums
- Features planting chrysanthemums before winter
- Especially the cultivation of chrysanthemum multiflora
- What colors are combined chrysanthemum - councils for the creation of flower beds
- conclusion
History and Origins
Millennial history of chrysanthemum originated in the country of the cult of flowers - China. Even then, the stunning colors of the mighty emperors admired. At certain periods of time compared with gold and carried advantageous exchanges.

There are many legends that tell about the appearance of a flower. One of the most esteemed states that the evil dragon wanted to steal the sun, but the light burned his legs. Enraged, he tore it into pieces. Fell to the ground the spark turned into a chrysanthemum. From the Greek name of the plant translates as zlatotsvetnaya.
In terms of garden chrysanthemum grown in the 5-6 century BC The first written record comes from Confucius. The most accurate description of the ancient colors was made in 1753 the father of modern taxonomy, Carl Linnaeus. Surprisingly, in the wild, this plant has never met, up to the present time.
The ancestor of all grades - chrysanthemum indicum and shelkovitselistnaya. First cultivated species were small, only yellow flowers. For the first time in Europe, the plant appeared in the 17th century, Russian gardeners lucky enough to purchase items until the end of the 19th century.

The advantages of growing chrysanthemums on a plot
An interesting feature of chrysanthemums - grade binding to a specific region. It is in the place of origin, they show themselves to the full. Stunning perennials well tolerated weak frosts, they retain their color for a long time. The following factors can be attributed to the benefits of the area of cultivation:
- A huge number of varieties or groups that can be used to create interesting compositions planted singly;
- Efflorescence pripadaet preferably in the fall;
- Save pomp inflorescences even at low temperature, the shortage of the sun;
- Easy to breed, cut stems can be in the water up to a month;
- Resistant to pests, diseases;
- Able to withstand any adverse effects of the environment (strong wind, hail, prolonged rains).

Types of timing of flowering
Every country that has guided the selection of chrysanthemums and developed the variety, has its own classification. But for all to develop a single division of timing of flowering. This early, middle, late and winter-hardy. With all the representatives on the site, a beautiful flowering begins in early summer and ends in late autumn. Each type of color copies require some care has special preferences in the soil, lighting, feeding.

early varieties
These plants are particularly popular among gardeners. They begin to bloom in early summer. The height of the stems reach 1.5 meters, can be grouped in a single or shrubs. flower size may also be varied.
Planted seedlings such chrysanthemums way, as soon as possible at the first thaw. The best time, when daylight will reach 9:00 - usually mid-February. With early planting flowering bushes will delight in its beauty already on the May Day celebrations.

Once planted in open ground plants can not, they need a minimum of 15 days to hardening. By the time of their transfer to the soil should be avoided frosts return. By popular varieties include the following:
- Anita - White single flower spherical shape with a diameter of 20 cm;
- Sazl lilac - twig variety with a needle-shaped flowers;
- Regalia - srednetsvetkovy view has red buds to 15 cm;
- Monagua - small red flowers, like daisies, are collected in inflorescence;
- Resolute - White bud spherical, diameter of 20 cm;
- Natasha - flower can be a single average size or consist of a number of stems (Natasha-twig).
late varieties
Pozdnetsvetuschaya hardy chrysanthemum thrive in soil and persistent in a cut-off state. Its height stems 100-160 cm. It is growing rapidly and is converted from a lone flower in a strong upright shrub. The stems can be so thick that can withstand even the wind and not break.

In late chrysanthemums almost all the flowers are on the same level. Perennial looks like a beautiful bouquet, decorating the exterior of the site. It blooms from early autumn until the first frost. Planting these varieties in a slightly better pritemnennyh areas. Fit any soil with humus, provides a high flower good food. Popular varieties include Avignon, Moscow, Ribonet, Champagne, Super White.
For flowering perennial need to find decent environment (asters, lilies). High chrysanthemum look great on the background of decorative evergreen shrubs or as a separate bush on a lawn.
average grade
Autumn chrysanthemum, the flowering period which occurs at the beginning of August, the end of October, is a perennial shrubs with a cut green foliage. Stems erect, can reach a height of 1 meter. Solitary plants almost never occur. Often perennial has a tree, spherical crown.

