In the interval between the start of repair and produce the finished result people see the bare walls. On unhandled coating applied to the trim it is usually impossible. After removing the old finish the walls have to be cleaned of its fragments, as well as to align and keep dry. In the next step selected ideal fillers and engaged in preparation of the solution. This material is most often used, usually with a primer, while the needs - and with nets as a scaffold. Caulking is the start and finish, as well as intended for internal and external works. As the name implies, is used as the starting first layer and the finish - as a topcoat. Outside, more resistant varieties are used, and sometimes flat decorative trim filler - if it will serve as a finished surface. To understand how to properly putty walls, you need to learn the basic nuances of self-decoration.
- What shpaklyuyut wall
Types of filler for walls and their features
- starting putty
- putties
- facade plaster
Species composition
- gypsum
- acrylic
- latex
- polymer
- Choosing spackling putty for leveling walls and corners
- Calculation of the required amount of the mixture
- How to prepare wall
Technology applying putty on different surfaces under different finish
- Rules spackling drywall
- Technique puttying walls for painting
- Puttying walls for wallpapering
- Features of the application of putty on the inner and outer corners
- luting glass fiber
- Sanding walls after spackling
- Expert advice: how to choose the putty
- conclusion
What shpaklyuyut wall
Putty is applied to the horizontal, and often also on the vertical surface of the coating was uniform, had no recesses and protrusions. So do cosmetic alignment, which can not, for example, make plaster. Perfectly smooth and without roughness after grinding wall will set about following fillings. Such manipulations including commit for the subsequent application of decorative plaster, paint, wall paper, non-woven or unilamellar. Usually applied putty layer 2 and one primer. By textured wallpaper wall putty is not necessarily, but in the case of tile situations are different. Sometimes this can not be done under other circumstances - it is possible, and sometimes there is a need at least putty. Alignment walls necessarily performed before finishing a glossy finish since it emphasizes the minor faults.

Types of filler for walls and their features
Walls 2 are usually coated with layers of material. Second adds strength and provides a quality coating for lining. The start and finish layers are placed with an interval. It is sometimes necessary to work in one approach, to avoid streaks and differences in structure. Some mixtures dry up in minutes. From finishing putty composition depends on the quality and its coating and lining. To achieve a perfectly smooth surface is also possible. Top sealer is always selected with less inclusions. Facade putty materials as intended for internal use, may have a decorative quality. Thus their distinctive quality consists in the resistance to UV, rain, frost. By its diversity exterior coat inferior indoor embodiment but also variations for each coating type, universal mix. It is also applied in several layers, but finish with a finer structure would not normally do.

starting putty
Function start (baseline) putty is in alignment. In most cases the material is applied to:
- concrete coating;
- brick;
- wall with a deviation of the level;
- surface cracked and chipped.
Base filler is sometimes placed on the reinforcing mesh. Mainly because of the severity of defects, their large number or area of ​​the strong deviation of the level. Without mesh and plaster gets more consumption. Starting putty and fill Stroebe, line the windows.
Variations on the basic fillers are cement, plaster and resin ready-made options, as well as gypsum-chalk and oil, which are produced on their own. Polymer possess elasticity and do not shrink, are relatively expensive. Gypsum is used for the dry heated rooms. They also dry quickly and do not shrink. The cement used in wet areas, but it sits. There is also a filler for metals and wood, such as epoxies and adhesives.

It is used for alignment, full hide defects hardening leveling layer and increase ductility. Finishing material has better aesthetic qualities than the starter. After drying, no cracks appear in most of the mixture formed lumps. Unlike the starting putty, finishing includes fines. Durability coating ensures high adhesiveness. In this case, the material can cause the person who takes the spatula in his hands for the first time. After finishing the finish plastered walls can be painted without fear that the paint will fall unevenly. Even at the stage of purchase should clarify the question of the compatibility of the finish and the base filler. Better to choose the materials of the same brand. It is theoretically possible harm to the backsheet of the top and vice versa. Then peel happens. Another difficulty lies in calculating the correct amount of topcoat.

