Design coffee: design ideas, more than 75 photo

The world's first coffee shop opened in the XVI century in the heart of the Ottoman Empire - Constantinople. Since culture raspivaniya coffee originated here, it was not at all surprising. At the time of export of unprocessed grains, which could sprout, sentenced to death. Turks jealously guarded its monopoly on the trade in exotic raw materials. In this respect, the Old World was late by as much as two hundred years it took him to put the coffee from the category of pharmaceutical products to the status of flavored drink, tea substitute. Coffee houses in Europe began to open sequentially, first in Venice - romantic "capital" of Italy, and then in London, Berlin and Vienna. This tradition to drink coffee in a specially designated for this purpose the institution adopted the Americans. In those days there was only one type of coffee - themed. They were going to people who are united not only love to the bitter, refreshing drinks, but also common interests. Now places are opened in several formats, which will be discussed further. Design coffee shop - an important aspect of a successful business, which directly influences its attendance, and thus the profitability.


  • Features coffee design
  • Interior in classic style
  • In the style of Provence
  • Modern design
  • The loft
  • Minimalism
  • Oriental
  • Design a mini-coffee
  • Colors
  • Decoration Materials
  • Furniture
  • Lighting
  • conclusion

Features coffee design

Depending on the format of coffee is classified into the following types:

  • Vending. Automated machines that are placed in the "hot" spots of the city, where there are large concentrations of people. Vending require from the owner a lot of time and effort, as the units needed around the clock to maintain and repair time.
  • Auto-cafe. The practice, which has not taken root in our country. Coffee is located right in the cabin minibus. The idea is similar to vans with ice cream.
  • Stall or islet. This is a mobile coffee shop that is easy to move to another location if necessary. Option is designed for the public, which once sitting around the tables, so they drink hot beverages on the go.
  • Full coffee shop or cafe, coffee shop at the airport, the mall. This establishment includes a kitchen and a room for visitors, where they can safely drink coffee, dessert snack and chat with friends.
wooden partitionDark brown wallsrectangular lightscylindrical columnsHoneycomb designVivid paintings on the wall

Mandatory service is considered to be selling drinks takeaway. Cafe require a large capital investment, but the return will be many times more. Sometimes they are combined with a bar, both in the network company Zest.
We are interested in the latter option, as in the full establishment where people reside, design plays a major role. Guests here should be comfortable and cozy enough to permanently want to return again and cause great company. In the development of the coffee shop design take into account a number of nuances:

  • Visitor area should be spacious. Since these institutions are usually located in public places, they have to accommodate a large number of visitors. Accordingly, area with tables and chairs should take the lion's share of the leased premises.
  • style the right choice. Making a coffee house should be light, unobtrusive, because visitors do not come here to savor fine wines and eat delicious meals. This is not a restaurant. Here, guests want a break, a bit of sugar cup of coffee and a croissant or a slice of tiramisu and run on about his business. For a quick snack, perfect unobtrusive environment in which each can relax. However, on a neutral background to be allocated accent details that will be memorable, catchy. Creativity in this regard is welcome. The exception will be only those cases in which the institution is intended for a narrow circle of regular visitors. Then the design is chosen thematic.
  • Furniture. Discard the budget of plastic tables and chairs. They evoke melancholy and unpleasant associations with garden furniture. Chairs and sofas should be soft and tables - comfortable. Be sure to divide the area for visitors to the sectors for small groups, it offers single and large companies. Choose a rounded shape, for that will not cling or hurt beat visitors and waiters.
  • Follow the rules of zoning. They did not limit the creativity and will not prevent designers to implement their creative ideas to the situation. Since the typical coffee shops occupy small space, arrange the tables need either a straight line or in a staggered manner.
  • Observe the regulations of the distance between furniture items. Main passages should have a width of not less than 2 m, and the auxiliary - 1.5. This is quite enough to allow visitors to push back the chairs and it does not interfere with the guests, scurrying down the hall.

See also:How to make the design barbershop +50 examples

Small tables on the sidesShelves for coffeeBig windowsBar in the center ofTV near a windowChandelier lamp

And now look at a few stylistic trends and features of their realization in the interiors of stores.

To design the menu applies a little, but a "tick" in front of the item should deliver. It can not include meals or full meals. Only the desserts and pastries. Since coffee waste is usually scanty, and the average check is not so large, the profitability of institutions will depend on its capacity ability, that is, the emphasis should be done on the number of visitors, so stay long and occupy space on the afternoon they must. Otherwise, the institution will lose its revenue.