Planted flowering chrysanthemums average should be close to the high fruit shrubs, trees provide shade in the midday time. In open areas of shrub leaves can get burns. In this group are the following: Anastasia seemed Civan, Viking, Chita, Tom Pearce.
Winter-hardy varieties of chrysanthemums
Resistant to frost long flowering varieties are gradually replacing the spring and summer plants. They are less capricious, easily overwinter in the soil. The most common perennials with these characteristics are found in a group of Korean melkotsvetkovyh chrysanthemums. In turn, they differ on the following parameters:
- The height of the bush;
- The time of flowering;
- Mean inflorescence;
- Colors flowers.

Hibernate only frost-resistant varieties are in the open field. But even so the plants need to make things easier, prepare well for them until the first frost. This is especially true of the northern regions. To improve the immunity of chrysanthemums in late September, fertilize the soil phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. It should also be constantly inspected plants, so as not to miss the first signs of the disease. Weak flowers will transfer cold.
The first frosts Korean winter-hardy varieties will not hurt, but in the beginning of December, the plant should be cut off, leaving stems 10cm and well throw the earth around roots. If the winter will be without snow, a flower bed should be covered with dry leaves, fir branches.
See also:Beds of perennials: planting scheme color names
Grades of chrysanthemums on the size and structure of the flower buds
All varieties of garden chrysanthemums grouped into certain features and characteristics. Plants can be either dwarf or giant. The height varies from 15 cm to 1.5 meters. Due to a variety of shapes, sizes, colors inflorescences can create colorful stunning landscape.

Large flowers of various colors on strong long stems are perfect for drawing up arrangements and bouquets. Belong to the family Asteraceae, have thickened root system, highly branched shoots. Steel plate is large - 20 cm in length, 10 cm in width. Shape wavy edges without chipping.
Large flowers can remain single or be plural baskets inflorescences having a diameter of 30 cm. Flowers can be anemone, spherical, hemispherical, with simple, luchevidnymi, paukovidnymi, curly-bent inflorescences, Variety gives a little seed, so it is advantageous to the reproduction by dividing bush.

The main advantage of the large-chrysanthemums - excellent external data. Huge selection of colors allows you to create beautiful compositions from different species, to combine them with other small, high shrubs. Most varieties bloom more than 3 months, are resistant to frost. Flowers can not tolerate excessively wet soil, lack of heat and sun, exposed to fungal diseases.
Srednetsvetkovye grade
They can be grown in the open soil in flowerbeds or in pots as decoration for terraces and balconies. The height of the stems - 50-70 cm, flower diameter - 18 cm. Inflorescence needle, flat or rolled into a tube. Most often they are used for the decor section. Popular varieties include the Golden Fleece, Champagne, Pink Daisy.

Decorative room flower chrysanthemum middle- require some care. Pots should be periodically make the fresh air, placed in the shade. Do not require frequent watering, nutrition moisture can be replaced by spraying. So that the plant is not lost of decoration, you should regularly break off withered stalks and withered buds.
Melkotsvetkovye grade
Melkotsvetkovye compact varieties grow by low shrubs. Most of these species were bred in Korea, so they are identified as a separate group of hybrids - Korean Chrysanthemum. Perennials quickly take root in the open ground, and individual pots. They are used for garden decor, as houseplants.

The height of the curb grade does not exceed 30 cm. Average height flowers can grow up to 50 cm. Tall members of the group are rare. They are grown for the cut to create bouquets and gift compositions. melkotsvetkovyh inflorescences are 2-5 cm. The shape of the bud are divided into the following types:
- Pompone with hidden inflorescence;
- Terry petals;
- Simple, resembling a daisy.
Melkotsvetkovye chrysanthemum with spherical crown look very neat, are indispensable in the preparation of the site design. Flowers hit an abundance of colors. Unusual colors - maroon, black, orange will be a real highlight of the flower beds. Low shrubs often called oaks, due to a similar leaf shape with old trees.
variety of colors
Thanks to breeders, there are many species of chrysanthemum with the most amazing and unusual colors. More often monotonous, dominated by yellow, pink, white color. Hybrid varieties can be bi-color, multi-colored, the most unimaginable colors (black, orange, green, blue).

