The best remedies for flu and colds

Cold and flu in our time - this is not a seasonal phenomenon, catch the flu or catch a cold, perhaps at any time of the year. This can be attributed to the rhythm of life, ecology, the weakening of immunity or the mutation of viruses. But in any case, treatment for the disease is necessary. From the variety of drugs offered by pharmaceutical companies, it is difficult to choose the best remedy for flu and cold .However, do not forget about the individual characteristics of the body of each person. It is important not to maim, instead of treatment. Here are the top ten medicines for influenza and colds.



Arbidol. The form of the preparation is produced in the form of capsules, which are covered with a film membrane. This drug is prescribed for diagnosing a patient with severe respiratory illnesses, influenza and acute respiratory infections. It is a fast-acting medicine, after a day after the beginning of taking it is observed the removal of cold and flu symptoms.5 days the course of treatment continues. During the exacerbation of viral diseases it is advised to take one tablet within a week. Also, to strengthen the immunity after surgery, Arbidol is prescribed, the reception should last for 2-5 days.


Powder Teraflu

Powder Teraflu. Antiviral and antipyretics are able to relieve the flu and cold symptoms for a day, cure the disease. The powder must be dissolved with hot boiled water. In this case, you must follow all the prescriptions and comply with bed rest. The main constituent of the drug is paracetamol. Pregnant and lactating women, people with alcoholism, diabetics and children under 12 should not take the drug. People with impaired hepatic and renal function or suffering from hypertension are advised to take the drug only after consultation with the treating doctor.



Anaferon. This drug for cold and flu has no contraindications and has no side effects, except for moments of individual intolerance to whatever component. The antiviral also strengthens the immune system. It takes 3-6 times a day for one tablet. Dosage is reduced to one tablet a day after improving the patient's well-being, to prevent relapse. Homeopathic remedy helps fight immunity with the virus. It is prescribed for children from 12 years old and adults."Anaferon" for children is offered for young children.



Kagocel. The drug is a specialized and potent agent. To quickly remove the symptoms of flu and colds, in the first days of the drug is taken on two tablets. It is advisable to take three meals a day after meals. After alleviating the symptoms, one tablet is enough three times a day. For the general course of treatment, no more than 18 tablets are taken. Prevention of colds and flu provides, intake for a week, one tablet a day. Therapeutic course of children older than 3 years provides for 4 days for one tablet twice a day. Contraindications concern only those who have individual intolerance to both pregnant and lactating women. Allergic reactions are a signal of unacceptability of the drug.



Coldrex. One of the most recognizable remedies for colds and flu. Nasal congestion, headache, temperature and runny nose are symptoms in which the drug should be taken. For the first time the days of the disease you need to take one packet of the medication at intervals of 4 hours. When the symptoms subsided, you can stop taking the medication, but the treatment should not last more than 5 days. Pregnant and lactating women, diabetics, cores and people with liver dysfunction are not advised to take this medication. Like any other medicine, the "Coldroom" should be agreed with the doctor. Long-term use has side effects, avoid overdose.



Antigrippin. Maximum. This combined antiviral drug consists of a number of elements. Among them, paracetamol, ascorbic acid, rimantadine and diphenhydramine. Each of them affects certain symptoms of the disease and all together contribute to the fight against immunity against influenza. The medicine is intended for adults and children over 12 years. One blue and one red capsule is taken 3 times a day after meals. Powder Antigrippin is also taken until the wellbeing is improved one packet 3 times a day.5 days - the maximum duration of the course of treatment, if at the expiration of this period, improvement is not observed, you need to see a doctor. Before use, be sure to read the instructions to the drug, a potent agent has a number of contraindications.



Fervex. For the removal of cold and flu symptoms, in the form of fever and headache, paracetamol is responsible for the composition of the drug. Finarimine soothes the nasal mucosa and has antihistamine action. One packet is taken, between meals, write three times a day. It is important to observe a 4 hour interval between doses of the medicine in order to avoid an overdose. Children under 15 years of age are provided with a pediatric form of the drug. The interval of reception of a powder for people of advanced age and patients with dysfunction of a liver and kidneys makes 8 hours. It is allowed to use the drug simultaneously with other antiviral agents. Side effects include allergic rash, nausea and urinary retention. When observing the recommended dosage, no side effects should be observed.



Amiksin. Viral hepatitis and herpes infections are not a complete list of viral diseases in which "Amiksin" is prescribed. It is also used in the prevention or treatment of respiratory diseases in children from the age of 7( with dosing) and adults. Children under 7 years of age and pregnant women are strictly prohibited from prescribing and treating with this medication. This is a powerful tool and you need to follow the instructions in the application. It is recommended the first two days of treatment to drink one tablet, then with an interval of 48 hours, but not more than 6 tablets for the entire course. To avoid side effects, do not overdose.



Ingavirin. The drug is intended for adults and children alike. For this purpose the product is available in two special forms.7 days - the maximum course of treatment, one capsule per day. The children's form is prescribed to children from the age of seven. Dosage and treatment period is the same as in adults. Like other potent flu and cold remedies, it has contraindications for pregnant women and those with individual intolerance to the components. Does not cause drowsiness and does not dull the reaction. It is not recommended simultaneous reception with other antiviral drugs.



Grippferon. This antiviral drug is an immunomodulator. It is available in the form of nasal drops or spray, designed to treat and prevent colds and flu. The drug is contraindicated only with individual intolerance and people with severe allergic diseases. Pregnant and lactating women are not subject to any special restrictions. Bury drops need 4-5 times during the day, children 2-3 times. There is a five-day course of treatment. Before use, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal cavity.