Interior in classic style

coffee shop interior in classic style looks like a picture from an old magazine, where luxury comes to the fore. It is not necessary in such an institution to go to far with the decor: arches, columns, pilasters and moldings. It suffices to use the classic color scheme consisting of pastel colors, shades of brown and light versions of green, blue, yellow. The decoration is used natural wood or a very high-quality imitation, but not as rough handling, in a chalet or country. The walls are decorated with mirrors and reproductions of paintings by famous artists of the past. Instead fixtures use lamps in the form of candlesticks. Windows close heavy drapes with garters. Natural textiles decorated with a faint floral ornament. For classical characteristic high ceilings. They emphasize the chandelier made of crystal, placed in the center of the area to visitors.

Red with gold designsmall armchairsleather chairsThe paintings on the wallA painting of a gentlemanRound lamps above the tables

In the style of Provence

Style of the French countryside, probably the best option if the design project embodies their hands on the budget plan. you can make most of the decorations yourself. Lovely flowered curtains, funny wallpaper on the walls, landscapes within, small sculptures, fresh flowers pots, baskets, openwork napkins and tablecloths on the tables - that is what will be the main decoration interior. Furniture does not have to be new. It can be sanded, re-painted in white color and decorate decoupage technique. The walls and ceiling are covered with plaster, the floor veiled parquet or tiles, and window curtain light roman shades. For fiscal Provence coffee shop would be the best design solution.

Ladder against the wallWooden shelves for glassesRack for bottlesblue coffeeThe effect of old furnitureBike on the wall

Modern design

Modern style in the coffee shop looked organically, unobtrusive and yet strictly. Of course, such an institution will increasingly be designed for young people who appreciate the spectacular introduction of modern technologies into the design. Chairs and tables are choosing unusual shapes with rounded corners. The ceiling is painted in dark colors and decorated with fake beams. From massive chandeliers abandoned in favor of lamps with shades laconic forms. The basis of the color gamut comprise white, gray, black, brown and extra bright shade as an accent. Decor use a minimal amount, wherein it is selected from non-standard variants steam floor vases, large print on the plastic partition between the common room and utility room, avant-garde sculptures on each table. Windows close curtains simple one or two contrasting colors. Paul trim wood or tile. The walls are plastered, painted or sheathe plastic panels.

Cozy sofa by the wallBoard menuCollage of picturesThe set of fixturesWindow seatsChairs at the bar

The loft

In the coffee shop in the loft using simple furnishings and a minimum of decoration. Necessarily the presence of accent walls, decorated with brick or stone masonry. This luxurious and discreet style embody the fashionable European cafés that are worth up to. The windows do not close the curtains at all, enough office blinds. But you need to use a frame with lots of interior partitions, in verandnyh options. These are the windows were installed in the earlier industrial halls, the situation which largely copies the loft. Barista behind the counter placed a spectacular panorama of the city at night. Here hang a slate with a gentle menu today. Wiring and pipes are not closed false panels, and left "as is", because this interior solution will transform communications in decor. Paul trim a tree. To add comfort, on one wall is fixed a couple of shelves with pictures copyright images, clock, and a pair of stylish gizmos.
It's important to know. In the loft, plays a special role light. The room must be present in large quantities spotlights and ordinary light bulbs without lampshades.

See also:Cafe-style loft

The map on the wallRed brick wallBrick-colored whiteSemicircular barShelves on white wallSmall high tables


In small spaces, you can bring an interesting solution in the form of a minimalist interior. Conciseness and efficiency of style will help to expand cramped space visually, add the air by the mean decor and strict zoning. The decoration uses natural materials: wood, stone, tile, brick. For minimalism characteristic lightness of forms and simple geometry. The white color scheme prevails. It is present in the finishing, furniture upholstery and a few decorative details. Addition to the basic tone will be gray, walnut, black and soft color of coffee with milk, which will look quite symbolic. Minimalists - contemplatives in the soul, so the room is required to add a piece of nature. This can be decorative pots with seedlings of barley or oats, a lotus miniature cups with water or dwarf bonsai trees. You can also install the wall falls on glass, add a soothing tone in the general atmosphere.

Sharp linessome furnitureblack chairsLamps over the barlong bulbWhite with a black stand


Oriental style coffee is considered native, as the tradition of drinking the bitter drink came here. Tables are separated from each other by means of light, translucent curtains that vaguely resemble tents. Additional zoning premises is carried out by the arched vaults of carved wood, which are held on the decorative beams. To realize a comfortable direction in the interior textiles used abundance. Tissue - an important part of decoration. Textile curtains in bright colors close windows. Upholstery made of variegated material. Sofas, ottomans and chairs decorated with bedspreads and cushions with thematic patterns. Low table made of solid wood. Paul trim floorboard and be sure to cover the great oriental carpet. On the tables and light candles and the walls are decorated with lights in wrought iron lampshades. Instead of the usual glass in the window is inserted stained glass windows.