Petals of multicolored flower clusters can be painted longitudinally capturing the middle and fringing. There are smooth transitions colors, from orange to pale yellow, white or combinations of contrasting bright red. The flowers with curly-curved, paukovidnymi petals closest to the center of the leaves often much paler extreme, massive.
planting rules
Chrysanthemums grow very simply in the open field. More likely to use the seeds, but it is possible to plant the cuttings. If the favorite brand is already growing on the site, add a few bushes, you can use its division. Specific planting skills are required. Decorative flowers will delight every year spectacular color if the procedure to treat garden responsibly and abide by certain rules.

Selecting a location
Chrysanthemum is not particularly demanding on soil composition, but, like all plants love the heat, moderate light. Deciding to refill station with new flowering crops, primarily for them need to find a place. It should be understood that all varieties can not stand the humidity, do not grow well in the shade. They need to get enough sunlight. Otherwise, the color green will become less saturated colors will be much smaller, inflorescence lose their splendor, the stems - straightness.

For annuals, perennials cultural ideal landing place is the hill. Plants adapt quickly and have time to get stronger before the cold weather. Experienced gardeners do not recommend holding a flower in one place for more than three years. Periodical transplanting, change the flower bed to avoid the attacks of pests, root rot, and many diseases.
The soil
The best soil for chrysanthemums - a loose, rich in organic matter, permeable. Suitable weakly acidic, neutral soil with good drainage capacity. Earth may be of any composition, in addition to heavy clay.

Provide abundant flowering, you can, if you add the soil of peat, an appropriate complex, mineral fertilizer. For heavy soils drainage using purified sand. The plant survives well on sandy, loamy soils. If the soil is too acidic, it added ashes.
Manure for fertilizing should be deleted immediately - chrysanthemums can not tolerate it.
planting time
The best time for planting and transplanting chrysanthemums - early spring. Make the plants in the garden can be after the first frost. At the new place they can easily take root, to prepare for the autumn cold, some varieties for winter. During the warm sunny season can take root even the weakest specimens.
Fall planting is less preferred as it increases the risk of death of the flower because of abnormally early arrival of cold weather. Plants will require special attention and care, you will need to prepare for winter.

The reason for the landing of chrysanthemums in the ground at the end of the season can be a reproduction, when an urgent need to sit down in a flower garden. As autumn planting justifies the desire to strengthen the root system, increasing resistance to frost, training for the next years. By choosing the time for planting chrysanthemums, it is necessary to consider the following points:
- Climatic characteristics of the region;
- Features of the landing site;
- Characteristics of the class group;
- Soil conditions, planting material.
Preparing well and landing
The depth of the wells of the seat should not exceed 40 cm. Each hole should be well drained, fertilized and watered. Bush prepared lowered into the hole and added dropwise. For tall plants should immediately establish a temporary support. At the end of the landing should be Prischepa. In hot weather, the seedlings need to hide in the shadows, to place under a canopy of 10-15 days until sufficient time for good rooting.

To grow chrysanthemums can in the flower garden or in rows. Proschityvaya necessary to derogate from the neighboring instances, allow for variety, bush size, the amount of inflorescences. For short and medium enough to remove up to 30 cm tall require at least 50 cm.
Planting is best done in cloudy weather, a little rain in the evening, the morning time. If for any reason this is not possible, Bedding can be postponed until the spring. Seedling was placed in a wide, shallow pot, sending in a cool place. In winter, it will require a little pruning and occasional watering. In late February, the chrysanthemum is sent into the garden to a permanent place.
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How to care for plants
Timely and competent care - the key to lush, vibrant, rich flowering. To minimize all possible treatments, if you pick up the optimal conditions for plants properly. Some time later, after planting chrysanthemums in the soil, it should be Prischepa to enhance branching. The best moment - when the plant will release the eighth leaf. When the side shoots triplets in growth, it is necessary to carry out the same procedure with them. For large-chrysanthemum this rule does not apply. Lateral processes they need to be removed and to root in the neighborhood. Caring for the root system, the need for fertilizing all varieties of the same culture.