facade plaster
This type of filler differs improved adhesion to different materials. It is easy to process. Façade mixture can be applied at low temperatures. The finished coating suffers effects of precipitation, ultraviolet ray and temperature variations. It is worth noting resistance to dirt and mechanical damage. Facade filler which is distributed over the wall, and possibly after application of any coating paints. On the packaging and the seller should ask the technical characteristics, which differ in different mixtures. It is necessary for the layer thickness, drying time, components, a flow rate and a minimum air temperature at which the filler can be applied. In composition distinguish silicone, silicate, cement, oil, acrylic and acrylic blend.
See also:Methods of processing the wall above the sofa

Species composition
Types of fillers:
- gypsum;
- acrylic;
- latex;
- polymer;
- oil;
- cement;
- Silicon;
- silicate;
- glue;
- Epoxy.
Varieties are used depending on the characteristics and the coating material, the place of application, climate in the case of facade filler. Acrylic and latex materials have a dense structure and a high elasticity. Simple and inexpensive gypsum plaster used on a variety of objects, but only in dry conditions. The coating in this case does not shrink. There will be no shrinkage in the case of polymer blends. They are not cheap, but in some sense are the "golden mean". Silicate "no fear" mechanical impact and moisture, but they have limitations on the thickness of the layer. The adhesive and epoxy embodiments are suitable for processing and hiding defects on finished wooden surfaces. Their wide color gamut allows you to work on metal. Oil filler has improved sustainability performance. In addition, it will not dry out too quickly.

Astringent element protrudes stucco. Means, used mainly for painting walls in dry rooms. The peculiarity of the material aligns the wall until almost perfectly smooth coating without traces of spatula and streaks. Gypsum putty dries quickly and does not shrink. Because of the speed of drying gypsum mixture in small portions and kneaded immediately applied. In this case, the drying process can be visually grasp. The plaster on the basis of plaster do not add toxic and corrosive chemical additives, so the range of applications includes space for various purposes. Used gypsum material in nurseries, kindergartens, nursing homes, hospitals. At the same time, it is not suitable for the treatment of external walls and coverings in the bathroom. Moisture, this kind of finish swells and peels off.

It is a thick solution and does not require dilution water. On the surface it prevents deformation and cracking. Acrylic material used in the repair and decoration works of different types. And sometimes he is also finishing at the same time with the functions of the alignment layer. The substance has a pasty structure, whereby control is possible over the coating thickness. High strength, along with the tree, facilitates the application in conditions of high loads. Released as variants acrylic filler with wood texture for wood.
In the material there are 5 important advantages. He uniform and absolutely harmless. Acrylic coating is easy to tolerate multiple cycles of freezing / razmerzaniya that in central Russia can happen up to ten for the year. Furthermore, an acrylic layer protects against cold and transmits vapor.

Plastic, tenacious substance which does not shrink. Put it even in thin layers. Prior to surface treatment beginning putty was kept at room temperature. The mixture was diluted in a similar manner as in the case of cement mortar. Gradually add water and work with a mixer until the composition is homogeneous. The surface layer has not dried up material aligned moistened sponge. Dry coating can work sandpaper, but very carefully. The latex coating after application "gives" thick shell which does not crack and crumble. At 1 m away from 0.5 to 2 kg putty. The start and finish layers have a thickness of 0.5 to 3 mm. Drying time of each of the layers is approximately 12 minutes. Deep cracks embedded several layers, then triturated medium grit sandpaper surface.

Variant find an average, in the sense that it has fewer limitations for the application. The properties of the macromolecular material is formed from a compound of monomer units, organic or synthetic origin. In polymer blends mark resistance to moisture vapor, the influence of temperature contrasts. Plaster dries quickly, and the coating is pliable and durable. Apart from the main living rooms, it is used in bathrooms, toilets, kitchens for facades and exterior. Buyers get a smooth, almost mirror-smooth surface. The high cost of polymer plaster forced to look for alternatives. Improved technology and characteristics mixtures gives options market with ever the same quality, but less material consumption. In addition, this type of filler can not use without residues.

Choosing spackling putty for leveling walls and corners
Select spatula flat rectilinear blade shape, and it is desirable that it be long. Any other proportion badly affect the quality of the application, so it will have to do a lot more movements and to correct deficiencies. Also, pay attention to its flexibility - it should not succumb to the efforts of the lung. Also consider the wave (bending) of the web: the small curvature - this is normal, but the defect is visible to the naked eye. Even the expensive spatulas is excessive curvature. The best material for the webs considered stainless steel.
See also:Glass blocks in the interior of the apartment
Pay attention to the handle spatula. Good handle has the following parameters:
- small length;
- convenient structure;
- rigidity.
To work with angles should purchase a corner trowel. It is made in the form of 2 square / rectangular planes are connected at right angles. Buy 2 products at once: for inside and outside corners.

