Style pop art originated in the US and Western Europe in the middle of the last century. Its history goes back almost 70 years. Initially, he rapidly developed only in painting, then gradually moved on to photography, sculpture, clothing and interior design. The name is a shortened form of the phrase "popular art", which literally translates as "popular art". The style is inspired by the mass consumption products. Direction arose as opposed to Expressionism, which is living out its last days. In place of the well-known creators fading genre (Pollock, Kandidskogo) came new talents, among them a bright star in the firmament of art distinguished by Andy Warhol. Artist, designer and photographer - he created a separate, independent branch direction. It was named commercial pop art. Perhaps the most famous creation wizard has become a picture-diptych with the face of a Hollywood star - Marilyn Monroe. Warhol put more than fifty pictures of the actress, made in different colors, using screen printing technique. The manner of execution of the work so impressed the masses that such stylized paintings and photos adorn the premises so far. The main purpose of pop art - to surprise, and sometimes shock the audience. First, the direction was leaked to the interior design solutions cafes and fashionable restaurants, and only then - in the living room. Let us see what are the distinctive features of the style, and how to find the line between pop art and tasteless.
- idiosyncrasy
Materials and finishing
- Walls
- Floor
- Ceiling
- color solutions
- Furniture
- Details and decor
- Lighting
Making space in the style of pop art
- Kitchen
- Living room
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- conclusion
Pop art refers to the provocative and challenging areas. Its development was a prerequisite for the insanely bright and flashy fashion 70-80. If you find yourself in a room decorated according to the canons direction, you will not confuse it with anything else. Among the key features distinguish:
- Using a combination of the white trim walls with "acidic" colors in the interior;
- The abundance of posters and stylized photos. They depict scenes from the comics, celebrities person in the art of Warhol and household items (products mass consumption, and power) with soda cans, bottles, chocolate bars, cars, music plate. Paintings are often repeated in different colors;
- The decoration of the advantage given to plastics, synthetics and artificial materials. Pop art does not accept luxury and chic;
- Ceiling and floor are made in neutral colors as accents are arranged in a situation;
- Much attention in pop art decor of the small pay: souvenirs, figurines, photographs;
- The main principle of selection of furniture - its practicality. Welcome custom futuristic lines and forms.

The above features have some similarities with retro 80s. In fact style development peaked precisely during this period.

Materials and finishing
The apartment used synthetic materials for the walls, ceiling and floor. Emphasis will be placed on the filling room. For this reason, pop art is considered one of the most cost styles. At the lowest cost, homeowners can get an original and modern interior.

Coating necessarily selected in white. This option is considered to be the best background for the bright colors in the furniture and decor. They decorate the walls in several ways:
- Wallpaper glue. Choose the most simple types: paper, non-woven, or a more modern vinyl. Naturally it is necessary to consider features of the room. The kitchen or bathroom use materials resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Relief texture is not welcome. The simpler, the more matching style. Possible to use glossy surfaces;
- Plasterboard. Panels of this material can be installed quickly and easily conceal a layer of insulation defects or wall surfaces;
- Decorative plaster. Use it the most practical option: white unembossed cover;
- PVC panels. The material is sensitive to mechanical damage, but it is easy to clean, and the damaged portion can always be replaced. Pop art loves plastic so the last fit organically into an interior painting;
- Paint. Somewhat outdated version, which is not suitable for walls with visible defects. A low cost.
See also:White bedroom design in classic style

In the style of pop art looks quite decorative tiles. An exception can only be done on a kitchen apron and in the bathroom.

Flooring laminate or parquet boards used in rare cases. Often, preference is given to a monochromatic linoleum, which does not require any cost, and fit into the style of the room. A more expensive option - self-leveling floor. He is durable, without any seams and glossy shine. Effect "lacquered" coating is applied not only in the decoration but also the surfaces of furniture. Possible to use additional features of the material: drawing bright pictures or single characters in any particular field. For example, in the corner guests can look suspicious cat Tom and Jerry on the wall will hide from it. This is just one of the design options, which "adjust" for themselves and their preferences.