Watering and hoeing
Chrysanthemum is better not to water at all than to overly moisten the soil. Even with the severe drought it will feel good. To bloom was lush and leaves healthy and green, the plants should be given to drink regularly but very carefully, constantly watching the ground state.
Irrigation system is needed in the stage of active growth in the summer months. The flowering period of hydration is necessary to stop or minimize. Use only purified, to defend, rain water. It is impossible to wet leaves and roots to direct a stream of the center of the bush. Between waterings substrate must be completely dry out in the upper middle layer.

Water for irrigation should be warm chrysanthemums. Cold fluid will accelerate stem woodiness. Each procedure must be terminated by loosening the soil. Oxygen can fill only the top layer of soil, so as not to damage the root system, that the flowers located at the surface. To carry out such procedures can be as long as the culture did not produce flower buds. Then make better use of mulching method.
An important process for the chrysanthemums must take place in spring and autumn. For this purpose, you can use pine needles, compost, oat straw, bark. Surface treatment of the soil to protect plants against fungal diseases. Feeder layer will not get pathogen on leaves, trunk when watering with raindrops.

Autumn mulching is necessary to ensure a calm winter outlets-educated young plants. Bushes pruned, leaving low stumps 10 cm, sprinkled mulch layer of 20 cm. The timing of the procedure depends on the variety and the weather. Usually mulch flowers in mid-October.
Can not be used as mulch fallen leaves, peat. Natural materials tend to retain moisture, which will contribute DEBATE roots in winter.
Top dressing and fertilizing
To ensure normal growth and magnificent blooms can correct and timely fertilization. Active development of chrysanthemums guaranteed in the rich chemical composition of the soil. In sufficient quantities should present the following materials:
- Nitrogen. It promotes the formation of sectional instances with thick, large leaves, viable shoots. About the lack of an element tells yellowing foliage, reducing the flower.
- Potassium. Improves flowering, it helps fight disease. With a lack of material the edges wither and the flowers are deformed.
- Phosphorus. Important component during the active life when the ovaries buds. If it is missing, late flowering, on the edges of leaves appear purple outline. Introduces an element necessary as soon as possible, as soon as the snow melts.

It is also important fertilizing. Adding nutrients must take place at least three times per season. Any soil before planting chrysanthemums, wintering in containers, must be fertilized with compost, peat. The second stage of feeding - growing season, before formation of buds. Last fertilization should take place in the autumn, when the plant is exhausted and weakened. Preparing for winter is important not only for flowers, remain in the ground, but also for indoor varieties.
Garter and caring for appearance
Easy handling chrysanthemum bushes will create a real blossoming of them masterpieces. To get a beautiful globular cluster, after wintering plants pruned and pinch. There are species with natural regular shape, e.g., multiflora. They grow up with clear boundaries, if you do not miss the appearance of a second escape in time and it is not removed.
Pinched out of any kind carried out before the buds. Chrysanthemum with small, medium-sized flowers are treated when the main shoot reached 10 cm. Then cut the side branches grown to the same length. Subsequently, all runners will be active branches.