round chandelierlow tablesblack wallMirrors on the wallsFlower windowChairs with backs

Design a mini-coffee

Mini-cafe is a restaurant in which you can order a takeaway coffee. This option is ideal for small businesses with the expectation of a small budget, there is no need to conduct the "complicated" accounting. Small establishments are usually devoid of the common room, they fit into a compact "booth", in which there is a coffee machine and a counter with the finished cakes. Less common coffee with a couple of tables and chairs at the bar, but they are still largely focused on passing visitors, who take orders from him. The design of such institutions use fusion, high-tech and loft. The decoration used wood to the interior looked more solid. Optimally, the combination of dark shades with classic brown, gray, and white. Complement the design of a neon sign and a slate to the price list written in chalk on his hands. Accent wall behind the bar is fashionable finish masonry, close frosted glass or mirror tiles. In order to close the room was comfortable, it is decorated with spotlights around the perimeter and a group of small chandeliers in the original lampshades.

See also:How to make a dressing room from the pantry

Small paintings on the wallwooden receptionMini refrigerator with waterwrought-iron benchesgray ceilingCrystal Chandelier


The color palette is selected based on the rules of psychological perception of colors and their combinations. If you want to remember the restaurant, do not decorate it in an aggressive combination of flashy colors. This design will leave an unpleasant aftertaste and just go back to the coffee shop at the visitor no longer desires arise. Win-win option is to use natural wood shades: beige, chestnut, honey, brown, wenge, coffee with milk, cream. Pastel palette will also help create a cozy atmosphere. Bright colors are used in small quantities and only in emphasis: orange, yellow, blue, green, pink, coral, mint, blue, purple. It is not necessary to combine more than three colors in the decoration of coffee. Exceptions will only oriental style, ethnic and fusion. These areas are based on the use of bright color combinations in thematic ornaments.

Red with gray interiorbeige wallswhite furnitureThe pattern on the floorGraffitirounded Front

Decoration Materials

Of course, in the decoration recommend the use of natural materials: brick, stone, wood veneer or cork. But, unfortunately, their purchase is not always fit into a tight budget, so in order to save high-quality simulation approach. The walls can be wallpapered or plastered, PVC sheathing panels. The first two options look good in combination with each other. With their combination of zoning is carried out of the room. Floor tiles decorate the recommended use or filler. Laminate flooring and linoleum will not withstand daily cleaning with a damp, quickly "zatrutsya" and come into complete disrepair. Ceiling plaster, paint or sheathe plasterboard.

Coffee beans on the wallThe white walls of the black deskBoard with the menu on the ceilingChandelier surround flashlightBright orange wallsturquoise chairs


Coffee, which are calculated on the sale of drinks takeaway, fit the hard chairs. If, however, the institution decided to linger a little longer, it is better to buy upholstered furniture. Sofas for large companies and chairs with upholstery for single guests. In this furniture must meet the following requirements:

  • Ergonomics. Selected compact and lightweight elements. Massive stools and chairs are uncomfortable to use and take up too much space.
  • Practicality. The surface of the furniture should be easy to clean, since the large influx of visitors it will inevitably get dirty.
  • Aesthetics. Furniture should be beautiful and at the same time fit into the overall design concept, that is, match the interior style.
olive sofasWooden shelvesWhite bar stoolsRound chair with legsturquoise sofasblue furniture

Stability and strength. Use a strong tables and chairs that are not cranky after a month of use, otherwise it runs the risk of the owner injure visitors.
Reception - "face" of coffee, so it is selected from a durable material with a nice glossy finish that will stand the constant rubbing. It will also have to get the counters, which under the glass will be exhibited examples of pastries and sweets, accompanying the coffee.


Lighting in the coffee shop is a multi-step. Firstly, the central chandelier is rarely used, since in any case have to be additionally equipped with lights, each table. Secondly, it is necessary to provide task lighting in the area of ​​the bar area and offices. Spotlights or neon necessarily emphasize the shelves, so that visitors have seen "good person." At each stage hung ceiling chandelier or wall sconce. To create a romantic atmosphere use candles on stands or small individual lamps. Luxury interior and its "strong" side emphasize the spot lighting, accent areas located in.

Neon lightsCeiling lampLamps over the barSconces on the wallSmall chandeliers over the barSconces and lamp on the ceiling


If you decide to open a business but do not know how attractive draw their own coffee shop, for inspiration, you can visit the well-known network facility: Chocolate, Starbucks, Costa Kofi, Coffee House. They can be considered as a successful business patterns with cozy interiors, which lure visitors. It is not necessary to rush into the pool with his head, and start with the design of experiments. To do this, there will be time when the institution will become popular and stable income. And at the very beginning of the path is better to follow the example of those who have reached a certain height, and use proven design scheme.