Ceiling primed and top coated layer of plaster. The easiest and cheapest option. The more expensive interiors use Plasterboard Floor, but "steps" are not welcome from this material. As an exception, a multi-level ceiling can only be applied for additional zoning combined rooms. Suspended or stretch options too harmoniously flow into the stylistic pattern, but no patterns and ornaments on them should not be. Better to leave the ceiling white coating, as its main task - to shade and balance the "motley" room environment.

color solutions
"Box" rooms usually trim in bright colors. It is a tribute to the first decoration experiments which were performed at the beginning of the formation of style. Now allow the use of white spaces finishing the ceiling and walls with a black or red floor covering. The game of contrasts - one of the "pillars" of the trend. The furnishings and decor are actively using the following shades:
- Flashy red;
- Rich fuchsia;
- Acid Green;
- Juicy yellow;
- Deep blue or light blue.

Pop art belongs to the rebellious tendencies. If the directions were "psychological age", this style would be portrayed as a young man in puberty on a wave of extremism. For this reason color combinations may be the most unexpected. In any other direction they would consider a bad taste, and in the pop art such combinations are considered to be an organic expression of the box thinking.

In this style, prefer a non-standard forms and inexpensive materials. Textiles choose synthetics, artificial leather, polyester. Sofas in the form of lips, her painted red lipstick, or soft corners "hollow" inside - accent element of the situation. If the chairs, the only plastic with bright images on surfaces. Harmonious look sofas, benches, gathered round of "pieces" upholstered in imitation leather. They are interconnected by thin metal rods which are interwoven create complex pattern. If you choose a seat, then give preference to the designer's "throne" with carved arms on legs twisted, but colorful upholstery with geometric patterns. Instead of a coffee table purchase an original element: the simulation of the front of the car with the bumper, on which a glass top. Used cabinets and chests of drawers with striped prints on surfaces. Impressive look round ottomans upholstered in textiles "space" colors: silver, gold, bronze.

Do not forget that from the furniture using only the necessary minimum. In this case, the pop art is similar to minimalism: only practicality and simplicity. Due to the large number of accents the room may seem "cluttered", so comply with the measure.

Details and decor
The decoration uses the simple things that take on new life. These items can be purchased at the venerable designers or do no worse than their own hands. From used cans or empty bottles decorate vases. container surface does not need to be cleaned from the label, on the contrary their presence will match the style. Even without the talent of the artist or designer, you can create a unique poster. Take an old newspaper, cut out of them headers or entire articles and glue the pieces on a piece of cardboard in a chaotic manner. The web is then decorated with a frame and hang on the wall. Obkleyte high mirror in the hallway clippings from the comics and wrap a garland of lights-balls. If you still have the old records for the phonograph, then they can proceed in several ways:
- Preheat them in the oven. Put on hand gloves to avoid burns, and bend pliable edge in one direction, creating a wavy border. Ready element can be used as a flower pot or a souvenir stand. In addition, it painted with acrylic or tempera;
- Through openings in the membranes thread twine, tie a knot at its corner of each plate so that they were kept vertically. Make several of these "strings" that adorn the walls.
See also:Gzhel style in the interior

To sew cushions for sofas and beds you will only have foam rubber padding and synthetic fabrics of bright colors. Besides traditional square shapes, stitch circular, triangular and curly (hearts or bitten apples) fine elements. Padding on hard chairs can be replaced by bonded together balls of colorful yarn. The tone of the same cover decorated with the arms of the sofa and coffee table. Applied to any surface of a large number of sliders labels.

The pop art trivial, everyday things can become a stylish design element. Do not be afraid to experiment. Wall painting "survive" any incarnation. This may be your favorite characters from the cartoon, feature photos of apartment owners or dialogue from the comic book to the typical round within, what they depict in graphic novels.

Lighting create at three levels of the standard sample:
- ceiling;
- additional;
- Directional (local).

Forget the typical chandeliers. The ceiling is decorated with original shades:
- Chandeliers with bright matte finish imitating a candle bulbs vintage;
- Round ceiling collected in one grape "bunch";
- Imitation of balloons filled with helium, which soared to the ceiling. In addition to the bottom attached "strings";
- Flat circular lamps like collected from several "layers" of circles of different sizes, one of which emits light;
- Complex compositions of lampshades which are interconnected at bars molecules manners.