Get gorgeous bush with large flowers can be if properly taken care of his appearance. Plants of the large-group cut a few times per season, usually in June. Stepson from mid-July - cleaned daily shoots emerging from the axils of the leaves. In August, the procedure is carried out every three days.
That the length of the stems of chrysanthemums are not affected in a strong wind, they should tie up. To do this, insert the ground pegs for another landing stage. Bushes should be periodically inspected, so as not to miss the beginning of the disease, by microorganisms defeat. Pests often settle in the old wilted leaves, they should be permanently dropped.
Care after flowering and preparation for winter
Prepare for winter chrysanthemum should begin in September, during its abundant flowering. training dates can be shifted depending on the landing region. In the north, it is done in August, in the south - in October. Care after flowering is as follows:
- Topping. The plant can tolerate moderate frost, so stems are cut with the advent of low temperature stably. Inspect the bush, remove the dried shoots. Shears cut the stems, leaving the stumps 15 cm from the ground.
- Fertilizing shrubs fertilizers. The procedure should take place at the time of flowering, a month before the onset of cold weather. During this period, chrysanthemum root system is fully assimilate nutrients. Under bush fertilized containing potassium, phosphorus.
- Processing formulations stems which increase resistance to diseases against pests. Two weeks after the fertilizer plant, the soil around the mixture to be treated against rust, Fusarium, fungal diseases. When warm weather flower sprayed fundazol, Bordeaux mixture. By aphids, mites use insecticides.
- Creating a comfortable shelter for the winter, transplant into a pot. For warming of Korean varieties of other perennials melkotsvetkovyh use Agrotextile, wood chips and peat. Large-such multiflora, transferred to containers.

breeding Methods
Ripple chrysanthemum several ways. The choice of method affects the variety, planting area, soil composition and other factors. Before you choose the most suitable option, you must define the goal of planting new crops. To save all the qualities of the plant, for example, size, doubleness, tillering, shape, color, you must choose a method of vegetative propagation. The seeds are used in breeding to create new varieties.

This method is suitable for species with small buds, because to maintain the large-grade copies of it will be very difficult. The seeds are used, collected from their flowers in the garden or bought in a special shop.
sowing time is the beginning of flowering of each species. Seeds of early-flowering varieties are placed in the ground in late February, pozdnetsvetuschie in mid-April. Plant can be ground or an open container for seedlings. Planting on the site are as follows:
- Containers for planting is treated with water and potassium permanganate;
- Fill the boxes with fertile soil, mixed with sand and humus;
- At the earth's surface spread seed without covering the ground, since it requires the light;
- Cover the glass containers, the film. This will maintain the necessary wet mode;
- Humidification is performed by means of an atomizer:
- After 10-15 days, with the appearance of seedlings, the glass clean;
- As soon as the first pair of leaves appear, the plant was transferred to a larger tank.
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Not less successful will be landing directly into the ground. Prepare shallow wells at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Each hole is lowered 3-5 seeds and cover with glass. Stow it when the first seedlings. When the first leaves, chrysanthemum can be transplanted to a permanent place.
Propagation by cuttings allows you to keep all the characteristics inherent in a particular grade. Harvesting of cuttings made in the spring, but the mother bush is necessary to define more in the fall. The sequence works as follows:
- Selected healthy plants in the flowering period. They should not be affected by pests, have signs of disease;
- Once bush bud, cut off part of the ground;
- In October, November, dig the plant, transferred to a box, define in a cool place;
- The mother instance watered only when the soil is completely dry;
- In January, February, put the box in a bright place, increasing irrigation;
- The appearance of the kidneys, root shoots - a signal of readiness for propagation.

Scion is cut with a sharp knife at an angle, free from the lower part of the leaf. Remain green at the top trimmed with scissors to avoid unnecessary moisture absorption. Precipitated by cutting into a container with prepared soil moistened in advance in a special solution outgrowth, stimulating root growth. The duration depends on rooting landing time. Winter cuttings will take at least a month, spring - 1-2 weeks.
The division of the bush
The easiest method of propagation. Spend spring procedure when the bush is covered with young shoots. This way you can not only successfully propagate the plant, but also to rejuvenate it. If you do not deal with seating chrysanthemums, then after 3 years it will acquire unpresentable appearance, its flowers will grow shallow and fall away. The division of the bush takes place in several stages:
- Bush carefully dig around, and slowly pull out, trying to preserve the integrity of the roots;
- Earth removed - or shake rinsed under running water;
- Divide the bush into three parts, so that one had roots, the other two only shoots;
- Soak part with the roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes;
- Prepare shallow wells;
- Planted plant in the ground, carefully pressed against the ground;
- Well watered and pritenyayut.

