Top 10 The most terrible diseases of mankind

A few billion years ago, there was no our beautiful and unique world. With the advent of the planet Earth, strange forms of life began to develop on it, which were destined not only to survive in harsh conditions, but also to evolve into such unique creatures as you and I.Billions of years of evolution have given us not only reason and the ability to change the environment for ourselves, but also many other unique microorganisms.

Some of them are objects of studying and improving people's health. For example, such as bifidobacteria, lactobacilli or bacteriodides. All of them make up the microflora of the intestines of every living person. But next to them appeared and evolved deadly microorganisms, the impact of which on people can lead to a fatal outcome.

The variety of various diseases that can be affected by the human body is simply amazing. Starting from ordinary staphylococci and ending with plague sticks. Despite the fact that we do not see them and do not know the majority of the names of different pathogenic bacteria, we can confidently state that a number of them are fatal to such highly developed beings as us.

For this reason, we have compiled a list - Top 10 of the most terrible diseases of humanity , which can lead not just to death, but to long agonies, the end of the edge that can not be seen. Sincerely we hope that your acquaintance with terrible viruses will be limited to reading this article.



  • Affected people: 33-45 million
  • Major localization of the disease: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: -
  • Reason: -
  • Possible treatment: no medicine

AIDS acts as a scourge of the present millennium. What is most terrible in this disease is that so far there are no drugs and the possibilities of its treatment. Infected with this terrible disease people can die from a common cold. After all, they have almost no immunity. It is for this reason that AIDS was included in our list of TOP 10 most terrible diseases of mankind.


Black pox

  • Affected people: -
  • Major disease localities: Worldwide
  • Causal agent: Variola major, Variola minor
  • Reason: natural focal virus
  • Possible treatment: etiotropic or pathogenetic treatment

Mortality 20-90%.Survivors of this ailment very often in the "reward" receive blindness and always terrible scars throughout the body. Smallpox is a very tenacious virus. It can be stored for years in a frozen state and survive at temperatures up to one hundred degrees Celsius. By its nature, black pox affects the body in such a way that the infected begins to rot alive. Smallpox is sick now. If you do not make a special vaccination in time, then the probability of infection with this severe illness is very high.


Bubonic plague

  • Affected people: -
  • Major disease localities: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: Yersinia pestis1
  • Reason: natural focal virus
  • Possible treatment: sulfonamide, antibiotics

This infection at one time "mowed" half of medieval Europe. According to various sources, the reapers of death visited to 20-60 million people to take away the souls from the cooling bodies. Death from plague earlier amounted to 99%!The exact number of people who died of this infection can not be named, because at that time no calculations were made, because people were engaged in survival.


Spanish flu or Spanish

  • Affected people: 550 million
  • Major disease localities: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: most likely H1N1 virus
  • Reason: -
  • Possible treatment: alcohol-based pharmaceutical products

The name of the disease comes from the place of origin;mass infection of the population of Spain. The disease has affected more than 40% of people in the country. One of the most famous victims of the terrible disease was the great German sociologist Max Weber, who entered the history of mankind thanks to his works. Of the more than half a billion infected, approximately 70 million people died.


Hutchinson-Guilford syndrome or progeria

  • Surprised people: 80 people
  • Major disease localities: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: Genetic defect
  • Reason: -
  • Possible treatment: incurable

The rare disease of premature aging that has been affected by the world over80 people, is one of 's most terrible diseases in the world .Patients with progeria are doomed to a short and painful life. A remarkable fact is that this syndrome was met only by one black man. One of the most famous people susceptible to this disease is the South African guy Leon Bota, who was able to live 26 years. He was a video blogger and DJ.A child with progeria disease can look to be at 90 in its 12 years.


Necrotic fasciitis

  • Surprised people: -
  • Major localization of the disease: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Cause: Carnivorous bacteria enter the wound after surgery
  • Possible treatment:Surgery, amputation of the extremities

Necrotizing fasciitis is a terrible disease, which is extremely rare. In general, everything that starts with a prefix is ​​necro-terrible, but from this disease, according to different data, 30% to 75% of infected people die. In this treatment will be reduced to a timely amputation of the affected limb. Diagnosis of the disease is extremely complicated. After all, in the first stage, an infected person can have only a fever. Despite the fact that it is extremely difficult to get infected with this disease, unless, of course, there is contact with the carrier of the disease, necrotizing fasciitis is one of the most terrible diseases of mankind.


Lymphedema or Collisional Disease

  • Acute people: 120 million
  • Major localization of the disease: Tropical Africa
  • Causative agent: Brugia malayi
  • Cause of occurrence: Blockage of lymphocytes by parasitic worms, removed lymph nodes, regular frostbite, lupus, chronic eczema
  • Possible treatment: Surgicalinterference, lymphomassage

This terrible disease can disfigure a person and turn it into a kind of awful monster. This disease is very exotic and rarely occurs in the middle latitudes. The largest pockets of distribution are in the tropics. This is due to the fact that only there are all the necessary conditions for the development of specific parasitic worms, the penetration of which into the human body has serious consequences.
Like many other diseases, lymphedema passes in several stages. Everything begins with inconspicuous and seemingly non-dangerous soft edemas that eventually transform the affected area of ​​the body into a shapeless deformed mass of once human flesh.


Tuberculosis( formerly called Chichhotka)

  • Affected people: According to some reports, one third of the world's
  • are infected. Major localizations of the disease: Worldwide
  • Causes: Mycobacterium tuberculosis( MBT)
  • . Cause: Tuberculosis mycobacterium enters the lungs, through the digestive tract,way( through the skin)
  • Possible treatment: The basis for the treatment of tuberculosis is a multicomponent antituberculous chemotherapy

Tuberculosis is an extremely dangerous infectious disease, which in the past was considered incurable and claimed the lives of a large number of people. It is believed that this disease is socially dependent, i.e.people with low social status are always at risk. Most often, the disease affects the lungs of a person. Today, tuberculosis can be treated quite well in hospitals. Unfortunately, the course of treatment takes a considerable time - from several months to several years. The started disease can lead to total loss of ability to work and death, which makes tuberculosis one of the most terrible diseases of mankind.



  • . Damaged people: about 285 million inhabitants of the planet
  • . The main localization of the disease: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: -
  • Reason: -
  • Possible treatment: Use of drugs that reduce blood sugar levels, insulin treatment, strict restriction in food

Diabetes mellitus is caused by a violation of the numberCTBA or insulin activity, Harmon, providing delivery of glucose to the cells of the organism. There are two types - insulin-dependent( type 1) and non-insulin-dependent( type 2).Diabetes is the cause of myocardial infarction, stroke( cerebral vessels), diabetic retinopathy( vessels of the fundus), diabetic nephropathy( kidney vessels), diabetic ischemic and neuropathic foot( vessels and nerves of the lower limbs).


Cancer( oncology)

  • Struck people: Diagnosed annually in 14 million people.
  • The main localization of the disease: Worldwide
  • Causative agent: -
  • Cause: Genetic disorders, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol;exposure to radiation, asbestos or chromium. ..
  • Possible treatment: Surgical, chemoradiotherapy and radiation therapy

Cancer is a rapid and uncontrolled division of cells, leading to the appearance of a tumor in human tissues or organs. This disease refers to those that may not be manifested for a long time. The organs and tissues of a person are affected. As a result, the organs cease to function.

Finally, it should be said that it is better to do prophylaxis now than treatment later. Take care and do not be ill!