Calculation of the required amount of the mixture
It is necessary to measure the parameters of walls: height, width. We were also measured the size of the openings. In special calculator introduce these data, and estimated the total layer thickness of the putty - get the result in kilograms. Sometimes you can get information about different manufacturers, in bags.
Calculation starting fillings produced with the curvature of the walls, so the level deviations are measuring. The walls without defects will be possible to cover a flow rate of 1.2 kg / m². He will grow by 2-3 times, if irregularities noticeable visually. If the curvature is very large, the initial rate of 1.2 kg / m² may increase by 5-8 times.
Finish plaster is applied a layer thinner. Guided by the flow of 0.5-1 kg / m² and a layer thickness of 0.5 mm - are average numbers.
Universal putty is something average size fractions. For the upper layer flow will be universal mixture 0.9-1 kg / m².
When working on drywall, plaster and other materials consumption will be different!

How to prepare wall
The ideal substrate for plaster has sufficient strength and does not exfoliate. Wall eliminate the old coating: plaster, wallpaper, old putty underneath. Dirt and rust patina, too clean. Also, do not leave loose structure.
Frozen or wet wall spackling not be. Sometimes waiting a few days until the surface does not get the desired condition. Then prepare the tools and means for directly applying putty.
When the needs of the walls treated with a degreasing agent. Definitely worth to apply anti-fungal protection because then fight the fungus is very difficult. Purified wall building level is checked to deviations in the vertical and horizontal. Very large drop shpaklyuyut together with reinforcing mesh. Noticeable depressions and irregularities hidden behind several times. In one approach put putty different thickness depending on the material and the layer designation (start, finish).

Technology applying putty on different surfaces under different finish
Agent is applied differently depending on:
- wall material;
- cladding embodiment;
- availability joints.
Often working with plasterboard. In processing problems may arise due to seams and fasteners. They are covered separately, and then together with the rest of the surface. Sutures treated twice more at first applying putty mixtures. Putty for painting should be dense and smooth. Staining is used in the case of glass tissue. Do without shpatlevanija will be difficult, because the canvas relief 2, 3 and even 4 four layers of paint can not hide. Under the walls of wallpaper shpaklyuyut to perfectly smooth surface. In theory, you can do one layer of a universal material, but the main thing - that the surface was ideal. To work with the angles used spatulas corresponding shape and the angled corners. Internal serpyanku treated with a spatula and variations of the angle - its handle is attached to the perpendicular plane to the other side.

Rules spackling drywall
Sheets of this material typically is attached to the chassis from a metal - screws. All fastening hide, but first spend on them with a spatula to check how they are embedded in the sheets. If somewhere a tool is caught, then you need to tighten the fasteners screwdriver. The surface of the drywall will not prevent primed. After drying, the undercoating solution shpatljujut each element individually fastening. A place to remember, that after all shpatlevanija wall sanding them carefully, and in a separate order - the next stage is to apply the mixture on the entire surface of the drywall.
Processing joints has its own rules. Start by applying a layer 1 around the seam. By fresh mixture is applied and pressed serpyanku spatula. Then place the second cover layer. It is then dried and sanded.

Technique puttying walls for painting
For treatment prior to painting typically use a polymeric, cementitious or gypsum filler. The best option - a polymer. The wall coated with 2 layers. Second, finishing make the most uniform, dense and durable. It operates using a wide and a narrow spatula. Tool holding an angle of 20 to 30 degrees. First, the starting adhesive coverage dub jointer. Finishing layer is polished with sandpaper or fugankom grid parameter P80 or P120.
All subsequent layers are placed only when the previous one has dried. When drying the coating should not be allowed exposure to hot streams from heaters, heater, or dryer. The surface is also protected from direct sunlight. Putty to work for painting is not necessary to breed in large chunks. Also, do not interfere with training on a trial surface.