How to deal with pests and diseases chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemum not differ good immunity to disease, and therefore requires special attention during the growing season. In order not to jeopardize the flowers, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the leaves, stalks, to take timely preventive measures to take care of the soil. If the lesion could not be avoided, it is important to recognize it correctly, apply to remedy it the most effective methods of struggle. Do chrysanthemums following diseases may occur:
- Septoria Leaf Spot - leaf spot. First formed yellow spots, gradually darken to black. First of all cut the diseased areas. The whole bush was treated with fungicides.
- Rust. Pale green portions are formed on the surface. Affected leaves are removed, healthy thinned for better ventilation. The plant also should be treated with fungicides.
- Wilting leaves. The fungus enters the plant through the soil, blocking the flow of nutrients. All infected areas is removed raise the soil pH to 7.0.
- Powdery mildew. Leaf spot covers whitish coating. Struck plant material was removed, treated with antifungal agents bush.
- Mosaic. Startled Chrysanthemum virus has stunted view, yellow leaves. It should be removed from the root, in the future to actively fight against weeds in the area.

In addition to diseases, can cause harm to chrysanthemum different organisms. The most dangerous - foliar nematodes, aphids, spider mites. Non-segmented worms attack the root system. To deal with them only by completely removing the plants together with the surrounding soil. The spread of the parasite will prevent the spring mulch. In hot weather, causing danger to the chrysanthemum aphid that feeds on sap of young shoots. You can remove it with a strong water jet, then bush should be treated with insecticides, copper-soap solution.
Features planting chrysanthemums before winter
Many gardeners buy new seedlings in the fall, when you can see and appreciate the beauty chrysanthemum color. That plant has had time to take root before the frost, plant should be in mid-September. It is impossible to divide it into smaller elements. Flower must be helped to adapt to the new conditions that have a positive impact on its future flowering.

A chance to take root before the frost is only for healthy, strong specimens. Weak planting materials it will take much more time. Such plants can be placed before the spring in a container. Planting before winter in the ground is carried out as follows:
- Dig planting hole, a depth of 30 cm was placed on the bottom drainage;
- Making complex fertilizer for fertility, not more than 500 g;
- Heavy soil softened by peat, sand, abundant moistened;
- Down the plant in the hole, not buried rhizome covered with earth and watered;
- For tall specimens immediately hammered peg support;
- Immediately after planting chrysanthemum pinch;
- If necessary, set above the seedling canopy from the sun.
Especially the cultivation of chrysanthemum multiflora
Chrysanthemum multiflora among the abundance of species has a special place. The group includes a plurality of different grades, differing in color, size, shape. Representatives long bloom at different periods.

Chinese spherical Chrysanthemum - variety of horticultural crops with numerous small flowers. Variety is intended for garden decor, creating original compositions. Petals bush dissolve very early, at the beginning of August. The flower does not need pruning, shaping beautiful artificial crown, these moments it laid genetically. Make chrysanthemum multiflora can be improved with a simple topping tops. The only drawback - a bad frost. Many varieties of freeze, even when the shelter.
Like all chrysanthemum multiflora light-requiring, prefers to reside in the sun. It is impossible to plant a plant near the fences and hedges violating equivalent coverage. The stage for preparing the bush in autumn, make humus, ashes, dig. In the spring of the procedure is repeated.
What colors are combined chrysanthemum - councils for the creation of flower beds
Planning planting chrysanthemums in the garden is necessary to take into account the height, width and size of inflorescences the bush. Create great compositions led blooming perennials may be of various shapes (in a cascade, in some areas). To achieve the best result possible, while respecting the combination of plant rules. It is important to choose the right neighbors, with similar requirements to lighting, watering. A flower bed is an attractive, if you collect on it the same in terms of flowering specimens.

Chrysanthemums can live together in a flower bed with any neighbors. Their garden is well shaded by grasses, ivy, sage. On a bed in a few levels you can plant daisies, dahlias, asters, calendula. The best option for flowering perennials - monoklumby with colorful roses of different varieties.
Garden chrysanthemum - the favorite of many gardeners, both beginners and professional engaged in landscape design, breeding new varieties. For it is always a place in any part of the villa. To choose the right shrubs for the compositions, you can get a fragrant bed of uninterrupted flowering all season.