These are just a few of hundreds of possible options. To purchase the original cover, it is best to turn to designer collections. Additional lighting is represented by wall sconces and table lamps, not inferior to the original ceiling chandeliers. Point sources of light is replaced by garlands of white lights, wires are not necessary to hide, since they will add a special color to the interior.

Making space in the style of pop art
In the style of pop art facilities must look outside the box, primitive and stridently-bright. The theme of "call" society style brought from the art. Philosophy of freedom need to beat differently in each room. Typically, the interior design is not repeated, and only has similar features. To get inspiration, go to your favorite graphic novels or photo galleries with works by fashionable in pop art style.

For kitchen furniture with selected bright effect lacquered coating. One of the walls can be issued with photo wallpapers with a graphic pattern or image of a stylish accent (red lips, eyes blue shadows on the eyelids, cans of Coke, bars or packages known sweets) on a white background with the same bright circles. Around glossy bar or dining table put plastic chairs unusual shapes. Particular attention is paid apron, too, make a drawing or picture of the comic book on it. The ceiling mounted flat lamps which are combined with shades geometric shapes hanging on long, thin "legs". the last group of instruments are placed directly above the accent area - a dining table.
See also:Kitchen design in the style of Provence 65 photos

Living room
In the living room, be sure to place a cozy sofa. The color palette in two ways:
- Covering couch selected bright shades which "calm" pastel-colored pads;
- Textiles Furniture beige, white, ivory. Cushions choose bright with original prints, or a combination of geometric lines and images.

Gostiny special flavor give the room a home library. Books are arranged in racks with open shelves have punctuated the wall. "Library" content alternate with decorative elements of non-standard shapes and colors. Gender dim bright, soft carpet or striped track. And provide a place for reading, separate area with a couple of chairs and a corner sofa near a coffee table made of glass. A simple stand with a stand under the TV set in front of the sofa. For a small cabinet standard design is left in an inconspicuous corner. This object should not be bulky and take up a large area.

The bedroom has an active pop art lightly restrain. Banners and posters are placed on the wall, which rests against the headboard. Very bright quilt bed shelter with prints. They can find their continuation in the textile curtains or carpet. Traditionally decorate the walls in white. There is an abundance decor superfluous, so sufficient pair of shelves hinged, wherein placing several small volumes of figurines or graphic novels. To slightly to balance the dominance of "artificiality" is permissible to use a couple of flowers in pots, which put on the floor by the window.

Interesting interior will complement the use of alternating circular mirrors instead of one of the bedside tables. The bed does not necessarily choose a standard rectangular shape. The pop art look great round models with smooth lines. Their shapes may repeat the pedestal (elevation above the floor), which set the bed.

The bath is allowed to make out in bright colors all the walls. Flatten the interior will be at the expense of white sanitary ware. Shutters are also used with prints. Bathroom - one room where ceramic tile looks appropriate. Choose it from the bright "spots" that are randomly scattered on the walls. Non-standard solutions will be accommodation in the room of paintings. To preserve the paintings, they are placed in a simple metal frame under glass. Originally looks like the decor of the mirror above the sink. Towel holders and handles are used "under the metal" surfaces with chrome. The shells are preferably selected overhead. Forms of bowls can be very different, but the most primitive look "basins" instead of the usual sinks. Better to choose a bath deep with high sides, which have been used as early as the middle of last century. If the room enough space and can be installed cabinet for storing household trifles and towels, his empty glass or between the door frames decorated with shutters - simple and practical option.

Pop art in the interior - an unusual style in every respect. He has no clear boundaries, you have to install them yourself. Description of destination very succinctly: primitivism and images of mass culture. Pop Art was born on the wave of protests, therefore, largely uses this practice: go against generally accepted standards. Despite a very solid "age" style is still popular and is not inferior to their positions the new trends of fashion design. He only slightly improved and modified to keep up with the times while remaining true to their convictions.