Puttying walls for wallpapering
In the case of a flat wall mixture is applied to the first corner, and then spread over the entire wall. So do twice and then primed. Homepage putty clean all the cracks, pinholes and sinks on the wall, hide the bulge. Its thickness is selected in the range of 3-5 mm. Finishing composition makes the coating smooth. Apply the mixture to the smallest size fraction, because the roughness under the wallpaper look very bad. Thickness of the upper reservoir fillings under wallpaper ideally 1.5-2 mm.
See also:Decorative stickers wallpaper
For jobs will need to smooth out the surface of the grater. It is better to have a few coverage options from abrasive mesh to leather or emery paper. For the first coat of filler can be used roller and at the same time - help yourself spatula. For priming medium be applied brush width.

Features of the application of putty on the inner and outer corners
As for the outside corners, first cut along the length of the angle sloping area. Then it is applied to the exterior face of the wall and looking whether coating deformation, and if so, how it is expressed. With a relatively flat surface in the corners of this manipulation is carried out already at the finishing putty. On uneven faces putty applied throws light with increasing amount of material in the deformation field. In the future, the tool is applied and pressed into the putty, check the evenness building level. Corner wriggle putty. At the end of the outer face is treated with sandpaper.
Domestic processed differently. Use serpyanku 50 mm width: the maximum lay flat, without any skew. Layer is then applied starting fillings. When it is dry, check the flatness level. Then the applied topcoat.
To preserve the integrity of the corners and not cracked, the room needs at least a day to maintain the same temperature!

luting glass fiber
First, a primer is applied and are from 1 to 6 hours until it is dry. Along each junction of the canvas layer is then applied 2-3 putty, allocating to each no more than 1 mm material. The last layer is formed from a plaster finish. The surface then checked for cracks, crevices and ledges. Eliminate the smallest defects. Use a fine-grained sandpaper, and ideally - a silicon grid for cleaning. Then on the coated glass fiber filler already applied paint. Therefore a second time using a primer. Fiberglass check the readiness of the flashlight: light show weaknesses that remain. Shpatlevanie saves paint consumption, because fiberglass is very active it absorbs. To do without putty is theoretically possible, but even under several layers of paint texture of the canvas will shine through, and 4-5 layers will take a long time. Glass fiber pores are colored bad.

Sanding walls after spackling
After finishing Shpatlevanie surface level sandpaper with a sponge or float. Nazhdachku selected on the basis of how much shall be smooth coating and embossed as it is today. For perfect sanding flat surfaces are used very fine nazhdachku. Others better handle skins varying granularity. In this case one should start with nazhdachki grain 60, and finishing - one 120. To work over a large area is necessary to apply a machine with sandpaper. In the corners, small depressions and hollows it is better to use manually. To monitor the situation in the walls illuminate: to move you need from large to small deficiencies. When grinding work, first in the corners, and then move to the center.
Used as an alternative wet grinding. Special sponge handle is aligned with the wall slowly and wait for the complete drying of repeating the procedure. The result will be high quality, but will take a lot of time.

Expert advice: how to choose the putty
In the living rooms, classrooms, offices and other rooms with normal humidity levels will approach the budgetary gypsum plaster. Bathroom shpaklyuyut cement mixes, a little less - acrylic. For facades pick the most durable mixture.
Before painting the walls are lined with plastic or gypsum filler. Plasterboard treated materials for dry rooms.
Sometimes both types of fillers, the start and the finish, can be replaced by a universal linking their characteristics in terms of size and characteristics of the inclusions binder. There are special blends for specific locations. For example, only the joints, large cracks and so on. D.
Most driving options - Polymer and plaster. Consumers are looking for ease of use and compatibility with almost all kinds of rough coatings.

Repair the old or the new just purchased housing is usually started from the walls. In an empty apartment buildings owners have to deal with both the pre-trimmed coats and bare walls. If their choice was the relatively simple embodiment without lining embossed wallpaper, panels and other things, you probably need to luting. Mixtures for walls leveling are basic, finishing, universal and specialized. There is material for the facade with increased resistance to physical factors. In normal-sized flat putty can be their own hands. For a month - half will be able to handle all of the walls. This will take a building level, grinding tools, spatulas and blenders. The most popular plaster, acrylic and polymer filler. Instead of shopping options, you can prepare gypsum, chalk or oil mixture.